Drenki ago

Oh, so this is the reason for the recent Lovecraft hate I've seen elsewhere.

Rand01 ago

What does he mean by the "Syrian superstition imposed on us by Constantinus"?

Soyboy69 ago

I need some redpills on the French Canadians, all I really know about them is their terrorism campaign under the guise of wanting french to be made an official language of canada.

ComradeUseless ago

I remember a dog named niggerman in one of his stories.

I do like his work.

SubredditSurvivor ago


Holonomic ago

I always like that guy.

fellowwhiteperson ago

He says every locale has its own local plague. Almost like the Roman strategy of importing foreigners to keep the peasants set against one another has been very well practiced throughout America.

lettersofmarque ago

Lovecraft's nameless horrors have a name after all.

MemeDropAcct ago

How about this Lovecraft poem:


dassaer ago

H.P. legit fluent in 'Flammenwerfer' ...

Gogerdoe ago

Is "The Syrian superstition imposed on us by Constantius" a reference to Christianity? Was Lovecraft anti-Christian?

jthun2 ago

strikes me as 'yes' on that interpretation.

CrudOMatic ago

based and wheatfield

Saulspergmin ago

You kinda' get the impression he was disgusted by literally everyone who wasn't a New Englander.

Scald85 ago

Nordic racial superiority was taken very seriously in his day. Slavs and Mediterranean mystery meat were an uncanny valley that made them more uncomfortable than blacks or natives.

Death_in_June ago

those are some shitlord level burns there

herbert_west ago

The problem has always been well-known, yet it's gotten worse and worse...

SearchVoatBot ago

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CowWithBeef ago

Pittsburgh's east Europeans aren't as white as we think then. I suppose this means eventually Persians and Arabs will pass for white too. They're already white in the eyes of government agencies.

Othmar_Regin ago

He hits the nail on the head - we need to get rid of Xstianity 1st before we are able to fight back

last18500 ago

I've toiled over this and have yet to come to a decision. Because, while I agree that Christianity is jewish nonsense and I refuse to worship a jew savior or their disgusting desert jew god - who is a fucking dick btw - we need something to rally around. We need something to bring whites all together and cohere (race alone is not enough - especially in today's climate of SJW self-hatred and the erasing of our history and culture). Religion is a key component to the preservation of one's people. Christianity may be the answer because it is still so prevalent in the world.

The jews always keep their religion at their core - and that's why they've been here for 4,000 years and are stronger than ever - everyone else lost sight of their religion/race/history/culture e.g., the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans etc...go and look for them now - but the jews are still here.

Then again, maybe I'm wrong.

Othmar_Regin ago

If Xstianity wasn't what it is I might agree with it but as long as we keep following it we will remain weak and vulnerable - even Buddism would be better basically anything other than a (((jewish))) inspired religion - and since we already have our own Gods and Mythologies why not just go back to our Ice Age roots?

jthun2 ago

agree 100%. I can't have respect for a God that ended up nailed to a cross. Sorry, but that's not a manly way to go.

HOWEVER, you are entirely correct that Jews are still here while other groups have disappeared. Edward Dutton and others are currently arguing that religious beliefs have a positive impact on fitness and on group selection. Abandoning religion seems to be a dead end, as you can see from the pitiful reproductive output of atheists, and of the way Islam is taking over Europe.

SolidFoundations ago

Christianity is one of the fundamental foundations of traditional western society.

Drenki ago

Christianity is only 2,000 years old and what we have today is a dumbed down, retarded, and counter-productive version of the ideas that were used to create it.

If you look at the writings by the early Christians that didn't make it into the New Testament, it is apparent that they were taking pre-existing mystery school ideas and giving them a packaging that would last into the future. Just a brief explanation, mystery school is a belief system where you aren't told everything at once, versus the revealed religions where it's all out in the open. So they were creating a phony revealed religion to transmit their mystery school teachings.

Now, that's not to say it should be thrown out along with the traditions that are now known as Christian, but it will be impossible to alter course with all the people who believe in Christianity, especially the large majority who think the bible should be considered literally true. For example, Catholic Church's Pope is also known as the "pontifex maximus" but this title and the role come from the people who came before the founding of Rome itself. The pontifex (I think there were five at a given time) had the duty of interpreting from Earth, the will of the gods. Christmas is just a winter solstice celebration. Easter a spring equinox celebration. (thinking of these as some kind of evil pagan celebrations is retarded. fucking god put the sun and moon into motion and the changing of the seasons is incredibly important to our survival here.)

But right now, Christianity is being used to shame people into accepting their own destruction. So many misinterpretations of passages are taught as fact, and so many people think that a Church should stand between people and The Supreme Being.

