billyvvinz ago

i do the same, everybody i know is well aware of how i feel, and with smartphones i have a pocket full of proof on hand i can back up my facts with sources/references. keep it up man!

33degree ago

I work professionally in vid production. Message me if you want to take a go at producing some high quality vid content

midnightblue1335 ago

Fucking yes, this could be what I need. With my words and your skills at production, we could do something incredible. I'll be in touch.

Redpilleveryone ago

For starters get married and have children. Until you do that you can fuck right off.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Merchant_Menace ago

See if any of your converts has a place in which you can 'preach'

Get them to bring people they think might be open to the ideas to hear you speak.

ChosenUndead ago

Go to your local beer hall

4841400209 ago

Definitely run for public office. Mayor or school board would be great.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

The best thing to do is to start setting up a parallel government. Take Hezbollah and the IRA as an example: Hezbollah set up hospitals and schools and the like to help people while the Lebanese government wouldn't. The IRA set up a parallel post office to deliver mail while Sinn Fein worked the political angle.

In both instances, when the SHTF, people turned to these groups for leadership. Maybe use your oratory skills to get things moving in your town or county.

baneofretail ago

Attempt to overthrow our government, fail, be imprisoned for a couple years. Write a book about your struggles, you get the idea.

TerrifiedTyphlosion ago

I don't know for sure if speaking skills translates well into this, but have you considered writing a book?

midnightblue1335 ago

I have- it's just that the difficulty getting something of the nature I'm going to produce published is... nigh insurmountable, I'm afraid.

Derpfroot ago

A Mayoral run would be best. They are a close link between the day-to-day runnings and the people themselves. You can set the tone of the city that way. They also give the police their directives. There's a lot to be gained in your area by doing that. Best of luck and get a damn good PR guy.

midnightblue1335 ago

Hm... interesting. I don't even have to win, I just have to let people hear me.

Not to toot my own horn, but I'm serious when I say I can manipulate a room of people if you stick me in front of them with a mic. I can have almost everyone leave that room now believing what I believe. What's my secret? The truth, the ability to IMPLY things without flat out saying them, and delivery with passion that people connect to or find appealing! And there's a fine line between "passion" and "insane raving", and I walk that line carefully... go too far, and now you're just a "conspiracy nut" ranting about "the jew".

Derpfroot ago

Not to toot my own horn, but I'm serious when I say I can manipulate a room of people if you stick me in front of them with a mic.

I believe it. I've seen/heard people with that gift. It's quite a talent. And to clarify, I said get a good PR guy because of other people, not because of what you'd do or say. Other people spin things. Most people can pick up on it and not believe it, but some don't. Or they'll use their PR team to try to make you look bad. All that shit shit is fucked up; that's why I could never get into public life.

Phantom42 ago

Teach us. Though Voat has taught you, perhaps you might teach it.

midnightblue1335 ago

Okay, the number one problem I encountered while honing these skills and testing this out, is this:

It's very easy to go from "passionate man in the grips of a powerful, challenging sort of speech" to "insane conspiracy theorist who is raving about 'the jew!'" Walking that line is tricky. If you present these topics with zero passion, you seem like a fucking weirdo. Here's an example of one of the first real rants I let loose, and this is when I realized "People may be more receptive than I thought...."

Remember that 18 year old White girl who got stabbed by the teeniggers a little while back? I approached my co-workers who were talking about this, and I interrupted them: "This is fucking absurd- why is it most people's response to that girl being stabbed to death that 'she shouldn't have been in that area alone at night'... in the fucking US of A? What the fuck happened, guys? When did it become normal that we must expect to be fucking stabbed to death if we walk around unaccompanied in a certain place at a certain fucking time?! That didn't happen in Somalia, gentlemen- that happened in New York. That's a few hours away from us. Are you guys okay with your daughters and wives living in a world where this kind of shit is accepted as 'normal'?" I left it at that. No mention of niggers, no mention of jews, no mention of the fact that the victim was a disgusting coal burning whore- those guys aren't ready to hear that kind of shit yet.

What I did, was plant seeds, or water already growing plants- those guys were ready to form a posse, make the several hour trip, and track down the little bastard thieves ourselves. I don't think I've ever seen a group of men turn so serious, so quickly (outside of the military, that is)- and all as a result of a one minute long tirade from yours truly.

I think I am gifted, maybe by our creator, for this kind of thing.

