Wazhappenin1 ago

Just getting on to Medicaid would save a family thousands.

calfahul ago

How, though? I've been thinking about this for a while, but I've been working and have stayed healthy my whole life (of course, I'm a hetero white cismale). I'd love to get a little of my own tax money back, get an EBT card that I can use to buy food from local farmers. I've been ready to do a little redistribution (in the classic sense, distributing it BACK where it came from) of wealth for years, but unless you're part of a protected class it seems difficult.

OverlordOverdrive ago

Hi fag

golgo91 ago

I would rather die than start playing by the devils rules.

The whites who already parasitize off welfare need to be exterminated.

When the real revolution comes you and your kin will be removed along with all the shitskins and no one will remember you

Death_in_June ago

after working hard all my life to pay to money in the pockets of others i've come to this conclusion recently. The problem is that i've been such an honest goy i have no clue as to how to work the system.

Niggertown ago

Then you'll just be stealing from other whites.

slope ago

Here is an actual idea that I tested:

1) Go back to school

2) Get 4.0 in everything

3) Receive scholarships

This is one method which works, most of you guys have replied with nothing.

AgentSakura ago

Just stop paying taxes and being complicit in having your earnings extorted by terrorists

Doglegwarrior ago

sorry i cant do it. you seen the movie with russle crow about the boxer who pays back his welfare? well thats not the white mans way. if the world was not against us then it wouldnt be fair at all one day when we unite it truly wont be fair and fortainstly for the reat of the world we have empathy and will not destory the people we defeat, sadly if it goes the other way and whites lose our only hope will be in the hands of asians specificaly the japanese convincing the chinese to declare war on jews and islam

Merlynn ago

The money money goes out,the more the people get taxed. It's not their money they give away.

bruddah ago

Break the system. Stop paying federal income tax!

bruddah ago

Claim 9 tax revolt?

keksupreme ago

no don't play the jew game...the jews are pushing really hard to ruin society but will fail.

they want us to be slaves to them not be independent.

anamazonslittle ago

Ah, the communist's Cloward-Piven strategy.

Fuck off kike. Sick of your bolshevik garbage.

Drain0 ago

Sorry glow nigger, I'm too proud of being a white man who earns his keep.

AgentSakura ago

Too legit to quit

Inatehiggers ago

Our keep is sending our dollars to the state. Fuck off

Drain0 ago

My keep... There is no OUR. So you fuck off jewboy.

Inatehiggers ago

Thanks for misinterpreting my statement. I dont believe anyone's keep belongs to anyone else but sadly it does.

Tallest_Skil ago

become niggers


Inatehiggers ago

White men will never be niggers. Exploit the system until it collapses

Tallest_Skil ago

Or… collapse the system ourselves.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

I wonder if there's a way to use charities to do this.

Lot's of businesses lose money when they're first started. A lot of money. Could be some good tax breaks for that as well.

Trusts are used by many people to hold assets. There could be some ways to use them to your advantage.

toobaditworks ago

I would be easier to invest money in etherum, lite coin, xrp, stellar, monero, dash, and bitcoin. And in two years when it goes a lot higher you will be rich.

Or invest in palladium. Gold/silver will hold its value but won't make you rich.

Mrsfattmatt ago

White men. Be the strong white men that white women need. Don’t fall into the Jew propagated lie. White women are children. We need a man that is strong and tells us what to do. Source- white woman.

blackzetsu ago

As a fellow jewess, I can confirm that Jewish women are children. Gtfo here

clovelace ago

Go be a Nigger some place else, Leaf.

Day of the Rake when?

happycutie ago

If you want free McDonalds food there is a promo coupon on each receipt and you can fill it out and get something for free. If you don't want to buy something in order to get the receipt look around on the counter and someone probably left a receipt there.

happycutie ago

This is actually a great idea. Don't worry about pride. White people are too moral and dignified to take from the government. But there's nothing wrong using the anti-white system that wants your home invaded with foreigners to your advantage.

I don't know what the rules are but they'll probably give you welfare if you check Hispanic on your form. You can just say you identify as Hispanic and you believe your great grandpa was part Spaniard. I don't know if you'll get in trouble for that so be careful.

TheKalergiFan ago

"Help Cloward Piven the system faster guys!!"

nightjar ago

Yes. This is the peasant way to live your life.

If you want an adult way to live your life do the following: Save money in the stock market and collect long term dividends that are qualified. If you have 2 kids, the first $138,000 is 100% tax free. It goes up about $10,000 for each additional kid you have.

TimMasson1 ago

If we act like a nigger are we any better than them? I think I'll keep my pride and self-respect and earn my money. That's worth a lot more to me.

AgentSakura ago

Keep your head held high until the end

englishwebster ago

Jokes on you - our taxes will just go up

thislionsheart ago

Food Stamps are Evil

pm_me_your_exploitz ago

Wish I could get help or benefits but every fucking time my pay was just above their limits. So even if I am barely scraping by I am out of luck. I think I am the stupid one for even working.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

If you're not mentally disabled, why are you working as an employee to help someone else be successful?

