VoatContainmentGuard ago

oy vey lets flood Voat with jews and leftists so they can battle the Nazis! I'm going to Reddit

HitlerDinduNufin ago

People pay for voat accounts now?

What's mine worth?

It's not for sale, but a man should keep track of his assets.

obvious-throwaway- ago


SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/OccidentalEnclave submission by @Joe_McCarthy.

Posted automatically (#83897) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@obvious-throwaway-: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Joe_McCarthy)

HiJoker ago

A message board on the internet gets paranoid. Details @ 10.

Niceballsnigga ago

Account for sale here. Hit me up. Will sell for ball wax.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Ask for baby scrotums, something they have in plenty.

Jelican2 ago

I'm going to register as many accounts as I can and give them away to the biggest shills and kikes I know, until these fucking admins wake up and clean this site. Starting with me if you must. Or else this place is dead.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

We can sell our accounts?!

obvious-throwaway- ago

The Jews will happily give you little pieces of worthless paper they print in order to sell out your own people and everything you hold dear.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Yeah, promissory notes. It's interesting what you can do with such information.

Moon_Central ago

They are here gathering information for their spy rings. I'm getting messages on my inbox asking who am I and if I am an alt account...

Jelican2 ago


thatguyiam ago

Glowfags gtfo

ichlibejuice ago

Oh look at all this proof. Wow such detailed research you did.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Proof is in the pudding, https://files.catbox.moe/lqm7xs.png

ichlibejuice ago

Wow such vibrant research.

DirtPipeMilkshake ago

I can get money for my account??

thatguyiam ago

Off to our next adventure. TO INF8NITY & BEYOND**

**..beyond not referring to the anus, you glofegs

pimplepeter ago

my grandparent's account survived the holobunga

checkingthingsout ago

i see that i chose the wrong day to check this place out again... just came to find good conspiracy reads. havent been here since pizzagate was new. what are the good conspiracy, er, subvoats?

BillyLuath ago

Shit, I haven't gotten any offers.. I have five accounts to sell...

Who wants to buy?

FederalShill ago

This guy is crazy! Hes probably a schizophrenic! He needs to be put into a mental institution, far away from the bad and evil influences of his fellow goyim. We can give you the pills and CNN time that you need to no longer feel so distressed. Your federal government loves you.

SandHog ago

Considering that they effectively split Voat in two about six months ago, give or take, this should come as no surprise.

xXTRVXx ago

Someone will pay money for this account. Shit I should have made a bunch of alts then profit.

TheBookWasBetter ago

I have been trying so sell my account for years! Buy my account! 100% alpha shit poster, right here!

happycutie ago

I've been getting comments that the account was made 2 minutes ago and their only post was to me. They always hate Christians, white people, and white values.

MyNameIsMud ago

Sold accounts? How much does an account go for? Anyone wanna buy mine?

MrGoober ago

Im mostly a lurker. I love voat. But what can you do. This is an island in a sea of money. They want to destroy this site. They will. I appreciate every moment Im on here. Every moment I know what real people think. But money wont be stopped. Its in our nature. I love this site, its one of the last places that real conversation is held. But, we better make plans to move. Thats just the nature of this.

ovenpower ago


weneedabiggeroven ago

the usual hustle, sick of these diseased shits.

warpeace ago

what is the jewcost?

Mind_Games ago

When will the "cattle"...err "goyim" have enough of this jewish oppression and wipe humanity of the (((stain))) ?

thislionsheart ago

To be expected

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Sold accounts you say.

Hey shekelstein, $200,000.00 after taxes and I will never shitpost or open another social media account.


Deal with me dropping massive red pills on the black community daily.

obvious-throwaway- ago

They'll happily print off some more green pieces of useless paper. They can simply devalue them to nothing at a later time. Then you will have sold out your race and your people for nothing. No wonder the Jews are winning.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I can't believe how many are here pushing for war with Iran. Its fucking sickening.

Drstrangegoy ago

then lets get off this rock.

antiliberalsociety ago

Most of the kike lovers on my shitlist are getting upvotes in here, how Ironic.

Sosacms ago

Oh no, my fake internet points! How will I ever impress the ladies now?

