Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Sounds like an accelerationist to me.

LuciusAM ago

I hope for gun control too, it will take something like that to start a civil war and we need something of that magnitude to set things right.

SandHog ago

There's a big difference between the golbohomos overtly trying and getting their shit rightfully pushed in and what this faggot is saying.

At this point I just want this bitch to accelerate and all the guns get taken away finally so we know for sure it's over and we've all lost.

xenoPsychologist ago

even that wont get you out from behind your keyboard, so what does it matter?

Qispoop5 ago

It's a parody of Qtards and their retarded Hopium dreams.

SandHog ago

You have to go back, nigger.

Qispoop5 ago

Ok, massa. I'll go back to the field.

SandHog ago

Wake the fuck up Voat.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Excellent troll, good sir. We both know you know better. I thought you grew out of the PV antics?

SandHog ago

I'm not into PV antics. I'm also not into obvious astroturfing.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

You have mistaken me, I'm an obvious throwaway.

SandHog ago