Maybe you do qualify for assistance. Or, maybe you should look into one of the millions of different types of businesses out there.

xenoPsychologist ago

we can go back to being good and moral after our enemies are dead. its how we are different from them. until then there has to be no tactic beneath us in order to survive.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Already WAYYYYY ahead of you. When some fucking spic can claim Section 8 housing, food stamps, free lunch cards for their kids at school, free school supplies, a reduction on their utilities, etc., then I sure as fuck can figure out a way to game the system too.

Fuck, they're not even paying for it, I am, it's MY fucking money you goddamn wetback motherfuckers. I'll make sure I fucking get mine.

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

Bad idea. There are better ways.

fuckinghell ago

Holy shit this is fucking stupid.

Inatehiggers ago

I'd choose that over anything that exists now

Drunkenst ago

trust in the Lord.

hang_em_high ago

Rather not be part of the problem. If someone organized a tax protest I would be in for sure. How many would it take I wonder to amass to the point where they couldn't do shit.


HAHAHAHA there are no programs for white men you dumb fucks, The white man social program is called standing on a fucking freeway offramp

watts2db ago

its OUR money anyway

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ketoll ago

Saver's tax credit is my secret crazy trick. Get a break on my taxes for putting money in a retirement account. Exploiting the system, man, I don't give a flip!

newmenewmeyea ago

First off, your wife, traditionally, shouldn't work outside of cash, through/for you on the side, so unless it would truly benefit you income tax wise, ensure you're not legally married. If you're religious, have a religious wedding and find a pastor that will marry you sans license. Have her get on disability for whatever reason, ensure you're not on birth certificate for any of your children, but ensure you have DNA tests proving paternity in case there's would be divorce in your future to ensure you'll still have legal access to your kids. Since you're not legally married and wifey is on disability, this will keep your wife and kids on medicaid/medicare saving thousands each year. If your family needs to have something medical/cosmetic done that government bennies won't cover? Either eat the cost or temporarily add that one child for a year to your private insurance then move them back to medicaid later or eat the cost. This is risky but worth it in the long term. You won't be able to seek out food stamps unless you have your wife and kids living at another location as it's based on household income. Food stamps are a potentially dangerous territory and brings about snooping from knuckle dragging social services staff and heavy pandering to influence your wife to enter the child support system which could cascade and ruin everything if that ball ever gets rolling. Stay far from food stamps unless your income literally qualifies for it.

ketoll ago

Damn, this is the best one yet.

blackzetsu ago

Deleted. What did it say?

HatePrincipal ago

Literally convert to Judaism you get free protected class benefits and rights now and you get to cry anti semitism whenever anyone attacks you for anything and white people will eventually just put majority ethnic Jews.

BlowjaySimpson ago

duty*, my mongoloid friend.

BoomerHater1488er ago

If anyone is prior service, claim that you have a massive amount of stress from your service and that just feeling like the stress us bothering you makes you feel like a weakling and coward that doesn't deserve love from anyone and therefore you have great difficulty maintaining an erection.

I think that song and dance will get you at least to a 50% rating which, for a single guy with no kids, is $879.36 per month, tax free. Can't live of that, obviously, but each 10% linear increase gives you a geometric increase in payments.

  • 60% = $1,113.86
  • 70% = $1,403.71
  • 80% = $1,631.69
  • 90% = $1,833.62
  • 100% = $3,057.13

Look at the bump from 90% to 100%. And you get more if you're married, have kids, have dependant kids between 18 - 26, or have dependant parents.

It should be noted that you can, say, be rated a 70% from PTSD but get classified as "unemployable" and receive pay as if at a 100% rating. Just be aware that if you earn a certain amount, you'll lose your "unemployability" status and get paid at a, in this example, 70% rating.

If you lost both your legs or something extreme and you have a hands down 100% rating, you could be the next founder of a billion dollar industry and the VA will still give you your monthly check.

It should also be noted that ratings don't combine intuitively. For example, a 50% rating plus a 40% rating for a different injury, combines to be 70%, not 90%. Otherwise any asshole could dream up 10 unfalsifiable 10% rating complaints and get a 100%. I don't feel like getting into the details, but it makes sense after you figure it out.

Lastly, try to combine claims. A 30% rating for one injury is better than three 10% ratings. So if you have hearing loss, blurred vision, and tinnitus don't claim them separately, say you got hit in the head in training and ever since then you've head hearing loss, blurred vision, and tinnitus.

Ina_Pickle ago

I offered to divorce my husband so I could draw benefits since I stay at home with the kids anyway, but he absolutely refuses. Can't sem to wrap his head around the idea that our religious commitment is not tied to the civil ceremony.

Or maybe he thinks its a trick?


happycutie ago

Divorcing is trash.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Yes, have the state file a lawsuit against him to recover the money spent on his children. That's a great trick.

