Infearmal ago

Imagine still trusting Jewipedia in 2020.

Rotteuxx ago

trying to redefine words to suit your own needs,

Projecting, you're the one trying to redefine "a post".

Just like a jew.

Muddying the waters

Go cry about it in SBBH, faggot.

Don't need to, others pointed out your stupidity already.

Crikes ago

"if you kill your enemy they win."

That is nonsense. If you kill your enemy, perhaps you both lose, but your enemy certainly loses.

First, you must correctly identify your enemy, which is impossible for those of us weak minded, and cowardly, enough to swallow the communists' collectivist poison.

Individual right, and individual merit, or they win. There is no other way.

1Paydaddy ago

True Dat. Good post.

AstroCatastrophe ago

I suspect this holds water to a certain degree.

Cadster ago

Quit using Socialism when it's communism. Quit calling Bernie Sanders a Socialist when he is a communist.

NotHereForPizza ago

take a peak bud

NotHereForPizza ago

like four days ago you shook my hand and we revealed ourselves to each other...

NotHereForPizza ago

Why are we so back and forth, man?

Are you just upset that I informed you about Canaanites?... That's a weird thing to get annoyed about.

Although, I'm starting to expect you're just one of that group of faggots. But, why out your friends? Now it'd be insanely easy for me to find out who you and your friends are. Aren't they upset over how lazy you were just because I knew a few words from a decade ago?

New-World-Ebola ago


Crikes ago

Whether or not they are "in on it" is besides the point; fact is, even jews who are not involved will act as a shield and rush to the defense of those who are. This has been proven throughout history.

I no longer believe you are engaging in sincere debate.

Likewise, if that wasn't clear. Hypothetically, if we are both sincere... The difference between the two of us is if we're both wrong and it is all Jews, human agenda is still served by my suggestion of focusing on individual crimes and criminals.

If you're either wrong or a lying shill, you serve the communist Jews by distracting from the principles of individual merit, and spreading their dividing bigotry.

If you really believe the nonsense you suggest, you should find a way to speak of it without contributing to their agenda, and lifeblood antisemitism.

Antisemitism is a communist Jew weapon.

Anyone who suggests you fear or hate is not your ally.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

NotHereForPizza ago

Learn something jew.

Attacking people all of the time is pretty draining.

NotHereForPizza ago

Doh boy you're stalking me now too.

It's not like there's not already teams of people doing this.

blit416 ago

thanks for doing all the heavy lifting in the past few threads I've read. Please do keep it up as long as you can.

Infearmal ago

Since when is pasting wikipedia "heavy lifting" ?

NotHereForPizza ago

I can tell. ;)

Crikes ago

I can't believe you're stupid enough to believe that every single Jew is in on it. I assume you're lying to yourself.

Wether your sincere belief, or whether you're a communist Jew shilling their lifeblood, antisemitism... you are their useful idiot.

Crikes ago

You're wrong, and I suspect you know it. Stick around and almost everyone is reasonable enough to admit not all Jews, and everyone already knows not just Jews.

Infearmal ago

Bobby Fischer


Crikes ago

Identify your enemies.

Agreed. Name your enemies, and never include the innocent. Jews are not the enemies of humanity. Some Jews are. Many non-Jews are.

Slavers are the enemies of humanity.

There are only two groups that matter;

Individuals who respect the rights of the individual, and individuals who would violate the rights of the individual.

Those individuals who respect the rights of thr individual are our allies, and those criminal individuals who violate the rights of the individual are the enemies of humanity.

Rotteuxx ago

It's not semantics when you simply don't use the right words, posts & comments are not the same. You can't reinvent the meaning of words to suit yourself.

...and you were the one accusing me of moving the goal post, KeK.

You still haven't proven your claim, you just keep behaving more and more like a kike while accusing me of being one.

  1. Uses a boogeyman for an ad hominem.
  2. Makes a claim and says the onus is on me to disprove it, not on you to prove it true.
  3. Tries to manipulate the meaning of words to win an argument at any cost.
  4. Accuses me of being what he is himself to muddy the waters.

~slow clap~

auto_turret ago

Can't say I didn't enjoy seeing you get so thoroughly pwned.. you need to practice your pilpul tactics.

Rotteuxx ago

Quote me getting pwned when @sir_ebral had to quit the conversation because I exposed his jewish tactics.

You kikes project too much.

Rotteuxx ago

You're playing that game, moving the goalpost?

I didn't move shit, you're the one who doesn't have the required IQ to use the English language properly, words have meanings.

Use the right words next time you little bitch.

