TheEqualizer ago

I'm talking about the despicable abuse of single mothers and their children who are sold to immoral infertile couples. The retarded, the blind, the deaf, all hidden away. Jews and gays aren't included because they are evil unlike the former. I lmao @ so many Christians as they trash unwed mothers, most of them are adulterers, thieves, liars, and never mention the guy (father) involved either. Boys will be boys right? Yeah, fuck that. Just pick on a helpless young woman and her newborn to make billions. Keep the hate alive towards them, the records closed (for the slave buying adopters) to stay rich. Don't become uncomfortable at all having the handicapped around either. Hypocrites all of them!

TheEqualizer ago

It isn't bullshit. Paul's words have made Christians today unforgiving, judgmental, punitive, money worshiping piece of shit. ESPECIALLY in America. If Christians are supposed to mob and wag their fingers at "sinners" then what the hell did Jesus die for? Ya can't walk on both sides of the fence and that is precisely what Christians do.

Thissandwich ago

Hard to tell if serpent or fish. Yaldabaoth or Dagon?

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

That ? Oh. I thought a devil bursting from hell through a sea of wailing souls would look perfect behind my throne.

It was a steal.

biggdiccbenny ago

Fuck this faggot globalist pope.

HeebSlayer ago

No thanks. I don't want AIDS.

Mortifera ago

My catholic family members hate it when I send them shit like this. Keep it coming. Fuck em.

NotHereForPizza ago

Again... you're saying this because you don't understand the symbolism.

Blood matters, brainlet. I'm done being milked now.

NotHereForPizza ago

This is what I mean. You don't understand the specific delineations someone who knows what they're talking about makes.

For instance, the el-ites (Canaanites) pay homage to Ashteroth, Molech and obviously El.

The reason you're saying "satan" is because you don't know what you're talking about. The word "satan" is just like "christ". They're both titles, not specific people. What you're calling "satan" is what they call "El" which is what some call Yahweh/Yahveh/YHWH/YHVH, Saturn, Anu, Jehova, "The Father", Chronos, and many more names.

It's always clear that when people speak about shit like this and make hilariously obvious mistakes, that they just plain don't know what they're talking about.

BoomerHater1488er ago

I stopped taking you seriously when your answer was "sin."

And if you reread our conversation, you started the ad hominem.

NotHereForPizza ago

It isn't. They do work in tandem, though.

BoomerHater1488er ago

It's the white race that deserves the credit, not your Jewish god.

It's sickening that you're proud of being a cuck for a foreign ethnicties spirituality.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Yeah, Christcuckery threw us into the Dark Ages. We have Western Civilization despite Christcuckery, not because of it.

Why are black Christians still niggers? Why are Latino Christian nations still absolutely shit tier hell holes?

Use your head you fucking numbskull.

BoomerHater1488er ago

You forget about Pagan Rome, dumbass? Literally the foundation of Western Civilization.

HighEnergyLife ago

Catholics had to be destroyed so they didnt start another Crusade

BoomerHater1488er ago

Christianity is Judaism for Goyim.

yt4cz9 ago

Op is a jew fag trying to get this place to substitute the Jew hatred for Jesuit hatred. Who the fuck even knows what that term even is?

Op is a kike.

Name the Jew not the Jesuit.

yt4cz9 ago

So clearly Jesuits are not Jews according to this but this pope is yet another Shabos Goy. So don't fucking say Jesuits = Jews then try to blame everything on Jesuits over time. It's the fucking jews and it has always been the fucking Jews.

Gothamgirl ago

Well of course it is the jews. but jesuits are controlled by jews so their no different in my eyes.

yt4cz9 ago

Everyone is controlled by the Jews--except the asians because they can't blend in with them.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't believe that's true at all Asians are their cheap labor puppets.

They have blended in with them.

yt4cz9 ago

Sounds good. Don't focus on Jesuits in the future. I've noticed a lot of jews here trying to say it's the Jesuits and deflect from their sorry asses--blaming the puppets.

On-time ago

I can appreciate that you are concerned for the Jesuits and that we take care to not lay blame improperly.

I think that is a valid concern, but I don't agree that we should "avoid focusing" on anything.

We should focus on what we think is most relevant to our research here.

In this case it seems that we are just peeling the onion

Specifically asking others to avoid mention of any one, specific group, reeks of censorship.

And rather than censor others, should shine light on all things that we feel are improper or corrupt and discuss them throughly.

Sunlight and exposure is the best disinfectant.

Through this method of discussion, if something is improper or evil it will be revealed.

If it is proper and good, that too shall be revealed.

yt4cz9 ago

It's the jews!

On-time ago

Haha why, Yes, Captain Obvious. That much is certain.

Thanks to Voat and other non-cucked channels of discussion, more people are being awakened to this truth all the time.

