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BadBoyBubby ago

I forgot how that slowly boiling frog expression goes, this chick for current generation, miley cyrus previous decade, britney spears, madonna etc.

SerialChiller ago

Billie Who-lish? Never heard of this degenerate.

G0P2 ago

I only made it through two thirds of the video, do I still get a prize?

Truth_seeker84 ago

“She’s” likely a tranny castrada faggot.

Once you see it, you can’t UN-see it.

TheFritoBandito ago

I saw an article linked over to Rolling Stone magazine about her and her brother. It's about how they came up with the 'Bad Guy' song. After reading this post, I figured I'd see how she acts in real life and watched the video interview.

All I can say is that:

  • She's a white nigger - you can hear it in her voice when she's talking about the music, then goes back to talking normally

  • They're a couple of rich kids living in their parent's house

  • They had enough cash to buy studio equipment and software to piece together some pre-recorded sequences to make a catchy bass line and a song that caught the attention of record execs

  • They gave her and the producer free rein to create the most trashy / hedonistic / satanistic garbage that they wanted to

This is the archived link; free free to click through to the site if you want to see the video - The Breakdown: Billie Eilish and Finneas on ‘Bad Guy’

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Noice. Thanks for your contribution.

jrpeterson ago

so true. they're all scum

lecnylep ago

isn't she irish? her last name is O'Connell

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Everything you think you know is bullshit. Until I see a fuckin DNA test, the bitch is jewish

badruns ago

Same thing happened with Amy Winehouse. Overnight jewish sensation!

smokratez ago

His songs. That's a dude.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

A lot of people are saying that. I'm open to it, I guess.

LunaNova ago

I honestly have a hunch she's a male to female trans and it will be "leaked" for victim points, and she will be coddled by her fans for it.

calcy454 ago

at the minimum she's an industry plant. no 15/16 (i know she's older, but she had to make her music when she was younger) comes up with the shit she does without being a coke whore and if you are a coke whore at 15/16 you are not all that talented and have your shit together enough to become an international sensation.

shes a fucking plant. i do not believe she's authentic/genuine at all.

fundie ago

Billie looks like a tranny

shazammuthafucka ago

Because it is a tranny. I can't believe no one can see it, but she is a he.

Maddmartigan ago

I was thinking the same thing. Where the fuck did she come from? Clearly groomed from a young age and her message is satanic and degenerate.

HighEnergyLife ago

I'm not sold on the jew origins. Her dads last name is O'Connell (Irish) and mothers maiden name is Baird (scottish).

Her (I'm guessing full) brother looks Irish too.

LaRiver ago

I generally tune out of all the pop music/art. They are all dark/satanic in some way.

DeltaBravoTango ago

I’m 90% sure Billie Eilish isn’t Jewish. I like her music, though I’m not a fan of the kind of dead inside look she always has. Her relationship with her brother is weird. Idk if she is an industry plant, know with stuff like SoundCloud a lot of people get famous out of nowhere. Certainly not out of the question, though.

blit416 ago

All pop music is generated by professionals. No exceptions. I know guys that made music as teenagers, you dont get that earworm super-addictive hook sound without expensive studio mastering, a couple of Swedish producers in a state of the art studio, and millions in promotion cash (you think she doesn't have a team if stylists too for her outfits.. just like Gaga, just like Madonna, just like every.. single.. one.. of them) How many hours in a day. super-elite-worldly 14 year old is an expert electronic musician/sound engineer + fashion mogul + business savvy + professional vocalist + lyric writer + self promoter + Internet technology and social media maven + also does SCHOOL on the side + physical fitness + also finds time to be a normal kid just like you and me. Also has read ancient occult tomes, knows biblical references that'd make a priest blush, and Suuuuure Can Dance! Also finds time to shop for all of those outfits and sunglasses, and socializes and meets all the niggers she is apparently having relationships with.

dassaer ago

Huh ?? . Er hat you mean I cant be just like her if i buy her cd and swag her style ....

englishwebster ago

Billie Eilish is the new Lady Gaga, who is the new Katy Perry, who is the new Britney Spears, who is the new Madonna.

And the beat goes on....

SanFranTrailerPark ago

Ya kinda cept Tranny Eilish has zero redeeming factors. She's completely gutter trash music.

midnightblue1335 ago

She has an average singing voice. Nothing spectacular.

What I want to know, is what is with the fake accents?

I've also seen this on "Tones and I" Dance Monkey.

For some reason, alternative rock radio stations in my area play Eilish's "bad guy" and "Dance Monkey" on repeat.