AlphaOmega ago

Does anyone know of any moves made within the last 20 years that aren’t totally kiked to shit? I’m so sick of Jew media. What’s good out there?

obvious-throwaway- ago

Not sure what your post has to do with anything, but "The Terror", Season 1 is pretty good. Season 2 has nothing to do with Season 1 and is just more kikery, avoid at all costs.

"Vikings", although it contains lesbo dykes in a few segments, is overall pretty good and 99% white (although I'm also sure there are many shapeshifters on the show as well).

gazillions ago

You have a pretty childish game going on. You people really do have the lowest IQ. You could get some traction on sub saharan african forums. YOur speed. Go there.

Harry_Areola ago

Sold accounts? How much can I get for this one?

gazillions ago

Nobody in their right mind would take your word for fuck all you idiot.





nobslob ago

I have a 4.5 year old storied account that everyone loves, please PM for pricing.

Questionable_1 ago

Who needs tv the jews are all here

GuacMerchant ago

i think its because they are following popular prior redditors using their IP to Voat. I've had a voat account for over a year but only started posting here seriously in the last two months after every single subreddit that was based has been ziobanned. I keep getting messages and obviously (((neocons))) replying to my comments

obvious-throwaway- ago

Even though Voat is a pain in the ass to use and looks so shitty compared to Reddit

Voat is 100% better and easier to use than Eddit. P.S. Anyone using Eddit in the last 4 years is a cucked faggot.

Zenogias ago

It could also be old school voat people like me who aren't into the "MUH JEWS" routine

smokratez ago

White genocide is a routine?

obvious-throwaway- ago

6 thousand? I don't know if I can afford 6 hundred, but I'll pay the 6 dollars you ask for anyway. Let me see, 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... cents, just like we discussed.

TimMasson1 ago

Putt is definitely gone. He has always made posts at Christmas time wishing all of us a merry Christmas and happy New Year. I was waiting to see if that would happen this year it hasn't and he's gone. Something is not right but at the end of the day it's just a internet forum. The real difference is made out in the actual world. That's where we must try to reach people.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/OneTruePutt submission by @PeaceSeeker.

Posted automatically (#84606) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@TimMasson1: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @PeaceSeeker)

GenderPronoun ago

How would you know? You've only been here for 26 days. Unless ...

Didn't you do a Merry Christmas thread?

The real difference is made out in the actual world. That's where we must try to reach people.

Amen to that.

TimMasson1 ago

I've been here since the start buddy.

IslamicStatePatriot ago

you aint no whoabro you fucking simp

GenderPronoun ago

I suspect as much. I just remember you a few weeks back pretending you accidentally used your real name as an account. I understand better now.

Are the alt's to keep your anonymity? There seem to be a lot of them on these sites.

TimMasson1 ago

I don't use alts anymore. This is it and I am now here only to spread positivity and to try to help people in small ways.

CarFan ago

Well said brother.

Phantom42 ago

I've lurked here for years. Wanted to make an account a while back but didn't want the "Q" badge. Then, registration was locked.

Fair enough. I was unfortunate enough to join right in the midst of the Qultist migration. Unfortunate, really.

I don't remember disagreeing with what Zyklon posted,

As far as I knew the guy, he was basically a full-on NatSoc that had a love for shitposting because... Well, why not? It is the internet after all. The vibe I got from him seems that he probably was around my age. Just how he typed and whatnot. It was kind of nice "knowing" (I really don't) there's someone around my age around here. Zyklon was/is a good guy. Hope he's doing well IRL.

can't recall exactly what Syrians posts,

Alright, so we have our fucking glorious (as much as I abhor western (((women))) ) WhiteBeauty sub right? Pretty gals in some really fucking noice dresses and shit?

Syrians is the type to see a nice blonde in a white dress kneeling in a field with a butterfly on her finger and a crown of flowers, and then comment "I would love to slit her throat and fuck the wound. The blood getting all over that white dress and skin would turn me on so much,". That's basically him in a nutshell. Occasionally he'd make comments to get ez upvotes so he could get his CCP high enough to shitpost more.

And yes, the "slit your throat and fuck the wound" thing is inspired by Slipknot. I hate Corey's woke bullshit, but he's a fucking master at what he does along with the rest of the band. If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's the song:


I wouldn't care if they stayed on their containment board, but I've seen a number of them subverting jew naming on system boards, complete with mass downvoats to slide the posts. It's textbook jew tactics I've seen for years on the chans; they even argue the same way.

