SearchVoatBot ago

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user000101 ago

Government run honeypot

The forcing of everyone to enter an email and login just to SEE anything in here is pretty suspicious. It's fucking quarantined. WHY?

obvious-throwaway- ago

Because faggots spam the shit out of this board. I was mostly joking anyway, probably is a honeypot, but still, I was just making a joke.

blumen4alles ago

Nice work OP getting Putt to reply! Happy to see we were not abandoned.

Aleste2 ago

It's, so far, a better alternative to Reddit.

And not the shill armada /Pol/ became.

belrial ago

I read about a child porn site that was crap quality until the FBI took it over. Idk how long.they ran it, but it was the real deal honeypot.

Steelwarrior1 ago

Talking about XEEE AND SEUUREES. Anybody saw the latest ONISION bs. Kid is now confronted by 10 to 20 victims, creep was flying low class teenage XEE GURLZ to engage in Kamboucha 3somes.

Pedo hunter Chris Hansen is now after him and fucking Puttitout friends at the FBI are looking into it.

Kid recalled a story where is dog "BOAZ" fucked him. A dog called BOAZ what is this Masonic Pedophilia?

Uncle_Slob ago

OK, queer.

modsrcuntz ago

We all know this is a Honeypot. None of us mean anything we say. This is just for fun and theater.

Shoob ago

Exactly! None of are ACTUALLY racist, haha. Are you coming on Dave's fishing trip this weekend? Let me know, we will bring the beer! Haha. Sent from Brian's iPhone

IHateNiggersAndKikes ago

Fuck niggers!

AishaWas19Not9 ago

Who wants to raid a Jewish minecraft server with me?

obvious-throwaway- ago


SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Last comment 3 months ago, last post 5.

All of a sudden supper active today.

@PuttItOut I haven't trusted you in long time, now you just stink like a glow nigger.

Inaminit ago

nobslob ago

I'm moving to poal.

*Have moved to poal.

Inaminit ago

Like rats running up out the bilge.

ZerRoyalXir ago

Damn Xir might get offended

emit_time ago

I assumed it was a Gov’t honeypot from the first time I jumped here from Reddit back when they went corporate social engineering stupid. Like Voat is doing now? What next for free speech online for regular folks? I ignore the dumb, ignorant and mean posts, and appreciate the timely, informed, yet ever-dwindling discourse Voat provides for lurkers line me. It’s like high school. People are super smart, way dumb, and/or stinky, or both. Some Gov’t agency “has it all”. I’m gonna go outside and breathe fresh air and listen to good music.

Inaminit ago

Oy vey! You schvatzes are a skittish bunch...

folgeyharry ago

It's a public forum, anyway. Jeez, by listening to you, you'd think we're in some super secret club.

folgeyharry ago

You showed me

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Its probably niggers running it kek ;)

obvious-throwaway- ago

Niggers using computers... you're a funny guy!

VoatContainmentGuard ago

You're right! Its a bunch of snow messicans.

Outstretched_Bill ago

Thanks Putt. Appreciate the hard work.

Outstretched_Bill ago

Lol you have a good point there. Also very funny.

spacelog ago

well said. hats off.

22066286? ago

It's almost like an Indian street in here.

dekrak_pype ago

Remember that just knowing how to use the "ping" command makes you a "network engineer" as far as Federal employment is concerned.

LadyButtPiss ago

This guy NOCs.

recon_johnny ago

Sadly, this is most likely true.

Rellik88 ago


PuttItOut ago

I'd think they'd do a way better job.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Hey putt why do i keep seeing that bad goat lock screen whenever i open more than 3 anti-israeli posts?

Volcris ago

Good to see you! I hope you have had some good rounds!

Most of us have been a bit worried at your absence, but glad to see you and hope you are well. Atko popped in a month ago, catch up some time.

Benkitchen105 ago

The truth is pigeon holed on this website. Too many shills and bots these days.

cruztobar ago

i read here they (Cambells alfbt soup) funded many eccentric / post modern artists to control populace sense of avant guarde creativity (Sidney Pollock included. Which brings me home to Celebrities like John W. Boothj and Hoodini being used as infiltrators. We all know celebrity have access to the worst and best. Just ask how many private quincianeras JLO did for the Cartel bosses ?), clandestinely of course...control potential opposition and be seen and real avante guard for in the fight against communist

Steelwarrior1 ago

Nigger please you know they won't... what pension do you have and what GS level yu at?

HateCumbuckets ago

Oi!!!! You still owe me a testers badge

MinorLeakage ago

You'll likely never see this reply, but I am so damn thankful to see you back! Missed you like crazy buddy. I feel a lot like a puppy. Every time you leave I'm convinced this is the time you won't come back.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I love you!

HateCumbuckets ago

Did you create the suck off sub yet....

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i was always at ten mod spots but i think im open at the moment

TheRealJPeterman ago

Jesus Christ, man, the fucking walls are on fire and you just walk in like everything is fine.

Battlefat ago

This is a great response, only because I know how it feels to have someone make assumptions about things they know nothing about

notyouraveragellama ago

Honestly how dare you make a stupid, glib response to a retarded post but not give any mention to or make a post about voat as a whole? Glow harder CIA nigger.

notyouraveragellama ago

You know what? Fuck you. I honesty can't believe you aren't compromised at this point. You know, or can easily figure out, that this is my second account on this site. I lost the password to my original account. But it doesn't matter. Your stewardship of one of the last bastions of free speech is atrocious. Your credibility is completely shot for not telling us who the "angel" is (unless it's Mel Gibson it's a fucking KIKE). You've been incomunicado for god knows how fucking long. So go fuck yourself.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

Shut the front door.! Thank you putt ❤️. Fuck these faggot glow niggers.

notyouraveragellama ago


Plavonica ago

I used the VA website network in my Human Computer Interaction course as an example of how to do everything poorly. Got a good few laughs out of the presentation as well.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Hey Mr. "It cost voat, despite being a text forum, $5-$10K each month to run."


cliffnotes: @Puttitout is rich af, baby!