This is alternative rock, by 2020 Clown World's standards:

That song is played at least 2-3 times per hour. And I haven't met a single person who likes it. It sounds like it's being sung by a disgusting ape-woman... but it turns out it's just a fat, White, Australian woman. Maybe she's actually (((white))), I haven't looked into it, but the song drives me fucking nuts.

waringi ago

She does have huge khazar milkers...

blit416 ago

that's the same thing they always say about the Billie chick on forums.. Every time. Someone pipes up that she has big tits. Who the fuck are you? What is this nigger shit?

waringi ago

Me? Im part of an elite squad of big titty watchers. We train for years just to point out big titties when we see them.

She has a tight butthole too.

ssaa6oo ago

She has a tight butthole too

Not for long.

englishwebster ago

Not to seem snarky, but these other artists are different how?

SanFranTrailerPark ago

Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Britney Spears, Madonna actually do have a few songs that are catchy / actually have legit talent behind the tune.

englishwebster ago

Catchy music is what sells you.

All of these artists promoted degeneracy among females. <---- madonna probably wasnt the first but was the first obvious one

SanFranTrailerPark ago

Imo stuff like Carole King was the real poison because they had genuine beautiful tunes and vocals but the lyrics were poison -

Lyrics you would never sing yourself. That's how you know it's early cabal.

englishwebster ago

im sure there's many more artists we could add to the list when its all said and done. What bothers me is how obvious it is now

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Pedophilic sexuality sir

Her songs are about 13 and 14 yo's fucking middle aged men

I.e. "bad man" by Billie eilish

Dauphin ago

I see a pattern

jokersmild ago

H3h3... That fucking weird alien looking girlfriend that he has.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

They're jewish vampires

jokersmild ago

The first time I saw them I immediately thought, "another ugly Jew and his ugly Jew girlfriend... I wonder what kind of lies their selling?"

VoatContainmentGuard ago

They've talked about 911 and are of the official narrative. They also try and make it seem like israelis are just good, loving people blah blah blah I get a creepy pedo vibe from them. What's hilarious is they have a recent vid claiming that someone keeps swatting them

jokersmild ago

"pedo vibe" ... No shit

ClAsockPuppet ago

She fetishizes suicide to Americans. What else could you want?

BentAxel ago

Who? What?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

some satanic jewess nigger fucker pop singer

con77 ago

and shes a nigger lover

mitoriomyt ago

That must be why she talks like a dumb wigger.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Makes sense. Jewess leading young white girls to hell.


She didn't really come out of nowhere. Been recording music Thanks to her rich fam since she was probably around 13. There are videos of her performing at like 11 too:

She just an edgy teen. Most of them these days meme about wanting to kill themselves. Horror is in right now. I dunno why Voat obsess over this chick. She's like any other shitty pop star.

TheSeer ago

Horror? Dark occult has been promoted by mainstream music for over 20 years now, and that is without including anything from the 80s and 90s ("Satanic Panic" comes to mind).

SanFranTrailerPark ago

Tranny Eilish

I was going to write a post that she it won the grammies. The biggest display of the cabal just putting themselves on the highest display. her it's music sucks worse than I've ever seen.

Themooninthesky ago

Even the performers have said this. She’s a manufactured product to dumb down the next gen.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

She’s a manufactured product

All of them are manufactured products.

to dumb down the next gen.

Random singing whores cant dumb the next gen down even remotely as much as public schooling and academia do. Even noticing that she exists, let alone opening a thread about her, is a relative waste of time. I wasnt even aware of her until I read about her on voat.

mudbear ago

Do you have a daughter or a niece? Its important to be aware of their influences and pop music is a potent influencer

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Peer pressure is the biggest influence on them. It is the schools where pop music spreads because theyre forced to listen to it to fit in. As soon as you can isolate them and pick their peers, you can have a big influence on what type of music theyll end up liking.

mudbear ago

yeah your not wrong on that, but its important to make sure you arent being lazy and leaving your kid to just lap up whatever is shoved onto them.

If they do listen to that shit, then expose it for what it is, explain the meaning behind it all and ask them if thats an influence they really want.