I know exactly what you mean. I keep an eye on them, but there's a handful (small handful) of them I think are alright, they just enjoy a little chaos here and there. Hell, I don't mind. Sure beats seeing the same damn article from news 6 different times in 3 different subs on 9 different occasions.

CanIPlay2 ago

Big sigh... Fine I'll do it. Just to prove I'm not a hack/JIDF account. Gas the kikes, hang the niggers and deport all non Americans. Let us remember that Europe has been invaded by Muslims. We need boots on the ground and the European governments to cut them off before it's too late.


A straight white American male.


Glass Israel.

anamazonslittle ago

That's not how you prove your not a kike shill. There's not some prayer to utter that absolves you.

H3r0n ago

They can keep pushing, we all know what happens when white people say “enough is enough”.

OverlordOverdrive ago

I already know you're a MYG alt. lol

hang_em_high ago

After seeing the thread earlier that mentioned the ZeroHedge Iran comments compared to these it's really obvious something is going on.

Rajadog20 ago

Watcha doin' rabbi?

GasChamber ago

You are way too late. We have been overrun. It's one thing when we notice shill posters being subversive in the obvious ways, but now I've been noticing for a while that a good chunk of light hearted threads are half full of dumb and barely thought out comments. Its just them filling thier dummy accounts to make them appear real. We are used to that kind of thing, but the sheer volume leads me to believe that putt is in guantanamo and this comment resides on government property.

THEx1138 ago

I knew there was trouble when /v/aww was getting mass upvoats for cat pictures.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago


anamazonslittle ago

That was in direct response to several shitbricks spamming it with gore, unless we're talking about two different occasions.

MrDarkWater ago


Fuckle_Chucks ago

Personally, it's encouraging to know that the JIDF is making a big push on this site. It's evidence of their desperation regarding the fact that they are not as dominant and invincible as they led themselves to believe. Which further confirms that Universe has finished with them and their eradication is close at hand.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Discouraged? No. Never.

I like to fight. Problem with this site is so many fucking cowards.

Group attacked? Like the pigs do on this coward Faggot pig infested shitstain website?

Little piggie safe space is infested with low IQ, domestic terrorist, public union communist parasitic scum, and the equally retarded copsuckers that praise cowards.

The only good pig is a dead pig.

anamazonslittle ago

I assume everyone who takes this hard core of a stance against cops just got arrested for shoplifting.

Deplorablepoetry ago

...and another pig targeted

You are so smart, low IQ coward pig faggot.

The only good pig is you with hole in your commie head scumbag.


Kill yourself or else.

anamazonslittle ago

Oh, this is much worse than shoplifting.

Graffiti? Do you have to do community service?

Deplorablepoetry ago

I intend to to use you like toilet paper, you filthy disgusting pig piece of shit.

anamazonslittle ago

Jesus, you even talk like a 15 year old.

Deplorablepoetry ago

The only good pig is a dead you.

Phantom42 ago

Ohhhhh those guys.

I'll say that not everything is as it seems.over there. You have certain users like gabara and SyriansFuckCorpses (he left before you arrived, he's under a new "fuckcorpses" name now) that are certainly and absolutely suspicious, but there are other folks that go there/are a part of it that are alright. Zyklon was one, he left waayyy before you. Rotteuxx is alright. Trigglypuff just kinda does her thing. I've yet to see anything horrible come out of her. Think of those subs as a "fuck it I'm blowing off some steam and if look like an autist then so be it" kind of place. However, it does open opportunities for (((subversives))) to try and root themselves, though how's that really any different from the rest of this damn site? 😂

celestial-skylord ago

Jews make the best Nazis.

obvious-throwaway- ago

National Socialism, Nazi is a slang word like Commie. Israel is a National Socialist country. Do you think outside countries control their banks and government? No, then you are seeing a National Socialist country. That's what National Socialism is and why the filthy Kikes hate it for everyone but themselves.

Phantom42 ago


NotHereForPizza ago

It's almost like someone told you all about this three years ago...

Phantom42 ago

SRS kikes LARPing as Nazis

TIL I'm an SRS kike LARPing.


fellowwhiteperson ago

I'm a white person larping as a kike larping as a white person. :D

Phantom42 ago



21991987? ago


TheFlameOfTruth ago

Mass downvotes out of the ordinary

ComradeUseless ago

so nothing new then.