Drunkenst ago

Do nothing illegal. Trust God to provide.

bruddah ago

The authority of man is illegitimate, there is only god's law (or natural law if you prefer). God's law is timeless and unchanging. Man's laws are subjective based on whatever fuck tard thinks they have authority over us (no one has legitamte authority over you but you and the creator) Fuck man made laws, theyre rules for "us" and not for "them" should tell you everything you need to know about laws. Be sovereign!

Drunkenst ago

Sure, as you say laws were meant to be broken, but only as exceptions. In general, legitimate authority placed over us is meant to be observed. Render unto Caesar..., Happy New Year.

bruddah ago

I disagree and i think Romans 13 is a clear example of how the powers that be have manipulated, edited, redacted, and changed the holy texts in order to control the masses, council of Nicaea and all that.. Pay taxes respect authority god gave them authority to rule over you!! - clear vomit not aligned with anything christlike in the slightest

The book is called "Romans" for god sake, ding ding red flag!

Drunkenst ago

That was 1st or 2nd passage to cross my mind before replying. My sentiments are unchanged. Not inclined to debate today. We disagree. Peace be with you.

bruddah ago

and knowledge with you, friend.

NotaQjackass ago

JMHO but i do not like being around those people (((the recipients and the administrators))) will rely in a trade instead. If you get laid off and can get unemployment insurance dollars then for sure go to the offices and apply for that.

New_years_day ago

Dont be a dumb faggot

tomdogg ago

Naah I’ll just keep making 6 figures and complain about the ass raping I get from Uncle Sam.

Drunkenst ago

Good for you. Line of work?

apache_helicopter ago

Getting free health care and collecting unemployment while making cash on the side already brother. Not pulling out with the white women I fuck either. Way ahead of you on this one.

hello_reddit ago

not that i disagree with your sentiment, but if you're 'not' going to take as much from the government as you can then you should be striving towards complete independence and living on your own as if the US government were a foreign nation. eventually the legitimacy of the state will degrade when you one group of people who are completely independent and another that is just a useless drain.

if you're white and competent then you'll have a very hard time getting anything from the government anyways.

WhiteChickens ago

This is just another form of "I'll just..." moronic white boy bullshit.

I'll just claim government benefits...

I'll just home school my kids...

I'll just...

I'll just...

I'll just...

I'll just...

I'll just...

Here's a thought, come up with an strategy that is hard to counter. lol

Niggertoes ago

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster . . . when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you

clovelace ago


aliensdrivemercedes ago

Buy some land and get all of the farm subsidies that you possibly can(and since a farm is a business you can deduct a lot of things from your taxes). In some states you get a tax credit for installing solar panels)

WhiteChickens ago

It only works because they also sell drugs and have other schemes.

You guys are too goody goody for that shit.

Apparently MCs are the white mafia these days.

RustyEquipment ago

i went on unemployment once for like 6 months.

after i got of the army and before school kicked in. didnt want to work at mcdonalds so I just went on unemployment. didnt have to do SHIT for free money.

its addictive...

but i agree with you, and i know of no place you can buy land not pay taxes... Amish land? Indian reservatiuon?

just hermit up in a statepark!

ketoll ago

Don't they have all kinds of rules where you have to prove that you're actively searching for a job every week?

Also, don't you have to be employed, and then fired to get unemployment? From what I understand you can't just not be working and then apply for unemployment, or can you?

Unreasonable ago

It's an insurance. You pay into it. The payout is determined on how much and how long you paid in.

If you've never had a job it's welfare your looking for.

They don't really give a shit if you lie to milk the benefits cause if you don't have a job by the time it runs out, you're on your own.

ketoll ago

Oh, I understand now. So that's why an employer can pay more to a "contract" employee than a full-time employee. Part of that employment pay goes to unemployment insurance..

Unreasonable ago


RustyEquipment ago

this was almost 10 years ago** and Texas

they make you log into a site and tell them the number of jobs you applied to... just tell them the number... no checks or where you applied for what job and so on... just how many... I must have applied for 6 gorillion jobs in those months...

I was employed - Army - but yeah you may have to have a job in the first place... not 100% sure

ForgottenMemes ago

This is a terrible idea. Taking these kind of benefits lead to dependency. Niggers can't do anything productive anyway, so it's not a problem for them, but for a functional white man this is as stupid as taking up heroin or alcoholism.

Inatehiggers ago

Maybe in that context, but I do it so my girlfriend can stay home with the kid and raise her properly. I pay so much in taxes that it feels like I am getting something back. Any decent white man prefers meaningful work over doing nothing.,

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

The real question here is why are you paying so much in taxes? It's like you haven't even read the rules to the game.

The1stLantern ago

Imagine thinking as a white man youd be able to actually get benefits.

Inatehiggers ago

Better to try and get some of your tax dollars back anyway. Go through your girlfriend. Women still have some oppression points.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

this is good advice but it has nothing to do with the imaginary war in your head

Inatehiggers ago

Ah yes. There is no exploitation of the people by the government, it's all in your head! Fuck off

Empire_of_the_mind ago

oh i thought you were throwing in with the iran retards. yes, in the current situation white people should absolutely take advantage of government welfare to the greatest extent possible. it's not as though it's real money they're playing with and the situation can only last a few more years so use it while you can.

