xenoPsychologist ago

im so tired of hearing from/about every one of you degenerate whores. no one cares. you have nothing of value to offer anyone. just shut your stinking holes already and knock off the drama.

Gothamgirl ago

You can always block us or leave.

xenoPsychologist ago

tits or gtfo. youre worthless.

Gothamgirl ago

You first.

xenoPsychologist ago

thats not how the rules of the internet work and you know it!

beefartist ago

@Crensch is a FUCKING fag

Crensch ago

So salty.

Gothamgirl ago

Do you know what its like to bury your child 2 weeks after Christmas? I wish you fucking did.

Havik ago

Oh hey, happy anniversary!

Crensch ago

Do you know what it's like to build something amazing, then have it taken from you by a couple of pedophiles that were so jealous of you they accused you of putting CP on their phone, then threatened to rape and murder your child constantly for over a month?

Do you know what it's like to have one of those pedos continue to post pics and talk shit about you and your family after that?

I bet you don't give a fuck, because you look like a soulless Australian aborigine that bleached its skin.

Which is why I think you raped your daughter to death.

Gothamgirl ago

So amazing, lol. It wasn't taken she gave it up after being outted for being the whore she was.

That person wasn't me. I just made memes poking fun of her, and nothing pedo about that at all.

I am 100 percent white and American and can track my last name to almost the beginning of time, how about you?

Of course you think I raped my very sick child, who was born dying. Because your a PSYCHOPATH.

Crensch ago

Why cause half of Voat was banned for telling her about herself?

It's not my problem if you don't understand what doxxing is and why it's wrong.

It wasn't taken she gave it up after being outted as the whore she was.

It was released to pedophiles by a trusted friend, and used by those pedophiles to scare her off the site.

poking fun of her marriage and weight

The last of which you clearly have no room to speak on, GoodYear.

nothing pedo about any of the submissions or comments I made at all.

Admitted you had CP on your phone, and attacked her while zyklon was attacking her.

Of course you think I raped my very sick child, who was born dying and never left the hospital.

Shouldn't have raped her.

Because you're a DEGENERATE PSYCHOPATH who would do anything for that fat pig 🐖 I almost think your her abusive handler...

Did you miss the timestamped pic dedicated to showing you that she is clearly not overweight, hotter than you'll ever be, and knows you did all this out of a jealous fit of rage that has never been quelled, thanks to you being one of the most hideous creatures to ever walk on two fat legs on this planet?

Gothamgirl ago

You people doxxed me first and she doxxed herself.

I am not reading anymore of your heap of shit posts, it's pointless as are you.

There is NO way she is hotter then me, I may not be the best looking women in the world, but she is ugly as fuck...

Crensch ago

You people doxxed me first and she doxxed herself.

Claimed often, never once substantiated.

I am not reading anymore of your heap of shit posts, it's pointless as are you.

Your life is nothing but jealousy over srayzie being hotter than you, and your druggie boyfriend jacking off to her twitter pic and wishing he could get her tit pics while you were stuck in bed with your "swollen" legs and disgusting face.

There is NO way she is hotter then me, I may not be the best looking women in the world, but she is ugly as fuck...


Keep listening to your beta orbiter and your pedo boyfriend's $buddies$ and an algortithm that can't see that the front of your skull could be used as an impenetrable faceguard for armed combat.

Gothamgirl ago

We both know you guys were those shit alts they did it.

I have not one fucking reason to be jealous of her she was ugly inside and out. Looking the nigger blob she married. Yuck.

All poll of people we don't know said I was hotter, fag.

Crensch ago

We both know you guys were those shit alts, that did it. Don't deny it loser, be a man and tell the truth.

So, no evidence?

I have not one fucking reason to be jealous of her she is ugly inside and out. Look at the blob she married and had babies with, Yuck. She is actually uglier in the methed out dated zanex pics then when she was gargantuan...

Speaking of something "we both know", you and I both know you're acting like a Jew here. She's hotter than you ever will be, and she's still married.

A poll of people who don't know either of us said I was hotter, by a landslide, fag.

Nobody said you were hotter than anything but maybe someone with harlequin ichthyosis. Even then, they'd probably just shoot themselves before trying to take viagra to do anything with you.

Trust me that pic is not even close to how cute I am. It was a spur of the moment thing and not planned.

There's no way to fix that kind of ugly with new myspace angles.

You want a 90 lb child, your fucking gross...

You want her to be heavier than you, but your face is that of what /v/fatpeoplehate call a hamplanet.

