beece ago

Fuck off with the apology. I was highly appreciative. Just cause I didn't start jumping up and down thanking you doesn't mean your post wasn't important. It was. Thanks. Kind of pisses me off that this place is heading that direction.....

TimMasson1 ago

Like I said it's not so much of a big deal for me given what I post here but for others it's a different story.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I knew you'd break, mane

TimMasson1 ago

What do you mean? Get upset at some point? Of course, I'm only human. But you should realize though is I was trying to look out for people like you and yet here you are talking shit as usual. Be better 😊

Sn0w1 ago

No privacy exists on the wire. None at all.

TimMasson1 ago

A lot of people don't realize this though.

Sn0w1 ago

Those PIA folks that gave out free subs seemed OK, not like a VPN is worth it in any way but that's beside the point. The people that brought them, Kape used to be Crossrider and were scurrilous in their actions, injecting malware into peoples computers as an 'effective' way to advertize to them. Not sure what they are up to but it ain't good, what with the majority owners and the range of different companies that they now own.

TimMasson1 ago

Yes and that was my point, they're obviously not the right company to be heavily involved in a free speech Forum where people value their privacy.

Sn0w1 ago

How are they involved other than slurping the data of the people that got Voat free subscriptions?

TimMasson1 ago

The are a major investor in voat which means a lot of things

Sn0w1 ago

Wut? Kape are a major investor in Voat? What have I missed?

Sn0w1 ago

Yeah and? PIA just took out an ad, they are not the 'Angel'

TimMasson1 ago

Put two and two together. If it doesn't concern you or you disagree that's fine.

Sn0w1 ago

Ads cost $50 by the way. Or at least they used to when you could buy them. Hold on a minute, how did PIA buy their ad?

TimMasson1 ago

Interesting how putt chimed in yesterday however did not deny that Kape is involved with voat. Hmmmm. This is a shady company that created and distributed malware it is also an Israeli Jewish owned company and why in God's name would a Jewish company want to be involved with voat? I'm not a Jew hater but to me this seems very suspicious.

Sn0w1 ago

How are they involved?

TimMasson1 ago

I'm putting this to bed. The information is out there now.

Sn0w1 ago

From the man himself :

Like an alt cares, rather just loves concern fagging, but everything is as it was, data is still private, website is still temperamental and a pain in the ass, and I'm still the only one with the keys (unfortunately). :)

How do you make the jump that PIA were the 'Angel'? They weren't even around on the side bar when that anon rich Voat user that knows Putts stepped in with offers

TimMasson1 ago

I didn't notice that response. If it's true i legitimately apologize if I am wrong or spreading fear for no reason. But I would like to specifically hear that Kape Technologies is not involved with voat. I want to hear that specifically because why would a company known for being shady and distributing malware all of the sudden be interested in a free speech Forum? A place where people say a lot of controversial things that would be of interest to a lot of people and groups? Why would a israeli-owned Jewish company want to be involved with this place? All @PuttItout has to do is say they are not affiliated with voat in any way.

Again if I'm wrong I sincerely apologize and my intent this whole time was to spread information that I thought people would be interested in. It seems relevant to me and maybe even important. Putt if I am wrong I apologize to you.

Sn0w1 ago

No apologies. Kape will have the data of the twenty Voat users who sent their 'thumbs up' or whatever was the requirement for the 'free' VPN and of course you know that the website is public, right? So everyone has everything, apart from that one glorious period where you couldn't browse without a username.

Kape Technologies is not involved with Voat other than through Voats public face.

@PuttItOut please tell this nigger straight.

TimMasson1 ago

You notice you're not getting an answer.

Sn0w1 ago

I pinged him for a joke.

TimMasson1 ago

I don't see any reason why he wouldn't tell me being that he commented yesterday.

Sn0w1 ago

He doesn't like alts

TimMasson1 ago

Well then he can look and see that I deleted all my other accounts. Don't believe me? Look for Ghost Skin look for the American. This is the only account I use now.

Sn0w1 ago

Yes, I know who you are.

TimMasson1 ago

Everyone does , it's not a secret I have made posts telling everyone who I am. My point is he cannot say I'm an alt because I deleted all of the other accounts I could remember the passwords for and haven't used any of the others in a long time. I am TimMasson1 now.

Sn0w1 ago

So how exactly are Kape running Voat?

TimMasson1 ago

I'm not saying they are. To summarize I believe they are affiliated with voat and that concerns me. Anyway I'm done with all this.

Sn0w1 ago

Patience and tenacity are virtuous.

RevDrStrangelove ago

If you expect privacy on the internet you haven't been paying attention.

TimMasson1 ago

Of course and I'm always saying that very thing. I was just trying to look out for people around here. Would be nice if more people thought along those lines rather than constantly talking shit to each other or infighting.

con77 ago

ATF has your info. They didn't get it from me.

TimMasson1 ago

They would have already had it.

con77 ago

So who owns voat?

TimMasson1 ago

Well, read this. I don't know if they outright own voat but they are heavy investors at the very least. It is a Israeli company known for creating and distributing malware

hollywood2020 ago

never trust anyone

TimMasson1 ago

I suppose that is the exact moral of the story.

hollywood2020 ago

if you ever lived or worked with niggers, you know better than to drop your guard. Don't be ashamed of being aware, this sight would sell you for 3$

TimMasson1 ago

I was just a little shocked to come and find out that no one even cared.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

You were mean and negative. I am sad now,

TimMasson1 ago

I kind of felt like people were spitting in my face when I brought this to their attention out of caring for them. Sorry if I was mean.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I think most people know. Putt taking away a basic feature should be a huge red GET OUT!

I'm too dumb to listen.

TimMasson1 ago

For me it's not that big of a deal given the types of things I post but for others I would say it's a huge deal and something they should really think about. Those are the people I was trying to protect. Honestly we should all be looking out for each other around here.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I don't know what to tell you. At this point it's every man for himself. All these people deleting and leaving, the banhammer subs are dead, fake Atko, weird's not a coincidence.

I think this place was lit up for sure. It's like their funding got pulled and they moved on.

TimMasson1 ago

What happened with putt? I heard someone mention that he came back or something?

Mumbleberry ago

He said something along the lines of "why listen to an alt".

TimMasson1 ago

Yes everyone knows this is an alt and almost everyone here has alts

Mumbleberry ago

Time for you to hop back on @carfan

TimMasson1 ago

Why would I do that? I'm obviously not here to be popular.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

LOL. Right. He came back to respond to your comment. This one.