0011000100100111101 ago

looks like the reddit app on mobile is how the cords got leaked.

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Why dont they never do this to me ? Id love to see thos

Epinkhaired fairies in my small village. They will get lynched within the hour. And then i wouldnt even know of it untill a week later i bet. Hahahaha.

Also. Tje guy can sue them for doxxing them. Those are some great amounts u can accumulate with that.

Also. Dont be stupid. Always have GPS off.

realmonster ago

the gps is probably pretty far off, probably not even gps, just geolocating his ip address. but the idea is that there may be 30 people named daniel craig in the USA, theres only 4 of them in that region, and only one of them is into monster trucks enough to call themselves "bigfoot" on online forums.

you are not anonymous online, this is a use case for a vpn. the trouble is finding one not in the enemies pocket

boekanier ago

Making fun of antifa is a serious crime in certain midst. He should have known that.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that this is 100% illegal and that no one will be punished for it except the guy who spoke out against Antifa.


This is a great way to ambush commies. Post some shit like this from an abandoned location and wait in the woods, with your penis out

Tallest_Skil ago

They’ll just go, “Oh, sthuper! Thish musth be the pozzing I ordered!” and start stripping.

Planetoftheclown ago

Reddit is at fault for doxing this guy that by the left's own criteria is worthy of deplatforming organizations that do such things, but we know that's never going to happen.

But that guy is at fault for using Reddit's app. I don't give a shit if he didn't give permission for GPS location. I trust a soft switch about as much as I trust Reddit. Ultimately this is his own damn fault. Don't be stupid about how you use your smart personal spy devices.

ClownWarrior ago

He should get a couple of his buddies to dress up like antifa faggots, give him a beat down in a public place and then sue the shit out of them.

Wiserman ago

GPS Coordinates.. really... didn't know that. That adds to Uber tracking your location.

Splooge ago

Before I left plebbit, I was a mod on that sub kek

Most of the time I spent was on quietly reversing all the shit the other mods did, bans and whatnot. But only if what the other plebbitard was based. Or at least as based as you'd expect from plebbit.

Looks like things have gotten worse since I left.

HiJoker ago

If I was a proper villain, I'd post a Wile E Coyote type Antifa trap online, drop a fuckton of them into my own fiendish Saw like trap. Put it up as a pay per view, call it Slay Per View. Call these numbers to vote which one gets 'tested' first.

Aside from those chuckles my point is these are domestic terrorists and our glow niggers are apparently commie rat fuck faggots as well or else these cunts would have been rounding out someone's resume. It's painful to watch how these vermin blatantly play street thugs in America. Yeah, America has commie rat fuck street thugs enforcing leftist bullshit.

Wake up boomers. You have one chance to right this. Don't fuck it up.

sherrybean ago

Reddit is more screwed up than I could imagine. I hope Reddit and all its advertisers crumble.

Niceballsnigga ago

I am 100 percent confident I could take on more antifa in hand to hand combat back to back than 5 year olds even if I had the flu.

Bring it.

Drstrangepepper ago

Antifa is the army of the forces of darkness, aren't they? why would they be upset over the statement of fact? is it possible they don't know yet? if they are evil, they should own it. much simpler that way.

lovehate123 ago

Dont hack him. Hack his contact list.

and always remember Record and post Your Marxist professor.

maaaxheadroom ago

I’m gonna have to stop using my phone for shit.

con77 ago

They would meet Mr. Beretta if they came to my house.

ggolemg ago

10 to 1 odds this is washed of Reddit, it should be huge news.

GoldTester ago

my gps coords aint gna be helpful to anyone lolz. queue the "Where the fuck is that?"

Broc_Lia ago

Mods or admins?

fanfancyfancypants ago

I hope he sues.

ketoll ago

Chinese Tencent pretty much owns reddit now. Commie companies allow commie methods of silencing dissent.

Gorillion ago

Aaaand they've been doxed.

Sitnikoff ago

Reddit is a terrorist website.

slowcrash101 ago

Lol and these turds claim the leadership leans right.

Xantha ago

I tried to find an archive link of the original thread for the comments, which I was unable to find. But I did find an archive link of another comment thread discussing it. http://archive.is/WS6MZ Luckily it appears that people were at least sufficiently outraged and one of the r/justiceserved mods tried to play it off as just posting geo-cache coordinates.

On a brighter note, I did find a gem in the avalanche of dog shit, in the world of r/menkampf. (I didn't know about it) Where anti-white/anti-men/pro-SJW posts are edited and reposted to be about Jews/Blacks/whatever instead to highlight how extreme SJWs actually are. While they're mostly civnat/"why cant we all just get along" moderates, I will give some of the comments in the subreddit credit as at least some of the pupae there are questioning why they have to put up with non-white parasites at all.