OverlordOverdrive ago

I was just chatting with @PuttItOut. Don't worry I told him already.

Glipglup ago

I've been getting downvoted A LOT lately for saying that the viable solution to white Genocide is to set up support systems for and to support more white babies, white women need to have more children. I don't think I have ever been downvoted for saying that before and it's bizarre.

calfahul ago

Keep up the good work. We need to support people long-term, too, teaching them how to be better husbands and wives and fathers and mothers. Feminism turned women against men (and culture, and the white race, and...) and created a system that exploits productive men, and from that we have the MGTOW movement and guys (like I used to be) who just said "The system's rigged, I'm just gonna fuck with abandon until I die". We have very broken people - young men and women - and it's going to take a lot of work (long term, repeatedly, on a variety of issues both big and banal) to repair that damage.

ichlibejuice ago

Oh wow look at all the downvoats on this post. wow must be true.

You're getting downvoated because you're a faggot. there's no conspiracy.

Glipglup ago

Look, another person who hates whites having babies.

ichlibejuice ago

47 upvoats 3 downvoats and complains about every post getting downvoats (victim complex intensifies)

Tallest_Skil ago

What’s interesting is the rise in the accounts with “over the top” right-wing usernames that openly and blatantly post fundamentally jewish ideologies and then pretend their name is good enough cover for acceptance.

ichlibejuice ago

he was complaining about being downvoated when his post had 50 upfoats and 2 downvoats.

There's literally no mention of any idealogy.

Grow a brain, nigger.

Tallest_Skil ago

he was complaining about being downvoated when his post had 50 upfoats and 2 downvoats.

Nope, just “a lot lately,” not specifically on that post itself. You would have seen an edit notification were that the case. But then again, context clues and subtlety have never been... well... your strong suit. Such as replying to my point as though I was talking about you... Hmm...

Glipglup ago

ur a Jewish shill!! What do you mean you don't want to run into the FBI office guns blazing!?? I'm defenitely not SRS larping!


pimplepeter ago

JIDF is here dawg

The_Oogie ago

If that happens try re-commenting. The bots only seem to only down-vote early in a thread.

Hyst ago

You're kind of describing the welfare epidemic that has led to hordes of single mothers raising fucked up kids. That's probably why you were downvoated. We need father's in the situation. Your comment here focuses 100% on children and women. Support white families instead of white women? I dunno. Just spitballing.

Tallest_Skil ago

A healthy societal support system ≠ welfare. Neighbors helping one another ≠ being forced at gunpoint to have your income stolen from you and given to niggers.

Glipglup ago

Well generally when whites have kids it's implied the father sticks around. I have literally made no mention of a welfare system. Sharing/gift economy =/= welfare

Hyst ago

Implied but not necessarily correct. There are many white single mothers. Increasingly I've seen women getting caught up in the ZOG media and having standards much higher than their personal worth. With the option of being supported by big daddy Government they reject the father's. I've seen this personally too many times.

Anyways if I'm seeing that in your message I'm sure others are. You didn't mention families once. You focused on children and mothers.

I mean I agree with you though, especially with your second comment here, but it really should have emphasis on family in general.

Glipglup ago

Because honestly I'd rather have white single moms take over America than shit skins and nigger families, but you're right that I should use the word family instead. But even if you just knock up some whore, at least put a white baby inside her instead of letting some nigger do it.

Triple_InVerse ago

No, this is retarded. There is a reason the slave trade existed forever. Women leading us would be our death. There is however, no reason to expect that our value as slaves would be reduced if we were subservient a patriarchal global system. Allowing this diversity, inclusion, feminist farce to continue will not only be the downfall of the European sub-species but perhaps all of humanity. We have been subjugated and rose back to power before by other tribes of men. I can't believe you think this would be desirable.I guess sucking on momma's titty really made you a pussy.

Glipglup ago

You're putting a fuck ton of words and ideas in my mouth dude. I didn't say any of that.

Also you say that last line as though you think breast feeding is bad, which is retarded.

Tell us with a straight face you'd actually rather live in a black neighborhood than a neighborhood with a lot of single white mom's with white kids.

Triple_InVerse ago

Yes, you did. => Because honestly I'd rather have white single moms take over America than shit skins and nigger families,

Glipglup ago

Tell us that you'd rather live with blacks than single white mom's with white son.

