Dial_Imitator ago

hahahah, you shit alt I will ficking destroy ou ! You arrenot liked, I am likelb I am Warrior Alcholic


Gothamgirl ago

He makes up lies about many, and can't accept facts either.

Gothamgirl ago

He tried to talk shit about you on the Poal cast he was shut right down.

Dial_Imitator ago

hahahah, yeh right you dirty paedo fucking bitch, you like kids too?

Dial_Imitator ago

u 1st u muff diving troll dike. speaking of sex how is that drunk limp noodle in bed that won't have nothing to do with ya? Do you peg him or do you do the double dildo?

Gothamgirl ago

I have never been a dyke. No one is in my bed and I haven't had sex in like 8 or 9 months, so what are you talking about? Who doesn't want anything to do with me?

Crensch ago

Eat a dick, glownigger.

@gabara, your friends defend the kind of people that would.

TimMasson1 ago

We will fight together brother. THEY WILL ALL BURN.

Crensch ago

Eat a dick, glownigger.

@gabara, your friends defend the kind of people that would threaten to rape children.

TimMasson1 ago

That is why I stand with you now. THEY WILL ALL BURN.

gabara ago

@crensch flew on the lolita express.

TimMasson1 ago


gabara ago

How cute. Baby's first zealous.

TimMasson1 ago


gabara ago

Oh I get it wink wink

TimMasson1 ago

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRNNNN no one messes with the crensch crew. BURN.

heygeorge ago

Wait, but @Crensch is a declared atheist.

TimMasson1 ago

Not true. NOT TRUE. BuRn

heygeorge ago


Although that is actually true. And TIL @Crensch promised to continually dox a user off the site if they didn’t delete/wipe their account!

Let me be clear here:

If you do not delete your accounts then every time the mods are attacked, your name and your information and everything that I have on you will come up every single time.

@gabara @trigglypuff @expertshitposter @rotteuxx

TimMasson1 ago

I personally don't care if I'm doxxed because I operate under the assumption that my privacy is only an illusion. Also I have nothing that anyone can take away from me. If someone were to come after me I guarantee I have more money and resources than them and all they will accomplish is ruining their own life.

heygeorge ago

Sounds good

TimMasson1 ago

I delete all of my comments that get more downvotes then upvotes. Primarily because it irritates some people.

heygeorge ago

Lol well I hope your new friend doesn’t mind it.

TimMasson1 ago

He will be taking a break from voat.

heygeorge ago

I genuinely think it could benefit his mental health.

TimMasson1 ago

It will save him. I'm trying to help him.

heygeorge ago

Good luck. @gabara and I have been trying for months. I even just sent him a PM suggesting how he could help Voat!

Crensch ago

Two comments down:

It's not doxxing to dig through everything you've posted here and find what is needed to convince anyone that you are, at best, an air-headed slut that lies for attention.

Bitch posted her own name.

Nice try, friend of pedophiles.

gabara ago

So @crensch is a doxer himself!

heygeorge ago

It’s true. This isn’t: I heard that a friend of a friend of a friend of his step-cousin’s mechanic displayed his balls to a retarded infant.

gabara ago

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. That's my motto.

Crensch ago

Two comments down:

It's not doxxing to dig through everything you've posted here and find what is needed to convince anyone that you are, at best, an air-headed slut that lies for attention.

Bitch posted her own name.

Nice try, friend of pedophiles and Jews.

Gothamgirl ago

Bitch posted her own name.

Show the post where I did this? Christ Cyrus is not my name.

You fail to mention you also posted pictures of my current house, which is not the old house zyklon spoke of. I am a pizzagater on several sites, what youve done is create an even more dangerous for my family.

Crensch ago

Show the post where I did this? Christ Cyrus is not my name.

"Hey, my name has "wall" in it, and part of "jonesing" in it! Also, my new SO doxxed my address. Promise not to make any guesses?"

You fail to mention you also posted pictures of my current house, which is not the old house zyklon spoke of. I am a pizzagater on several sites, what youve done is create an even more dangerous for my family.

I don't even know what you're talking about. You're not a pizzagater, you worked directly with the ones running off and threatening pizzagaters. You even still defend one, ESOTERICshade, whom I straight up showed attacked PGers on his alt.

I am not a slut, you just can't handle the fact that I am not as ugly as you want me to be.

I would appreciate it if you weren't as ugly as you are. You keep posting pictures of yourself, and you're hideous! How does your comment even work?

Gothamgirl ago

You speak like a lispy fag. -dial was right.

So you wont prove your accusations , figures. If I doxxed myself then showing me where shouldn't be an issue.

You do know what I am talking about.

I am a pizzagater on quite a few sites. I don't know anything esoteric or of anyone threatening anyone except you. I never paid attention to any drama. I just did research.

I don't care what you appreciate I already saw what you think is hot. 🤣🤣🤣 and it's not, srayzie is degenerate matter.

Crensch ago

I just did research.

You posted horseshit.

Gothamgirl ago

Not true. On Pizzagatenomods -Is part of cicada, and they're the maker of Q, you have to read all, and to see the whole puzzle to understand it. No one on here has posted as much deepstaters personal information, as I have.

You will find out exactly what it is someday.

Crensch ago

You posted horseshit.

"It's totally beyond you yet I can't even follow my own narrative from one end to the other without absolutely fucking up."

Gothamgirl ago

Funny I get thanked all the time for those posts.

You have alot of nerve to talk considering your post are all about slandering other users, including a deceased child, and defending a whore. You are the biggest POS who has ever been on Voat.

Crensch ago

No, you don't.

You defend a pedophile.

Gothamgirl ago

Still no proof about my name.

You defend 2 KatFartso and shitzy

Crensch ago

Still no proof about my name.

If I had your name at that time, you provided it.

I don't do the doxxing thing.

Gothamgirl ago

I went through every comment I ever made numerous times, and that never happened. The most I ever said was I have Christ in my first name, and Cyrus in the 2nd, and nothing more.

There was only one way to get my last name from that statement, and the chances of that is zero. You people got it, when zyklon doxxed my old address.

You absolutely did dox my name, and my new house, and that's why you can not possibly prove your statement that I gave it to you.

Crensch ago

Keep telling yourself lies if you need to.

Gothamgirl ago

Me? 🤣 .

First it was zyklon who gave you my name just 18 hours ago.


In these comments your saying it was me.

You fail to prove either accusation true at all.

One thing that is very clear is you had my name, cause you just admitted it, and you doxxed me.

Crensch ago

In these comments your saying it was me.

I wouldn't have taken another user's word for your name. IF I had it then, you gave it to me.

First it was zyklon who gave you my name just 18 hours ago.

I know zyklon doxxed your name to many people well before that. I've been provided with dates and times of those messages.

One thing that is very clear is you had my name, cause you just admitted it, and you doxxed me using an alt.

I fail to see how your link shows that I had your name at the time in question. He DID dox your name.

I didn't dox you, cave troll. Try as you might, my record is spotless.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes the I do, not only on this site either.

You defended 2 pedophiles. KatFartso and shitzy.

Crensch ago

Yes the I do, not only on this site either.

You mean not at all, but that's a nice cover story if you get called out on it not happening here.

You defended 2 pedophiles. KatFartso and shitzy.

Shizy isn't a pedo, and I didn't defend kat.

Shizy responded in kind to your sick fuck pedo boyfriend after getting her kids threatened with rape, murder, and cannibalism for weeks.

You have a double-standard, because you're an overemotional, low-IQ cave troll.

Joe_McCarthy ago

FBI having layoffs eh?