fishmantis ago

I'd agree with "The Wrath of the Awakened". Also been considering a Black Sun. A little more subtle, yet meaningful, but still decipherable by a dedicated enemy. Time will tell. Either way, it's been a pleasant conversation, friend.

fishmantis ago

If that poem wasn't so long, and if I didn't value being difficult to detect, I'd consider getting it tattooed.

Newmemba ago

blame the kikes, they want the conflict

NPCGator ago

Better? I doubt it, more, yes.

LurkedForever ago

No, they are eating less expensively than us, but I don't think a daily ration of fried chicken, ribs and mashed potatoes is particularly healthy.

ratsmack ago

I feel sorry for the poor bastard that has to deliver to someone in niggerville.

RustyEquipment ago

No. They are not eating better than me. Doritos and sprite and skittles with Arizona tea do not qualify as food

chirogonemd ago

I know most people here are hands-off when it comes to regulation, but god damn, if anti-trust cannot apply to this, I don't know what can. We're letting Amazon get into grocery distribution and the allocation/acceptance of social welfare. That is fucking absurd.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

It's free for people with SNAP/EBT because they buy more flippantly and spend their benefits on higher profit margin items. If you have amazon prime, the service is available with free 2 hour shipping to those who are in the delvery service areas. Very interesting, but not really that bad.


They don't eat healthy food. They are too lazy too make food

Asshat69 ago

The middle class is getting fucked. Not poor enough to get gibs, but not rich enough to bypass all the bs.

Niceballsnigga ago

I doubt that. My wife is a great cook.

NiggadermCQ ago

I eat at Fleming's sometimes. Hardly any niggers in there.

The staff all speak English, all the waiters waitresses are healthy weights. Mostly white. Most of the ladies are attractive, no tattoos.

I should be cooking stuff myself. And someone can probably find some reason why I shouldn't support Fleming's, and other similar priced places that I go-to.

bubby963 ago

Nah they aint cos Im not a failure at life and can afford to eat whatever the fuck I want

YamaMaya ago

My only solace is that they are too stupid to make healthy choices so they will die faster.

prairie ago

Hey now, you don't got's time to shop when you sleeping in all day.

Charilko ago

You are an idiot if you think food stamps are ever spent on healthy food

LuciusAM ago


It doesn't matter what ingredients you have if you don't have a good cook to prepare them. My wife is a wonderful cook so I regularly eat better than I would if I ate at a restaurant.

MaunaLoona ago

They are, and you're paying for it.

fishmantis ago

Violence is assured, and I have a strong confidence that White people will remain. This is just another turn in the Fate of Empires. PDF warning, but a very worthwhile read. All this shit has happened before and will likely happen again.

smokratez ago

Nope, vegetables are garbage.

fishmantis ago

It is quite a shame. But these things are not yet settled. Troubling times are ahead, but they have great potential.

fishmantis ago

Just like Nazi scientists were responsible for America going to the moon. Imagine if they had been able to fulfill their ambitions without the political nonsense.

AstroCatastrophe ago

It's like liberals think a world crammed with useless parasites is better than one crammed with prudent productive people.

Butterbread ago

The ones who have "thought it through" think the world will be full of amazing artistic expression and great works, if only every last one of us gets support from the government and doesn't have to go to work every day. They're imagining an enlightened utopia of the future, without realizing millions are living that freeloading welfare "utopia" today.

Valcgo ago

Niggers buy combo packs at their local meat markets. They burn their whole month's allowance on combos that cost ~$200. I see it everytime I go buy a couple of steaks. EVERY FUCKING TIME fyi, it NEVER FUCKING FAILS. I have yet to see a nigger pay with their own money at my local butcher.

pimplepeter ago

combo packs?

Valcgo ago

Boxes of assorted meats like for example: 15 lbs of T-Bone steak, 7 lbs of ribeye, 3 lbs of white meat chicken, 6 lbs of sausage wrapped up into a combo. The combos vary of course.

22165233? ago

haha! We call them meat trays in Australia, and I don't think anybody ever buys them, they are always won in a raffle or door prize or something like that.

Valcgo ago

Welp, in America, job hating niggers on welfare can walk away with meat trays every month at the taxpayers expense thanks to people like me that can't legally place a .07 cent piece of lead in their brain parts.

