Crensch ago

Sure. GA is getting attacked with suspicious downvotes as @Rotteuxx accuses me of causing the hiccups.

Meaning they're probably using some ilicit means to manipulate votes here, which is causing Voat's hiccups.

Think I'm joking? 11 upvotes in SBBH asking a question about GA getting massive downvotes

Hawkeyesvision ago

I wasn't talking to the crazy people.

I'm sorry all the bad people on the internet are being mean to you.

Crensch ago

Oh, you mean vote manipulation organized offsite in order to attack a sub isn't important to you? The site very likely being attacked by a bot causing hiccups isn't important to you?


"Hawkeyesvision" -> "DullCattleeyesvision"

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Holy shit you complain in ery thread!

Rotteuxx ago

Rent Freeeeeeeee !

Crensch ago

Rotteuxx ago

Damn, that makes you a fucking cheap slut.

Crensch ago

Is that because a full page of posts from pedophile-protecting kikes isn't worth as much as a post or two from a human?

Rotteuxx ago

A post or two, lul !

133 posts to your personal tantrum subs.

Why do you lie ?

BushChuck ago

You've called me that exact same thing. I have no more reason to believe it true of him than I do myself.

USe a shotgun, crensch.

So you don't fuck it up.

Crensch ago

Show me where I called you a pedophile-protecting kike.

BushChuck ago

"And your position aligns with the pedophiles at sbbh and the faggots at /anonall. Your upvotes and my down votes come from the former."

You clearly state that any upvoats I may garner come from the "paedophiles", of which nobody has seen any evidence, at SBBH.

You going to jew your way out by claiming that you did not explicitly use the exact phrasing so you did not state any such opinion why I'm greatly offended that you would even think to interporet it that way why to even think of suchg a thing probably means you dear reader are a paedophile which is probably normal anyway becasue a certain species does this alll the time I'm a jew and I can do this shit all day oy vey goyim get a clue why don't you just cut your dick off…

Crensch ago

You clearly state that any upvoats I may garner come from the "paedophiles", of which nobody has seen any evidence, at SBBH.

No, read those words again.

You going to jew your way out by claiming that you did not explicitly use the exact phrasing so you did not state any such opinion why I'm greatly offended that you would even think to interporet it that way why to even think of suchg a thing probably means you dear reader are a paedophile which is probably normal anyway becasue a certain species does this alll the time I'm a jew and I can do this shit all day oy vey goyim get a clue why don't you just cut your dick off…

Wow. Not exactly.

But your words:

You've called me that exact same thing.

Kinda... don't really help you out here.

BushChuck ago

I get it.

You're a boss-level jew.

Enjoy that.

Crensch ago

You literally said "exact same thing", dude.

How does that make me the Jew?

BushChuck ago

kvetching intensifies

Crensch ago

words have meanings for humans, kike

BushChuck ago

Yes. You like to take advantage of that, don't you?

Crensch ago

Words having meanings?

Dude. Either communicate clearly and precisely, or don't, but calling me a Jew for doing the former is absurd.

BushChuck ago


Say it with me…jew.

jew. jew. jew. jew.


Crensch ago

A Jew does one of the two:

Communicates clearly


Communicates vaguely/imprecisely/dishonestly

BushChuck ago


He'll never do it folks.

Language is important, and symbols have meaning.

jew. jew. jew. jew.

Crensch ago

When you act like this, I start thinking you might not be legit.

BushChuck ago

I'm a Russian bot.

But I'm not a jew.