True story...from 1972 - 1975, here in Canada, I attended High School with a German guy who was closely related to SS Commander Kurt Meyer...the fucking guy was a mathematical genius, powerful athlete almost superior to most, and one fucking tough football player, he played running back and was unstoppable. He was ridiculed a bit as being known as "THE KRAUT" but he put an end to that by beating a few guys to a pulp, he was a good scrapper, he had everything going for him except that he really did consider himself superior and better than everyone else. I remember 3 History teachers who really took an interest in him because he had stories. Forward a few years into 1977 and here's Mr. Meyer (out of respect I won't mention his given name ) working in a sandwich shop making subs which he did for about 3years and earning a minimum wage of $2.05 an hr, and me, the Russian, who never got along with the Kraut, was working in the mines with explosives, later becoming a certified Hoisting Engineer, earning $11.50 per hr. The descendent of the "PANZERMEYER" really left an impression as to what Germans were all about. All in a time when WW!! was still fresh in so many minds. Looking back I realize just how advanced the Germans were and still are, highly advanced people who's intellect was exceeded only by their audacious tenacity. Then he dropped off the face of the earth and nobody has heard or seen him for decades.

AnotherGrayman ago

Then he dropped off the face of the earth and nobody has heard or seen him for decades.

He realized he was worth more than the world he was born into, and that it no longer had any place for him.

Leroy_Antoine ago

Angela Merkel happened.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Sad but true. Break the cycle! Get strong, raise strong children, be the best damn thing that’s ever happened to your gene pool.

We can all be strong again. We just have to wake up from our sleep. Clean food water and air, clean mind body and soul. And lots of guns lol

Newmemba ago

many of them had British, French, British, Russian and Slavic genes inserted in their bloodline through violent rape of their grandmothers and mothers

Repent ago

Next time, tell them to man up, and then punch them in the stomach. It will help them greatly.

Granite_Pill ago

One short black man attacked a hostel in downtown Quito, Ecuador which was full of Europeans, mostly Germans, and me, one American. While all the Europeans literally ran and cowered in the kitchen with tears rolling down their faces, I immediately rushed to the black, pulled out my knife and prepared for combat. The black ran off. The black was outnumbered 30 to 1 and they all cowered in fear. Literally one man, me, stood up to him and he ran away. That's all it took. Germans are pussies.

registeretakes10s ago

I moved to the us a long while back too and have only grown stronger both physically and mentally. Seems to be a mix of culture and food. I like it much better.

When I go back i feel the same way you feel. Thought I'm definitely bigger than you and it ain't fat lol.

I'd say you need about 5y to turn people around if conditions are good. That's what it took me for sure, and im not a fast learner or anything.

AgentSakura ago

dude stfu kike

we've been under generations of pacification and marxist eugenics

fuck back off to israeli faggot

telleveryoneyouknow ago

I understand the anger but damn, he’s just pointing out something he sees.

Redirect your anger back to the real issue - these degenerate Jews forcing their satanic sex cult religion onto your people

AgentSakura ago


stop shaming our own but encourage them to rise above the degeneracy

most of our people are just victims of this kike shill hellscape

telleveryoneyouknow ago

A little shame could be of good use right about now, imo.

AgentSakura ago

how will we ever come together in solidarity when we are at each others throats infighting

that is what the jew wants most

help a brother out instead of shaming them, they are being slow killed like everyone else

telleveryoneyouknow ago

I like the compassion angle, but our meme warfare strategy is literally based on shame and ridicule and it helped get Trump elected.

Shame isn’t all so bad when done with love. My family and friends all shame each other constantly in good faith and it helps keep any pussy shit out of the group

AgentSakura ago

Light hearted yes but it can quickly become predatory and abusive.

shmuklidooha ago

In just 15 years from when i moved to canada

Who's been in charge for 15 years?

Germ22 ago


jthun2 ago

" i chimed in "that's what happens when you import hyper aggressiv people from the third world"."


Good for you. Germans wouldn't know how to process that, they are so degraded by years of holocaust propaganda.