Triple_InVerse ago

I don't prefer black mom's to white mom's. I prefer being consistent. If we expect to blame Jews for anything at all, but do not hold our woman to the same standards we wish to hold Jews too. Than we are hypocrites, and will ultimately fail. If we start our day of the rope, with our own traitors before we blame outsiders. That is the path to success. I am simply stating that woman need to be accountable, just like everyone else. There is currently no group less accountable, and reaping benefits than white woman. Our arguments against Niggers and Kikes are equally applicable to white woman. We need to be consistent. Giving the pussy pass was the biggest mistake we have ever made, and that decision needs to be reversed.

Glipglup ago

Yeah but you disagreed with my statement that of preferring single white mom's over blacks taking over, therefore you must hate white women and love blacks and want blacks to take over

Hyst ago

Fair enough, but I think a big part of the problem we are experiencing is the lack of father figures in children's lives. You have women growing up as whores then popping out their own kids and raising them terribly. They're attacking the family unit because they know a traditional family is strength. They have us scattered and lacking unity instead of in strong communities. It all starts with the family unit in my opinion.

Those women raised by single mothers are the women likely to hook up with niggers after all.

I do agree though.

uvulectomy ago

(((They))) don't want more white babies. (((They))) want more brown slaves, and (((they))) are here on Voat.

Heebro ago

My Hebrew brothers prefer to rape white babies.

Lynch_Tree ago

Well, it does say that it's their god given right in the Talmud

strange_69 ago

Today, Iranian shills are the kikes.

englishwebster ago

always keep an eye out for the parasite

Crikes ago

Always remember;

As long as we tolerate the world reserve global enslavement system...


Trust in foundational principles and individuals.

ALIENS2222 ago

What are accounts selling for? Asking for a friend.

freespeechplease ago

Bad Goy, don't sell yourself out you Nigger Faggot. Price is $0.00 sheckles around here

ALIENS2222 ago

Oh... I would save all the correspondence then back out at the last minute and post it all over voat doxxing the perpetrators if possible.

SIayfire122 ago

Anyone want to buy my account? It's well established, known account in good standings. Can be yours for the small price of $6M.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I keep asking a dollar per ccp and never get any takers.

Drstrangegoy ago

you're thinking too small. asked for a 1.5 million dollar book deal and got one.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

So small I still get zero takers

SIayfire122 ago

That's a good deal. Do they not realize how long it'd take for them to lose it all?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

They have no clue how voat works.

Phantom42 ago

$100 million or $10 million for mine, kikes. Take it or leave it.

NotPolice ago

$1 million, you say?

Phantom42 ago

Nonono, 1 billion.

Drstrangegoy ago

one......beeeelion dollars.

uvulectomy ago

If you sell yours for $6 gorillion, I could probably get at least twice as much for mine. Oy vey!

Acerphoon ago

6 million dollar? What would a goat need 6.000 dollar for? Hmm - For a simple account. Can't believe someone would actually offer to sell his account for 60 dollars. It's way too much.

But thinking about it, 6 dollars for a good voat account might not be totally out of the question for some people. Okay, you sold me. I will you give you the 6 cents.

Send me a DM with your password and be sure to pay me the $6.000.000 you still owe me.

oaf ago

Hah! you jewed down the price, using clever verbal trickery. And as a final flourish got the Goy to pay you!

oaf ago

Hah! you jewed down the price, using clever verbal trickery.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

I'll give you four buttons and a paperclip.

Three of the buttons match, its a pretty good deal.

ggolemg ago

It was always this way just now it's accelerating the closer we get to the election.

gazillions ago

There are more muslims posting here than jews.

Glipglup ago

gazillions is right and I've tried warning voat before that these shills are likely just shit street pajeets getting paid 10 rupees a day to post this slimey kike shit. Those people will do anything for money, even selling their own daughters to rapists. "But you don't understand tey are so poor and desperate" I don't buy for 1 fucking second that they accidentally had too many kids and were forced to sell one.

crazy_eyes ago

They wouldn't bother if the place wasn't a threat

Tallest_Skil ago

They destroyed us after the Tarrant event. Voat hasn’t been a threat for a year. The owner is gone. The site crashes thousands of times per day. There are about 200 real humans who post here. How’s that supposed to be a threat? The shills here are simply winding down their contracts.

crazy_eyes ago

The shills would move on to another site if what you say we're true.