But the acknowledgement of that fact, doesn't let those Jesuit leaders who knowingly work along side (them) off the hook.

We are here to do research and expose evil.

If the Jesuits are in bed with evil, the evidence for this should rightfully be considered and discussed, not essentially dismissed, as you called for above.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

yt4cz9 ago

It's the jews. Kikes redirect. Stay focused. If you want to point out any group is a Shabos Goy that's fine but...IT'S THE JEWS.

On-time ago

That is also very true!

Gothamgirl ago


TheEqualizer ago

Fuck the catholic church. Get rid of it.

Gothamgirl ago

Exactly, I actually was Catholic until the first pedo story broke. Instead of turning the pedophiles in, they harbored them, I was out after that.

TheEqualizer ago

Also, Saul/Paul was a liar as well. He destroyed Christianity by turning people who were supposed to forgive and not judge into abusive mobs. I believe Revelations is nothing but the jew plan written down by him centuries ago. Kykes have been foreshadowing about their evil deeds to come in the media, tv, film, for decades also. They also took over the Catholic Church (or founded it) with the gays, ditto for the Mormons. They are talmudic jew/freemasons too.

TheEqualizer ago

Good. I'm glad their insidious brainwashing full of lies didn't work on you. Nuns and priests are some of the biggest bullshit artists on earth.

skanderbek ago

Sorry, but that's the wrong mentality. The Catholic Church, the one true Church established by Jesus, has been infiltrated - by jews, masons, communists, modernists, etc. When your Church gets infiltrated, you don't give your back to it; you fight the infiltration. The solution isn't to go to heretical Churches instead.

Macky88 ago

Agreed. Pope Pius XII was the last true pope. Vatican 2 changed everything. The seat is now vacant. Research. Sedevacantism.

kidcip16 ago

Retarded catlick spotted.

Gothamgirl ago

I feel they invited them in. Also they suck in alot of money and barely give back but cover their churches in gold.

Plus the whole thing in Canada and Ireland disturbed me.

skanderbek ago

Again, the Church is not the same as the people who form it, unlike governments. The Roman Catholic Church is imo the most important institution in the world, especially when it comes to fighting against satanism (e.g. jews), and it belongs solely to Christ. There are bad people - who are not catholics - that have pretended to be catholics. Some crazy "nuns" acting in a very non-catholic way are not reason to leave the Church, but rather support the Church in it's weakest moment against such scum.

fishmantis ago

Russian Orthodoxy seems to still have its balls and not corrupted like the Pope.

Gothamgirl ago

I'd rather worship directly to God without any church. I will be a Catholic in my heart, but I can't go back knowing what I know. They will never get out. I can't support a church littered with satanism, the symbolism for me is very telling.

Crikes ago

As long as we tolerate the world reserve fiat global enslavement system, everything that can be corrupted with wealth will be corrupted.

Understand that virtually everything relevant is corrupted, and is now a poison delivery system (or eliminated). If it isn't yet, it is either not relevant enough to offer any poison or anti-corruption resistance, or it is not corruptible through wealth and there is no amount of human controlled force that could eliminate it. Otherwise it would be corrupted or eliminated.

What is least corruptible? Individuals and principles.

Understand this (and see why they target principles of individual rights and merit) and proceed with caution.

On-time ago

Well said Crikes.

satisfyinghump ago

I've shown devout Christian's and Catholics photos of a top down view of that new building, the one that clearly looks like a serpents head as well as internal photos of that disgusting horrifying statue "art work", of those wailing souls, and they couldn't believe it.

They cant imagine it's real and plead with me to admit I am lying or using cgi/photoshop, some trick, or anything but the simple truth... that the Vatican actually commissioned the artist to make this within the holiest (Christian) city on earth...

I am at a loss, because there is no way I've come up with that can place a positive light on the statues. They are grotesque. They belong elsewhere, and no where near a church.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes, pizzagaters did so really great research in the past, terrible things going on there.

In my own research I have concluded child sacrifices maybe going on in the basement room C, and Satan is worshiped in room U.

SparklingWiggle ago

That monstrosity was completed in 1977.

Truth_seeker84 ago

Post Vatican II.

The Resurrection was sculpted by Pericle Fazzini.

His other famous work includes “ Dance of Witches“.

TLDR; occult, Freemason, Lucifarian faggots took over one of the pillars of Western Civilization, the Vatican. The Fox is already in the henhouse.

SparklingWiggle ago

I can't believe there weren't protests when that was made.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Christianity has ever been and always will be a subversive element nrottinf Western Civilization from within.

kidcip16 ago

The Vatican has always been corrupt and the idea of a Vicar of Christ is anti-christ.

TheEqualizer ago

Nuns are satanic butches as well.