Inatehiggers ago

I agree. We are all getting fucked, so why not make it easier on ourselves instead of working to the bone for nothing.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Nope. Every time you want something from them, you gotta sign a contract for them. They want dependence for control and you give it to them by signing on. Your bulwark against their influence is the working class slavery. Once that falls, you are all dependent on their system, and they won't let you out that easily. A disability contract means a fake disability preventing you from future access to certain jobs, and a mental illness contract means a negative psychological evaluation in your history, which really puts you into a bad spot.

Every thing you said is about short term benefits, while ignoring long term consequences. It would work if their system would crash, but you actually help them achieve their totalitarian system, where the majority is depended on them, where nobody has the freedom to earn anything above your "allowance" universal income, where toxic vaccines are mandatory, where a social credit system dictates your behavior etc. Their system does not run on money, because they use usury to generate numbers on a screen at will, it runs on your fear of running out of money needed to sustain your existence.

The only way to destroy their system is mass awareness that money has no value, which is nothing you should bank on (what a pun), which means your way of survival is foremost about staying out of the reach of the system, by self sustenance, by rejecting it as much as possible, by throwing wrenches into their attempts to deceive others into compliance, by building defenses, by dialing back your wants and embracing your needs, which are water, food, shelter, family, health, community etc. Adept to what they try to pull off, instead of succumbing to it. This should make you stronger, not weaker, because you now have a real survival situation to deal with.

steven_feelsperg ago

money has no value

Fiat / fake / jew money, sure, but as a concept, money is a store of value derived from labor. I'm all for getting rid of jew money and implementing people money, but that would require clearing the nation of aliens first as they are not people.

Inatehiggers ago

This is an interesting perspective, but in my case I am using my girlfriends 'disability' to get money, so she can stay home to watch the kids while I go to work.

AgentSakura ago

Admitting to fraud on the internet


Blood-is-Nature ago

Besides any job refusal based on a disability is open to a lawsuit.

Criminals make those laws to control you, they have no problem changing them at will. What you're doing is definitely short term beneficial, but be aware of potential consequences. Don't rely on the disability money; instead use it to build more self sustenance, so if they pull it, you're not in a disadvantage to them. For example if you try to invest in real estate or renting as a second income, the disability will cause problems. Also, try to keep only a safety buffer of money in your bank account and secure the rest elsewhere (in cash, silver, and anything with long term value etc.).

And a little something for the kids...teach them "if you can't afford it, you don't deserve it". My father told me this and I never had a credit card or any debt. It really stuck with me.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

Blacks are in charge of most of the welfare offices. And give preference to their own kind. If you are white then good fucking luck.

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

I am currently applying for diaability because of a brain injury from a car wreck. I have two years of extensive medical documentation and i had to stay at an out patient brain injury clinic for three months. My point is that its all heavily documented and undeniable. They denied my first application and I had to get a lawyer. I know that if if i was a nigger i could get on the dole for far far less. I have seen it.

mediocreaverage ago

its policy, all first claims are denied, you'll get back pay eventually, once it clears.

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

Do you know if they give back pay from the time of the injury or back pay since you filed?

mediocreaverage ago

time of determination of disability, not time of injury..I know right?

Reapreap ago

get a lawyer.

Like_it_is ago

I've seen this in action. So many hoops to jump through and always a technicality to deny you. But the shitskins get special help to do the paperwork for them. It is sickening.

Inatehiggers ago

But I am transblack

GenderPronoun ago

It's an interesting form of accelerationism. A full divestment in the financial system (things that contribute to taxes) from enough people would at least get the attention of some of the financial groups. It's more than feasible to believe all this shit is happening because good, tax paying folks are playing nice for too long.

Imagine if EVERYONE went on sick leave, claimed benifits like you're saying, pulled their money out of the banks, and divested from all bullshit services. It might be an interesting effect.

The sad thing is from my experience few will do it. They're too worried about their "safety" and such to actually do something meaningful.

bruddah ago

we need a tax revolt, how can we get tax payers nationwide to stop paying for our own tyranny?

ketoll ago

What's "sick leave?" If I went on sick leave my boss would put me on paycheck leave.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

You have a boss.

El_Syd ago

If you believe this should happen, start a sub where people list benefits, sites and how to get on them.

BB-3 ago

start a sub

Good luck

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Lmao. Maybe beg sbbh for one of their sleeper subs

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Ina_Pickle ago

I have v/mecca

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I'll bet people are flocking to that sub!

Ina_Pickle ago

Haven't ever done anything with it tbh.