Ruffsecs ago

It's what happens when all of your smart able bodied men get called to war, then die. Their genetics die and what's left is whoever didn't fight.. which incidentally is the pussy gene.

eongoat ago

wow basic stuff is a super red pill over there

Germ22 ago

the brain washing there seems very effective over there.

Racial_Maddow ago

The holocaust didn’t happen is what happened.

ViperCarbz ago

, a look of fear and confusion. they got pretty quiet,

You have been charged with hate speech, citizen.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

I LOL'd at "german men" when reading the title LOL didn't read any more.

biscuitrage ago

40% of children aged 0-5 in Germany born from, i think 2015-16, are not German.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

What's in your drinking water? How strong are the EMF signals there? How much soy are your people consuming? Who is the least protected among your citizenry?

Leveraction ago

Neutered males of what once was a great country with strong men. Sad to see the destruction muzzie merkle has done to that country.

nullifyNWO ago

Germany has been the top enemy of the cabal for 150 years. The 1870/71 war, started by the French, was won by Germany in one year. Then the Germans werde absolutely superior militarily and in their spirit *united we are strong'. They loved their kings, lived in peace, made the greatest inventions - so they became a danger to (((their))) word domination.

Marxism, psychology, feminism, 'holocoust' are all strategies which were applied first to Germany beginning 1900 i.o.t. crush Germany forever - and it worked. (((They))) bombed every German inner city and civilians to shreds (operation 'Gomorrah') and Germans now are afraid to talk about it, subdued by the holocoust lie/guilt.

The roots of MGGA are the old German mystic religion, the distinct language and the wholehearted application of Christendom (Martin Luther!). - This may as well serve as the 'only way out' of this miserable condition.

GenericGoatling ago







They just stared at me, a look of fear and confusion. they got pretty quiet

Maybe they thought you were gestapo?

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago


Meek means humble patience, or controlled strength and it is a virtue. Meekness is essentially responding with measured strength instead of unnecessary force.

Weakness is not a virtue. Being cowed is not a virtue, and Germans have been cowed by having a huge portion of their strong men killed in two wars followed by 70 years of the most hardcore social engineering known to man.

Germ22 ago

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

They changed the definition, just like they did with "gender".

AnotherGrayman ago

I've been saying this for a while now, and it started as a joke, but it's become serious...

American men need to travel to European countries and propose to local women.

Straight up offer to whisk them to America and save them from weak men and foreign rapists. Promise to teach them to shoot guns.

Some blonde-haired, blue-eyed angel who hates Paki scum and soymilk with a passion is going to come home with you.

mustafa_mond ago

Hitler was a Jewish puppet who intentionally sent the bravest, manliest men to die on the front lines in the middle of the Soviet winter, thereby leaving only the weakest men left to reproduce in Germany.

nullifyNWO ago

H. was rather a puppet 'educated' by monarch mind control. Hell there is this great docu about 1h citing Springmeier etc, cannot find it.

Othmar_Regin ago

This is precisely why after 8 years of living in Munich I left this country. I just could not see how those people would ever be able to fight back, Germany is a lost cause, every attractive German girl has or had a nigger or muslim in her bed - and that is not even counting how geneticaly weak biological Germans have become.

steven_feelsperg ago

they got quiet

They've been under the jewish yolk since the 20th century. They are one of the 15+ European countries that have anti-holocaust talk laws. Their people are imprisoned for saying anything negative about their conquerors. Little old ladies are fair game. It's already happened. Is it any wonder these lads shied away from a stranger that overheard them criticizing in a loud bar? You could be a sekret goyim police agent on the hunt to fulfill his quota for all they know.

Plant_Boy ago

I want to move to a place where men are unapologetically proud.

AnotherGrayman ago

Russia, some parts of Asia, the Middle-east, Mexico...

Prussian ago

Eastern Germany is much less cucked than Western Germany, the worst seems to be BW. Were you in Western Germany?

Germ22 ago

ya, let's say the greater Cologne area.

eastern germans are a whole different of special. but i only know that from other peoples accounts.