Phantom42 ago

See... That would've been something I would've said, funny enough.

You kept it light, played to the patriotic fervor that even leftists/Bolsheviks feel on some level, mentioned Somalia, then New York, which planted the seed of "Niggers... Fucking niggers", then you made it all very personal by asking them if they wanted that world for their wives/kids.

Hmm... I think, by the time I'm old enough to be taken seriously (I'm just a 20yo fuckwit, lol), I may be like you. That paragraph sounds exactly like something I'd say. "Baby's First Reich"-tier, but it lets them know you are a friendly and passionate enough to interject into their conversation, which speaks volumes in the most subtle of ways that reinforces the "hey, this guy's alright" feeling those gents felt toward you.

An example of my own, my college is letting some Hajji's on campus and they're doing some kind of seminar on science shit (neuroscience) and every professor mentions it repeatedly, basically shilling for it. "It's a good experience. You can learn from people from another culture far away. This Ramadan Science lecture is a fantastic opportunity for bonus points!", so on and so forth. One professor is requiring her students go.

The first time I heard of this "Ramadan lecture" we were in lab, and my professor (typical Boomer... Good guy, just misled) was shilling it. He got done and stepped outside to speak with another professor.

I was sitting at a table with 3 other guys, and there was another table nearby with 4 girls. They were all talking about it just thinking out loud amongst each other. "Should we go? He did say bonus... I don't wannnnt to sit in another leeeeecturrrrre!" and etcetera...

So I'm sitting there kinda smiling and laughing at the idea of being lectured to by some 80IQ Hajji posing as a "researcher". One guy notices and asks me what's funny in a completely genuine and polite way. I just say "Well... You know what Ramadan is, right?", he and 2 other dudes answer yes. By this time the girls to the left were all listening. I continued, "Why the Hell do we get a lecture named after the Ramadan Bombathon from some random "scientists" (did air quotes) on neuroscience, and our professors shill for it? "Mandatory Diversity" is why, guys."

Two guys and one of the girls laughed and started nodding in agreement, surprised I just said "Ramadan Bombathon" I guess. The others just sat there and said "Huh... That makes a lot of sense.".

The interaction seems innocent enough, BUT what it did was plant the seed of:

Ramadan>Bombathon>Hajji>Muslim holidays>They're not nice people>Why are they here? In America?

In class, I seem to get along with those 7 folks pretty well now. It's almost like we're just old friends reconnected after a long time.

People are definitely more receptive than many think... It's about striking the right cords at the right time. A new speaker like myself can move individuals in the right direction with a smile on my face and some humor. The best speakers can move entire countries into action, merely through a few words and a little ceremony. "Moving mountains", so to speak. You just have to have enough empathy to "feel the crowd" and know which way you want to strike these... "Chords"... in people.

Most folks are followers looking to be led. There's not a damn thing wrong with that. The problem is when the leaders don't know how to lead, are not allowed to lead, or simply haven't been "trained" to lead through life experience.

I think you have been granted a little gift there my guy. Perhaps I have it too and just don't realize it. Use it. Every man, woman, even child... Every individual you bring to our cause and show the Truth of all things can only help us. Our enemy fights secret wars in silent ways. If everyone knows it though, that shit will be drug out into the light squirming and screaming by the hordes of angry and fatigued masses, removed from all sensibility and any notion of mercy simply because they, innately, already know something is wrong and know their enemy.

We just have to show them the way. We are the Vanguard.

midnightblue1335 ago

You're a young fellow. You are our future. I'm a tad older than you, and I can confirm that people won't take you quite as seriously at your age, as they will 10 years from now. This is simply the reality of age. Even if you truly do know everything at 20, there will be 40 year olds listening to you, thinking "This little shit was conceived while I was in my second year of workforce. Who the fuck does he think he is, to tell me these things?" This isn't always the case, as wisdom can come from a man of any age (from the mouth of babes, as they say), so don't let this discourage you.

"Well... You know what Ramadan is, right?"

Well done- I have found that asking questions which you already know the answer to is a great way to lead people to the truth without you actually having to say it out loud. Example: I want to express that niggers are violent savages, but obviously I don't want to come right out and say "Niggers are violent savages, that's why we can't walk around their neighborhoods". So instead, I'll say something like "Why is it that my girlfriend can walk our dog in my neighborhood without worrying about being stabbed, but she can't do this in [insert black neighborhood]?" That's it- the implication is already there for people to work out on their own.