Reddit is still cancer though, so don't go there, I feel like I just waded waste deep through a landfill of tear-soaked cuck condoms while Jew propaganda played on the loudspeakers.

phothisat ago

Some of the (relatively) sane and non-evil subs with sociopolitical content are











...but even then, you still may have to wade through some filth, at least in the comments.

I mostly use reddit for the odd niche sub, and even then more for the collections of resources and links than posting content. Voat has ported several subs quite well, but many more still need to get to that critical mass in community size before one can effectively make the switch.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

you feel that way because that is exactly what you just did..

ketoll ago

They are officially communist after Tencent bought up shares.

RussianGoyBot ago

Got yourself a gun?

con77 ago

I m an expert with nunchuks

redstarkachina ago

the mod deletes all the posts in the comments and act so aloof when he claims he won bc the OP deleted post (after mod doxxed the OP by posting coordinates of where he lives)

Ocelot ago

Reddit mods are the absolute biggest faggots in history.

Niggertoes ago

Bring it faggots.

Drstrangepepper ago

so it begins. using your data against you. trust no one.

Planetoftheclown ago

We always knew this was the be the case and has been. They're just no remaining excuses that they can provide why they need to collect the data while allaying fears that they're never going to use the data against you.

If you're perusing r/all hitting all the NSFW tags and get the occasional gay dick pic, that can be explained away given how r/all works. But, if you're going to those subs every day, do not be surprised when the day comes they Reddit is there to remind you of your browsing history.

Drstrangepepper ago

^ this guy knows all about whats happening. that seemed like a smug little tidbit drop. a gesture in the spirit of taunting rather than any feeling of fraternity.

ChiComs ago

GPS from browser requires acceptance of WIFI antennae name or acceptance of locaiton services, otherwise it i PASSIVE from database.

The databases are all only accurate to half of a zip code location in USA, and sometimes (8% or time) off by 600 miles!

Yes off by 600 miles nowadays in 2020.

This database is only zipcode accurate 80% of time :


ExpertShitposter ago

dumbass OP was using some reddit app,

thats why this was possible

Planetoftheclown ago

I'd be highly surprised that given enough time that Reddit's analytics couldn't pinpoint where a user is spending the most of their time which is likely at home and certainly a lot closer than half a zipcode. If the results are half a zipcode off to the north one day and half a zipcode off to the south east another day and half a zipcode off to the south west a third day and this occurs in varying directions and distances over a thousand times they should be able to drop Antifa in his neighborhood at least and wait him out.

derram ago

Only reddit admins would have access to that kinda data, not mods.

I'm guessing someone went through the user's submission/comment history and found a photo that contained EXIF data.

Planetoftheclown ago

I would assume (wrongly?) that mods don't have access to this information and that it was made available by an admin?

Regardless of what mods do or don't have access to, as you've pointed out the admins could do it. It's not a far stretch that admins who ban right leaning subs for "doxing" and "threats of violence" yet tolerate it in left leaning subs wouldn't experience a moral conundrum with providing accurate GPS information to those same left leaning subs for certain users not toeing the line.

Drstrangepepper ago

good info! thank you!

ChiComs ago

Prior to 2017, the data for all the major IP databases came from a famous evil free service called "WEATHERBUG" that needs your zip code for your local weather to show in your browser, then the data was collected for years. Now TVs ask for zip codes too, but also xfer your wifi name the TV can see, if TV is on internet. Google chrome steals wifi antennae names, and by driving around entire usa, google knows every wifi antennae base location!!!

kidcip16 ago

Also, wifi devices (like your phone) passively send out probe requests. This request is so that nearby access points respond with their beacon (their SSID info). Part of this probe request is it contains your MAC address (unique) and every SSID you've "remembered". This is to enable faster reconnections and for scanning available wifi networks, however an Access Point, if desired, can log these probes.. If these Access Points are being ran by one common owner, they can use it to "track" your location by your MAC address, since the owner would know where their access points are set up. For example, Xfinity WiFi Hotspots. Every cable modem/router that Comcast leases doubles as an Xfinity Hotspot. Since Comcast knows where their modems are leased to, and becsuse you have to sign in to Xfinity to associate your device client Mac ID with your account, Xfinity is able to track your location with pretty good accuracy if you are simply driving around with your phone on. And even if you aren't an Xfinity customer, your Mac address is still being tracked becsuse probe requests don't discriminate. A government entity that has access to data on multiple service providers (such as Google and Comcast) can really map out your activity.