KosherHiveKicker ago

The U.S. Mid-West is densely populated with Americans of German descent. They are considered to be the toughest, most productive, and well mannered people in the U.S.

The Germans in Germany today have been intentionally conditioned to be in this passive state over the last 60 years, or more.

FridayJones ago

Same deal with the Chinese dudes I used to work with. It took four of them to move the same sized server racks that I or my other white co-worker could move solo. Sometimes they'd have four guys moving a rack and they'd get stuck and I'd have to yank it back onto the path for them. They had absolutely no muscle tone whatsoever. And I'm kind of a slob in my own opinion. I should not be pulling more weight than four adult males, I'm way too lazy. But foreigner Gen Z males seem to be weaker than girls these days.

tastelessinvective ago

They just stared at me, a look of fear and confusion. they got pretty quiet, changed the topic among them selves about the menu, weather, other nonsense.

Maybe they thought you were secret police setting them up for thought crime.

Fuckyounigger ago

You went to Germany to meet guys? What a faggot

Germ22 ago


DamonAxemaker ago

I felt the same way when I was on the coast of California. I was shocked how many obese and effete men there were. I was expecting at least a few roided out bodybuilders considering what I heard about CA. Nope.

allahead ago

They killed most of the alpha males in WWI and WWII.

WhiteChickens ago

Yeah, most white men are faggots, including most of the ones here.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

No true Germans live in Germany anymore. They all moved abroad after Merkel's diversity initiative began to truly take root. I knew a bunch of people from Germany, including my best friend who was born in an American military base near Germany. He told me stories about how fucking badass Germany was in the 1980s when he was 16, the laws were amazing for young people growing up, and the women were beautiful. Germany had pork sausage that was so good, it was a whitish gray color when fully cooked and they had the best bacon known to man.

Too bad, Germany. Too fucking bad.

Sitnikoff ago

Do German women a favor and be a great white alpha bull to them. They crave your hot fresh pure Aryan cum, so download it all down their eager pussies RIGHT NOW.

AnotherGrayman ago

Dude, be less of a faggot about it.

Sitnikoff ago

is a faggot

Encourahing hyperheteronormativity among your white brothers & sisters =/= faggotry

Learn the difference, faggot.

Germ22 ago

i did notice a lot of women smiling at me. and a old female friend i visited wants to come to Canada for me, to bad she is past her best child bearing years.

Sitnikoff ago

Aim young, heiligrammler.

The young fertile frauen need you the most.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

As an American, i feel you. Visited Amsterdam a few years back and was kind of amazed how the germans i spoke to didnt seem to understand that cultures cant be integrated, only assimilated.

Not to shit on your people, but European cowardice seems to be what was imported to the US and turned into SJW fuckery

Good luck to you and yours. Its gonna be one hell of a ride these next 50 years

steven_feelsperg ago


Nah, its empathy. The fault is projecting White traits onto non-Whites which do not share those traits, then Whites wonder why non-Whites betray them. This lesson has repeated throughout White history. "Don't eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil". That means don't talk to, deal with, mingle, or breed with the other family trees. They ain't like you and will fuck you up. Devilspawn. Literal descendants of the first rebellion. It's in their nature to betray, harm, and kill you. It's genetic.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

I get what you're saying, but i disagree.

1. The story of the tree had nothing to do with race. Its either representative of the knowledge that God is both Good AND Evil, or its an allegory for the duality of the human spirit being capable of good or evil. And its a lesson in Female Hubris

2. Race mixing only seems to have become an issue when males of a race were allowed to intermix as well. Females were high value plunder when we raided a thousand years ago. Their offspring didnt bring about the dissolution of civilization.

3. In my opinion, it seems to be the destruction of the Father in the household. Masculinity has been usurped by Female Hubris. So the story of the tree was fitting for you to use. Women are not capable of leading or thinking about the long term consequences of their actions (also why they like abortion. Short term thinking)

Germ22 ago

i fear civilization is very close to reaching it's peak, and then will crumble away.