Themooninthesky ago

Same here.

toobaditworks ago

Public schooling will dumb down the kids but media, movies, music industries will turn them into full on degenerate communists without them knowing they are supporting communism. Then they hit college and learn how great communism is and low and behold the beliefs they already have learned from the media, movies, music industries are the same beliefs that the communists have. This goes for marxist and socialists too. They're the same thing just different flavors. Socialists is the "lets help everyone as a community", then marxists are like "let's take all the peoples stuff and hand it out to other people and act like an army of revolutionaries", and then communists come in fucking kill everyone and take power.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

I know what youre trying to say, but I dont think that the media would have the impact it has without public schools. Theyre the primary vehicle how this poison spreads. Without schools the jew would have a much harder time reaching everybody at the same time, but the schools basically enforce conformity at the threat of ostracism and at the same time decrease the protective influence of the parents.

toobaditworks ago

I see your point. Yeah this is true.

19810708321b ago

Satanic talentless shit. They all are.

Protect your children.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Home-school your children. The damage done by random singing whores is negligible compared to the damage done by public schools and universities. It is the environment that corrupts most, not some far-away face on the screen.

Armpit_and_Ass ago


Hahaha party on Wayne!

Tandemlee ago

I used to follow H3H3 about 3 years ago. (regrettably)

These people lived in shitty apartments, crashed at their parents because they got evicted, moved from apartment to apartment. They begged for 100K when they were sued by some guy. It was very clear they had no money.

I looked them up recently and they bought a 10 million dollar home in LA? And in addition they own a 2.3 million dollar property a 780,000$ property in California. Something fishy is going on here...

killkillkill ago

You do it by getting millions of subscribers and views on YouTube and sponsors on your podcast, selling merch, working your fucking ass off and not owning that home outright, you fucking idiot.

If you even listen to h3h3, Ethan and Hila don't speak kindly about Jews or Israel at all. Ethan talks shit about it all the time, and if you'd listen at all, you'd also know that YouTube gives them a fucking incredible hard time about views, their content, copyright strikes etc. If YouTube wasn't fucking with them, they'd have even more money.

I swear, half of you idiots have absolutely no idea what the business reality of this shit actually is like and just want to point to a conspiracy whenever anyone blows up anywhere.

Tandemlee ago

So they’re laundering money through teddy fresh then

Tandemlee ago

You should change your name to shillshillshill.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

nah, they're being funded by kikes. I also dont believe their subscriber numbers because she is fucking boring vampire and is a twitchy, gross beta jew.

biggdiccbenny ago

Partly because Ethan is a money grubbing faggot that'll do anything for a dollar including betraying his "friends"

Tandemlee ago

But how? How do you go from borderline poverty to 13 million in property in 3 years?

I did some research on them and I could find nothing they have done to substantiate this at all.

Do they have rich relatives that are buying property and putting it in their name? Are they laundering money? Is big jew providing them with exorbitant funds just for making their shitty podcast and YouTube channel?

Something is going on. .

killkillkill ago

They have explicitly talked about this.

Their old channel wasn't getting the views they wanted anymore and it was eating up too much of their time. They don't only play their shit onYouTube either, you know, right? And they do sponsored products, ads, merch etc.

And they don't OWN that 13 million dollar house. It's also 9 million, you fucking idiot.

They also, as spelled out in the post, sell those fucking beanies, Teddy Fresh

waringi ago

They started doing a lot of big name celebrity interviews, and those go along with big $$$ deals. They shill and they shill hard.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

How did they get those connections though? Tens of thousands of people have podcasts and didn't get that kind of privilege.

waringi ago

Did you ever notice all the squarespace or vpn commercials on your favorite youtubers? These companies go to all the most popular personalities and offer them a deal. For celeb interviews, agencies will look at like the top 10 or 20 by viewers, and H3H3 did have large numbers, and offer them a deal. The deal is softball interviews with creative editing control for lots of cash. So when a big name goes on, like Bill Burr, Bill's team is paying them to only ask about his relevant projects and to remove anything unflattering. Most youtubers have integrity, and would not give creative control to some outside team.

Its why Joe Rogan stopped doing live podcasts. He is a lying shill. He couldnt get big names on unless they had the power to edit out the stupid things celebs say.

mitoriomyt ago

Do they have rich relatives that are buying property and putting it in their name? Are they laundering money? Is big jew providing them with exorbitant funds just for making their shitty podcast and YouTube channel?


VoatContainmentGuard ago


version7 ago

tribe putting tribe front and center....not weird, frankly it should be expected.

kammmmak ago

Links to her jewness?

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

While she is undeniably being promoted by Jews and had a Jewish sense of art, to my knowledge she isn't ethnically Jewish.

worldofmadness ago

Always assume crypto, they fill the entertainment industy and the political world in the U.S.

