iyskreem ago

I would never vote to send any American troops into the desert on behalf of Israel, but this one didn't cost us any people. Pretty much no downside

Bottled_Tears ago

I suppose it's because of the response to the attack on us but the international Baghdad airport seems extreme, feel like it risks innocents.

Paradude ago

I don't care what we do with missiles so long as they are blowing up non-friendlies, and Iran is full of shitskins. Maybe if we piss them off enough, they'll take it out on Israel.

Newmemba ago

lots of jews an like kind of nitwits, is my guess

it really was a major blunder, somebody high up in US command should be shot for it

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Because the entire middle east deserves to be glassed

Fuck it at this point.

Let the bitch burn.

We've got oil in texas

mattsixteen24 ago


Mouse-Ball-Z ago

There is a massive misinformation campaign going on right now. Everything, absolutely everything, on all media channels is being manipulated to tell you what to think. Think for yourselves, shut the fuck up, and don't take any of this as any more important than the Lego movie. You aren't involved, you don't know the facts, and you can't do anything anyway. Niggers.

spaceman84 ago


Snots ago

They don't read.

Brickman45 ago

Yeah! Opposing viewpoints are definitely shills. Probably Russian bots or something

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Because they are globalist jew puppets pushing the "every country needs a central bank" narrative

i_hate_sodomites ago

Just more boomer bullshit. And the Q-tards not only have a hard-on for a war they're too old to be drafted for, they fucking love jews. When the DOTR comes these traitors will be swinging from the trees with the niggers....

whitesilk ago

That guy was a Muslim terrorist leader. Good riddance. Now he is a greasy spot on the road thanks to American fire power.

notajew69 ago

Because it means another poo is dead. I don’t want war but it is satisfying when they are obliterated.

ItsOk2bArian ago

I was thinking exactly the same thing. We just murdered the guy that was destroying our enemies in the region. Why did we do this and why is this a "good" thing? The official story sounds like the same old bullshit story of "terrorist bad, must bomb". If Iran killed one of our top military brass, we'd be sending everything we have at them. Why do we expect anything less from them in return? Plus Netanyahu's praise for the assassination makes me highly suspicious that we just killed the wrong guy yet again. I've watched the videos of people supposedly celebrating his death, but the videos of the masses at the funeral mourning his death seem more legit. Either way we just killed a major player, this will have consequences and the low level people will pay the price on both sides. Martyrs make more enemies. More enemies make bigger conflicts. Embassy raids in countries we dont belong in are just locals blowing off steam, but assassinating a foreign General in a country that specifically told us Not To Do It, is an act of war.

12Disciples ago

In November 1979 Iran committed an act of war against the United States by taking over our embassy in Tehran and holding the embassy staff hostage until Ronald Reagan became president.

Maybe some of us are finally seeing the payback.

ArielQflip ago

Holy crap. My wife and I were just talking about this in 1979 this morning and how it correlates to something that happened in 1947, but we haven't found out what.

Niggertown ago

Astroturfing Jews.

MinorLeakage ago

Meh. It seems like more of a de-esclation than anything, and I like the message for once. We won't kill your civilians like Churchill would, we'll target your actual leaders and the men giving orders.

You can't stop them by killing their subjects. They do that already.

NotHereForPizza ago

there literally cannot be another global war just like the US cannot have a civil war...

TheSeer ago

Muh Trump. Muh flag. They confuse imperialism with nationalism and patriotism.

Sosacms ago

Just to play devil's advocate. There's a big difference between war and tactical response. After 9/11 we attacked everyone except the people responsible. Just a general wide spread war machine of chaos. For 30+ years of my life war was used as excuse to do something completely unrelated.

These are swift responses and well aimed targets. Maybe we wouldn't have been in conflicts with the middle East my entire life if this was how we responded to aggression.

Nothing beats peace and we should be more focused on our neighbors than the other side of the planet. But this isn't the status quo of military response. Plus, seems like it might have been a decent "hearts and minds" play. That General was doing some horrible shit. So maybe America helping drain a few swamps will lead to something nice.

MinorLeakage ago

I agree. For once, they actually targetted a powerful person who was responsible for giving orders. It's reminiscent of the American Revolution and shooting English Officers. They'd never had their Officers targetted and slaughtered before, and were quite upset.

For once, it wasn't innocent civilians being targetted. I can't see it as a bad development, when you compare it to what Clinton, Bush, and Obama were up to. Those guys were blowing up thousands of people. Clinton was blowing up white Christians in Europe for God's sake.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Shills come in droves to push and confirm their narratives. Just point them out and move on.

mf1776 ago

Many goats believe the only evil force is the Jew. Therefore any enemy of the Jew is our friend. In other words, fucking idiots.