ChiComs ago

VERY VERY good point! I was only thinking about a user-mode browser with some admin level libraries on a PC, not a comcast cablemodem with wifi!


great point!

NotPolice ago

Out of curiosity, does that also nab WiFi that doesn't broadcast the SSID?

oaf ago

The OS cannot and does not, and each is similar null field for name, but not channel. Therefore the browser cant either, but it might see a neighbor. A hacker tool after 2 hours can extract the non-broadcast name from header inspection of chatter from other connected devices emitting radio. https://www.pcworld.com/article/2052158/5-wi-fi-security-myths-you-must-abandon-now.html

Drstrangepepper ago

sometimes I think about what their information interface looks like. i'll bet its really cool. not like the GUI's we use. probably with virtual reality or even better with their brain implants.

zuck ago

Wouldn't it b me the coordinates of where the video was shot?

Drunkenmoba ago

Reddit records ip address and geoloc if you are using the app to upload. So it was the posters location.

anamazonslittle ago

Who would give the dark lords of reddit that much access to their phone in the first place?

weezkitty ago

But IP coordinates are rarely very accurate.

zuck ago

So you are saying admins not mods did this?

CrowUp ago

Apparently the mods have user statistics for their communities.

Drunkenmoba ago

Far more likely, yes.

zuck ago

Spez got shit for that last time so I doubt they would do it again

The_Venerable ago

How do they have access to his GPS?

arathans ago

reddit makes their site shitty on mobiles to try to get idiots using the app. they get more information about the user and are able to control their usage more then a normal browser.

my guess is he was using the official reddit app, which i guess requires location data. they took that data and used it against him. people are idiots when it comes to their phones. people are idiots when it comes to permissions on their phones, they treat them like an eula, they just get ignored and agreed to without actually thinking about what their agreeing to.

Trash_Panda ago

Because he's one of those geniuses that leaves his GPS on 24/7 (especially while in his pocket right next to his balls).

Cat-hax ago

The gps is on even if the software button says it's off.

Trash_Panda ago

Probably not. You can measure data transmission and traffic with external tools.

hello_reddit ago

oh he was a phoneposter. they all get the rope too i guess

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Phone posters get the tether.

Tallest_Skil ago

Talk about a short drop; only a couple gigabytes before an overage charge.

blumen4alles ago

Vertical video creators should be the first to go.

J_Darnley ago

I like the sounds of that policy.

No6 ago

How do you think GPS works?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Many people think GPS stands for global positioning system. But it actually stands for gonad poisoning signals.

Gorillion ago

IP Location


There are a several ways to find geolocation of a user: HTML5 API, Cell Signal and IP Address to name a few. Pairing of IP address to a geographical location is the method we used to provide geolocation data. There are times when you need to identify where your web visitors are coming from

You know what he meant, you passive aggressive little feminized faggot cunt.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Passive aggressive little feminized faggot cunts

I live in a region where majority of people are like that. Its painful on my soul.

NarrativeControl ago

Try to save at least one. Fake interest if need be. I believe it will bring solace to your soul.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

I am thinking of relocating somewhere where i can fight to help our cause. I am tired of fighting just to have some peace and clarity while surrounded by these deranged beasts around me.

I am at the point where i dont want to save them, but to instead use them as useful idiots without any care for their lives whatsoever

No6 ago

No actually I don't. Your balls should still have the same amount of GPS reception when you are naked in the woods with no electronics around.

watts2db ago

you actually understand that GPS is a passive system

No6 ago

Right, you and I know the transmitter is in the chariot what carries the sun over the firmament, but I wanted to know how he imagined it working.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Cameras attach data to photos. The more information theuy have access to, the more it adds

No6 ago

I should have been more specific. My question was in fact about testicles.

smokratez ago

Rip future babies.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Folke ago

Location data is used by every app you have on your phone. A few lines of code injected or placed can give you massive amounts of information. just have to know where to put it.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Okay. But how did the mods get access to this information? Wouldn't that only be available to reddit admins?

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

EXIF data in the image. Guessing reddit doesn't strip it for their hosting.

marlflof ago

Audio, video, and digital images all have EXIF data on them. It includes a bunch of information about your camera, the settings used, and in many cases GPS location. Some ppl even use the EXIF data to communicate secret messages or hidden links through photos.

Folke ago

depends on what they've done, It could have been from the video or past pictures uploaded. Each has IP and GPS location on them. Could have been Analytics thats been installed on that subreddit. Javascript from a custom Snoo, fraudulent links, shit man they have thousands of different ways to get information from you.

The_Venerable ago

Ah so it was an app. That makes sense. Another reason to use your web browser over independent apps.

