LaRiver ago

Way to go!

vastrightwing ago

This all part of Hollyweird's plan to prevent piracy.

rockogre ago

I hope they continue to tank! Not paying for their crap any more.

lumbrjack ago

Revenue generation obviously isn't the objective with "show business".

Eddy261153 ago

An awful lot of films are just not worth wasting the time to watch, films with niggers in are either foul mouthed tirades "motherfucker" this or "motherfucker" that, or dreary story's about how whitey used them as slaves drone drone, films about faggots and their struggle to be accepted as normal, when they are not normal but perverts and deviants and quite often sex obsessed with it. I am sick of women being portrayed as just as tough and hard as a man, and white men now relegated to playing the idiot or the fool while the Nigger/Woman knows best.

blit416 ago

I absolutely agree. I've put up with these b. s. parts of modern moviemaking enough times, politely. I can't be polite about it anymore, so I don't indulge... and you'll never find me at a movie theatre, or even watching 90% with friends.

can't hold my tongue about it anymore! Won't!

Catfishbelly ago

I watched Ford vs Ferrari it was a solid movie. I can't say that about anything else I watched lately, my favorite part was there were no magic niggers plopped in it.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Out of the last 25 times this domain was submitted, OP was 23 of them.

Stop upvoting spammers you fucking retards.

Reapreap ago

we are the news. soon we'll be the movies too.

Patrice_oneal_ ago

Im a pirate harrrrr

Ctrl_Alt_Llama_ ago

That’s a shame, there were actually some pretty good movies in 2019, Joker, Le Mans ‘66, The dead don’t die, just to name a few. I hate that Marvel superheroes are basically the face of cinema these day, we’ll look back at this like we look at the western now; too damn many of them.

SpaceAgePimp ago

Joker was a piece of shit

NoMoreScreenNames ago

Richard Jewell was an excellent film, with a good message (the FBI is untrustworthy and so is the so-called free press).

slowcrash101 ago

That ship is over. Marvel is as dead as Stan Lee.

New-World-Ebola ago

kike scum have been begging for the holocaust to actually happen

Mr_big ago

Even the new jamanji or however its spelled has a white girl with a nigger boyfriend. Disgusting fucking jews. Was the first movie we went to see in about 18 months because of the forced diversity bullshit. We used to go quite a lot before everything went sjw nigger bullshit

jesspietre ago

Certainly they put garbage on the screen, and I don't want to see their leftist propaganda. But some of us also avoid Hollywood because they are a pit of organized satanic child abuse.

Zanbato ago

probably a lot due to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc... People are filled with streaming movies on their home devices

19810708321b ago

My 9 year old nephew saw the most recent Star Wars movie, after seeing all of them. His dad asked him as they were leaving, "what was your favorite part."

My nephew responded, "when it ended."

Swallowdaredpill ago

Your nephew is wise beyond his years and already knows when he is being indoctrinated.

19810708321b ago

Everything in his life is practically Star Wars. I also think he bores easily.

RandomFurryDude ago

When you print the money, money earning doesn't matter.

NotaQjackass ago

Exactly! These kikes would be pushing their hollywood crap for free if they had to. Anything to infect the minds of the dumb goy.

abcdef123456 ago

Pay for a VPN. Pirate everything. They produce crap. Give them nothing.

Besides, it is so much better to drink with your friends while watching a movie than being in a rip-off theatre. A bucket of popcorn costs $0.25 at home, or abouts?

blindwebster ago

Even better wean yourself off garbage. Personally: Sugar, Carbs, Video games - 95% gone. TV and social media - reduced by 80%, still working on it.

Classic novels, audiobooks, high quality podcasts, board/table/card games with friends.

chubsta ago


i can watch a pirated movie of my choice at home on a 130inch screen, eat whatever food i like and not it spoiled by a bunch of idiots who feel the need to shout or yell every time something happens. cinemas aren’t actually too bad where i live apart from the prices of course, but having once visited a cinema in a city in the us i felt like i was at the fucking zoo.

Tandemlee ago

Can you please tell this illiterate boomer how to watch pirated content on my smart tv?

I can't figure it out!

chubsta ago

Piracy can be a little complicated but the best place to start is by going to and putting in the name of a tv show you would like to watch - make sure you have ad blockers installed though. Under the video window you should see some links, use a program called 'jdownloader2' to download the linked files, you can then watch them at your leisure. Unfortunately it is far too complicated a subject to cover here but research on your part should yield good rewards.

To give you some idea of what is available to download once you are up and running go to, probably the best 'direct download' site around...

Rellik88 ago

Fire stick, and Kodi. Start your search there.

abcdef123456 ago

... a 130inch screen ...

You are not supposed to be competing with the movie theater. Jesus.

chubsta ago

a half decent projector and screen doesn’t cost much and i have always loved the ‘cinema experience’ so this works great for me. tbh there aren’t a huge number of modern films i want to watch but things like 2001 and early 80s sci-fi are still great. hell, i even play atari vcs games on it

abcdef123456 ago

Sorry, I am barging into your house and we are going to watch Excalibur. I will bring the beer.

indoctrophobe ago

I can't even watch any of the recent jewlywood shit pirated for free. Imagine actually paying for this crap.

blindwebster ago

Yes. There's so many classic novels I'd rather read or listen to.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I can't even remember the last movie I've watched, so much is crap I barely even bother.

rIckHAMIn ago

Then how are they smashing old records for revenue?

abcdef123456 ago

Inflation plus international markets. The chinks got money now.

SpiritExpedition ago

They're selling black pills. I think the latest star wars was made with the explicit goal of subconsciously black pilling the masses. Subvert the myths, subvert the consciousness.

kammmmak ago

My spidey sense tells me it's a shit lot worse than this and these numbers are complete utter bullshit

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

Oh come on man. Do you think the fine Jewish people would actually do something that is misleading to the rest of the world? Absolute nonsense. There were clearly $6 gorillion in ticket sales this last year and any claims that it was less than that is just plain anti-Semitism.

theoldones ago

the companies buy their own tickets to fudge the financial paperwork.