Long_sofa ago

The nail that sticks out the furthest gets beat down the hardest, and they stuck out pretty far in the 30’s

Crookedarrow ago

I had a lay over in Frankfurt and decided to visit the city and I was amazed at how many foreigners there were. I hardly saw any ethnic Germans. Sad.

fightknightHERO ago

Germany is defacto a Zionist occupied nation

it's people, are constantly beaten with "guilt" over things their ancestors "supposedly" committed

it is a nation raped of it's masculinity, as it is still occupied to this very day...

Womb_Raider ago

Their psychology has been manipulated. Their genetics are still strong... they need only a good leader to awaken them.

DanielR ago

Damn, thats scary

New-World-Ebola ago

you realise that the disgusting kikes have done everything in their power to destroy Germany, right?

ever since 1945 Germans have been subjected to relentless brainwashing and targeted killing of dissidents.

what's happened to Germany is worse than any fate by any other Nation in history. It's fucking disgusting and warrants the annihilation of israel.

Merlynn ago


changz ago

The last 15 years came the punishment but it was well before the 2000s German males got cucked.

LilBrattyMkr ago

When I visited there about 20 years ago they would openly discuss how terrible the Turks were, illegally coming to their country, using their resources, trying to steal jobs. They'd talk about them right in front of their faces as if they weren't even there. Give them dirty looks, make them feel uncomfortable. I went as an exchange student these were other female high school students talking this way. It's sad how much they've changed.

MBB ago

Yep, I was in Dresden for 9 months on a work project about 15yrs ago. At the bar after work, they would all talk shit about the Turks. They hated them with a passion

DanaNordic ago

You are a stranger bringing up hate speech for which they can lose their families, jobs, and even be imprisoned. Meek? No, they deemed you a spy snitch.

Germ22 ago

fair point to consider.

but even without bringing up "hate speech" these soy boys seemed intimidated by me.

steven_feelsperg ago

Because of said spy snitch suspicion.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Just wondering if the "genetics determines everything" crowd has any comments?

WhiteChickens ago

Their genetics were systematically destroyed, just like ours.

American men are faggots too.

fr33europe ago

Scary to think Germans are worse than Canadian Soyboys

Germ22 ago

I don't see to many soy boys where i live. I have not been to the Toronto metropolitan area for a few years.

Literally-Oppressed ago

Stay far away from Ottawa. It's a fuck hole of epic proportions. I get surprised when I see an actual man around here.

Broseefus_ ago

if it was the city, the same thing is happening regardless of nation.

Germ22 ago

Not a city, a smalish town.

Broseefus_ ago


HumanScholar ago

Lol more like they had to look away because you are either a literal Nigger or some mixed race mutt lol. Nice larp btw american

Dieboomer ago

I am in a professional mastermind with a German. He is the quintessential snobby European that knows all the answers. He is also built like a fucking twink.

PacifistRacist ago

The German MAN works his ass off, then he gets home to drink and follow his hobbies. Just a small percentage of Faggots walk the same paths you do.

JudenIsEdom ago

There needs to be more men like you, including you because this very likely all keyboard fluff.

PacifistRacist ago

yeah, well, thats just like, your opinion, man... =)

i hope i never will have to kill again.

AnotherGrayman ago

Guilty conscience from washing bacteria off your nuts?

PacifistRacist ago


Germ22 ago

so you think the real men stay home and hide? that doesn't help.

PacifistRacist ago

i said "hobbies" like: shooting guns, growing muscle, growing knowledge, spreading antisemitism, raising his children, pleasuring his wife, making white children, cultivating his garden, fixing his car, upholding our traditions. seriously.

come on boy, dont you know that only weirdos talk to people they dont know in Germany? maybe they thought you were a cop!

aaand… being a man isnt about walking and looking aggressively, its about (in this small context) about killing mercilessly when no other way is possible, and that my friend, i can guarantee you i know plenty of motherfuckers who are just waiting to rip a niggers throat out, but, we are lawful citizens, so the nigger has to start shit. only idiots start shit in Germany, so stop walking around with an attitude like you wanna start shit.

yeah, thers quite a bunch of soyboyfaggots around, but canada elected trudeau, so,

suck it, racetraitor. YOU ran away from your home country.

