the gov takes your money and turns it into infinity niggers

HiJoker ago

If this isn't a case for slavery, then what is? Enslave the entire continent of Africa, put them to work. One could manage them far better than they could manage themselves. Rule with an iron rod.

CinderBiter ago

Can one of you autists tell me how much money was poured into africa?

Mathurin1911 ago

You don't think vaccines and antibiotics had something to do with that?

Wonder_Boy ago

Welfare: it's delivered in various forms.

OccularIrritant ago

"Someone gots to take cur of these kids"

What a waste of life?

changz ago

Amuses me when I see the adverts for starving Africans. That whole continent can feed the entire world with its open spaces and varied climates and yet they are still poor and destitute still, like they were since the first Live AID.

Either stop these groids breeding or take their food and medical aid away like we should have decades ago. The problem will sort itself out.

AgentSakura ago

Take from the whites and give to everyone else but them

allahead ago

They should not have outside technology or food aid, ultimately it is cruel. Just let them return to natural homeostasis with their environment.

thebearfromstartrack ago

It's a synonym for ROBBERY. Steal from the prudent and throw it in the garbage.

Leveraction ago

All in favor of abortion clinics on every street corner in africa. Margaret Sanger should have started there first.

mralexson ago

A region with little history is now one of the most populous

SpiritExpedition ago

For a bunch of starving, desperate people, they sure find a lot of time to have sex.

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Bigdickedelf ago

I blame the Jews

Northman242 ago

In 80 years. There will be 4 billion of them. Guess where they will be relocated to...

New-World-Ebola ago

starve these shitskin maggots..... i'm fucking fed up with apefrica exporting these melanin monsters and taking all our fucking money time and resources.

areyoumygaffer ago

sigh. niggers. it would be fine if they just stay on their own fucking continent. and get the fuck out of every other nation and land they "inhabit".

Plant_Boy ago

Funny that, you fertilize the ground and stuff grows.

englishwebster ago

And thats not counting the ones that left

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Somebody has to pay.

popsikle ago

You really think all that money goes to africa?

You think that's really air you're breathing?

Crikes ago

Forced redistribution of wealth is dysgenics.

By betraying our principles of liberty, we have funded the de-evolution of humanity, and our own replacement.

Deplorablepoetry ago

I have far more free money to spend on frivolous things like washing my truck than I have to invest in the lives of born parasites.

..much truck is pretty dirty..., no one is right back....., tell me how many bot flies have done their job...., thanks...

Also, if your chrome is shiny you can see in the reflection if you are a good person or not....., that’s why there is no chrome in Africa

con77 ago

I'll be damned! A post from you that I agree with. This IS a great country!

DontBeRacist ago

I saw some stat like Americans spend enough money on pet food, cosmetics, and something else to clothe, feed, and ehjakate all the impoverished people of the world. Let's keep paying for pets, cosmetics, and other niceties.

Deplorablepoetry ago

So many cosmetics and yet so many ugly people..., can one put on too much makeup in clown world?

PHXSunlight ago

American make-up trends end up making the cosmetic users look like tranny clowns. In places like Japan and South Korea, they understand that less is more. They're also not fat fucks, which is a big factor too.

DontBeRacist ago

Being not fat goes a long way. That's why Ocasia-Cortez is being promoted as attractive.

Broseefus_ ago

the emasculation and christly loving-kindness of whites has produced this stewardship of actually-retarded niggers

peacegnome ago

Welfare can work fine for k-selection groups. If you give it to r-selection groups you will have infinite growth.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

What now?

peacegnome ago

The normal example for "k-selection" is elephants; they have very few children and spend a lot of effort ensuring that the offspring survive. "R-selection" have many offspring and rely on the numbers to insure survival of the species.

If you gave insects, rodents, etc. unlimited food what would happen?

Now the part where welfare is okay for k-selection. Look at how countries with huge social programs worked just fine before mass immigration. People there wanted to take care of each other, and it wasn't typically abused (white people want to be productive and do things looking towards the future) because the people were k-selection.

DontBeRacist ago

Cut off the aid, shut the borders, and watch them eat each other.

con77 ago

Baltimore in a week if the food stopped

con77 ago

That low IQ sow lives in Tampa. It shit out 15 future criminals! The local news clip showed it indignantly demanding " who gowna tayk care ub dese kids?". No shit. Look at the vacant stares and slack jaws. 16 imbeciles. With an increased propensity to violence!

DontBeRacist ago

The males have a high likelihood of crime and violence. The females have a high likelihood of being just like mama.

RandomFurryDude ago

That makes the women even more dangerous. Each one mass produces niglets.

DontBeRacist ago

They're all garbage but making the sheboons infertile would be a great idea.

Cunty84 ago

Bring back something worse than AIDS

LettItBurn ago

Different species. Niggers are k. Whites are R

PHXSunlight ago

Actually, it's the other way around.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

That's not welfare, that's a breeding and repopulation concept. You realize that, right?