Inatehiggers ago

That's a good idea.

rapgame_JaredTaylor ago

I will follow that subverse. I've long been a subscriber to the idea that we should all be on all the programs we qualify for until we burn it all to the ground. Why should tax money only go to jews and browns if we also qualify for it?

num ago

Fuck that. I’ve got pride in my life. I won’t go to a handout office and I won’t subject my family to that environment either

Inatehiggers ago

This has nothing to do with pride. This a war.

clovelace ago

has no pride.

untermensch detected

AgentSakura ago

I mean you are technically just stealing back what rightfully should have been yours in the first place "tax money" at the cost of your social standing but if you care what they label you are playing into their game. All sacred legitimacy has been lost at the top so who cares what the state thinks or labels you. Who are you trying to impress? Take whatever advantage you can.

clovelace ago

*taxation is Theft

TwoNiggersandaHonky ago

Live music's been good to me lately, I focus on mostly 90's music but get enough bookings to earn an extra (tax free) £500+ each month.

FoundingUncle ago

Government benefits are not handed out according to the law. They are handed out according to how much the black woman at the office likes you.

pby1000 ago

Fuck that. Become self sufficient,

Penguinpecker ago

If the game is rigged you're a fool to play by the rules.

ArclZD ago

How does self sufficient medical insurance work?

pby1000 ago

Don’t be a fat ass and keep your testosterone high.

TheTrigger ago

*breaks leg in a forklifting accident*


Inatehiggers ago

Where can I buy land that I don't have to pay property taxes on?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Plenty of undesirable places have low taxes.

ketoll ago

Go to Montana or something, cheap cheap land.

ALIENS2222 ago

Nowhere on earth... Read about allodial title.

jonnyquest ago

Look for an "un-incorporated" town.

aliensdrivemercedes ago

Nevada has almost no Property tax.

BushChuck ago

It's a valid strategy.

GreenSlug ago

Shucks, I've never had a job that paid me so little i could qualify for any benefits. Damn my white privilege

Inatehiggers ago

Me either but get your wife or girlfriend to do it

Computergeek01 ago

That's a no go. Unfulfilling jobs and unemployment are leading causes of depression. I'm not tanking my family over your hair-brained scheme. Come up with something better, or sit back down.

bruddah ago

Stop paying federal income tax. En masse. Get your whole community involved and spread it nationwide, we really do need to stop paying for our own tyranny.

Inatehiggers ago

Where are your ideas? We cant be divided in this.

Computergeek01 ago

My ideas are simple. Work my entire life to build up some kind of worth and die before I drain it all away so that I can pass on my generational wealth to my descendants. Investing in the only thing that means anything, property, so that those after me have something to build on.

I didn't grow up destitute but I rented my first place. If I can, in anyway, provide an environment so that my kids can stash that money away instead of flushing it away to some miser, I'll die happy.

frickingmeany ago

go home rabbi

chirogonemd ago

The standard levels of income that make you eligible for many welfare benefits are abysmally low, as in so low that you are likelier to profit by being unemployed than by even attempting to earn income. It's seriously a problem we have when the system is creating incentives for groups of people not to work at all, and stealing your tax dollars to support the leeches.

As far as I am concerned there should be strict limits on timelines during which someone can access welfare funds, and it should all be contingent on demonstrated attempts to re-enter the workforce. No more unguided and unchecked access to taxpayer funds just for the sake of not working. Probably the biggest hurdle we have to get over, however, is with those individual bleeding hearts who think that we have to support these people if they have kids. These liberals do not realize that kids don't mean the same thing for a person who sees them as a welfare asset. They'll pump kids out like that's their job, and use them against your society like a weapon.

jonnyquest ago

Un-employment is paid via a tax on employers -- and their rate goes up depending on how many folks they drive to collecting.

Government "benefits" that go towards real, actual citizens in need are not and have never been the issue. I'd rather have 10 people abuse them so the 1 that really needs them can get them vs. the alternative ... any day.

Look at what these programs cost on a year-to-year basis vs. the budget of this country, and you'll quickly see going after poor folk and unions is always a stupid battle against the wrong "enemy".

chirogonemd ago

I disagree. The programs themselves are a fundamental part of the problem, at least the way that they are administrated. You cannot simply continue to throw money at a problem, as the input to a bad algorithm for being, or the output will remain the same. I see the logic behind your statement, but I have to ask, what are the causes behind people ending up in these situations? I cannot help but see that many people end up in these situations because of their own poor lifestyle choices and lack of responsibility. How can we fix this for them? How can society eliminate low intelligence and lack of values? To do this requires, as you've said, the sort of unionization that makes it very difficult to fire people, and winds up letting heaps of shit build up in the labor pools in certain segments. I still believe the power should be in the hands of employers to decide how to run their businesses and the labor pool they populate them with. Unions create an anti-competitive situation. But I'm no economist. I could be wrong.

jonnyquest ago

You're not "wrong" ... it's just a hard problem. You really have to think about, deep down, what makes a business belong to an employer vs an employee? Do they have a god given right to profit off the product, the land they're working, the space they are occupying, or the labor they've 'hired'!?