Folke ago

If you use your phone, your gps location is sent with everything, including a browser.

The_Venerable ago

Sites can ask for consent to use your gps, you can either approve it or deny it. Sites cannot get your GPS loc if you deny it.

kidcip16 ago

Only in theory. For example, what if a site/app you have given Location access to (such as a weather app) then associates your IP address to your exact location? Then collects it from all their users, stores it in a database, then sells access to this database to 3rd party sites? This type of shit already happens ALL the time in the CRM world and why when you go to some site about computer SSDs suddenly Amazon is advertising SSDs too.

Folke ago

If the browser supports a Geolocation API the information can be leaked. It has happened and it'll happen again and again.

MrDarkWater ago

And then ask permission to gain access to the phones sensors.

70times7 ago

Lads need to put their hands up. Chin is exposed.

KLDB ago

Hay Maker from a mile a way. See those thicc legs... That pivot... the strength of his punch turned that other kid into a bobble head.

I strongly suggest everyone go to a muay thai gym and spar for fun just so you get over the deer in headlights reaction to a punch coming at you.

How the antifa kid attacked it appeared like he wanted to look tough and not be tough.

GenderPronoun ago

Shhh. Don't be giving the trans-kids fighting techniques. With the mixture of hormone drugs these kids are on, they'd become more unstable if they learn to block punches.

SearchVoatBot ago

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nospyingpls ago

You need to watch the video to see the old timey cartoon wind up behind his punch.


Similar to the wedgie video when fighting antifa the goal is to use moves as ridiculous as their philosophy.


All he does us adjust his angle

DanglingGoatBalls ago

nigga sleep before his knees even buckled

midnightblue1335 ago

Any man with average reflexes and coordination should've seen that coming, literally a full second before it landed.

Bringing the left fist up to the left temple would have cushioned this punch to the point where it doesn't do much. Or one could easily duck beneath such a telegraphed punch.

Of course, fights never go the way you plan. Add in the variables of a massive riotous mob, attempting to use improvised weapons, fear, etc., and suddenly something as simple as "He is loading up his right hand to hit me" becomes quite a bit more complex. So complex, that you make a mistake- and that's how our commie fagboy ended up eating concrete.

Train martial arts, guys. Really, learn how to punch and be punched, and learn how to grapple. You don't have to become an expert black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu- learn how to keep people from grabbing you. Learn to control another human body, and how to prevent someone from controlling yours. These two things were once common knowledge, but nowadays most men make it into their 20s without being in a single real fight.

Splooge ago

I don't think that's a "wind up," it's more of a mid-air/swing adjustment to me.

Halfway through the swing, he stops slightly, adjusts downward (to align with the off button on every faggot's chin) and continues swinging. You can see it clearly here when it's slowed down and not potato quality: https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=-pvf8ftpRWg

TheTrigger ago

Lol, steal their "weapon" and play monkey in the middle with it. Wet Willies. Purple nurples, hahahaha.

doubleanalbypass ago

cause they "fall for it" ;)

MemeDropAcct ago

Chad Thunderfist has some superb adrenaline control. The way he kept the faggot from falling to the pavement and cracking his egg completely, and then not clobbering the dumb bitch was some cool as a cucumber type shit. Also smart enough to wear some plastic forearm shields under that shirt, or that steel baton would have done some serious damage.



The "Antifa Gurl" (It's Maaa'm) prancing around behind the action is hilarious:


GenderPronoun ago

Nutritionists hate him

That's some funny shit right there.

Maevtr ago

He knocked his ass out and got ready for the next one. God they're so unprepared for an actual boogaloo...

Talc ago

I love that idea, want to go out and find me some antifa to play with now.

70times7 ago

when fighting antifa the goal is to use moves as ridiculous as their philosophy.

i luld

doubleanalbypass ago

cause they "fall for it" ;)

TimMasson1 ago

Never assume your identity is protected online because it is not

JohnGoodman ago

Good point Tim Masson, who is obviously a 1 year old child. See how easy it is?

TimMasson1 ago

I'm a bit confused by what you're trying to say here but I'll go along and say yes.😊

JohnGoodman ago

I don’t even know lol. You just have a name with a one at the end. I assume that’s your real name and the one has to mean something. Or not

TimMasson1 ago

I don't know why but I always use a one after it

JohnGoodman ago

And I’m really John Goodman!

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I loved you as the coach in "Revenge of the Nerds".

JohnGoodman ago

Thanks nigger, I never even watched my own movie

TimMasson1 ago

I know that.

ketoll ago

Especially on a platform which Communist China's Tencent owns large shares of.