Sometimesineedhelp ago

Lol, have you met.... Oh.

I hope you had a nice holiday sir

ketoll ago

Maybe this reverse psychology will make them improve it.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Having read that statement, I can now guarantee one thing, PuttitOut has never worked for the government.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Jesus Crimeny, dude, where the dafuq you been? we need toilet paper in the bathrooms

not_saying_a_thing ago

We could only hope.

Hope you are well.

Goys-R-Us ago

Holy shit, the fag that bought Putt's account is here.

Benkitchen105 ago


Steelwarrior1 ago

Sup fag. Long time no see.

MarauderShields ago

My exact first thought.

Glipglup ago

It's not going to work putt, you can't just come back an pretend the whole "builders" bullshit didn't happen. If you're going to ask us to trust you then you owe us an explanation.

Who is the angel investor, why did you fuck around with their money behind their back and why did you let an untrustworthy VPN sponsor the website?

Israel-Did-9-11 ago


FakeNewzIsFake ago

Wrong, they name things perfectly. It just has 2 meanings.

BlutUndEhre ago

Do you have any proof of this? If so, why are you holding it back?

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Do you have any proof it is NOT a kike?


BlutUndEhre ago

No, but the burden of proof is on the accuser.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

You have no common sense

BlutUndEhre ago


kidcip16 ago

"Fallen angel" investor.

Wonder_Boy ago

Yes. Would like some answers.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

We love you, man.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

Yep homo butt aids herpes prolapse X 1000% intended just confirmed by this nigger right here ^^

TeddyJackson ago

the fuck.....

langoleer ago

As someone who used to work in IT for the government, I can assure you they would not do a better job.

offender ago

Were the waterboardings fun or not fun?

NiggadermCQ ago

Depends on the safe word I think.

antiracistMetal ago

Hi, Moishe, how's the weather in Tel Aviv?

@bojangles @eagleshigh

regist ago

Where the fuck you been wanker

ReadPastHeadlines ago

Would have up voted earlier but api issues. You get it.

MrDarkWater ago

hey there's the little faggot.

chirogonemd ago

Whoa dude, tap the brakes! He was kind enough to come back in and make some one-liner jokes, as if that valve could release the pressure sufficiently to make us forget the past 3-5 months. "See it's fine guys, I'm back and funnier than ever. No need for an explanation, I got the bants." Sadly, I imagine a lot of Voaters will be pacified perfectly well by it. Humor has a way of making people feel ashamed about concern. Wouldn't wanna be a hater now, would ya? Would YA! He said he was at the strip club, and that's cool, bro. Bet you were in your moms basement while Putt was motorboating nigger titties for half the year, heh! That's why you can't understand: who has the time to clean this pig pen site up when they've got such important things as the strip club - doesn't it all just give you the impression (that it's meant to) that we're dealing with someone of superior casualness, whose cool responses are just meant to negatively offset your unfashionable concern. Just fucking relax!

Glipglup ago

Why can I only upvote this once.

PuttItOut ago

Whoa, let's watch our language here.

auto_turret ago

hey, there's the our little faggot.

Fixed that.

Benkitchen105 ago


Steelwarrior1 ago


NiggadermCQ ago

He's got his own jet airplane.

GreenSlug ago

Oh look who sauntered back in. Back from buying milk and cigarettes?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

He said he was at a strip club as I understand it. Do they sell milk there?

Handsoffmygats ago

If you are into that kinda thing.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Good point. I suppose it depends on the bar and its clientele as to whether they offer that.

MrDarkWater ago

where are my manners?


Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Spoiler: Ask @Puttitout about the millions of dollars in bitcoin donations he has received

Inaminit ago

I bet you get taller on Viagra, don'cha?

belrial ago

He's more a cialis guy.

PuttItOut ago

That's the Voat I'm familiar with

Eualos ago

Thanks for what you do, sorry you got served and have to cooperate with the bastards

Wonder_Boy ago

Putt sighting

recon_johnny ago

I was thinking you'd prefer the formal; Niggerkikefaggot.

NakeFews ago

Your post is very important to us... please hold....

thislionsheart ago

Everything is a potential honeypot, take your chances and always move wisely, pray and rebuke demons everywhere you go

Instincts let me know that voat is not what you are saying, however, because we niggerfagots run it

AishaWas19Not9 ago

Naw m8. This website glows brighter than pure fissile uranium.

gazillions ago

Appaerntly there are really only two places on the internet. A leftist jew run bolshevik one percent funded censorship site that persecutes conservatives or a honeypot.

Soyboy69 ago

This but unironically.

AnthraxAlex ago

When the world is run by Jews you take the Honeypot when it's offered. It's not like they won't kill you and drink your blood anyway. Time scale A or time scale B everyone makes a choice.

obvious-throwaway- ago

It's a honeypot as well. They're all honeypots.

NiggadermCQ ago

Even when they aren't honeypots, they get used as one.

Mr_Quagmire ago

Checkmate atheists.

tokui ago

Zing! Ba dum tsss!