Inatehiggers ago

Yup. Grow the nigger population and send them to the west.

vastrightwing ago

Feed one starving african and you get ten more starving africans.

Plant_Boy ago

Help Jamal survive till he's 18 and he'll be able to impregnate 7 women with 3 babies each...

Jaegerjaques ago

You mean till he's 12

Plant_Boy ago

Sure, but I was thinking after 18 he probably dies in a drive-by.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Roll snakes eyes twice and die of donkey aids

Life is a gamble, some dice are not worth the roll

FridayJones ago

Muh-Organ Trail.

slwsnowman40 ago

That’s a whole lotta “muh dick”...

DontBeRacist ago

Rape is extremely common among niggers. It's pretty much just horseplay to them.

slwsnowman40 ago

That's what the "muh dick" joke means.

fightknightHERO ago

Niggers make me sick

BoraxTheFungarian ago

I was just poking around Nigeria on the internet and I discovered Elephant Group PLC... The name sounded odd so I went to their website. Scroll down to the bottom and what do they brazenly reveal? Child labor. they even list the number of children used. 500,000+ I'm thinking they shouldn't have revealed that.

Broc_Lia ago

But saint Greta told me that 3rd worlders were all dying in their droves because of global warming!

LightestHour ago

Sadly incorrect

kammmmak ago

Gullible dumbass whites sending money since the 70's. I am guilty of it. Now this damn shit. Little did I know that I was helping build (((their))) 'diversity' army. We have to stop this insanity.

Kaiserkrone ago

I'm guilty of donating as well. Not much, thank god.

kammmmak ago

And hey them damn Unicef boxes since being a kid on Halloween.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Its Your Lucky Day!

I just happen to be a representative of the Anti Diversity Armed Militia or ADAM as God prefers to call us.

We men along with our sister organization EVE, short for Evangelical Vaginas Eternal, would like you to avoid going to Hell today.

Today you must decide if you are the snake that God has warned us about or if you are truly a servant of heaven.

Blessed would be a cheque made out for $32,058.23 for though is a holly number for a very gently used Mercedes-Benz

Hallelujah and amen!!!

BoomerHater1488er ago

Let me guess! You're. Christcuck and your church told you to lol

Adonwars ago

Sometimes it's less about doing what a church says, which will scam you weekly anyways, and more about just wanting to help people. It just so happens that this seems to have made things much worse

IStealYourCookies ago

Nothing wrong with helping other people. It's the sub-human pieces of shits you need to avoid helping by giving them money. At least you learned your lesson right ?

BoomerHater1488er ago

There was no one in your local community that needed help?

Adonwars ago

Of course there is, I was just giving another reason people might be sending money to Africa. I definitely believe in taking care of your literal neighbors

BushChuck ago

How cheap would food be if we weren't giving niggers so much for free.

Computergeek01 ago

Food is cheap. I feed a family of 4 for like $120 a week. I'm pretty sure there is a price floor in effect for most of the stuff made here.

BushChuck ago

I'm a farmer, so my food is free in terms of dollars, expensive in terms of time.

Food is currently very expensive, buddy.

I make insane profits on my lambs, microgreens, and herbs. I charge (or equivalent barter) market prices, but my inputs are all homegrown. I don't buy, or use, pesticides or fertilizers.

fellowwhiteperson ago

I'll support @computergeek01 on this one. Food is cheap. Maybe if you just sold your stuff to the hippies and used your money to buy from the supermarket you could eat on the cheap.

I get tenderloin for $10/lb, which makes it $5 per serving. That's $20 for 4, and that's on an fancy night. Bread is cheap. Butter is cheap. Bacon is often $4/lb. Throw in some $0.5/lb carrots or $0.8/lb potatoes. This isn't even counting rice or beans.

BushChuck ago

The "food" in the supermarkets is garbage.

Shit food, grown in shit countries.

I'm talking real food.

You're not buying grass fed, hormone free tenderloin for $10/lb ($22/kg), and same goes for the rest of it.

Vegetables, and grains that are grown using chemical farming are near worthless, in terms of nutrition content. Not to mention the glyphosate.

Everything could be much less expensive than it currently is. Just two generations ago the average Canadian family had one income, two cars, and a cottage by the lake.

Now people think they are winning if they can take out a three-quarter million dollar bank loan on a house.

Everything is expensive, these days.

fellowwhiteperson ago

Glyphosate is a huge problem in grains because of the practice of crop dessication. But I wouldn't be too worried about it in fruits and veggies. It'd kill the produce. I know I said bread in my last post, but I don't eat it personally because of the glyphosate.

Grain fed beef ain't terrible. It's still better than rice and beans by a long shot.

vastrightwing ago

This is part of the problem. If US food isn't sold abroad (or given away), domestic prices slump.

BushChuck ago

No. The problem is the government is involved in trade, aid, and all the rest of it.