But it's a good question of how it could be replaced or improved. Perhaps the early Christian writers were facing the same problems with their mystery school beliefs.

SolidFoundations ago

You've said a lot, I agree with most of it actually, surprisingly. One part I disagree is with the Bible. Anyone can read it and assess the truth, or not, contained within it. So, the Gnosticism of ancient 'believers' was found and shown to be heretical by various councils and not just European councils. Maybe you should check out the Russian orthodox church history. It's pretty fascinating.

Plus, you totally didn't mention Jesus at all. Jesus is the lynch pin to the whole thing.

Also, Christmas is often said to be pagan in origin but that's actually not true, I used to think that, and if you're interested I can share a transcript or podcast with you on the subject.

But I like you, don't get me wrong.

Drenki ago

I believe that we can't be told the reason we're here, and this is why we're born without any innate knowledge of what to do or believe and also the reason why many religions cloak their teachings in parables and metaphors.

I believe that Jesus was a real person and a divine being. As are we all. His prominence was due to a need to unite beliefs among groups holding very different ideas and so he had to fulfill the expectations of many different prophecies. To accomplish this, he was given an education that encompassed many different religions and belief systems and this is why it took him so long before he began his works. Yes, he did perform what you would call miracles, but... well ask yourself if there is any mention of electricity in the bible and how someone from 2,000 years ago wouldn't marvel with what we are able to do with it.

The major problem we're facing is that we are stuck between two extremes: absolute atheism and zionistic zealotry. Atheists laugh about intelligent design and bible thumpers are usually too dimwitted to realize that if God created everything, then that includes natural selection. Now, this is just an example so please don't get hamstrung on details, but the synthesis, the joining of these two concepts is the statement: natural selection is the product of intelligent design. The problem is with the people who a) can't see that and b) won't consider it even when it's presented to them.

But you can't force someone to believe something! And If God wanted you to believe it, he wouldn't give you a choice. And that would be a violation of free will, which we are supposed to have. This is why God doesn't just appear in the sky so that everyone can see he exists for themselves.

But the problem of free will is complicated. Why is it important we develop faith when we have the right (through free will) to have no need for it? Or another way, what choice do we have to believe when the punishment for not believing is eternal damnation? That's not a choice, it is a threat in the form of an ultimatum. But the converse is, what's the point of believing if it doesn't matter either way? This tells me that we must revisit some of our initial premises.

What's the saying? "It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so."

When I look out into the world, these are the types of problems I see. And the warning I was given was that this place will be burned out (zealotry), frozen over (atheism), or completely buried (I won't say) if we can't sort things out. but if we can figure out how to get along, this place gets really good.

Judging by what's happening in Australia, we've chosen death from unquenchable ideology.

fellowwhiteperson ago

It's a shackle which has held back western society. The enlightenment happened because people were able to escape the thumb of the Church and think for themselves.

jthun2 ago

the end result of casting off all shackles is occultism, satanism, and jewish pedophiles running all the banks.

a little spice is good, too much spice is a problem

same with humans. Too much freedom, too much 'deciding for yourself' and your tribe goes extinct.

fellowwhiteperson ago

Uh, no.

The only people into occultism and satanism are elites that need dirt on each other to keep each other inside the club.

The elites gained control because people willingly sold themselves into slavery to the elites to preserve capitalism, aka the federal reserve. These elites have used their power to undermine education and destroyed the concepts of critical thinking.

Northri ago

It is also a universalist faith strongly tied to Jews that only serves to degrade racial/ethnic solidarity.

SolidFoundations ago

You need to read up about the tower of Babel incident. The idea that Christianity is universalist is a relatively recent phenomena. God created the nation's and wants then to remain separate and distinct. Cultures and ethnicities can be christian and retain their identity, so long as their identity isn't based on doing immoral things.

jthun2 ago

Northri is correct.

Before Christianity we had the Greeks, the most superlative people of all time, and the Romans. We were absolutely fine with their belief systems, far better than with Jewish postmodernism.

Gopherurself ago

Did you watch the video obviously you did not

SolidFoundations ago

Yes, Rome wasn't at all failing because of ethnic tension... The barbarian hordes also presented a problem. You idiots keep on talking about 'white' like we are all the same.

Gopherurself ago



SolidFoundations ago

My sarcasm must not have been very good, my sincere apologies.

Rome died because of sexual degeneracy, immoral proclivity, and ethnic tension.

Never import the enemy into your country.

Nevertheless, it's about God, king, country, and family. Not all whites are the same. That's all I'm saying.

t9spjtws ago

japanese bad

jews good