Germ22 ago

i am doing Lebensraum Erweiterung!

so walking around looking mean is bad, but killing is good?

PacifistRacist ago


the one who tries to look mean is the one who is afraid of showing weakness. the strong one isnt held back by such fear. he kills when its killing time, otherwise he wears a smile =)

Germ22 ago

you are correct.

the sad part is, i wasn't trying to look mean. I wasn't cheerful due to the nature of the trip (fathers funeral)

PacifistRacist ago

my condolences.

kawyzoqau ago

You know how some dogs have been bred into tiny purse-pooches. Or how zoos select for more docile animals that can handle captivity?

Yeah, that's us. Being bred into docile stupid cattle. Have another steak while you can, they aren't even going to let us get enough protein soon.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Let us get enough protein? Do you know how easy it is to farm bugs in buckets?

kawyzoqau ago

Yes, and tentative findings show millennials that eat bugs, like cricket flour for example, have poorer health that rapidly declines after age 27.

Bugs are for emergencies such as being stranded in a forest, or stranded in a city under a communist government :)

BoraxTheFungarian ago

I hadn't heard about malnourishment from a sustained insect diet. I can't understand why this would be the case, especially if you were consuming a variety of types. I bet properly cooked spiders could taste similar to crab meat. Could it be that someone who decides to eat bugs when alternative are around is already fucked up physically and mentally? I'm gonna say that other factors might be at play for millenials.

ALIENS2222 ago

Sounds exactly like urban men on the west coast.

antiliberalsociety ago

What has become of my people? In just 15 years from when i moved to canada,...

The same Marxism that happened in the Weimar Republic of the 1920's

Doglegwarrior ago

holy fucking shit and this coming from a limp wristed canadian liberal ferry.. can you imagine if a souther redneck football player christian walked through the streets of germany? the women would get wet the men would start whimpering and crying and the muslims would start thinking of suicide bombs.

maaaxheadroom ago

Ferry is a boat your ignorant wretch. Canadians are fairies. F a i r y

Doglegwarrior ago

lol! i deserve that. i dont even claim you are being a grammarkike which i normaly would say. ya got me and it isnt to muddy the waters it is a legit correction.

Germ22 ago

limp wristed canadian liberal ferry

i think i need to be offended by this? not sure about the rules of being offended.

for the record, i'm am openly racist in real life. Not openly a nazi just yet, because going to jail will not help anyone at this point.

fartyshorts ago

Endocrine disruptors + guilt + neo-marxism

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Because Germany exists to serve israel. It is a conquered people and land.

HumanScholar ago

And America.... isn't?

Wait a sec, which "white" nation has the highest number of Niggers? America..

In all of humanities history there has only ever been ONE western/European based/"white" country that has been governed and ruled by a literal nigger.... Twice actually lol.


Which country taxes it citizens to pay for Jewish wars? America.

Which country is the #1 producer of both Gay and Interracial porn? America..

I could go on, but I have other things to do. Short and simple: America is a shithole.

Go suck some more black cock you American.

steven_feelsperg ago

shit American history

You completely missed the part that named the jew as the originators, financiers, coordinators, and profiteers. There isn't a single country the jew hasn't infiltrated, yet you want to single out America a shithole. Bias much?

And learn to conjugate English properly. You speak like a nigger.

HumanScholar ago

Lol ok American. Go suck some more black cock.

steven_feelsperg ago

Kikenigger cant refute, infatuated with black cock, projects. Typical failfag.

HumanScholar ago

Lol ok American. Go suck some more black cock. Bhbgfhcvbv

HaHawk ago

Are you aware of how Germany was utterly devastated from 1941 to 1945? It was an actual holocaust.

The nation has been in tatters ever since and remains occupied to this day. What can you expect. Japan has similar issues (but to a lesser extent because it's an island and less prone to cultural infiltration). Search "gustloff" and think about the repercussions of singular events like that and their impact on the gene pool.

RoundWheel ago

Didn't end until 46.

albatrosv15 ago

Actually... The genocide went on even after ww2. Especially by the soviets(read:jews) who relocated all germans from all other countries to east germany.