This is exactly what I mean when I say SBBH regulars behave like jews. Thanks for proving my point.

You're the one behaving like a jew, you still haven't proven your claim and instead chose to keep on ranting about posts.

One day, you people pretend to hate jews and the next you work to prevent naming the jew.

Back up your claim bitch.

Rotteuxx ago

Those aren't posts, they're comments you utter fucking moron.

Learn to speak English fucktard.

SearchVoatBot ago

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NotHereForPizza ago

One line descends from Cain, who ate his brother.

don't talk about the difference, goy!

itssomatic ago

How do you substantiate cannibalism over mere murder?

NotHereForPizza ago





itssomatic ago


But, those are their English names, would they have been homophonic in their original languages?

NotHereForPizza ago

Look, I don't have all of the answers.

Remember the finer details and explanations to things like this sometimes takes a backseat when you have to deal with so much information and on such a dense level.

I think you're missing the point of what I'm trying to tell you.

Rotteuxx ago

6 posts in sbbh in the past 5 days.

Why do you lie ?

Nevermind, ghe rest of your comment illustrates very well that you're a paranoid moron who sees boogeyman anywhere.

The onus is on you to prove your claim, not on me to defeat it. That's a pretty fucking Jewish thing to pull, @sir_ebral.

DanaNordic ago

There are no elites, only parasites. Nothing you say is credible until you figure that out.

NotHereForPizza ago

Hebrews aren't the same as Canaanites, my man.

Rotteuxx ago

40 SBBH posts and at least 1 submission in the last 5 days.

So less than 10 posts a year on average.

I know you post there, who are you trying to fool?

You claimed I was a regular, I defeated your claim.

Why do you believe that's an attempt at fooling you ?

Your comment history is full of SBBH posts.

5.88% of my 14557 comments.

I don't trust anyone who associates with them.

Probably just like I assume anyone who believes there's an actual entity organizing sbbh is a retard.

NotHereForPizza ago

That's hardly any of the truth...

Rotteuxx ago

I'm a regular sbbh poster?

How many posts to my name in 4.5 years?

BalfourYourFace ago

And they aren't talking to niggers either

Rotteuxx ago

Muh evil soapbox boogeyman!

gazillions ago

Yes, but you and I are the problem. We live for credit ratings now and that's the what we allowed to happen. It makes the elites elite.

The first person to go after the credit rating agencies is the first person worth their life.

YouAreASlave ago

Many of us forced to live for credit ratings because the kike prints the money and directs its dispersion.

gazillions ago

Before the 1980's people didn't have credit cards or credit ratings. Some business people had cards and that was about it. How quickly they took everyone hostage. They aren't making enough off people in Africa and the islams are a real problem so they have to be brought here to take the credit rating up the ass.

Thoutzan ago

Psyops designed to fool you to "trust the plan", to protect (((THEM)))

AnotherGrayman ago

Now this would make a good sticker to put up everywhere.

No buzzwords here that will activate the instinct of well-meaning normies to defend marginalized groups for virtue points.

Just some innocuous "red or blue, you're the problem they're trying to fix, wake up dummies"

Phantom42 ago

"Muh elites"

Name the Synagogue, cucked FAGGOTS.

AnotherGrayman ago

You can't name the synagogue when you're trying to redpill total normies.

You have to give them every other detail except that one, so that when you reveal it, it falls into place instead of being rejected by years of public school indoctrination to defend the Jews from criticism.

This is what the movie The Matrix is making reference to when they say you can't forcibly unplug people from the illusion.

The unplugging has to be worked up to, lest it result in the total rejection of the experience.

Phantom42 ago

Well, you see, we are out of time my guy.

Maybe if the US was still majority White we'd be okay.

Not anymore.

AnotherGrayman ago

We're not out of time, and you don't need a majority to change society.

You either do something well, or do it so poorly that you sabotage your own goals.

Being a white man yelling anti-Jew shit in public to uninitiated normies is you sabotaging your own team by providing the enemy another pretext to hate your people, and an example of evil to hold up in front of the children before they're forced to prove they're not crazy like the angry white guy who hates the poor Jews.

You have to be able to see yourself from the perspective of these weaklings, and reach them from their level.

I was one of the people actively pissed off about Jew-hating Nazis making all whites look bad and wanting to see them get their asses beat so I could stop catching shit and having to prove I wasn't a racist 24/7.

You can't keep ignoring the fact that shit doesn't work the way you want it to, unless you're just another jackass who's only here to talk shit; preaching rhetoric nobody will listen to isn't an effective use of time or energy.