NiggadermCQ ago

I haven't checked prices in a while.. is that a 22? Everything I get is around $0.25

pimplepeter ago

what in the hell? can i get a pic of this example? I've never seen or noticed.

Valcgo ago

I guess it depends on where you live. Most of your large US meat markets take EBT cards and offer combo packs.

NiggadermCQ ago

Something about don't mix your beef and chicken comes to mind. I guess they separate and seal it up.

I haven't noticed combo packs. Do they have them at the shitty cheap places?

MaunaLoona ago

They spend all of their ebt allowance on the day they get it. That's why they had to stagger the days the cards get refilled, otherwise they'd all rush the stores on the first day of the month. Zero self control.

Valcgo ago

The last time I dropped by my butcher's place I sincerely thought the nigger in a newish 35k Cadillac, while wearing some nice clothes and a fresh horse weave would no likely pay for whatever she was buying right? She walked in before me and grabbed a number from one of those reels you typically see in your typically meat market when they're busy. Of course this nigger bitch buys ~$180 worth of prime meat in bulk with the 'gimme card'. I was fucking floored, I thought AT LEAST this nigger would pay for her own food for ONCE! Nope, they never do. EVER! I'm so fucking sick of paying these nigger's tab that I pray for another Civil War, God knows I have the means and the ammo.

MaunaLoona ago

They pimp and deal drugs while receiving gibs. Sounds like this was a sheboon of a pimp.

GeneralDisposition ago

You forgot to add illegal spics. Every time i go to the grocery store, one of their grazing cattle with three or more candy munchers are pushing a cart while towing a cart so full it's about to squat under the weight. The joke isn't on us though. A migrant is homeless, unloved and unwanted. It's a wonder they don't kill themselves with alcohol. Lol. I actually pity those feckless homeboy revenge dodgers because they are eternal strangers and traitors.

oneinchterror ago

Blows my mind that the law doesn't allow us to shoot them on sight. How far the mighty have fallen.

GeneralDisposition ago

Meh, our biggest threat is good intentions.

NiggadermCQ ago

It's the white weekends, and it's being exploited. Especially the non redpilled whites.

GeneralDisposition ago

This is why i pity them. If you give a drug addict a pound of meth. No more drug addict. Give a selfish turd worlder an ebt card with access to alcohol..... It's sickening. But at least others planned their parenthood. I pity them.

TheAntiZealot ago

This is your brain on drugs. No, this is your kinfolk on Zionism.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

This will wipe out the convenience stores and the grocery stores in the cities.

Furthermore, if the government decides to change snap into a direct nutritional program, because it will make the lobbyists richer, amazon can then claim that they are the ones to deliver it.

If done and lobbied properly, this would make it so that the people dwelling in the shit parts of town never leave the shit parts of town.

prairie ago

Through taxes government decides the winners and losers.

CanadianNatSoc ago

It would also reduce theft, I'm surprised food/grocery companies haven't started this a while ago.

oneinchterror ago

Interesting take. So besides the fact that we're financing it with our taxes, this could be a net benefit to us. Although I suspect the apes will still leave their ghetto jungles from time to time in order to do their thieving, raping, and murdering.

sbt2160p ago

We could quarantine them in the inner cities!

KingMortales ago

Siege would be better

Zed_Leppelin ago

They use the EBT to gorge themselves on sugary soda, salty snacks, and fried meat then be dead by 50 of heart disease.... It may be worth the price is all I'm saying.

fishmantis ago

Yeah but our taxes pay for their healthcare.

The nig/spic cycle

H3r0n ago

They don’t eat healthier just because they have access to it. They’ll still buy pigs feet and grape drank while asking me to trade food for cigarettes at the gas station.

watitdew ago

What is unhealthy about pigs feet. I could braise pigs feet and pull them and make them into a patty and sear it and serve it with an over easy egg and some sauce gribiche and some frisse and sell it for 18 dollars a plate in a gastropub. Also that's healthy and keto and paleo.

H3r0n ago

You think a nigger is going to do all of that?

watitdew ago

Nah but they still work in a stew.

