GreyGears ago

The anglos have welcomed the jews since Cromwell. They happily sheltered them and provided them a place from which to safely grow their influence on Europe's economy.

Have no pity for the anglos, for they thought that siding with jews would lead to them being spared.

Don_Tomaso ago

Non bitchute vid? Cant open BTC.

AgentSakura ago

They breed like the plague

Otefax ago

Even if just ‘depressed’?

happycutie ago

Holy crap. This is sick.

Doglegwarrior ago

can you imagine a bunch of rednecks in saudia arabia driving 4x4s girls in daisy dukes blasting country music? would that be accepted. this will only end with a massive war a religous war but the jew has been weaking the white world for a long time

New-World-Ebola ago

tony blair needs to be burnt at the stake for this.. along with all of his fucking kikes.

KLDB ago

Jews do like to use muzzies as their play thing...

Cadster ago

Just think, the English said the same thing and used the exact same language talking about the Irish not 100 years ago.

Those rotten teeth cucks deserve this.

KLDB ago

Prove it.

walrusescapades ago

my parents redpilled me on this way back in the day before all the muslims arrived in europe. It went from 'the sun never sets on the british empire' to a country that was eager to destroy itself.

jthun2 ago

Guy is right. All those brown cockroaches are young, which means that they will start having kids in 10 years or so. 5 per female.

The whites in the UK are largely middle aged, having 1 kid each. It's a clear win for the brown invaders.

Yuke ago

Where are you from OP?

Doglegwarrior ago

united states

Yuke ago

Then you understand that it is not just us in England facing this kind of problem, we all are. Substitute blacks and Hispanics and you have the same problem, worse in fact, the census results tell us that much. This just looks extremely bad because it's all concentrated in one area, but you could say, much like certain cities in the US. There are many areas in the UK that don't look anything like this, as I'm sure there are many areas in the US that don't look anything like Baltimore et al.

Doglegwarrior ago

the 4th 5th wards of houston make somalias worst ghetto look like paradise

WhiteChickens ago

A chicken has no right to complain.

It will happen here as well.

WhiteChickens ago

It's never been any different.

Those who refuse to fight become subjects.

KLDB ago

If you are unwilling to grab half of the puzzle. I'm afraid this is where the argument concludes. I still see her as a descendant of Mohamed. It shows in the way she governs and the state of her country.

1Paydaddy ago

Get out of the City. Only a Country Boy Can Survive.

jthun2 ago

80% of a country's population lives in the cities

if the cities are lost, the country is lost

TechDumb ago

All the browns live in the city. If the city falls then the browns fall.

Smallest_Skil ago

The country is fucked beyond belief. My wife wanted to go to london for a vacation. I said fuck that 3rd world shithole....showed her whats there and she agreed fuck that.

KLDB ago

Lets get that beard hair of mohamed and a hair from the queen and we can run our own test. Which one you want to grab? I will grab the other one.

nazidog ago

skrewdriver - white power album

changz ago


There are more niggers and spics in the US than there are Pakis, Arabs and blacks in the whole of Europe combined.

Fuck off with that "allowed it to happen" bullshit.

mattsixteen24 ago

The muslim invasion in England is similar to the Mexican invasion of the U. S.. I was given a gift from England and the label had English and Arab.

Doglegwarrior ago

mexicans christians arabs satanist

Rabid_Robot ago

The worst part is that the English are paying for all of these welfare recipients.

hello_reddit ago

every country with a rothschild banking system is dead. the only thing we have left to preserve is blood.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

All I see is lots of enemy soldiers. Invaded without even firing a shot.

TheKalergiFan ago

Racist man

But is he wrong?

HatefulSaxon ago

He's certainly not. Racist man just means white man these days.

TechDumb ago

A White man who notices all the marxists bullshit in his country.

19810708321b ago

That’s what Atlanta, Georgia looks like.

Fuck Atlanta.

JonReeeeed ago

The allies won world war 2, that means this is good

Leveraction ago

Fucking sand niggers!!!!!! Deport everyone of them!!°

FederalShill ago

So virtuous

Drstrangegoy ago


Keahiehj ago


NarrativeControl ago

Never. People are retarded. That's why manufacturers are including cameras capable of filming horizontally even when the phone is held vertically.

