toobaditworks ago

Figures another pedo commie.

concernedpikachu ago

I don't know how to be a gay furry and not be a communist.

no words

AnotherGrayman ago

I don't know how to be a gay furry and not be a communist.

What he's saying is: all he knows how to be is a degenerate animal that lives in a fuckpile and has no values outside of cum guzzling for social validation.

Start showing this stuff to your RL friends, cut through the bullshit and sum it up.

These people are not to be respect or trusted, all they care about is group approval and personal power.

They're always arguing from a position of "morality doesn't exist" to justify their own actions, then suddenly they are paragons of virtue when they bully straight people.

Faggots are as bad as Jews.

We need to make social disgust for gays a majority viewpoint again.

totallynotFBI ago

100% non sequitur

CanadianAndProud ago

If it ... weren’t. Ok? Let’s get the spelling correct first....fucking Jew

GlowWorm ago

Here are my shekels and dna. Please feel free to weaponize it against my people... Now please tell me I’m part rare nigger so I can virtue signal of instafag.

olltre ago

sometimes i just want to fucking scream.... how is this real life. how are these people in positions of power. it makes me fucking sick.

edwinthomasr ago

Arnab is rabbit in Arabic. How is this guy Wolfkin???

goatboy ago

The Communists won't need to wait in line to put this bastard in their mass grave. We'll offer this shit stain up as a freebie. This one's all your's fellas.

antiracistMetal ago

All human DNA will become antiquated once the robots take over.

@eagleshigh @bojangles

ansuz ago

Ok, so I just threw up in my mouth a little...

So how does one go about getting OUT of this deranged faggots database if you've already sent in a kit?

Tzitzimitl ago

refer to the lyrics of hotel california

yewotm8 ago

Honorary jew

nrlftw ago

If you dip shits think the medical industry doesn’t already have your genetics on file and that the gov can’t get access to them at any time than you’re too stupid to breathe.

uvulectomy ago

The VP of genetic tech is a genetic dead-end. Welcome to $CURRENT_YEAR+5!


tinfoil_hats ago

it's a shame because I'm actually kinda interested in my family genealogy, but there don't seem to be any un-pozzed dna testing companies

satisfyinghump ago

God forbid I was anything like that but to imagine that level of freedom, to be able to actually post online you like dick in the same phrase as you liking donuts.... to show proof, without a doubt proof, you are in fact a gay communist fury... and not feel in anyway worried or scared of any repercussions...

I can't imagine we live in this world. There was a time when a deal would fall through if a higher up employee, perhaps VO, was found to keep a woman on the side that his wife had found out. And the deal wouldnt sour because of his infertility or anything like that but rather because it was now a worry if he could in fact keep a serious and big secret to himself or if his wife/the world could find out what it is...

How... did this happen?! Is it as simple as claiming "it happened because Germany lost WW2"???

steven_feelsperg ago


  1. jewish influence through media, academia, government
  2. plebs

alcogiggles ago

Why do you think on every DNA test, they inject "JEW" as a separate race then everyone else, while also giving every result for every human that applied to the DNA test a minimum of 2% "JEW" background?

Libturdsandsjws ago

Socialized welfare/medicine is basically the majority of men, who are undesirable, paying for the sexual activities between attractive men with all women, since women no longer need to be careful.

13445123751 ago

Picking off parasites always look ugly in the short term

Hear that, Jews? Time's running out.

Approved ago

"Picking off parasites always looks ugly in the short term" -- Arnab Chowdry

Well, the little parasite isn't wrong on this point.

Sitnikoff ago

What are the implications of giving big tech your dna data?

Sitnikoff ago

I bet you 777 silver shotgun shells that the pedo furfag steals peoples' dna, makes clone babies from them and rapes them while eating them alive on a dinner plate.

Shishamo ago

Him calling whites a parasite is ridiculously ironic.

Sitnikoff ago

Scapegoating via projection is a jewish tactic. What else do you expect?

drj2 ago

If this wasn’t a wake up call to anyone then you deserve it.

New-World-Ebola ago

kill that faggot

tokui ago

Why are furries predominantly fags? Might be bc most are males?

Guardbuddy ago

The furry "community" is also filled with people who are literally mentally ill to some extent.

steven_feelsperg ago

There must be a better word than "community" to describe furfags. The very word no longer has meaning because every reprehensible idea is now attached to it.

SIayfire122 ago

Picking off parasites always looks ugly in the short term.

I'll keep that in mind.

harmlessgryphon ago

Furries live in communes because many of them are lazy fucks that have been brought up by an Internet that told them they're special and they don't have any real professional skills. It takes 3+ furries to pay the rent and buy dragon dongs.

AnotherGrayman ago

This is the real answer.

They're communists because they're lazy and want to survive through a group because it requires less effort.

That's all it's ever been.

Nobody with their shit together wants to be a communist, because there's no benefit.

blumen4alles ago

Should have killed all the boomers in my extended family. Pretty sure my uncle on my fathers side submitted his DNA. Probably has wiretaps in his house to turn the lights off for him too. Idiots.

watitdew ago

It's almost like the more degenerate and fucked up you are in terms of never reproducing the more you get promoted.

lecnylep ago

the founder of 23 and me is Anne Wojcick, the wife of one of google's (((Sergey Brin)))

Butterbread ago

And sister of the YouTube CEO

CowWithBeef ago

2 silent downvoats on this comment? Sergey and Anne are here it seems.