I did a little digging and it was not easy to find information about her paternal and maternal grandparents. I could not find anything about her paternal grandparents and nothing about her maternal grandmother which is a red flag considering we're talking about a famous person here. What i did find however could suggest that her maternal grandfather is of jewish heritage. Her paternal grandfathers mother name is Dorothy Grace Shipman but she took her husbands surname which was 'Norton'. Dorothy is a common jewish first name and the surname Shipman is also used by various jewish families. A more common jewish surname is Schiffman which is German for 'Shipman', it's possible that jews who emigrated to the U.S changed it to Shipman to fit in better. It's known that jews use occupational name for surnames.

Anyways, gives us results of 21 families with the family name Shipman. There is a Dorothy Shipman from New Mexico with jewish heritage;

According to, the surname 'Shipman' is most prevalent in the U.S but has the highest density in Israhell;

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Dayum, you're more thorough than I am. I think all this would be worth posting as it's own discussion.

TheGruffalo ago

She likes to fuck niggers, other than that I can’t find any kikery.

kammmmak ago

So why OP's ((())). I found no jew link so far

TheGruffalo ago

She is vessel to spread the poison which makes her guilty by association perhaps?

mitoriomyt ago

If you check out her videos, they're dark, creepy and satanic. You see images of her having black liquid pour out of her eyes, walking down a dark hallway levitating, faceless people wearing black gloves choking her, cigarettes getting put out on her face, etc. The narrative is that she comes from a "musical and creative" family. This is the their idea of art.

Hard pass. Anytime jews hype some thing or some one, I look for the degeneracy behind why they push this shit.

MockingDead ago

And, by use of shapeshifting, she implies this is good for white girls.

blit416 ago

heh, they really, really look like retards. I said that softly to myself when I looked at the family Christmas card. "Retards..."

Shame on the father for being a weak beta jew.

robot7247 ago

You're all missing how stunning & brave it is to be comfortable with your sexuality and how liberating it is to declare it.

We should celebrate her honesty, wisdom beyond her years, and clarity of thought that resonates in her lyrics.

/auditioning for a libtard music reviewer blog, how'd I do?

H3r0n ago

The pic you posted looks like art in the sense that making fun of terribly dressed teenagers is a sport. I use that allegory because they all look like terribly dressed teens and It’s so stupid I can’t muster enough brainpower to think of anything better.

pimplepeter ago

that's the family? wtf... the parents moved to LA to be famous. They would probably do anything so they just accepted their children be exploited.

CapinBoredface ago

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. When this girl was 15 her brother helped her produce a song about sucking dick and being a nymphomaniac. Her BROTHER. When she was FIFTEEN.

And I dont even see voat talking about how gross that is. What the fuck is going on?

mudbear ago

what song was that?

And no your not on crazy pills, pop music is the most insidious way jews have corrupted our society and most people just ignore it entirely. Look at the music videos and read the lyrics to the songs children are listening to, its depraved kiked bullshit.

Had my niece stay with us and she was singing this song so i showed her the music video and called her out on it. It looks like jabba the hut wearing leias costume.

this filth is the seed that blossoms into the degenerate lunacy we see in the left.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

That is some of the most bizarre, gross shit I've ever heard. No normal brother wants anything to do with their sister, let alone make a song about that. Thanks for the info

waringi ago

It wasn't all her brother. You dont get this famous without some serious (((backers))). They chose her, wrote songs for her then pushed her into the mainstream. She isnt an "indie" artist

klangbang ago

Vigilant Citizen is on point about her. There's at least one Rothschild in the background.

CapinBoredface ago

Who cares? The fact that her brother is helping her be slutty is fucked.

toobaditworks ago

And I dont even see voat talking about how gross that is.

That's gross. And I don't follow Billie Eilish, and I doubt voat does either, like you do, and I think it's just as gross that you know this much about her then talk shit about us not knowing who the fuck she is.

If you're going to talk shit about voat then fuck you. That 4.6 year membership with the low CCP coming here talking shit about voat. Your ccp might be higher than others I've seen like you but it's obvious you just started posting and milking points to seem like you're 'one of us' then turn around and stab everyone in the back with your insults to divide the site. HEY FUCK YOU BILLIE EILISH FOLLOWER.

CapinBoredface ago

You’re a paranoid nigger, Jesus.

I haven’t seen someone give that much of a fuck about fake internet points in years.

I hope you die, bye.

toobaditworks ago

I don't care about fake points. I care about people like you coming to this site to cause disruption with your FAKE account.

CapinBoredface ago

Paranoid faggotry.