KLDB ago

Ctrl_Alt_Llama_ ago

I gotta say, you're really bringing in the dogshit scare-tactics saying stuff like that. London is dead, it's fucking gone, but it's a bit far to say the whole of the UK is gone. It's not as dire as Sweden because it's just the politicians and lawmakers who are cucked, the people are doing alright. Most of the people I know are redpilled and the ones who aren't are normies for the most part. I promise you that we're just waiting for the boiling point i.e Brexit cancellation to rise up against this shit.

Doglegwarrior ago

good point i should have said london is dead? but bow long till england falls if london is gone?

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

The tipping point of muslims barely participating on societal infrastructure to political domination will be put into effect in no more than 20 years.

Then you'll sit, entirely redpilled and doing 'all right' of course, in some fucked up rural cabin and fear for your life.

The people. Fucking laughable.

xenochrist15 ago

Yes sir, it’s fucking delusional and short-sighted to think since you’re alright now, everything hasn’t been lost...the proof is in the pudding, which is getting browner everyday. Expulsion or death, pick one.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

I chose complete ethnic cleansing. Kill off the whole fucking lot. leave the borders and airports open, so they can leave the country if they wish.

Ctrl_Alt_Llama_ ago

And in London they all sit while everyone else does what little they can to vote them out. We don't have the benefit of a 2nd ammendment here. You laugh at us, but look at all the blue people in your political system. At least we aren't being continually pushed to go to war with Iran

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Dude, were sitting in the same boat: I'm European.

Ctrl_Alt_Llama_ ago

One day we’ll band together and hang Merkel

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Do you think the situation will go back to normal when the influence of the EU is gone?

I mean you guys are plagued with shitskins of all possible nationalities like no other Nation in the EU...

Ctrl_Alt_Llama_ ago

Oh you're just a massive faggot aren't you? Stop trying to put me down you dipshit we're all in the same boat here; wanting the niggers out of our respective countries. Why are you acting like this? For one, the UK isn't nearly as bad as Germany and Sweden, and two, stop being a little shit, we're all goats and I would imagine that being able to work together is a key element to us maybe taking our Countries back. Don't talk to me again.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Read the post again. It's a normal question, asking for your assessment for the situation after 31. Of January.

jthun2 ago

White birth rate in UK? < 2 kids per woman

Muslim birth rate in UK? >4 kids per woman

The UK is dead, period. It's just a matter of time.

Smallest_Skil ago

unless there is a cleansing

jthun2 ago

agreed, unless there is expulsion, population transfer or war

Smallest_Skil ago

civil war is unavoidable. Society will deteriorate and reach a point where there will be a complete breakdown of control by (((the government))) and it will not be good. The invaders and their spawn will consider our countriues theirs and attempt to remove us. Then the cleansing will begin. our grand kids will hate us (well not me because I believe our countries are being destroyed and I am not afraid to say it.) Diversity is not, and has never in history been a strength.

Abi73 ago

Well I've got 4 and a near neighbour has 5 :) And there are plenty more families in my village alone that have more than 2 children , so not sure that birthrate is accurate really?

jthun2 ago

that's a good sign, but I want to see the actual data

for every decent white woman having 3, there is at least one having 0. meaning, average is still below two.

Abi73 ago

That is true - very good point! there are women I know without children too.

HillBoulder ago

Your using anecdotes they don't count. Averages are what matters. Nice to hear though at least somewhere is cranking out some Aryans though. Good job man.

Abi73 ago

Yes you are right I am and I didn't consider the many couples that don't have any children! Just wanted to big up the positives :)

dontmindthemess ago

The native English population should get into archery. You re allowed bows and arrows now, aren’t you? Load up on arrows and wait for a mudslime holiday and randomly fire arrows into the air in their crowded direction. The fucking savages will think allah is shitting on them.

Broseefus_ ago

cities have always been anti-white

LaRiver ago

Fortune is a fickle bitch. It used to be white Brits strolling in upscale British Raj neighborhoods.

Keahiehj ago

Back to Hell Jew

jthun2 ago

oh fuck off

if there was 'karma', the Indians would take revenge on the Mughals first.

Where is the karma for the Mongols? Or the Arabs?

You are so stupid that you think that only white people engaged in imperalism.

LaRiver ago

The Mongols and Arabs didn't have their share of karma already?

robbstarrkk ago

Karma for what exactly?

LaRiver ago

Colonialism and imperialism.