New-World-Ebola ago

amakike... bans books on Nationalism.... accepts EBT to feed third world trash.

makes sense. Thanks jews

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Mr_big ago

Question for amazon. Since whites are not desired in commerical ads. Why are whites used in an ad for welfare where niggers are the biggest users?

Empire_of_the_mind ago

leftist whites also use the fuck out of EBT

prairie ago

Those customers are subsidizing the welfare meals.

freespeechplease ago

A decision was made that using a black family in this one instance would be racist. The decision maker here is the actual racist. Everything else can continue to have niggers in it.

gosso920 ago

They look more like a spic/beaner variety.

YamaMaya ago

Everyone knows spics become white when it's convenient.

PussySmasherMD ago

They're spics.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Look like beaners to me

fishmantis ago

You know why. Same reason most fags and trannies in popular media are white, even though whites are the least likely to fall for that garbage. Copying from a previous post, forgive the lowered effort.

Gallup Poll Finds People Of Color More Likely To Identify As LGBT - Huffpost

Are Minority Men More Likely to Be Gay? Why? - ScienceDirect

'White people are less likely to be gay': Poll reveals African-American community has highest percentage of 'LGBT' adults in U.S. - DailyMail

Repent ago

Thank you. I never knew this.

IslamicStatePatriot ago

they will weaken us and then utilize their less... problematic golems instead

clear as day tbqh

fishmantis ago

That's the whole point, IMO. To create a mixed race class of sufficient intelligence to be capable workers but not much else.

TheAntiZealot ago

niggerfaggots, the lot of them.

HiJoker ago

"They're just like us!" -Voat concerning niggerfaggots.

Wrong take away?

watitdew ago

Also FWIW you are eligible for food stamps despite of assets, including auto, house, savings. Income is the only factor. It's pretty gay, so I'm looking at applying. I have savings, house, auto covered but my W2 is under the limit rite now so I'm going to use it to buy nonperishables. Will probably get denied by some fat negress with elaborately done nails and hair. We'll see.

oneinchterror ago

Give us an update with all the details once you go through with it. I'm interested.

watitdew ago


oneinchterror ago

Okay then, you faggot kike.

watitdew ago

The EBT buyer still has to pay for the amazon fees and delivery and everything else. It only covers the cost of the groceries. This is just Amazon/Whole Foods taking available cash on the table.

boogaloo_2020 ago

They have access on EBT to things people that work their asses off can’t afford. This shit is insane.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

Nothing in those pictures has any nutrients.

llolololol ago

Then start your own business and pay yourself a low salary so you can go on EBT too. Starve the system.

newlurkeraccount ago

Amen brother. Dont forget that everything is tax deductable. The company vehicle, its gas, food or anything you can say is business related. While on the subject be sure to put the corporate shares in a trust so you legally own nothing. When you get sued or convicted of a crime the government (or ex wife) has nothing to steal from you.

glassuser ago

You'd also need to work a lot, so breakfast, lunch, and dinner are reimbursable business expenses (or paid directly by the business).

IslamicStatePatriot ago

Niggers and associated subs are not buying that shit. They are buying processed foods and sugar water. Goto a grocery store and watch what (some not all) spics buy and what a white buys, or what a nigger buys versus most whites.

Whites buy fresh meat and produce, bottled water, sourdough bread, bulk pasta and rice, canned beans. At least that's what I see here in my corner. Sure the fat slobby whites buy shitskin garbage and more than a few mexicans buy all real food and you can tell they actually know how to cook their food, not that tex-mex shit- but by and large it's night and day between lights and darks when you see them pull out that damn snap card.

t. winco shopper who shops 3-4 times a week

fishmantis ago

Paying taxes to make sure the people that hate us and want us gone can live comfortably. What an insane state of affairs.

indoctrophobe ago

I have a dream where white people collectively stop paying taxes and thus stop funding their own genocide. It's so simple, so obvious. And yet it will probably never happen.

NiggadermCQ ago

Need to make sure Elon either sends only whites to Mars.

Or sends all non whites, on the first ship... That has a catastrophic failure on the way.

fishmantis ago

Just wait. The current system is unsustainable. That's why they've ramped up militarized police, surveillance, etc. All anti civilian defenses. They know that people are waking up and realizing that everything is fucked.

TheAntiZealot ago

B-b-but muh roads!

Niggertown ago

You cant afford bananas?