Why do they wear black instead of white

Gabfag ago

i never believed in the pope altho im strong christian values... its about corrupt as epstein

faith is in your heart, not a building nor a "man"

Doglegwarrior ago

man the thing at top looks like the creature that represents jews in episode 3 of zoar... its on bitchute it is grad A redpill material. it is impossible to watch it and not smile

Deceneu ago

metricisokay ago

That's kind of a badass throne to be honest, why don't we have one of those.

constitutionranger ago

They are a very large part of the Synagogue of Satan

englishwebster ago

It's almost as if another race of people found a way to remove the head of an organization it doesn't like and replace it with one that is friendly to their interests.

allahead ago

It couldn't have happened that way, that would be a conspiracy.

Enderific ago

And I would be a low IQ, micro penis wielding fool to even consider it a possibility, right??

Wouldn't want people to think of me as simple minded, I'll move along.

englishwebster ago

That's right - move along. Nothing to see here. Even asking the question means you are racist.

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satisfyinghump ago

And seeing as these people have a twisted sense of humor, labelled this group a name that closely resembles their own.

Jews ---> Jew_suit ---> Jesuits

TheEqualizer ago

Suits Jews...

Gothamgirl ago

Jesuits= Jew

Phantom42 ago


NotHereForPizza ago

You're forgetting Masons.

Now you know the true trifecta of compartmentalization controlling various facets of the western world.

I guess we should include Mormons too...

New-World-Ebola ago

freemasonry started in Ireland and was subverted by kikes.... now it's exclusively run by kikes.

Wonder_Boy ago

Mormons too

You guys are pathetic.

NotHereForPizza ago

Pathetically correct?

Wonder_Boy ago

No. Just pathetic.

NotHereForPizza ago


Is your magic underwear gico g you a wedgie?

Gothamgirl ago

Yes true.

New-World-Ebola ago

no one is allowed to become pope unless they prove they're a jewish paedophile of the highest order

NotHereForPizza ago

No figureheads are real...

Broseefus_ ago

the worshippers of yeshua hamashiach have long most graciously abided by the laws of similarly jewish popes

70times7 ago

You know you are bad when scripture devotes 2 entire prophetic chapters just to you.

Proverbs 7, and Revelation 18

lucidjoe ago

Here is what that statue looks like when it’s split down the middle and mirrored.

Also looks like the Vatican gave approval in August that a statue of Moloch could be placed outside the entrance of the Colosseum.

Link to press release:

Picture of the statue:

mudbear ago

Oh fuck its baphomet. Didnt see that the first time, the horns are too obvious to not be intentional.

Also worth noting is the hall is a serpents head. There is no way in hell thats not intentional.

Im not often impressed with symbology, but i must appreciate it when it is tied to such a symbollic group.


The mirror immage make the male and female of whatever beings they worship. In better pictures you can see make and female genitals on each

Deceneu ago

the Vatican gave approval ... the entrance of the Colosseum

Isn't the Colosseum outside of the Vatican (in Italy) ? I wouldn't be surprised if I learned that the Pope still controlled Italy.

midnightblue1335 ago

That's baphomet's head, yes?

NotHereForPizza ago

Those are clearly coincidences, man...

TheEqualizer ago


NotHereForPizza ago

I know

AntiMason ago

The building thats in is called pope paul vi audience hall and its a huge snake face with fangs

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you for sharing this.

lucidjoe ago

You are welcome.

The Moloch statue, I read, was modeled after the statue from the 1914 Italian movie Cabiria.

Link to the child sacrifice scene.

Deceneu ago

midnightblue1335 ago

That's not Moloch? Isn't he a bull monster?

That's a goat head. I thought it looks like baphomet's head.

blit416 ago

pretty sure Baphomet is goats head, female torso, male genitalia.... and Moloch refers to the same entity. Minerva is the Owl, but Ba'al, Baphomet, and Moloch are the same child-eating hermaphroditic God of faggotry, the moon, the saturn, etc. I'm no mystic, but I don't even like typing all that shit out.

Let's stick with Father Son and Holy Ghost.. Runes of Life.. Tree of Life...Rebirth.. etc. leave that Moloch and Ba'al shite to the geeks in the black robes that steal kids and manipulate money markets ;)

midnightblue1335 ago

I could get down with some Tree of Life.

TheEqualizer ago

What a sick flick.

scandalous-goat ago

The original work was done in polystyrene and the fumes of the burning plastic gave Fazzini a blood clot during its production.

Curiously, it wasn't commissioned by the antipope John XIII-II

Julyjuly ago

His granddaughter is a reporter for NBC interestingly.

Gothamgirl ago

Thanks for sharing.

scandalous-goat ago

Your post introduced me to a rabbit hole. All the degeneration of the catholic church seems to come from a single pope, John XXIII. Gotta do research on him. Thank you!

70times7 ago

The rabbit hole goes all the way back to Constantine in 321 ad and his sunday law.