It's much more complex -- of course, by law, we want the business 'owner' to be protected and run the business as they please ... but why is it that only a small group of folk can these days afford to become business owners?

Fix the problems, the programs fix themselves.

chirogonemd ago

I appreciate the complexity of these questions philosophically and the depth of thought you're giving it. Again, I specified I was not an economist because while these questions you pose do interest me, I'm simply not well-versed enough in the full dynamic of economic theory out there to really provide an educated, in-depth analysis of them beyond my own intuition and access to common sense.

what makes a business belong to an employer vs an employee?

To me, this answer is simpler than the answers to other questions you posed. The answer is: risk. Bringing 'god' into the answer is unnecessary in my estimation and only complicates the answer needlessly, because the question remains the same without invoking god-given rights. What gives anyone the right to profit from the sale of any good or service? To me, that answer is a claim. It's not altogether different than the claim a group, government, or nation makes to land ownership. It's a claim. One which must constantly be defended. Even the titles each of us possess to the property on which our homes sit is a claim that only gains of substance because it's made beneath the larger umbrella of our nation's claim to this land. That claim ultimately pertains to a usage. Ownership in the sense that we typically use this term, to me, applies to use. Ongoing claim to use assumes some kind of (a) proximity to the property and (b) the responsibility for the maintenance and care of that property to facilitate the ongoing use, and these two taken together represent ownership. Of course, that claim is as good as my ability to defend it, and we have the luxury in this country of the conventions of law which honor those claims on my behalf, given certain conditions, making what we consider rightful claims easier to defend.

But the answer to that question of what makes a business belong to an employer is the risk. None of the employees assumed the initial risk involved in investing up-front resources, including time, capital, and reputation to make the initial offering to consumers which had to be honored to promote ongoing business. All of that risk was assumed by the business owner. The employees came to that business on the basis of an exchange of value for their time, they did not create the business, they happened to find it, and found it's offer for employment worthwhile enough to exchange their time for it. Their activities which support the business' goals are made for an exchange both parties deemed fair, and their employment was not compulsory.

Imagine I decided I wanted to start a dog walking business in which I hitched neighborhood dogs, by their leashes, to my car. It turns into something of a success. So I buy another car. I now have two cars and decide to hire someone to drive the second car. It was kind of a wacky idea to begin with. I took all of the risk in putting myself out there, and that risk naturally included risk to my reputation. The neighborhood might of thought I was nuts, and that would have negatively impacted my ability to be successful by some other means in that same group of people (who now think I'm fucking nuts). But my risk paid off. Just because my employee is now participating in this business because my employment offer was considered fair, doesn't mean he owns my business. He doesn't because I assumed the risk of creating something which now has a name, a brand, a stream of potential revenue because I made that possible. If not for the employer, in other words, the concept of an employee of a non-existent business is meaningless. The employer owns the business because if not for him, there could be no employees.

Do they have a god given right to profit off the product?

I believe this was answered above as well. Yes they do, if only for the fact that they've made a claim to it, one which consumers have agreed they were willing to trade their own money for. Better question: does anyone have a god-given right to say they he cannot profit from this product? I think the only fair reason by which someone may have a claim he cannot is if the product itself is deemed somehow immoral or toxic to the environment in some way that damages others or impinges on their own ability to pursue their goals. The only stipulation being that this damage cannot simply be 'making it harder to run a business of the same kind', i.e. making it hard to imitate the business because competition now exists.

Should business belong to the government?

I think this all depends upon the type of government. As it stands for me currently, simply based on what sort of output I've seen from federal governments, for-profit business tends to result in better product and outcomes, and the behaviors of private business are much more effectively checked/regulated by market dynamics than governments are, in terms of timeliness of their responses to market forces and their responses to the pressures of consumer demand and competition. These forces do a much worse job of checking bad behavior in governments, not for the least reason that governments can guarantee their revenue by non-market-driven mechanisms like coerced taxes. Again, the idea of risk comes into play here. A government with a guarantees tax revenue stream does not approach risk in the same way, and their behaviors as business owners reflect this. I think that the government should potential be able to participate in certain segments of business, but it gets very confusing when we start to talk about how government-run business should operate, who it should target, and how it should allocate its resources (mostly because the hardest working and most affluent members of society are often the ones paying for government options that target the underprivileged, meaning those of us who earn tax are essentially coerced into "owning" a business we wouldn't otherwise want to own).

but why is it that only a small group of folk can these days afford to become business owners?

This is where things get really complicated and we get into the concept of equilibriums in capital markets across time and antitrust regulation. This is where I get out of my depth, but I acknowledge that there does seem to be some fundamental problem in capitalist economies that results in this trend across time. I've no idea how to specifically identify it or resolve it.

What does it mean to own property, and who should get to decide who owns what?