CapinBoredface ago

Lmao really

Fuck off. Do you think that maybe I noticed this weird looking bitch being forced down all our throats and decided to look her up and where she came from?

“You’re creepy for knowing that other people are creepy!”

Kill yourself

toobaditworks ago

“You’re creepy for knowing that other people are creepy!”

Yeah right nice try asshole. You said the enitre voat community didnt care about this creepy bitch all because YOU knew about her. Like why the fuck would we look her up?

Kill yourself

Fuck off jew.

CapinBoredface ago

I said it was weird that no one brings it up. Keep stuffing words in my mouth to you stupid little retard.

Broc_Lia ago

And I dont even see voat talking about how gross that is. What the fuck is going on?

As if this is the only clown-world bullshit going on?

I had no idea who she was until five minutes ago.

CapinBoredface ago

Cool, congrats.

It’s just weird to me that even when threads like this pop up, no one mentions the weird family.

Broc_Lia ago

Come to think of it... there are a lot of weird families surrounding these leftist celebrities.

dublin5 ago

You might not have know who she was but tons of teenage girls in America do. And they are the ones consuming that poison.

Broc_Lia ago

True, but it shouldn't be surprising that goats aren't pearlclutching over the latest teenage craze. It'll be gone in a few years and there'll be a new one.

CapinBoredface ago

Pearl clutching?

Look, faggot, when people go bitching about a thing and then ignore the most obviously fucked up part about it that’s weird.

Sorry to make you aware of fucked up shit. I guess just fuck off or something I don’t give a shit.

dublin5 ago

Also true. And the next will be more satanic and degenerate then this one.

DeltaBravoTango ago

He also dates a girl that looks just like her.

TheGruffalo ago

What song was that? I want to see the lyrics.

CapinBoredface ago

All of them. That’s all she sings about.

mitoriomyt ago

Her brother is a creepy-looking little fuck, too.

Phantom42 ago

I know a good gal who dressed up as her for Halloween or some shit. She's a freshman in college right now.

Unfortunate, but I expect she'll be on the Execution Order once the Reich comes around. I'll have to get rid of her. Worship a bitch like Eilish... Dress up like her...

Fast forward and you have just another American whore.

jonnyquest ago

Too many words for the downvoters to read. They're made b/c you didn't include a TL;DR.

mitoriomyt ago

My friend's 12-year old niece idolizes her. Jews try to get our kids as young as they can – the younger, the better.

With Eilish, they don't just want whores, they want satanic whores worshipping Babylon.


Make change

TheSeer ago

It is worth noting that 'dark occult' became edgy and popular in the mid to late 90s (it was popular in the 80s too, but in 'rock' music and metal). Madonna was big on blasphemy in the late 80s, early 90s, and then Marilyn Manson and so many others promoted it.

But my point is, all fads seem to have come and gone EXCEPT for the idea that it is cool to be dark and borderline Satanic.

That idea remains EXTREMELY prevalent in mainstream pop.

blit416 ago

Now that you mention it, that is an oddity. The only common themes amongst the trends coming and going, are sex, occult, satanic, subversive. Always this negative stuff per Western Civilisation. Always directed at the youngest, weakest, neediest.


toobaditworks ago

Well everything promoted by the mainstream promoters is satanic. What you have to do is look at who are these people doing the promoting at the top of the pyramid and if your on Voat the answer might surprise you. A lot of Voat seems to think it's the jews but in fact it's ... no just kidding it's the jews.

TheSeer ago

Ethnoculturally, yes. In the religious sense, those at the top are occultists.

Phantom42 ago

If that is the case, and they fall for it, so be it.

A quick death is promised. Painless, if possible.

The Demon named "Legion" never imagined he would need to fight against Legions of Hellfire.

TheSeer ago

Legion is multiple demons, not a single one.

Phantom42 ago

Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”

“My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” 10 And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area.

He is one, and they are the same. Legion is the Legion and the spirit of.

TheSeer ago

It says right there "for we are many".

Send "them out".

Phantom42 ago

It's like English is a fucking foreign language around here.

To Hell with it. To Hell with it all! All you need to know is your god damn world is going to get run into the fucking ground. jews, niggers, spics, complacent "whites"... To Hell with you all. Let this fucking rock be razed.

WeareGOD11 ago

Cry're our bitch

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Exactly. Know them by their fruits.

Sneed-Chuckman ago

You already know that her agents and managers have been inside her but I give her two to three years before she enters has been status, some other little girl gets raped by jews, they make her a star and the vicious cycle continues


You know the industry milks them for much longer than that. Usually around 10 years or more.