The beauty of this, is it will often expose libshit's deep-seated racism/fear of other races. This would probably be great for you, in your college environment. Upon asking that question, a typical libshit will declare that you are racist for making such an implication. This is what you want. You can turn this around- "Racist? What? I never said anything about race, I'm saying why is this place unsafe, while this place right nextdoor is safe? Are you trying to imply that black people make a neighborhood unsafe, [insert libshit's name]? That's a little prejudiced of you to think like that." Anyone with sense who is listening might crack a smirk, as they'll understand precisely what you're doing. Make the people you're addressing say the things that you aren't "allowed" to say by asking the right questions!!

People are definitely more receptive than many think... It's about striking the right cords at the right time.

Chords are emotions. That's what this ultimately boils down to, I'm afraid. Women, and more and more men, act on emotion rather than logic. This means you must appeal to their emotion to get through to them. That's why women are so easily manipulated by politicians- show them a photo of a dirty little brown child, tell them "You can fix this, just let him and his 30 family members come live next to you", and without pausing to consider what 30 new neighbors from a part of the world so radically different, it might as well be a different fucking planet, will be like for them.

Most folks are followers looking to be led.

We're all guilty of this on some level. Problem is, whenever someone steps forward to represent White interests as a sort of "leader", he is quickly destroyed by the media machine that the kikes have a stranglehold over. I don't think we need a leader.... I think we need a martyr. I thought we already had a few, but people's memories are so short nowadays, that victims like Kate Steinle are quickly forgotten. Nobody knew Ebba Akerlund's name until Tarrant wrote it on a rifle and used it to murder a bunch of invaders. That intense, violent imagery is the only way to make people remember shit nowadays.

Think back to your holocaust education. Most of the curriculum involved looking at pictures of emaciated prisoners, or piles of corpses- as a young teenager. We can't watch an R rated movie with fake violence and gore in it yet... but we'll spend months staring at real photos of naked, skeletal corpses in school. Why? To leave a deep emotional scar upon the psyche that will go on to influence every action you take in the future, that's why.

Understanding this emotional manipulation will be the key to pulling ourselves out of this shit. Too many of "our guys", the talking heads who represent our interests (supposedly) are too measured and rational in what they say. That sounds crazy, I know- but calmly talking like a robot to a crowd doesn't sway them.

What does sway them? "YOU are being replaced! Every day, you get out of bed and drag yourself into work. You tell yourself 'I'm working for my family, to support their future', but is that really what is happening? Do you pay attention to what happens to all of that money that is taken from YOUR hard earned paycheck every week? IT GOES TO FEEDING, CLOTHING, AND ENTERTAINING THANKLESS FOREIGNERS WHO DO NOT WANT TO WORK!! They'd rather YOU work into your 70s, while they sit at home and FUCK all day, making more children- THAT YOU GET TO PLAY SURROGATE DADDY FOR! So I ask you- when you get out of bed to go to work next time, WHY are you doing it? WHO are you working for?

That's the kind of shit that makes people get out the torches and pitchforks, not showing a Powerpoint presentation on the bell curve or how mass immigration affects our economy.

XSS1337 ago


History books written every 10 years .... see how much has been altered ...

Zykon-B and how it is used to kill the louse which carried typhus

midnightblue1335 ago

So I know what loxism means, but I'd never seen the actual definition. A quick search, and this is what I find:

Search Results

Featured snippet from the web

Noun. loxism (uncountable) (white supremacist ideology) Hatred of (non-Jewish) whites by Jews.

....So.... it's a "White supremacist ideology".... but it's the hatred of Whites by jews? What? How in the fuck?

Mind-blowing. A simple definition of "Hatred of non-Jewish Whites by Jews" can't be left alone- you have to stuff the words "White supremacist" in there. Why?! What the fuck does "White supremacist ideology" have to do with Jews hating Whites? I'm about to try contacting the fucking idiots at Wiktionary about this. Will post results...

Muh-Shugana ago

It's mean't to imply that the very concept of jews hating whites is exclusive to the minds of white supremacists, because everyone who isn't a white supremacist knows that jews are flawless, humble and innocent.

XSS1337 ago

Loxism is used to describe different aspects of society like “ Jews run the media “ is “ Loxism of artistic exposure”

Try searching Loxism Congress and see there is nothing but static and pro Jew topics.