I attempted a reasonable stab at this above. Ownership is a claim, one which we think have a reasonable set of criteria to determine what constitutes a rational claim. These include a sufficient amount of risk taken on by an owner up front in order to secure the claim, and the ongoing care and investment of resources to maintain the property claimed. These claims pertain to an ongoing free agency to use said property as the owner sees fit to use it within the bounds of the law. Put simply, to do what one desires with what one claims to own without the necessary input of others who might otherwise like to say what you ought to do with your property, while they have not invested the same level of risk as you have. I think the concept of ownership itself is necessary as a construct in society to reflect the obvious fact that not each of us sacrifices the same things/amounts to have a "say" in things. Ownership provides the framework for people to invest for a say in how something will be used based on how much they care (or how much that thing will come to bear on them personally), as reflected by the amount of money they are willing to pay to secure the claim. The more someone is willing to pay, the more we assume they feel invested in it, and that outlay is supposed to reflect how much that ownership should impact their life. If I'll pay more for something than you, it's reasonable to think that that thing means more to me than it does to you, and also that it must come to bear on my life in some meaningful way, and my differential investment is a sign I am likely to maintain the use of that thing with some level of care commensurate with the investment. Notice that this also embeds the value of sacrifice into the concept of ownership. We feel that a person willing to sacrifice more for something has a fairer claim to its ownership.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

why is it that only a small group of folk can these days afford to become business owners?

Because most people can't run their own lives, much less create a successful business.

Inatehiggers ago

I agree that welfare shouldn't exist at all. Unless it was like you say for a period of time and for whites only.

chirogonemd ago

I think there are times when otherwise good people can fall on some really bad luck. As far as I am concerned the unemployment insurance system should be able to cover this, and we are all already paying into this system. But a system that is simply based on gross annual income with a cutoff near the poverty line is simply creating incentive for the poor to stay poor, and not only that, but to actually worsen their own situation because they profit from further irresponsible decision making. Why stop having babies if it means you can make more money each year? If you already have four that you cannot feed and barely clothe, is the marginal difficulty added by having a fifth going to outweight the additional money you can get?

I had a good friend who was a social worker and worked in a school for "troubled" youth in the inner city. She was married a little over one year ago and she has no children. One of the little black girls at the school asked her why she hadn't started having babies. My friend explained to her that she and her husband were young and trying to get more financially healthy before they started a family. This little girl seemed legitimately confused. She asked my friend: "But don't you know if you have babies you get money?" When she pressed the little girl to explain the statement, the little girl explained what my friend recognized must have been her mother's welfare. They are literally raising kids who think you are paid for getting pregnant.

GreenSlug ago

No fat sluts welcome. Soooooo, maybe after we have a revolution and exterminate the weak I'll find one thats been hiding behind the walruses

spaceman84 ago

They'll all be thinner then.

GreenSlug ago

It'll be nice to see other people shaped like humans again

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Jews rip off more welfare then niggers.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Because they can figure out the system. Niggers just say "gibsmedat," and bleeding-heart white leftist women give them that. Jews take, and scam, and know how to take and scam.

mememeyou ago

Seems True, was told the same by elderly Asian/East Indian immigrant female, "Jews always know first, and get the benefits before anyone else knows, because they usually know the people handing them out, etc.", she said. If you search online; Jews are scamming welfare system and the US government in nearly every way possible, from fraud to dodging the draft.

Kaige ago

Correct. Its how the Hasidic Jews thrive so much, most of them milk the government and work cash on the side for each other.

voatusernamevoat ago

spics cost more than niggers and jews cost more than both of them combined. https://voat.co/v/MeanwhileOnReddit/3577320/21857242/10#21857242/

spaceman84 ago

Nigs envy the kike knowledge of welfare benefits.

Inatehiggers ago

This is a fact. Find government assistance under a girlfriend have kids and make her a single mom on paper and have 5 kids all on the government dole.

illuminalto2 ago

How does one avoid paying child support in this scheme?

Because they are going to try to get your name and sign you up for child support

ItsOk2bArian ago

Child support proceedings have to be initiated by one of the parents in most states. As long as the bitch never betrays you, the plan is solid. Just be mindful of what benefits you claim and ((they)) can't come after you

Recyclops14 ago


SexyAmy ago

I fuckin knew it

gazillions ago

The country is close enough to 3rd world shithole as it is and sinking fast.

A better idea would be to grow spine and arrange a week off work for everyone that's had enough. Oh but then you'd need a plan and that's too hard and people would have to stick their neck out and take a loss to get back their power and control.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

A week offf? I am going full seige at the moment. I refuse to do work I find imorall and am often starving as a result( which I would rather than support their exploitation of me)

BushChuck ago

Do you live in a city?

You sound like you would benefit from country living.

We value that kind of attitude.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

I have lived in the city but can't stay off those country roads

Folke ago

So do not collapse a failing system, just pretend that you're taking tax money away from a group that just prints what they need? What do you think would happen?

gazillions ago

The country would instantly cease to operate and that's the point. Why do you think the yellow vests are doing what they're doing? Same for Honk Kong. It ins't about parading through the streets, it's about stopping the wheels of commerce until they get power. They torch banks and train stations for a reason. Too bad they're not serious though or they'd do it quietly with no fuss by staying home on work days.