Gothamgirl ago

The evidence is you and your crew were tagging those alts and your traits were extremely identifiable.

Idgaf what she is I am not a dyke, but she is the one with the hooked nose, who spoke about buying black dildos for her gf lapdog.

Oh please dear Crensch I don't give a shit what you think of me you are into skat... And a whale of a beast...



You Diluted Streetshitter....

Crensch ago

Oh, hi @puttitout and @cynabuns!

DOXXING happening here

Pics that WERE NOT shared here are being shared by this user, and linking it to a username of this website in blatant violation of User Agreement Rules:

Keep Everyone Safe:

You agree to not intentionally jeopardize the health and safety of others or yourself.

Since the victim in question has had her and her family's lives threatened by this doxxer's violent convict boyfriend.

Keep Personal Information Off Voat:

You agree to not post anyone's sensitive personal information that relates to that person's real world or online identity.

Since this is more information about a previously-doxxed victim that was not shared here in any way.

Here's an archive just in case the to-be-banned decides to try to cover her tracks.

Gothamgirl ago

You are just lying he is not my boyfriend. You starting going after my kids 1 year prior. You have used my entire photo with my screen name first.


Crensch ago

You have used my entire photo with my screen name first.

You posted your entire photo, cave troll. YOU posted it.

You used information from said guy after he threatened me.

YOU got with said guy after he threatened you. Oh, wait...

Isn't all he said "satire"? Meaning you were never really doxxed?

Gothamgirl ago

Why is my personal life your business at all? You are one creepy dude.

Crensch ago

Because you continue to talk about it when you show up to defend your pedophile boyfriend, or defend yourself from having child porn on your phone.

Gothamgirl ago

Google images is the internet not my phone, and it was a deplication of the 222 cult, not cp.

He is not a pedophile and that is just a fact, and not me defending him at all. I don't defend Pedos.

Crensch ago

You do defend pedos, and the CP on your phone was enough to accuse a PG user of putting it there and trying to kidnap your child.

Gothamgirl ago

You put my pic of my whole face on here first and I have already asked for you to be banned days ago. She isn't a Voat user she quit. There is nothing in that photo with her personal information. If I get banned you should to. Your a sick individual who harrasses me daily.

Crensch ago

Oh yeah, it's already archived. Don't worry.

Gothamgirl ago

I am not worried she is not a Voat user. So does same logic of dox work for every persons pic on the internet that's posted here?

Crensch ago

She is. Her words are still here, and you're linking an IRL persona to them.

I bet you really are stupid enough to think your argument holds water. HAHAHAHAHA

It'll be so much fun watching the carpet get yanked out from under your pre-amputated diabetic, fat-fuck legs.

Gothamgirl ago

Keep smoking that crack. It's not even a Voat user.

Crensch ago

Keep telling yourself that, fatass.

Gothamgirl ago

You have alot of nerve to say that to anyone after seeing that whale you protect. You know it's no endangered yet, right?

Crensch ago

What part of the side-by-side of pics YOU doxxed of both yourself and srayzie do you not understand, fat fuck?

Is the adipose tissue clogging your neural network?

Gothamgirl ago

If I am a fat fuck does that make her the Pillsbury for boy on lard?

Crensch ago

It makes the most recent pics of each of your faces show that you're the fat fuck.

Gothamgirl ago

You don't have a recent pic of my face.

Crensch ago

You furnished one yourself less than a year ago.

Gothamgirl ago

I will Streetshitting faggot.

Crensch ago

Hey, if I saw a pic of your face, I'd be a streetvomiting white human male!

Gothamgirl ago

You live amongst street vomit hypodermics and feces who cares what you think.

Crensch ago

I don't go find you, you respond to me, stupid cunt.

I don't have anything to say to you, but you sure make sure to interrupt me to defend your pedophile boyfriend.

Go ahead to the front of any comment nest and you'll see who stalks whom.

Gothamgirl ago

Is that best you can really do? Your making posts, and archiving my picture... I don't do this to you.

Crensch ago

Nah, you accuse srayzie of putting CP on your phone then house the pedophile that goes after her and her children. And you help doxx her.

You think there aren't consequences to your actions?

Gothamgirl ago

No I asked her if she did or not. Apologized when I realized I was wrong. She accepted. We were friends again after.

Srayzie was doxxed awhile go and not by me.

If there is consequences so be it, it's not the end of the world I am on 7 other sites plus my own. It will be alright. I promise 😉

Crensch ago

No I asked her if she did or not. Apologized when I realized I was wrong. She accepted. We were friends again after.

No, you accused her of it. Just because you put a question mark at the end doesn't change that fact.