FridayJones ago

Pretty sure the USA killed over a million German prisoners after the war was over too, through poor conditions and forced labor.


I hate ww2 vets. Im going to be so happy when they are all dead

steven_feelsperg ago

It sucks, but its true. The jewish tribal network coordinated the Allied pact with communist China and communist Russia to use Whites in America to defeat their White brothers in Germany. (((Stalin))) is a byproduct of (((Marx))) philosopy aka Talmud for the masses and a result of the (((Bolshevik))) revolution that slaughtered 100 million White Christians in Russia by taking down the Tzar and his family.

New-World-Ebola ago

everyone who knows is obligated to preach daily and defeat this globalist scum once and for all

New-World-Ebola ago

jews have earned the real holocaust which will be in their future.

475677 ago

I volunteer to kill the children kikes including the babies when the time comes. You can't let them live because they'll grow up and remember what happened giving them a actual reason to hate us other than jealousy. You gotta get them all so while shooting the men is easy there's gonna be a need for a monster like me.

New-World-Ebola ago

kill yourself ADL kike

Germ22 ago

I am aware. Been on voat quite some time and learned a lot. got answers for questions i had for decades.

AnthraxAlex ago

I work with a guy who remotes from the Netherlands and I was surprised how redpilled he was. Fucker even brought up the kalgeri plan and started going off on Muslim migration. There are small Ray's of light that make it through occasionally.

SigniferLux ago

If he didn't answer the Jewish Question, then he is barely redpilled.

AnthraxAlex ago

Kalgeri plan is at the very least on the way to the JQ as I don't really see how you can be aware of that without knowing who was proposing it.

Iornukrum ago

Netherlands is fucked, probably more so than Germany, since there's still based East Germans. Switched planes in Amsterdam once and thought I'm in LA.

New-World-Ebola ago

everytime i see a photo online of a "Dutch couple" it's always some fucking turk or an indonesian with a brainwashed dutch moron.

it's clearly fucked... almost as bad as Belgium.

ardvarcus ago

It's deliberate to promote race mixing among whites. And it's evil.

New-World-Ebola ago

no i mean actual real life pics.... not just the race mixing ads.

SanFranTrailerPark ago


smokratez ago

The Germans have been attacked the most out of any of the white people.

jthun2 ago

The Jews took over England LONG before they took over Germany. Germany only fell in the 20th century. Russia in 1918. England was gone by 1800

moirai11 ago

Soviet and Russians were under attack from the Jews for far longer time than the Germans. Germans have only been attacked in modern era.

smokratez ago


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Doglegwarrior ago

the russiana have a pretty solid argument and the palastinians might pipe up a little and the way america is going we might end up getting it the worst out of all of them... but for now i agree germany does seem to have gotten the worst of the jew parastie virus hybrid. we are infected possibly with a severse case maybe the most severe and fatal... look how much power jews have in america i dont know if germany ever was that controlled and russia was at one point but they took the worst of it and maybe have developed an immunity to the jew virus parasite.

Iornukrum ago

There aren't many jews in Germany nowadays, our own native bolshevists do a good job of their own. You'll not find a political elite in Eueope more eager to cry out as they smite you than the German one.

smokratez ago

One of my sayings is, you don't have to be a jew to act like a jew. Enough jew brainwashing can turn anyone into a jew.

Infearmal ago

France : Allow me to introduce myself.

downtownchinatown ago

I guess being surrounded by hordes of Turks and Syrians does that to you, knowing that the law is not on your side. Thanks Frau Merkel.

BillyLuath ago

It's called Feminization.

The_Impaler ago

Also media forced the shy of not being nazi or racist

Windmill4theLand ago

Look at all the estrogens in the milk and meat products. There's a large reason among many.

Steelwarrior1 ago

I asked at a gun range visited by tourists why "supposedly US Gun owners and guns are for crazy people"? These europeans (Dutch) could actually not say why in the end. I sincerely asked them why? Then they had no clue. That day I taught them how to shoot then asked "if gun owners are crazy people, then why are all europeans like you so feminine, weak, and poorly educated as to not understand that you are past the point of needing guns in Europe?"