Talc ago

in the same way they shouldn't assume that they can get away with shit like that.

Those coords would be a great place to set a trap, I was just thinking how much damage I could do with one of my rifles from half a mile away.

Planetoftheclown ago

How would you do that, exactly? If I really wanted to dox a person using their gps coordinates I'd look for the coordinates they spend the most time at over a month or longer. Surely, that's the place they spend 8 hours a night sleeping.

Since Reddit is collecting that information from their app, they're perfectly capable of defeating any ill devised attempt to "set a trap".

Talc ago

If you did that for me you'd end up off the coast of Nigeria, at Lat 0 Long 0, which is what happens when the GPS has never been turned on.

If I was planning the whole thing, I'd spoof the GPS location, if people can do it for pokemon go then I'm sure it would work for reddit's app too.

I wonder if reddit's app should be removed from the app store for this, is it supposed to be accessing GPS information to share a user's location?

Planetoftheclown ago

the GPS has never been turned on.

I appreciate your attention to detail concerning your privacy. Please allow me to posit the question: How do you know GPS has never been turned on? Is it the picture on your phone of the soft switch that says it's off?

Let me share a parable that works for soft switches: A scorpion, which cannot swim, asks a frog to carry it across a river on the frog's back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion, but midway across the river the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung the frog despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature."

You can not trust soft switches, EVER. You absolutely live in the age that your devices lie to you and will rat you out. They're designed to identify you and relay telemetry using a dozen or more technologies. You have zero control over your personal smart phone. So long as your device is connected to power it can and does communicate, can and will receive instructions, can and will do things without your consent or knowledge. Every register of activity on your phone that you have access to can be manipulated to mislead you.

Why is this so hard for people to accept? The dystopia future is here my friend.

Talc ago

Are you going to set up a highly illegal GPS radio source to jam your phone's reception of satellite data or are you going to use an app?

I suppose I could, "highly illegal" is of no relevance, they're jew laws put in place for jew victims, I'm no victim.

there's a fairly good chance that Google has inserted counter measures in their Android OS so that they always receive the real coordinate data

The chances that Reddit have done the same? just about zero. Was talking about fooling Reddit's app here, not google who built the entire OS, that's a different matter entirely. Also, I've never spotted any such code, and I would have done, I've worked with android and GPS extensively for an asset tracking product.

How do you know GPS has never been turned on?

I know how to access the hardware directly, and I looked. The hardware is off. On Moto G4 and G6, off is really off. The way it's designed it's always going to store its last set of coords, so if it's been on and you turn it off it'll store the last reading, if someone somehow remote switches it on and off again it'll store that last reading, and any overwrite of that would require root access. if it's never ever been on the register contains zero, without accessing the hardware the only other way to reset it to zero would be to go to the physical location 0,0 in the Gulf of Guinea and turn it on and off again. Can't speak for any other brands or models.

I'm not actually trusting a soft switch, plenty of people might but I already learned that you can't trust much these days, I like to know how things work so I understand the issues. Hopefully someone else learns something from your words here.

Planetoftheclown ago

I know how to access the hardware directly,

Wow, I'm impressed. Most people don't carry around that kind of equipment with them.

Talc ago

I was paid to help develop a hardware product which uses Android, GPS and GSM (a "tracker" type device), got very familiar with the whole thing as a result, otherwise I'd probably not know any more than what you said, "don't trust software switches".

folgeyharry ago

...I'd look for the coordinates they spend the most time at over a month or longer. Surely, that's the place they spend 8 hours a night sleeping.

You don't have a job, do you?

Planetoftheclown ago

I don't want to make you feel defensive. So, would you feel better thinking I am unemployed?

TheKalergiFan ago

how much damage

half a mile away

Zero damage

Saint_Clementine ago

The average voat boomer is a fatass LARPer who thinks he will be able to outgun le gubmint in head-on combat and thinks the boogaloo will be non-stop combat when actually it will be moving from point A to point B to restock supplies and destroy key infrastructure with very little combat at all.

Talc ago

zero being the sum total of your knowledge

dayofthehope ago

ow much damage I could do with one of my rifles

voat is a site of peace. we don't do those kind of things.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Lol, good one

spaceman84 ago

I too am a gay nigger from outer space with an unquenchable thirst to penetrate Hebrew anuses. Open those borders up for diversity if you know what I mean.

drj2 ago


RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Except in Minecraft

ImReallyHighBut ago

You're gonna need more proof than that or your just a huge faggot.

goatsandbros ago

I tried this line on a tour of Auschwitz, and it didn't go over well.

smokratez ago

Pfff. Nice.