Tallest_Skil ago

are simply winding down their contracts

Read posts before replying. I’ve proven repeatedly, year after year, that there’s no threat to the ZOG here.

crazy_eyes ago

I read that, they would still send them somewhere they could be productive

obvious-throwaway- ago

If they had nothing to fear, they wouldn't be here.

In all reality, more people read Voat than the Jew York Times or (((Time Magazine))).


I hope you are joking

obvious-throwaway- ago

When was the last time you even saw a Jew York Times or (((Time Magazine))), much less someone reading one? I see one thing, people staring at their phones playing bejeweled or looking at Kikebook.

HiJoker ago

4/5 Glow Niggers recommend Voat

RM-Goetbbels ago

0 jews- Acceptable

1 jew- Manageable

2 jews- A shitload

3 jews- Build the gas chambers

abcdef123456 ago

Never a gas chamber existed. Nor is it time now. Rope on the other hand is rather cheap.

uvulectomy ago

Stage 8 of Holocaust Learning: "The Holocaust never happened. But it will..."

ggolemg ago

0 Jews = unacceptable

obvious-throwaway- ago

Gas chambers? I guess there's a first for everything.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

America used to gas death row inmates and I uploaded the other day wondering how many jewish criminals we have gassed kek

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Jews have been profiting from gas chambers for years. Hell, they practically invented the industry.

anamazonslittle ago

How much do you think they'll pay me for my masturbation machine?

ALIENS2222 ago

Hitler DID do something wrong. ... No gas chambers.

oaf ago

But in our 7th grade field trip to Auschwitz concentration camp, we SAW THE GAS CHAMBER DOOR , it was wood, with one inch gap beneath ... was I lied to? :


(((who))) would be behind the gas chamber of death lies? WHO?!

anticlutch ago

(((Mmmhmm))) and (((Oaf))) prove this. There are others as well. After I called out (((Mmmhmm))) with a thread (((he))) scrubbed (((his))) account.

oaf ago

remember too, ch3f4554551n alt of Mmmhmm, 75% sure

Mmmhmm deletes his most brazen lies, like here : https://voat.co/v/funny/3588519

you claim now Mmmhmm deleted the account?!?!

Mmmhmm disrupted a lot prior. Was it a curated and sold to SPLC account? sold to ADL ? weird!

https://voat.co/u/ch3f4554551n (his other 3 year old established alt, 75% likelyhood) did not delete yet in that thread , but Mmmhmm deleted many after getting caught smearing whites and disenchanting users.

IslamicStatePatriot ago

itz day jooz!!!!

zxcvzxcv ago

did putt sell out, or did he commit suicide with 2 shotgun blasts to the back of the head?

Inaminit ago

If you really think Putt sold out to der juden, why you still here?

anticlutch ago

Because it's fun and terrifying to see just how many of you think you're redpilled in the slightest then watch you fall for jewish trick after jewish trick after jewish trick.

Inaminit ago

Więc jesteś podekscytowany, że tu jesteś, więc możesz LARP? Ryciny ...


Isn't Tulsi Gabbard opposed to military adventurism in the middle east though?

I think any pro-gabbard stuff here is just conservatives who applaud her for pointing out all the shit that's wrong with the democratic party. I don't think they actually want her to win the nomination and defeat trump.

Tallest_Skil ago

who applaud her for

But that’s the problem, of course. You likely know it and just haven’t said it. The problem (with neocons) is remaining within the false dichotomy. The problem is continuing to entertain the idea that “liberals are just regular people who just happen to be incorrect about their worldview, and if we could just show them the truth they’ll magically switch over ha ha silly little souls.” The problem is in continuing to accept the idea that a woman should be in office. The problem is in continuing to accept the idea that a nonwhite should be in office.

They allow their “she said correct thing” view to dictate an a priori acceptance of the entire premise her existence. They worship the world that let her get in this position. That’s the problem.

Triple_InVerse ago

Biblical Eve - Religious

Helen of Troy - Historical

Justa Grata Honoria - Historical

Ancient Greek plays (i.e.Assemblywoman) - Fiction

So I am a Jew for saying that our forefathers warned us just as clearly through religion and works of art about female influence? I am a jew for pointing to historical women that have worked to destroy the very societies that nurtured them? Our forefathers were perhaps more clear about the influence of women leading us than they were about even the Jews!!!! There are so many examples, and betrayals. The fact you think I am a Jew, for suggesting we should start by holding our women to the same standard we expect to hold men of another culture and race too, is fucking retarded. Straight fucking emo tier, cry in a corner retarded.