5B3854C ago

Trump stated that Iranian General Qassim Soleimani had plans for a major attack against the US forces in Iraq. And he stopped him before he could carry it out. I believe John Kerry was involved in the Iranian planning and was the Deep State coordinator of it. Recall when Kerry flew to Tehran to meet with Iranian leaders? Not only did Kerry violate the Logan Act by telling the Iranians to disregard anything Trump says, but I think it was far more sinister than his publicized remarks. The democrats wanted to create a Jimmy Carter "Iran Crisis", one that would have made the Benghazi tragedy look like burnt match stick compared to a fire storm. Trump would have been blamed and the MSM would have endlessly attacked him with the full arsenal of making him another Jimmy Carter.

Trump knew! The counter offensive was to attack first and decapitate the leaders of this plan. Not only did Trump end their plan, but I believe it provides an avenue for Trump to get the US out of Iraq. Low and behold, the Iraqi parliament has called an emergency session for a vote ending US occupation of Iraq. Did you think the emergency session happened as a result of Soleimani's death? No, I believe it was part of the Trump plan.

5B3854C ago

Down votes mean I'm over the target.

Isn't it ironic immediately after the embassy siege, the democrats and MSM immediately claimed it was "Trump's Benghazi"?

Their talking points are given to them by the deep state. This embassy siege was well-planned and coordinated many months before.

Why now?

Why is Nancy Pelosi withholding the articles of impeachment? 2 + 2 = .......

Look, the current articles of impeachment is legally very weak. The democrats desperately need an "incentive" to change many of the Republican Senator's minds. This attack on the Baghad embassy and the impending plan to kill many Americans was that incentive.

Trump KNEW!!!

He foiled their plans by decapitating the leaders of the planned attack on Americans at the embassy and other American bases of operation.

John Kerry is thickly involved in the coordination between deep state operatives and the Iranian government.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

the jews are among us

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Imo it's nothing more than a diversion to take more of our Second Amendment rights away take our eyes off Virginia Kentucky Georgia

mattsixteen24 ago

It's because of all the qtards came here. They are zionist.

Brain_Spasm ago

Because it is awesome.

DontBeRacist ago

I'm not celebrating it. Everything having to do with Iran is Jew bullshit.

We have no allies in North Africa. See? Nobody gives a fuck. Why do we care if we have an ally in the Middle East? We buy oil from Muslim countries. What does having Israel there have to do with any of that? They're still going to sell us oil even if Israel isn't there. War with Iran has everything to do with Israel, and I don't care about the conditions in Iran. If 8 year old girls are getting raped in the ass everyday in Iran, it's their problem with their own shitty country.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

The war already started a while ago.

What you are seeing now is an increase in the intensity of the war.

LibCucks ago

Just because someone else hates (((them))) does not automatically make them an ally.

We were attacked, this was an appropriate response. Start shit, get hit.


The way you START a war is by killing many innocent civilians, thereby requiring the government of the civilians to engage in war in order to save face.

The way you STOP a war before it starts is to kill a guilty, unliked, military Mastermind whose absense puts his country at an instant disadvantage.

I get it. There are a lot of shills here happy at what happened. There are a lot of kikes happy today because "Muh, IRAN!"

But withing 30 days they are going to realize that Trump just put out the ONLY flame that was capeable of starting a bonfire.

Fanning hostilities with Iran will be significantly more difficult for the jews from now on.

version7 ago

Because they're either myopic or shills

BushChuck ago

Those are qtards, not goats.

Goats see the world with open eyes.

Oh_Well_ian ago



Ask the better question:


slowcrash101 ago

Because attacking the president is the only way they can be relevant in this day and age.

Oh_Well_ian ago

wrong.. attacking the President has destroyed their viewership, relevance, ad revenue and credibility

they are going down with the ship

slowcrash101 ago

You sure about that? People love a good ol' train wreck.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Ok, why is the msm siding with Iran and attacking president Trump?

freeman84 ago

Because of all the Qtards that came here from Reddit that don't understand that Israel controls the US

PsychicRussiaSpy ago


Momerath ago

Shills rolling deep

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Boomer pro-israel morons who were raised to hate them there ay-rabs because the ay-rabs don't like our greatest ally.

MinorLeakage ago

Iranians are not Arabs, for the record. Iranian is the same word Aryan. The Iranians have been subjugated by a foreign people and foreign religion for many many years. They are traditionally Zoroastrian, and were the first monotheists.

Thus, through generations and generations, flourished Zoroastrianism, to be ultimately shattered and almost annihilated by the Arabs of the Khaliph Omar at the battle of Nehâvand, A.D. 642. Subsequent events may well be described in the words of Thomas Moore:

"Is Iran's pride then gone for ever,

Quenched with the flame in Mithra's caves?

No-she has sons, that never—never

Will stoop to be the Moslem's slaves,

While heaven has light or earth has graves."