There's a reason professional deprogrammers are highly respected individuals; it takes a truly smart motherfucker to be able to understand someone else's point of view so well they can bring brainwashed cult members back in line with normal reality.

That's essentially what you're trying to do by redpilling normies on Jews.

You don't get indoctrinated Scientologists to leave the cult by screaming "XENU IS A LIE, GAS THE THETANS," and you won't get indoctrinated Americans to leave the communism cult by screaming JEWS ARE GENOCIDING WHITES.

It's so fucking insane to them because of their programming, they'll never listen to you.

So, to recapitulate, if you keep ignoring their programming and yelling shit that makes people defensive, you're no better than a cucked soyboy yelling "Fascist!" at Trump voters like it's gonna change something.

Be smart, dude. Figure out how to deprogram and convert enemies, not reinforce them against you with shock statements.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

You can't handle the truth!

Crikes ago

Correct "elites" to "slavers".

Sleuth222 ago


Crikes ago

Not all Jews are slavers. Not all slavers are Jews. Strike the root.

Rotteuxx ago

All jews are a threat since no one can tell which one "might be a good one", total elimination of the parasites is the only solution for world peace.

Sleuth222 ago

Jews are the elite.

Nosferatjew ago

(((The elites)))

cellgift108 ago

This is a safe place, friendo. No need to cleverly mask your naming of the jew in fear of getting banned.

Nosferatjew ago

lol as if I'm at all worried about using the word "kike". Regardless, applying an "echo" doesn't mask the naming of the jew, it's just another of a great many ways to do it.

drj2 ago

not really a great way anymore imo

Nosferatjew ago

You do things however you want fag, I'll do things however I want.

drj2 ago

zz, yeah that's freedom.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Judasrope ago

You misspelled (((parasites)))

NiggadermCQ ago

I was looking for this..

If I want to redpill someone it's not going to work if I call them jews or kikes.

And I don't want to call the elites, as if they are better than us. Because they aren't.

Still looking for other words to use.

Nosferatjew ago

That would have been redundant.

AgentSakura ago

just say kikes dude

mask off

Nosferatjew ago

Gee mister, I'm so sorry.. I didn't realize that it was necessary for me to structure my naming of the jew in such a way that the lowest IQ users of this site could understand it.

AgentSakura ago


NotHereForPizza ago




Words have meaning.

jonnyquest ago

Would you mind breaking it down further for those of us who are slow?

...apologies ahead of time; can't help it.

NotHereForPizza ago

El is the Canaanites "Father"/Saturn/Anu God.

We say "elites", but it should be "el-ites".

Like the Roths have told us, words have meaning.

jonnyquest ago

Holy crapola, now that's a good one ... I usually pick up on word meanings; that's one that has been in use so long I think many of us take it for granted as just a silly made up word. Apparently not!

NotHereForPizza ago

I'll let you in on a little secret.

Latin never died.

jonnyquest ago

One of the biggest 'realizations' to ever hit me was that when that references to "ancient religions' and or 'ancient practices' were / are an outright lie -- and that these things are still going on today, with respect to sacrafices, satanism and the like, as well as people in the past being 'uncivilized' compared to today- completely untrue. Not much different.

The latin is another facet that I didn't specifically pay attention to, and I'm glad you mentioned it specifically. I think I jumped right over it and started wondering if the writing on the Pyramids and or the pyramids themselves were actually well understood and/or still in use for whatever they were originally used for -- obviously glazing right over an important tidbid here (that may be more than a tidbid).

Anyway, sorry to get long-winded, and thanks again!

NotHereForPizza ago

The pyramids, when powered properly, harness energy from both rhe sun and moon, creating large deposits of both Gold and Silver, the very think white humans were originally brought here to mine.

AntiMason ago


Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

we're gonna get to them too.

neat trick tho.

VicariousJambi ago


Jehoshaphat ago

Go make the news.

Barfin ago

go trust sessions and dershowitz

Jehoshaphat ago

Drum up more undue persecution points, Eli.

SIayfire122 ago

Good post, but why'd you post a screenshot like a faggot?

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

Fuck you, direct links are faggotry, especially when it comes to sites like Twatter.

SIayfire122 ago

Is it not a fucking picture that he can rehost?

If no, why not crop out the useless parts.

Jehoshaphat ago

Fucking way off target. Get fucked.

Jehoshaphat ago

Your take is even normie-er. 'Jews' is too broad. Most pay taxes, just like our asses. Should have said Jesuits. Jews in Suits.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


holy shit you did not just do that.