Srayzie was doxxed awhile go and not by me. I already proved who it was yet that person is still here with no consequences. Also you just defended Kat Harzo the real doxxer the other day...

Something, something, trying to cover for @kevdude about where you got your info.

If there is consequences so be it, it's not the end of the world I am on 7 other sites plus my own. It will be alright. I promise 😉

And yet, you spend so much time here trying to get that dusty Missing Link cranium to force a thought out into text pretty constantly.

This place is your life, clearly, and you know there's not much time left for you here.

Gothamgirl ago

No bird brain, a question mark at the end of my sentence is asking.

Don't know anything about Kevdude at all...

This place isn't my life and I will be just fine either way. You will continue to wreck the place with or without me. No big deal.

Crensch ago

You put my pic of my whole face on here first and I have already asked for you to be banned days ago.

YOU put it here first. That's a matter of record and I'm happy to prove it.

She isn't a Voat user she quit. There is nothing in that photo with her personal information. If I get banned you should to. Your a sick individual who harrasses me daily. Those photos were already on Voat.

None of those were already here.


Gothamgirl ago

Good leave butthurt bitch.

Crensch ago

Oh, no... it won't be me.

I'll enjoy watching what happens when putt or cyna come back.

Gothamgirl ago

Look on BTA oh yes they were.

Crensch ago

Even if that's true, which it's not, declaring intent to post more is bannable.


Gothamgirl ago

Good leave. I did nothing wrong to get banned.

Crensch ago

Oh, you think that was for my exit?

No, that was for yours. Since I may not be around to tell you before you get removed.

Gothamgirl ago

Cool story and it'll be alright if I do. You are ruining this place for everyone.

Crensch ago

Aww, you'll lose the only person in your life that told you the truth about how you look.

Whatever will you do?

Gothamgirl ago

Men tell me how I look all the time along with wanting to give their phone #'s

Why would I care what you think of me?

What to do about your opinion? I would punt it, into the synagogue of satan, that you crawled of.

Crensch ago

No, they don't. Your life is pathetic, and you hate it, but you put on a brave front here because you've convinced yourself that you're really not THAT ugly, or THAT stupid. The defense mechanisms in your mind are screaming at you to stop, because there's only so much they can handle. Many of those mechanisms have long since given up, but you persist, and by the power of sheer stupidity, continue to try any way you can to feel better about yourself.

Gothamgirl ago

You don't know me at all. You are wrong about everything you say about everyone. You sound very adolescent and quite miserable.

Crensch ago

You've sought me out to argue with me constantly. You tell me all kinds of things about yourself because you're borderline retarded, and you think I care. You even take pics of yourself in order to prove you're "not that bad". Yeah, I have the archive of when you first posted that disgusting face pic, moron.

YOU did that.

And you have the nerve to complain about it when you admonish srayzie for "doxxing herself"?


Gothamgirl ago

You have talked about my children.

You should come with a warning label.

I tell you things because I am correcting your lies.

Srayzie is not a Voat user but when she was, she went out of her way to tell everyone about herself, and every pic she posted of herself, she was a big fat mess. Especially the one where she was sitting at a desk, last Christmas.

Crensch ago

Srayzie is not a Voat user but when she was, she went out of her way to tell everyone about herself, and every pic she posted of herself, she was a big fat mess. Especially the one where she was sitting at a desk, last Christmas.

She didn't post any pic of herself to this website. EVERY pic posted here of her is a doxxed pic.

YOU posted your own pics to this website. YOU lie about srayzie posting her pics here, because that absolves you of violating the TOS if it's accepted as truth.

Nobody is buying your bullshit anymore, fatass.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes she did on Great Awakening and we all begged her to take it down. So she did.

Stop with all the lying already. I am not the only one who witnessed it Fucktard.

Crensch ago

Yes she did on Great Awakening and we all begged her to take it down. So she did.

Evidence of this? And then which image? You'd posted multiple images. Multiple infractions.

Crensch ago

The evidence is you and your crew were tagging those alts and your traits were extremely identifiable.

Tagging someone = being someone?

Identifiable? How's that?

Idgaf what she is I am not a dyke, but she is the one with the hooked nose, who spoke about buying black dildos for her gf lapdog.

You keep saying hooked nose, but her nose isn't hooked. What'cha doin' there, Rabbi?

Oh please dear Crensch I don't give a shit what you think of me you are knee deep into skat... And a whale of a beast... Her arm is bigger them my leg 😆

Skat? Who?

Whatever. Srayzie is nowhere near as fat as you are.