GenderPronoun ago

Is there a masterthread with a list of such accounts?

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I started v/DisinfoAgents a while back, but it never seemed to catch on.

GenderPronoun ago

Thanks, I'll check that one out.

anticlutch ago

No. And it would be unlikely (((voat admins))) would allow such a thing.

Triple_InVerse ago

They would never allow such a thing

Triple_InVerse ago

Biblical Eve

Helen of Troy

Justa Grata Honoria

Greek tragedy Assemblywoman

Our ancestors warned us just as clearly about woman leading society, and perhaps more so than they did about the Jews. We have real world examples of their betrayals that killed many of us and destroyed our institutions, just like the Jews. They have a special word to deflect criticism, just like the Jews. There are so many parallels, I can't stand this horseshit. I an not an MGTOW, but nor am I a cuck. The fact you think I am a Jew for holding them to the same standard of criticism, that we hold the Jews to, illustrates perfectly how retarded many white men are. You don't want to be cattle for the Jews? Control our damn women and hold them to the same standards we try to hold other races too for fuck sake. The dissonance to conclude pointing out the absolute hypocrisy and delusion of todays white women is shill behaviour is fucking retarded.

Triple_InVerse ago

White females are perhaps as equally nepotistic as Jews in today's modern discourse. I don't hate women, I hate their hypocrisy and group think as a tribe regardless of facts. Sounds alot like who else? I think your desire to get laid blinds you to this clearly present fact, that has been just as historically cautioned as the influence of Jews. The fact you think I am a Jew for highlighting all that they, along with the Zionists and others have been complicit in doing, just shows how well their programming has worked. 200 years ago, we never would allow a woman to lead us or be involved in politics, why? If I wish for a return to our own historical norm, I am a Jew? If I understand the lessons from Helen of Troy, Justa Grata Honoria, Biblical Eve, or the Greek play Assemblywomen than I am a Jew. I am not an MGTOW, but nor am I a cuck. Being anti white female today is being pro white male. That is the discourse they have created, not us men.

anticlutch ago

White females are perhaps as equally nepotistic as Jews in today's modern discourse.

6 month old account

I think your desire to get laid blinds you...

Are (((you))) implying it's hard to get laid? Also nice job using the jewish and/or female line of "arguing".

hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr this pussy is off limits to you!!!


Triple_InVerse ago

You're a fucking retard.

kingdomhearts123 ago

I'm voting for pineapple princess

She never rode one time on a pedophile jet

fellowkikepeople ago

Yup, (((Mmmhmm))) was definitely a cunt.

Tried miseducating me about stuff I know and saying I was ignorant about it. And he was getting upvoted and I was getting downvoted. It did make me question how the quality of voat had fallen so quickly.

Drstrangegoy ago

yes she was very unpleasant. I imagine her as a person that smells of death and cats.

antiliberalsociety ago

Anyone attacking Christianity give themselves away.

CantDentTheBrent ago


Revisit ago

I'm going to agree with this 100%

TavistockInstitute ago


thatguyiam ago

Suck a fat dick rabbi

antiliberalsociety ago

Thanks, another sapling account added to the list ✔️

thatguyiam ago

What the fekc is with the gAy ass checkmark. Does the checkmark mean you take it up the anus?

TavistockInstitute ago

Oh no. You hate me for having an opinion. How stereotypically zealous of you. I'm shocked.

Tallest_Skil ago


Truth is not a matter of opinion, shlomo. Only jews claim otherwise. They literally invented relativism.


Maybe look up the definition of words before using them next time.

antiliberalsociety ago

Interesting you call it opinion instead of fact...

Iornukrum ago

What do I give away by stating an opinion? I'm East-German, we're a godless bunch nowadays. Blame it on Soviet occupation, blame it on industrialization, blame it on the juice, but at the end we mostly have an outsider's perspective on religion. After centuries of bullshit fratricidal conflicts in Europe, I think it's fair for us to question the fundamentals of Christianity.