PDF warning:


POTUShasnoballs ago

You don’t need to include a PDF warning on the fucking hyper league says it’s a PDF and you don’t need to anyway because you can preview anything before you click it don’t appears retards please

ggolemg ago

Any foreign intervention is bad except nuking Isreal.

notajew69 ago

Or china

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Accelerationism. Let's get this party started.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Because this forum is below average now thanks to jews niggers boomers and especially Qtards. It’s why I barely post here anymore.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

I cant post. I'm on phone waaaaaaaa

acheron2012 ago

Quite simply the only (arab) enemies the US ever had in the middle east are Pakistan and Iran. Iraq was a close ally until they embarrassed Bush 41 while he was still at the CIA. Once president he decided to murder their leader and devastate their country. Destabilizing the entire sub-continent for several generations never really figured into it one way or another. The psychopath simply didn't care enough to even wonder what would happen next.

But back on track -- Iran is our sworn enemy. President Peanut should have nuked their fucking asses off the face of the planet in 1979. Matters have only gotten steadily worse every year since then.

Pakistan is of course the largest international supporter of terrorism. Possibly followed by Saudi Arabia but that is another story. Our valid military targets for a formal declaration of war were, are, and will be for the foreseeable future: Iran; China; Pakistan.

Piss down your leg and call everyone that doesn't peace at ANY price a Q-Tard, Jew-shill, or whatever ad hominem attack makes you feel better. The simple fact is we do have real enemies that are really evil. Sometimes real men have to do real unpleasant things so worthless cucks can live in a country where they are free to whine like a little girl in the corner.

Note to OP: I'm not calling you as a cuck. The question is valid and important. I just get tired of people saying "Since the jews want it we shouldn't do it". As they say even a broken clock is right twice a day.

waucka ago


Pakistan and Iran

You don't know much, do you? Pakistan is basically Indians, and Iran is Persians. Neither are Arabs. The word you're looking for is "Muslim". Islam is what puts them in the same category, not race.

acheron2012 ago

I stand (mostly) corrected. The whole 3 race thing doesn't really stand up when you look at the genetic mess that is east Asia. But you are correct, When the British Empire left they split off Pakistan for the muslims and left the bulk of India for the Hindus.

I am much less convinced there is any real difference between "Persians" and "Arabs". If we cut with that fine a knife then there are defining differences between Palestinians and Iraqis. True in principle. But I'm not sure anyone cares.

slowcrash101 ago

What?!?!?!?! Are you really that retarded? Persians have green and blue eyes, Arabs cannot have these features.

kingdomhearts123 ago


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RaptorJesus ago


u_r_wat_u_eat ago

jewish shills

zeroexit ago

Just hang it up on the fact that he was actively planning more attacks. I dont think your nationality matters much depending on the severity of said plans. Also do not fall for the "Senior military official" title. Irans Army is the Iranian Army. The forces he represents are militias and splinters that are globally condemned as terrorist org. The Media in this country still manages to be worse then this attack plotting mastermind.

Mittermeyer ago

It's considered a "terrorist org" because they fight against Israel. Also that "planning more attacks" line is reminiscent of the WMD line. Mossad false flags against a US embassy after the last several false flags against Iran failed and now you believe it?

zeroexit ago

The several org. hes had hand in has done much more to christians in the area then to isreal ever. As for the "line", Ill believe Trump over bush any fucking day, change my mind. How are you so sure this strike wasnt in effect to quell further false flags? Do not forget Obama indirectly gave Iran Davey Crockets, This has much more to do with that, and potential future plans, that im sure Mossad WOULD LOVE TO HAVE CARRIED OUT AGAINST THE US. Not everything wreaks of Isreal, give me a fucking break.

scandalous-goat ago

It could be shilling in order to induce support for the war.

hello_reddit ago

They play all sides of the debate as well

RoundWheel ago

Yep. The (((shills))) did the same thing for nk.

RoundWheel ago

He was controlled by the zog- mossad. He was one of their last assets of power in iran. His death is not a prelude to war but a path to peace. The iranian people are thankful to trump. People are happy zogs are dying. True in iran and america.

Same type stuff happened in nk too. The (((press))l and (((shills))) probably misrepresent what's happening and why.

Iran is not done but they now have a path to liberation.

Before mossad-cia doomed them, iran had a bright future.


LaRiver ago

That makes sense.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Isn't it funny how 2016 was supposed to end ME wars and here we are with boomers rationalizing another one.


Timur9000 ago

You are beyond retarded.

Source: https://pasteboard.co/IOr1Lej.jpg

BushChuck ago

He was killed by the ZOG-mossad.


combatveteran ago

Talmudic bullshit logic.

RoundWheel ago

The question becomes, are you an idiot or an (((idiot)))?

The shills played the same game with nk too. Just like you are doing.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago


SaltyRonin ago

American's are brainwashed. They only care about bread and circuses.

capnflummox ago

I like peanut butter and house cats, too.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Not all kikey kikerman

SaltyRonin ago

The ones that don't are too few to matter, it appears. I'd love to be wrong.