You Diluted Streetshitter....

Oh, hey, try the pic addressed to you that was taken recently again! Wanna try that one?

You don't have a disease that makes your limbs swell, you have diabetes, you fat fuck.

Gothamgirl ago

Oh just shut up, this post wasn't even about that cunt you obsessive psycho.

Plus your boring the fuck out of me with your wacky fantasies.

Just cause you can't get over her leaving, it's not Voats problem... Go trip on a rusty hypodermic on the way to getting yourself some help you fucking basket case.

Crensch ago

Oh just shut up, this post wasn't even about that cunt you obsessive psycho.

Jealous cave troll is jealous.

Plus your boring the fuck out of me with your wacky fantasies.

The ones that are more plausible than your post-hoc rationalizations?

Just cause you can't get over her leaving, it's not Voats problem... Go trip on a rusty hypodermic on the way to getting yourself some help you fucking basket case.

Fortunately, you sick fucks aren't Voat, so Voat will be fine.

I have reflex symptomatic dystrophy from a surgery. You just make up whatever you can. You are a liar and pathetic.....I don't have diabetes and again I am not the 90lb kid you prefer.. You are the pedo.....

Exaggerating hippo is exaggerating to make herself feel better about being a hippo.

We already tried her new pic it flopped 😁 it's not only the nose Rabbi it's the hair

Yet somehow that "algorithm" ignored the 80 year old spider web on your head.

she sounded like dyke

I bet you sound like an MTF tranny.

cheating on her spouse

You don't have a spouse, yet you have children.

and the attitude.

Somehow worse than you having CP on your phone and housing a literal pedophile while he was playing out his masturbatory fantasies on this site.

Marketing her kid for profit, using Gods name.

You're marketing your dead baby for sympathy. Is there a difference?

All points to kike tactics and genetics.

You mean every point that was completely destroyed above, or at the very least shows you to be doing the same or worse?

Gothamgirl ago

Best laugh I had all night. You people are nothing to be jealous about, you ugly up the entire site 😁😂 by yourself.

Crensch ago

I'd take uglying up the site over pedophiling up the site like you and your man did.

Gothamgirl ago

Ex man, and you are a pedophile, and possibly a serial killer of brown kids.

Crensch ago

You're the one with CP on your phone and the boyfriend that wanted to rape and murder multiple children.

Gothamgirl ago

More lies. I don't have cp on my phone.

You mean that ex boyfriend who threatened my kids that you and your crew ran to, for info on me? At the same time those threats were being made? Then months later another one of your friends Shizy did the same threats towards my kid, and you backed her to. What kinda sicko are you?

Crensch ago

You mean that ex boyfriend who threatened my kids that you and your crew ran to, for info on me?

The one you continually defend as being all "satire" and "trolling" and totally trolled us into not really doxxing you and not really threatening you.

But that's YOUR belief.

Gothamgirl ago

No I have stated his account said that all is satire, he is a shitposter this is true. I have also stated many times I didn't agree with what he did.

You doxxed me a week ago, he has been gone for months.

Shizy absolutely did threaten me on one of your posts.

Crensch ago

You doxxed me a week ago, he has been gone for months.

I did no such thing. I posted a pic you, yourself furnished to this website.

You, however, doxxed srayzie both today and a week ago with pics she did not furnish to this website.

And between the two of you, only one of you got with the guy threatening your kids. Meaning the only one reasonably in danger is her. Not you.


Gothamgirl ago

Srayzie is not a Voat user.

Srayzie pretended to be that guys girlfriend while he did it to me, and joined in and so did you and lapdog.

Crensch ago

We both know that argument won't hold water.

Tick tock.

OH and just in case you forgot that you doxxed yourself, you stupid cave troll


Ugly. Fat. Face. Flappy. Tits. Cave. Troll.

Gothamgirl ago

You are the pedo and proved it so many Pizzagate researchers ago...

Crensch ago

Can't wait 'till putt gets back.

beefartist ago

No...you're a piece of shit and it only takes a convenient moment to make sure as many people as possible know; and you seem to need the reminder, fag

smokratez ago


Gothamgirl ago

He has attacked my deceased child since way before BeatleTrollArmy, on Pizzagate which I was a researcher, and he was a mod.

He wants all brown kids dead and now he is a mod on Q.

Acerphoon ago

He also wants all brown kids dead

I don't know anything about your personal drama, but this sounds pretty based.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Have you tried sending him boob pics? I hear he's fond of those.

Gothamgirl ago

He only likes them attached to a morbidly obese married pig.