Merlynn ago

It should be "will ever happen" or "has and ever will happen". I don't know which the writer was going for.

goatmensch ago

White roasties are due to the jew.

AnotherGrayman ago

They call 'em "Schumers" in our neck of the woods.

Overweight hoes who think they're special because men use them as cum dumpsters.

everlastingphelps ago

Bitch is looking at like four motherfuckers at once.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Women don't suddenly become unrecognizable at 35 or 40. I don't get the attention to the fact sluts are disgusting and self serving. Just don't date, fuck, or marry sluts.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Depends on the woman. You can change really fast if you stop dieting and exercising.

Titanbikes4ever ago

OK, so illnesses, weight gain/loss, or accident notwithstanding, humans age gradually

Sheeitpost ago

There there that's a good beta male, go be a good beta male and love her even though you won't be able to have your own family. It's the right thing to do. Go drive your bike Saturday morning and wake up all the neighbors as you reclaim your masculinity for an hour or two.

Timur9000 ago

And good luck finding a girl you speak of that is a virgin. What you're speaking of in the West is called a UNICORN. All that's available in the West are Gen Zs that don't know how to cook, clean, have 1000 followers on Instathot, etc.

Sheeitpost ago

They're in denial 100%. Any bar has men holding beers close to their chest scanning the room for women that just aren't coming.

Timur9000 ago

That's why day game is better if anything.

Atkho ago

Picking up bar skanks is fun but for quality women it's like panning for gold in a public pool.

Sheeitpost ago

Totally agree.

Merchant_Menace ago

Life's not faaaaiiirrrr waaaahhhh

Cry less. Hit gym and better yourself more. Gain power and wealth. You can have your pick.

Or, cry and feel sorry for yourself like a bitch and be the end of your lineage.

Timur9000 ago

I know you're likely a NEET or you married some troll of a whore, but doing all that won't get a young pretty virgin in the West. Much easier to get one abroad actually.

Merchant_Menace ago

(((get depressed about white women, goy. You don't want white women. Go find some nonwhite woman instead. Go racemix it's the only way goy.)))

Kys kike

Timur9000 ago

if you had a virgin white unicorn gf/wife that didn't look like a horse's ass I'd say you have a point, but given you post on voat all day, it is clear that you are a low T incel soy boy. Fortunately, your opinion means very little. Stay cucked, soy boy. HA HA.

Merchant_Menace ago

(((oh god I've been found out!! Shut it down!!! Quick, I must consult my "talmudic pilpul for aspiring hebrew subversives handbook"! It says to try to diminish the social status of the opponent so nobody takes them seriously! Ok I'll attack his sexuality. We always attack their sexuality.

Typical kikery

MurkSquatch ago

Posting all day on voat points to right wing views which are highly correlated with higher T levels and, thus, being more attractive as a man. Including but not limited to a wider jaw, better build, etc.

Timur9000 ago

Tfw that deluded to be a neet that posts all day

No6 ago

What is going on today? Did the incels get kicked out of another board and come back?

AnotherGrayman ago



No6 ago

This particular criticism describes a situation which does not happen to normal men.

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Sheeitpost ago

I think not. Ukraine has millions of beautiful women who are post-feminist and can actually discuss Stoicism, Minimalism & Nietzsche without using the phrase "toxic masculinity".

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Never met any Ukranian women, but I did date a Russian girl in college, and she probably didn't know who Nietzsche was. Completely vapid and dumb as a brick. She could drink me under the table, had great breasts, and didn't whine when we went camping, which is more than I can say about any other girl I've dated.

HiJoker ago

You're a fag, post that gun upright.

Sheeitpost ago

You mean he has to compete with me.

Jaga ago

got bitch boy chad in a corner now

knightwarrior41 ago

Nietzsche? Nah they'll be more interested in talking about family and the church.It really depends on the woman though.There are even rumours of those beautiful Ukrainian girls that you like so much that they prostituting themselves in places like Dubai,Spain and England.Generalizations like that are obtuse at best.

BillyLuath ago

that theyare prostituting themselves in places like Dubai,Spain and England.Generalizations like that are obtuse at best.

You left out Shanghai and Seoul, but to be honest, most are Russian.

knightwarrior41 ago

You left out Shanghai and Seoul

didnt know that they would go there for money or rather never heard,so its a first to me.oh well,bitches and hoes amirite...

Phantom42 ago

Rumors? XD

East Euro girls head to the UAE to whore around with some "high-class" Saudis on vacation.

Death is the only option for them.

knightwarrior41 ago

Rumors? XD

rumors because i dont have solid proof of this but yes i have heard about this for quite sometime.

Phantom42 ago

You don't have solid proof? Guy.... Look around you. The proof is written in every god damn thing we know to be degenerate and anti-human.

Sheeitpost ago

You're talking to me as if I have never met any Ukrainian women or something. Generalities are trends-- there are a higher percentage of women in Ukraine who have studied existentialism (and like it) then the percentage in the USA. And rumors? What do you think a model taking an instagram photo on a yacht is doing? #tagthesponsor

Titanbikes4ever ago

Lolololo, any good woman wouldn't want anything to do with your broke fat ass

Sheeitpost ago

Uhoh am I making you regret wasting your time focusing on American women, with poor results based on your beta male insult, when traditional women are overseas? I could get married this year-- if I wanted to-- with a foreign girl I know who would be prettier than anyone in my region without a doubt and not for the green card either. You don't know me at all.