Then it clicked for some... others waited outside literally shacking from firing 1 weak round out of a 9mil shit Glock.

registeretakes10s ago

All anti gun crazies from Europe I know went 180 after I invited them to be curious and shoot with me at the range. They get so excited after 1 shoot. Even when they try to stand their ground on their original opinion they agree that they liked it. Many now like guns lol

Steelwarrior1 ago

Ps: thank you for your work on em sir!

Steelwarrior1 ago

But recon they still fags. Some will love it but these fuckers are sooooooo gay, faggy, and pc. Tons of work on those nigfags. It is hell. We have a squad of savages there though butthey are total niggers. They don't need guns to create mass damage. They killed it at times wt gilet jaunes n shit.

registeretakes10s ago

Oui oui

Steelwarrior1 ago

You salope nigga!

MBB ago

Funny, my wife is from France. When ever the in-laws visit, they want a thick juicy steak, and fire my guns. I took my wife's dad to a gun store to buy some ammo. He was blown away with all the semi auto rifles, and hand guns by the hundreds. Took him out on the back deck of the house (35 acres of woods back there), and we fired off a box of .44mag out of my S&W 629. He enjoyed it.

registeretakes10s ago

Yea that's the way !

Most of the Europeans I know are actually French

Dozeneggs ago

Maybe take their women and breed them back up. Their men have been culled. For a few generations itll suck but selective breeding might be the only way.

bb22 ago

No it’s called we killed all their best men in WW2 and now ignorantly wonder “what happened?”

fr33europe ago

Both wars,

WW1 got the finest, ww2 finished them off

ChaoticAwakening ago

They say the third time pays for all

Rizzo9000 ago

so why'd they willingly participate in their own destruction? we need to get the 'no more brother wars' message to a level of consciousness that rejects war-fetishist leaders and promotes intra-white tolerance for cultural differences

SpottyMatt ago

"Read Seige Mein Kampf"

The world wars weren't just for shits and giggles, that was Europe's transition from Kings and empires to Marxism and republics. There was a whole lot of wealth and power up for grabs.

WWI was largely a result of a decaying German monarchy making poor alliances in hopes of preserving peace beyond the rulers' natural death... The weak alliances forced Germany to fight opponents it really shouldn't have thought, when it really shouldn't have fought them. Then, an internal political revolution ( which was totally grassroots, as most internal political revolutions are) killed it.

Every major European power was itching for a chance to expand their influence and they all leapt at the chance to throw their name in the WWI hat. In WWI, Germany, as with everyone else, had no choice but to fight and it was a fight for territory and sovereignty.

The winners of WWI essentially pillaged the losers, in particular Germany as it made far and away the strongest showing of its side in the war.

The new German republic - the Weimar Republic - was ineffective & weak - and having been essentially created by the victors, it was hamstrung and unable to really do anything other than grant continuing concessions and reparations to the victors, extending their plunder past the shooting's end.

After the peace w / the Treaty of Versailles & disarmament of the German military...

  • continued reparation payments
  • Treaty of Locarno (further territorial concessions)
  • French occupation of the Ruhr

For what had to Germany surrendered? The plunder of both territory and economic wealth continued - both diplomatically, and on the ground with troops!

Anyone with German interests in their heart could see no other option than another war to end the plunder.

They went willingly to participate in the attempt to save themselves from obvious, deliberate, methodical destruction, both times.

fr33europe ago

Great write-up,

I think the Europeans fought for honour; not for greed.

Britain didn't have an alliance but sided with Belgium on the pretext that the Germans were committing atrocities. The only thing Britain had to gain was to potentially smash the German Navy but otherwise, they weren't getting a slice of any pie in Europe.

The mindset of Europe was very different than today, they fought for honour, they died for honour. It was a big deal.

jthun2 ago

You do realize a lot of the grunts in those wars were drafted, right?

