Drenki ago

with the counter-response from all the cities and counties so strong, it's hard to imagine how the legislators pushing it ever got eected legitimately

FederalShill ago

I dont know about all you fucking cucks and pussies whining about a bad actor or it being a setup, if a bunch of gun loving patriots march on the government and it turns into a fucking bloodbath ill be so fucking happy its about fucking time. It makes me think that anyone whining about an agent provocateur is probably a shill trying to prevent the virginia boogaloo featuring a ralph northam swingset. They should put blackface on him before they noose him!!

Arrvee ago

Anybody who is attending this should create, collect, and share Protonmail addresses for government officials or attorneys who are attending. You will probably have to teach them how to use it. Do not release any identifying information about the owners beyond a vague description of their job duties and the region of the state that they are in. You will want to find an attorney who can file or handle civil charges, someone in the police who can handle criminal investigations, a federal agent who can handle foreign counterintelligence investigations, and other community leaders who can get the word out.

nobslob ago

An unarmed rally is just gathering to make your arrests easier.

SparklingWiggle ago

Unarmed? I've been to one of these 2A rallies and everyone there was packing.

Didn't you hear about the shootings and riots? Just kidding. It was 99% white and everyone was perfectly well-behaved.

Blood-is-Nature ago

If you're on side; do not engage with any of their attempts to agitate you. Ignore antifa, sodomites, political shabbos denouncing you, police trying to over-police you, liberals filming you etc. Just make a ring around your families, and be present. That's what the opposition hates the most. And if you really want to boil their self hating loathsomeness, then sing a bunch of cozy folk songs. But most importantly...do not acknowledge the weapons you're wearing to others. Let them be tools, not symbols.

3rdCoastWest ago

This will be a huge setup. Go at your own risk.

Ina_Pickle ago

I heard antifa is showing up, but they are showing up in support of 2A. I don't know what to believe at this point, but whatever side they are on they aren't going to stand around chanting.


Recyclops14 ago

In before false flag. Be Safe

beefartist ago

Protests are for faggots who don't have anything important to do

SparklingWiggle ago

So what do you do, real man?

beefartist ago

I don't have to enumerate; anyone who isn't fucking around has a dozen more important things to do. I never said anything about real men, big guy. Why don't you faggots go get collect some signatures whilst you are at it :):)

SparklingWiggle ago

I'll enumerate for you.

  1. Jerk off in my mom's basement.
  2. Insult people on the internet.
  3. Jerk off again.

beefartist ago

Haha you guys are hilarious. Do you realize you faggots who run the neckbeard insult always say "mom's basement" EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. Do you know why? Because you were raised by garbage single moms and shit fathers.

SparklingWiggle ago

Why would my response about what a do nothing loser excuse of a person you are have anything to do with my parents? They are not only unrelated it’s not accurate. So just one example of how you touch the world, C’mon, neckbeard.

beefartist ago

You are full of shit...

SparklingWiggle ago

You wish.

tastelessinvective ago

I expect agent provocateurs and all manner of other nasty tricks.

FederalShill ago

An agent provocateur? Im not sure about the government, but the protesters with guns are probably ready and waiting for a boogaloo

dirt_reynolds ago

My entire plan for being there is to watch for and more importantly record people agitating.

saltpricesplummet ago


NamelessCrewmember ago

Came here to say the same. Be vigilant. Document anything suspicious.

thebearfromstartrack ago

de omnibus dubitandum (--Rene Descartes).

LettItBurn ago

The democrat/communists tried hard to destroy our Constitution, but in the end, it will only cause the death of their party.

They meant well. De mortuis nihil nisi bonum.

Cadster ago

AND dress like you normally do and not like a fucking 2a fudd or 2a shiite trying to start WW3

toobaditworks ago

But that is how I normally dress.

godamn ago

Drones are terrible.

Jimmycrackerson ago

Have you tried microwaving them?

godamn ago

Mother of all bombs in plastic wrap.