WhiteChickens ago

Moslems were colonialists and imperialists from day 1, occupying European nations.

Your recollection of history is flawed.

keksupreme ago

good thing british colonialism was promoted by the jews (rothschilds) just as this invasion is.

meanwhile arabs and black "refugees" are deported from israel...nice try though jew cuck shill

jthun2 ago

yeah, he's a fucking illiterate idiot who knows nothing of history

the mongols were by far the greatest imperialists in world history... no karma for them. mongolia doesn't have legions of indians or blacks.

KLDB ago

Are we surprised tho?

QEII Is a Direct descendant of Mohamed.

GuacMerchant ago

was this in a nice part of london? this is eery af to me. this is the future of a lot of american cities as well just with spics instead of towel head terrorists

nathanrosegoldberg ago

We are getting these people too. Indians seem to be the main thing around me. When I moved here a few years ago, it was 90+% white. It's currently 95+% dot/muslim indian. They all have 5 kids and none of them have jobs. The school buses drop off hordes of them. I've only ever seen a single white kid get off all of the busses combined. Crime has increased and now there is always litter around the place.

I'm in the suburbs.

TheKalergiFan ago

Dude you should see orange county, it is becoming about the same level of jihadi bitches. It is already full of chicoms

SearchVoatBot ago

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Feelslikeclownworld ago


Here I sit with no kids.

Can't get a date even.

Been working my ass off roughly 14 hours a day.

And family would rather a multi cultural society when they die.

My taxes go to these parasites without my say. The politicians trample my rights each day. God damn this shit it getting old quick.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

quit working for them then. We are petter to starve than be wwilling useful idiot prarticipants

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Build sone bombs

Fuck it

Live for nothing, die for something

Stahlgewitter88 ago

As long as you still live, as long as you still breath you will pose a threat to their plans! You're a man, you can give life and more important you can take it away! History will remember your name if you are willing to prepare and take action once the couldron will inevitably bubble over....

No one will take my country! We repelled the Roman empire, we repelled the turks, we repelled and survived them all! And if you are English, you're actually from the same blood as me!

Blut und Ehre! Für die schwarze Sonne über einer weißen Welt!


GO TO WV AND GET AN OIL JOB!!!! Make $80k doing oil, or $120k driving truck to the wells. Buy a house. There are plenty of good women

AlexandersGhost ago

Boogaloo NOW!

Doglegwarrior ago

hit the weight room. go for daily walks. read good books. find a short girl they will go out with anyone. make kids. keep working... keep your head up

Barfin ago

brutal black pill

Drstrangegoy ago

you are in a good place for whats coming. prepare. get mean. become dangerous. then go do good in the world. you will not be biologically successful because you have low sexual market value in this world. reject it, its artificial anyway. if you don't have anyone to be turned or harmed you have no weaknesses/ these people always attack on your weakest front, by stealth.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Gopherurself ago


Inatehiggers ago

Go on all the government benefits you can and work for cash. Fuck this shit. Go to the doctor and claim you have depression and are disabled. Bleed the system try and put your hard work in when the system collapses. Find any decent woman and have kids and claim more benefits. Teach them everything about what's going on.

Niceballsnigga ago

It isn't that easy. Being a white dude trying to get benefits is way fucking harder.

bubby963 ago

Decent woman in 2020 UK

My fucking sides. Heres a tip mate. They dont exist.

Inatehiggers ago

Then kill yourself.

bubby963 ago

I aint killing myself because modern women are pathetic lmao. Gosh how insecure are you kike?

voatre ago

Benefits are for foreigners ONLY. White people in the job centre get forced to work in Amazon warehouses for minimum wage

Inatehiggers ago

Not if you're 'mentally ill'. Find a good white doctor

Drstrangegoy ago

yes. he is at war and doesn't even know it.

illuminalto2 ago

Fuckin A man.

Part and parcel of living in a big city?

I wonder what those same big cities look like in the Islamic countries? Lots of white folks mixed in there wearing sundresses and old navy?

Must be.

Doglegwarrior ago

ive been to turkey there are a lot of normal people but a shit ton of weirdly dressed women covered from head to toe. turkey was pretty good everytime i went but i was mainly in istanbul it never seemed unsafe but i stayed in decent areas so that could be a big part of it.

jthun2 ago

istanbul looks way less islamic than this video

HillBoulder ago

You're not the Bald & Bankrupt type.. Me either.