Long_sofa ago

Hitler tried extensively to negotiate peace. He had to invade Poland because tens of thousands of Germans were being slaughtered by bolsheviks in occupied german territory.

everef ago

He had to invade Poland because tens of thousands of Germans were being slaughtered by bolsheviks in occupied german territory.

Are there any sources for that other than the German press?

Granite_Pill ago

That's not true. Hitler invaded Poland to capture their resources to pay for his socialism schemes which were bankrupting the Third Reich. Hitler had the plans to invade all of Europe to cover the massive deficit National Socialism was racking up.

Long_sofa ago

Hitler kicked the rothschilds out and got rid of their banking system. What you’re saying about them being bankrupt and trying to steal to pay off their deficit doesn’t make sense. It’s like saying a clan of monkeys would attack some zebras in order to pay off their financial debt from borrowing too many bananas from each other or something. There isn’t any connection. Germany had a real economy and monetary system based on tangible value that existed in the real world; nothing like what we have today.

Granite_Pill ago

It's not a theory, it's the facts of history. Look it up.

FederalShill ago

Eat Shit and DIE

LoveRight ago

Granite Pill? More like blue pill.

Gopherurself ago

Genetics still repeat the traits. Eventually. And natural selection will happen like normal once all kikes are slain for good.

TheSolutionist ago

I don't know what it is called, but it is this:

albatrosv15 ago

Don't be a phoneposter, dude.

DoneAndDone ago

What are you posting from? A windows desktop, I bet? If so, you're no better than he is! Don't be a windowsposter, dude.

albatrosv15 ago

Try again.

DoneAndDone ago

Instead of being a faggot, how about YOU tell ME?

albatrosv15 ago

My profile picture has a hint what OS i use.

MuricaPersonified ago

Arch? Ok, turbo nerd.

albatrosv15 ago

And you?

Hello_world88 ago

He’s posting from a windows phone. Making him the biggest faggot of us all

John22 ago

Don't be a wuss dude.

Hello_world88 ago

Phoneposting = probably at work. This really makes neets upset lmao

Germ22 ago

it's scary how quickly it happened.

thelken ago

Yup. It's truly a testament to how powerful the media is. Everything from movies, to TV, to politics, to laws, to corporate messaging.... And it's all socially enforced by your "friends" and by group think.

Fucking weak people.

voatuser1128 ago

"that's what happens when you import hyper aggressiv people from the third world".

Blame women. You either dominate them or they will vote to allow men to come in to dominate them. It's biological to them. This is why women can't be allowed to rule or make decisions.

pimplepeter ago

Hitler said "the power is in it's blood"... the german people have been forced to forget their blood more than any other race.

The_Impaler ago

But they will remember. Og they will.

Got mit uns!

Trousersnake ago

I often say the same thing, it's terrifying how quickly society has fallen & shit's gone crazy here in the US. Not even 20yrs ago this country was a much different place

SIayfire122 ago

It wasn't as quickly as you might think. It's been 3+ generations. The impressive thing is that they° were able to suppress the natural German for that long in order to erase it from the next generation, and the generation after that, and so on.

It's reversible, but don't be surprised if it takes another 3+ generations to retire them back to normal.

TheAntiZealot ago

OP said:

What has become of my people? In just 15 years from when i moved to canada,...

Germ22 ago

Maybe i just never noticed until i lived in the rough canadian north. (not far north, i still live in civilization)

Drunkenst ago

and even scarier how quickly it might go into reverse


Ya. This shit only exists with constant propaganda

Gopherurself ago

Think about it, if you cut off the estrogens, the body would not produce it as much anymore and the backlash of high test being produced will come in violently

kawyzoqau ago

I'll be very relieved if the capability of reversal still even exists.

FridayJones ago

Not really, you can't build a strong building on a weak foundation.

KLDB ago

When the hammer drops...

And what happened, then? Well, in Germany they say – that the German men's small balls grew three sizes that day. And then – the true meaning of Might is Right came through, and the German men found the strength of ten Germans, plus two!

Greensbr ago

Dr. Zues

KLDB ago


Doglegwarrior ago

and even awsome and glourious how quickly it hopefuly is reversed in the next couple of years...

fixed that for ya