Splooge ago

Great another one for the list. Logistics is gonna be tough, we might run out of rope at this rate.

blumen4alles ago

Is it possible to hang two necks with one noose?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I think the worst that could happen is they would starve instead of suffocate or have their necks broken.

steven_feelsperg ago

not seeing a downside

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Exactly, there isn't one other than to them.

Splooge ago

That's a good question. We should conduct a series of tests. For science.

hello_reddit ago

Yeah but I think each person has to have the same weight

JimSoddell ago

So one of their VPs is a communist homosexual furry child molester, according to his own claims on social media?

I met one of their other VPs at a conference and he was one of the most self righteous entitled assholes I've ever talked to.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

That's California for you.

metricisokay ago

A "communist dog who likes donuts and dicks" eh? This says more about the person that hired him than it does the guy himself, very worrying. However I'm not certain it's dangerous to give your dna away even to these people. They aren't going to be able to keep it on ice for a thousand years or anything like that.

They genotype, which is an inexact science. A science they don't even seem intent on improving judging by the people that they hire. They try and digitise that +/-0.5% of you dna that's different from anyone else. Then they compare that data to statistics about a thousand or so different diseases, to try and correlate your variants to commonality. Therefore sort of track down which variants might be related to which ailments.

I don't know what else they would do with it.

If you were ever targeted for something relating to your dna they'd probably just come get a fresh sample, it would be as easy as touching your skin. A handshake or bumping into you. Or whatever.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

I hope those are the last words he hears. "Picking off parasites is always ugly in the short-term."

letsgoallthewhey ago

"Under certain circumstances your Personal Information may be subject to processing pursuant to laws, regulations, judicial or other government subpoenas, warrants, or orders. 23andMe will preserve and disclose any and all information to law enforcement agencies or others if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary... " - From the 23andme website.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

...or in the good faith belief that such preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary...

That means anything they want it to mean. They could give your information to Antifa, the Chinese Communist Party or the Soros Foundation if they wanted.

letsgoallthewhey ago

Agreed. I'd like to get my dna tested but would only do it under a fake name.

Biggerpotato ago

They will match you to relatives to determine your identity. Also ths results that they provide to you are bullshit.

letsgoallthewhey ago

Yeah, good point about the relatives. I didn't think about that.

SanFranTrailerPark ago

Give fake DNA or some homeless person's DNA

blumen4alles ago

You still have to send money. It would be better just not to interact with them at all.

IlyaEhrenberg ago

He is known for "Socialist Furry". I do not see a problem.

0011000100100111101 ago

it would be fun to start a DNA center called "24nomore" and part of the shtick is how retarded your DNA is with automatic 100% for libs and dems.

ZKX ago

I'm sure state issued fur suits are great.

Titanbikes4ever ago

So.... he's pure evil

Laffey ago

Hah. I wonder how he would feel about that one in the top right were it directed at another (((group))).

Smallest_Skil ago

and the owner is also a jew

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skanderbek ago

Oh, absolutely. The sponsor for last year's eurovision in Israel was literally MyHeritage. They just want to study goy genes and how to chemically fuck us.

fightknightHERO ago

gay, furry and jew

sometimes i wonder if meme magic is real

voatusernamevoat ago

you left out pedophile.

Napierdalator ago

It's implied either by gay or jew already.

Paranoiaattack ago

Brilliant 😝

Barfin ago

also implied by one of his tweets there literally saying child porn is likely in his blockchain like wtf?

Broc_Lia ago

Arnab Chowdry

Pretty sure he's a Pajeet.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I believe it is usually a Muslim pajeet name, too.

EarlPoncho ago


Thisismyvoatusername ago

I don't know how to be a gay furry and not be a communist.

I'd like to make a witty comment about what a pathetic jackass he is, but this of his statement really stands on its own for that purpose.

FridayJones ago

For richfags like this one, "communism" is a bunch of richfags sharing some of their vast array of stuff without keeping a running tab of who owes what. If a poorfag fell into their midst, they'd scrape that poorfag off like a whale scrapes off a barnacle. Richfags have no idea that communism actually entails no one having much of anything. Hard to obtain and keep a closet full of furfag suits when you work all day long just for half a cabbage and a potato.

AnthraxAlex ago

I agree mostly however rich fags exist in communism also they are just called commissars or some other high ranking title. The state let's them borrow their riches and lifestyle for the good of all the poor fags.

BordelonLoop ago

"some are more equal than others."

RandomFurryDude ago

Gay furries are fucking cancer.

Guardbuddy ago

Holy shit, a somewhat sane furry?

RandomFurryDude ago

If you mean a furry who doesn't want to pack fudge, then yeah, I am sane.

I would much prefer banging women.

Niggertoes ago

We're going to gas you just to be safe.

RandomFurryDude ago

Ow the edge.

You a homo?

SpottyMatt ago

They're out there.

They just don't ho for MSM headpats on social media, so you won't see 'em.

Just like "the 'good' gays."

GenderPronoun ago

The gay furries are always of the first lot sent to the gulags after the communist normalization. That's literally how stupid this fucker is.

HeebSlayer ago

Someone should ask him since he's into "puppy play" if he's neutered yet.

HeebSlayer ago

gay furry

The correct term is "pupper" you Homophobic bigot.