I'd rather find spiritual salvation in our original pagan faith of millennia past than to subscribe to an organized foreign religion controlled by pedophiles in Rome.

Tallest_Skil ago

I think it’s fair for us to question something that had to be destroyed to make way for [list of horrible things I posted]

Anon… please. You’re an Aryan; show some critical thinking.

Iornukrum ago

Not happening. But you're free to convince me, why Christianity should matter to us any longer. The salvation narrative has been on its slow way out for centuries.

Tallest_Skil ago

[critical thinking is] not happening

lol, I can see that.

why should the jews’ greatest enemy matter to us

Pay attention, please.

Iornukrum ago

Murky waters of history. Who knows who or what Jesus really was. Whatever the Apostles or the church founders intended, they didn't act decisively on the knowledge of their "greatest enemy." Do you believe taking the salvation narrative seriously will go anywhere? It sure didn't the last 2 millennia.

Tallest_Skil ago

didn’t act decisively

Bible explicitly says to undo the works of the jews where you find them

it sure didn’t [go anywhere]

rise of Protestantism correlated directly with the rise of technological society


MemeDropAcct ago

Tried miseducating me about stuff I know and saying I was ignorant about it.

Gaslighting is the term for this.

fellowkikepeople ago

That's the one. Weak behaviour.

MemeDropAcct ago

Yes, trying to make someone doubt what he knows is insidious. Gaslight is great old film if you have not seen it and are in the mood for an old school B&W thriller sometime.

fellowkikepeople ago

Thinking about it, it wasn't technically gaslighting as it seemed intended to get other people to doubt my knowledge rather than myself. Is there a term for that?

MemeDropAcct ago

Not sure. In the actual Gaslight movie, making other people (the maids mainly) doubt the wife (and thus her herself) is actually part of what the husband is doing to drive her crazy. Pretty twisted shit.

fellowkikepeople ago

Will check it out, thanks.

anticlutch ago

It's hilarious how (((Oaf))) replied to me in this very comment chain in agreement. Now read (((Oaf)))'s comment. It's schizo as I've ever seen a post.

Humansized ago

reads like your typical qoomer

fellowkikepeople ago

Yeah, that's fucking weird.

oaf ago

remember too, ch3f4554551n alt of Mmmhmm, 90% sure

Mmmhmm deletes his most brazen lies, like here : https://voat.co/v/funny/3588519

you claim now Mmmhmm deleted the account?!?!

Mmmhmm disrupted a lot prior. Was it a curated and sold to SPLC account? sold to ADL ? weird!

ch3f4554551n (his other alt) did not delete yet in that thread , but Mmmhmm deleted many after getting caught smearing whites and disenchanting users.

Gopherurself ago

Amen brother, don't forget (((@heygeorge))) and (((@OverlordOperative)))

Broc_Lia ago

You realise Heygeorge is Putt right?

Gopherurself ago


Broc_Lia ago

He said so in one of his posts about alts. Something along the lines of it being an open secret that heygeorge was one of his.

Gopherurself ago

We'll both @heygeorge and @puttitout put out pretty good and are my full-time bottom bitches

RustyEquipment ago

these fucking ground squirrels and chipmunks will pay... with fur and blood

Gopherurself ago


Drstrangegoy ago

I can hear their chitterings.

21991971? ago

We are still praying for you buddy!

Hope it gets easier!

Gopherurself ago


TheGrandMaster ago

(((@overlordoverdrive))) you mean...

Gopherurself ago


TheGrandMaster ago


Gopherurself ago


TheGrandMaster ago


Gopherurself ago


TheGrandMaster ago


Gopherurself ago


TheGrandMaster ago

Okay you win, holy cow thats hilarious

Gopherurself ago


OverlordOverdrive ago

I love when you talk to yourself, which is always.

blumen4alles ago

Discouraged is exactly their objective.

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No6 ago

Oh no, someone's shitting in the honeypot

obvious-throwaway- ago

(((FBI))), (((Mossad))) and the (((JIDF))) who run this board are probably getting pissed right now that a bunch of antifa'ggots are disrupting their ability to monitor us properly.

pimplepeter ago

the new ones do seem like antifa dumb ass tranny faggot approaches.

nospyingpls ago

I'm pretty sure they aren't having any difficulty.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

It appears I need to dust off and join the fight.

obvious-throwaway- ago

I remember you.