"You give us what we want and we'll go back to work" And what do you want? Martin Luther knew what he wanted and he wrote it down and nailed it to the door of the church. If you don't know exactly what you're demanding from the other guy don't waste everybody's time.

Folke ago

So you want people in the streets protesting? Not just taking a week off of work like you wrote originally. I don't like ever changing discussions.

gazillions ago

Are you functionally illiterate. What's your purpose in that big swerve of bullshit you're making?

Folke ago

A better idea would be to grow a spine and arrange a week off work for everyone that's had enough.

turns into

The country would instantly cease to operate and that's the point. Why do you think the yellow vests are doing what they're doing? Same for Honk Kong.

You have not fucking idea or clue on what you are talking about and the goalpost moving trying to justify your original comment is just fucking sad. You are the cause and reason we whites are in the issue we are in. Taking a "week off" or "protesting" won't solve shit. It's the same argument idiots making about not paying taxes. They don't need us working or paying taxes. That shit is just a distraction so we don't remove them! A parasites greatest fear is being removed from its host.

gazillions ago

You're retarded and I'm not going to waste my time pointing out your error. Anyone with a brain can see it because it's a glaring error.

Folke ago

now you're gaslighting

jewsbadnews ago

This. I'm going to get on welfare and knock up as many white women as possible.

Hooofer ago

If you live on welfare, are you required to pay child support in case she leaves you ,?

Vrblpollushin ago

In my state, they go after the father for child support the MINUTE the woman signs up for welfare.

NPC1488 ago

What does the welfare office do when a nigger buck already has 7-9 nigglets to his bill already? Just add to his tab?

Vrblpollushin ago


Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

The difficulty is finding people to help you with working under the table and avoiding taxes. White people are too much of goody-two-shoes and report each other.

You think vietnamese people report each other, even if they are competitors? Fucking nope.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Then work with/for minorities. The enemy of my enemy is my ffriend

Recyclops14 ago

Become self employed if you can, it was how 80-90% of Americans made their living in the very earliest part of the 20th century. Sadly due to corporations they've become the employers now.

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

Truth!!! Nobody but nobody tattles on each other even in the dankest non-white ghetto in my city.

Meanwhile in the nice pretty suburbs there are multiple HOA's with established tiplines. June Cleaver finks on her neighbor for having bushes too tall. What the FUCK, people?!?!

Maggotfeast ago

True but maybe that's why white neighborhoods don't look like shitholes. We keep each other in check better.

HillBoulder ago

Not in my neck of the woods. People are extremely eager to fuck the tax man, especially white people. I get loads and loads of cash work ever year.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

I live cuckanada, everyone is a bootlicking commie here.

HillBoulder ago

So am I. I can't think of one person I've met over the last several years who has a problem with the way I operate. Most of the people I deal with even ask me if there is a "cash option". It's fantastic.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Guess I live in the wrong part of Canada lol.

HillBoulder ago

Could be just in the wrong business to meet those types of people.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Probably that too. I occasionally meet a people that asks to do things under the table but they always tend to want crazy discounts and are already setting off other flags.

On the other end I had one contractor offer to do some work illegally but then he started fucking with the numbers (75% of 2500 is not 1400) and I didn't really trust him. I was right not to trust him, because later he kinda fucked me ("I didn't say I would do that! See it's not written down!")

What line of work should I get into? I have a job for another 6 months or so and after that I have to look for something else to do. I have a decent side business running so even a low paying job gets taxed out of the fucking wazoo. Under the table work would be greatly preferable.

ruck_feddit ago

Idk how old you are or what line of work you want to get into, but you could hire into a plumbing/HVAC shop. Look for XYZ Mechanical, not XYZ plumbing or XYZ heating etc. Within a year you'll be dangerous enough to install/repair furnace/AC, water heaters, plumbing, and more.

Now, I'd recommend you get whatever licensing necessary, but we're talking about working for cash here. You can make a good cash living anywhere with those skills, plus you can fix anything important in your home.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Realistically I'm looking for something I don't necessarily have to get licensing for. The reason is because I'm a researcher by profession, it's just hard to find work as a researcher without a masters degree. Long story, involves startups and a lot of weird people. Just looking for gig for about 2 years that would enable me not to dip too heavily into savings while I do my masters.

I considered installing sump pumps. I don't think you need to be a plumber for that. 1500$ a pop.

ruck_feddit ago

Yeah, I wouldn't go through learning a trade if you won't be doing it two years from now.

1500$ a pop

You are dead-on right there.

ALIENS2222 ago

T. H. I. S. every person who ever fucked me over was white always without exception. I trust Hispanics more Than other whites because they usually have some skeleton in their closet and don't want attention. White women first and foremost are not trustworthy. Next is white Christians...

prairie ago

If someone insists on paying by check, I'll return the favor. Form 4582 here we go.

Lurkylurklurk ago


Inatehiggers ago

Yeah and this shit needs to change for sure.

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