FightingTheDarkArts ago

She is a little older, probably had a nose job earlier in life so you can't tell right away by her looks alone. The way you can tell is the eyes. A lot of these leftists, they can't change their eyes. It's like when you see pictures of inbred Muslims with crazy eyes. That shit is real. Those people are actually inbred and insane and fanatical. Something about leftists too, you can always tell by the eyes. It's different than the crazy Arabs but always there. It's almost like someone made a plastic toy with eyes that are trying to be angry and sad at the same time but they came up short and failed to properly capture the emotions. It's like they're acting out memories of emotions or what they think they should be feeling. The only real emotions many of them have are frustration and jealousy. Those seem to be never ending.

CrudOMatic ago

Mmmhmm tombstoned himself today...

That has been the consistent mark of a shill on this site - eventually people call them out and instead of reply, they an hero their accounts. Without a struggle - just BAM! That lie you told me a month ago just blew up, whaddaya gotta say about that? *TOMBSTONE*

antiliberalsociety ago

Because you hide your faith in fear? I think not.

capicua ago

wow, who woulda thought she was actually a nazi and trump supporter?

antiliberalsociety ago

I think I nailed it the first time based on your actions.

Shishamo ago

That indignant look is all you need to know everything about her.

antiliberalsociety ago

Yet you fear the truth of it getting out... Hmmmm.....

voaty_voatface ago

Her name is Birgitt Peterson, she did multiple national news stories after this photo was published.

Insane the bullshit that gets passed off here, no matter how easy it is to check...

antiliberalsociety ago

"Not a Christian"

Then what are you? Muslim?

TimMasson1 ago

If we're being honest it's kind of difficult to tell if that's the same person or not. As a seeker of Truth I do not believe something simply because I want to believe it nor should you. I see things like this all the time and I think they are often times misleading and meant to fool you because it is known that most will not view it with a critical eye but rather accept it at face value because they like what they are seeing.

ddumbb ago

Agent Provocateur. US Protests and rallies don't serve any real purpose other than to implicate yourself to someone else's scheme.

AgentSakura ago

good form

LionElTrump ago

or the punk wearing full on KKK robes early on, when being escorted out a father with his son attending a Trump rally lashed out in anger and punched the man-child, bernie-bro there for CNN cameras to edit the footage on his way out.

Project Veritas has video of them describing this tactic the Democrats/Uni-party have always used, it's a trick, they always use it

antiliberalsociety ago

You're still a kike serving atheist

Northri ago

It would be amazing if somebody could actually give direct evidence from Hitler/Goebbels that shows they knew about gas chambers or other mass extermination techniques. The only thing I ever hear about is the "final solution," but never a single specific detail. Weird.

Butterbread ago

Didn't you pay attention in school?

- they didn't communicate in writing, not even with encryption, and kept no records, because from the beginning they were afraid of losing and being exposed.

- the records were all destroyed along with all the gas chambers and all the remains. They systematically killed everyone. We know all of this only because of all of the survivors.

- all of the mass graves cannot be exhumed because it is against judaism to disturb jew graves. In many countries, by law, you cannot talk about, write about, or posess writing or artifacts in contradiction to any of this. This is because we must never again allow fascists who burn books and suppress speech and ideas to take control.

- Hitler was a madman who brainwashed and coerced all German people to hate jews, who are completely innocent. They've been repeatedly attacked through history for no reason, except that they are God's chosen ones.

Goys-R-Us ago

Thank God for ground penetrating radar.

Nosferatjew ago

oaf ago


Jews do this shill tactic often, and the giveaway is always that Bellamy salute in front of news cameras.

THE JEW YORK TIMES uses a FAKE NAME for the shill !!!!:

2016 info on that photo :

Note that her REAL name was revealed by Trump Jr as "Portia Boulger" in 2016 :

New York Times is complicit in jew shilling against trump and even hiding legal names of leftists and spreading disinformation.

Goys-R-Us ago

The Jew York Times supported the Bolshevik Revolution by not reporting on the atrocities taking place at the time. The Jew York Times is an enemy of the people.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Jew York Times is complicit in jew shilling

What? That can't be true! I'm shocked! SHOCKED!

GuacMerchant ago

but honestly why didnt hitler have extermination camps?

he was based on the JQ and couldve gotten rid of them, did he just have too much compassion? tbh if i had the chance to get rid of all of them i wouldnt hesitate lol

eggsbenedict94 ago

Weren't Nazi camps just labor camps

Pretty sure during War time, Hitler would've just wisely used them to produce shit for the war effort.

Also, knowing that the Holocaust is a lie, the Nazis were then just normal human beings. Normal human beings that wouldn't have it in them to execute "innocent" men, women, and children.

Phantom42 ago

I think Auschwitz was just an old Polish barracks they expanded on.

Nosferatjew ago

He simply wasn't an evil murderous man, and as a strict nationalist, he respected other races, cultures, and nations. He was fine with jews existing and being jews, just not in Germany, or any western nation. It seems he would been totally ok with jews having their own country and staying there.

Phantom42 ago

Something we should all strive for.

However, I wouldn't shed a tear if a group were to annihilate the jewish people. Personally, I look to Hitler as an example. He saw in generalities, as any leader should, but made room for those special few who had proven themselves time and again. It's called discernment. Seems to be a Whites only kind of trait...

GuacMerchant ago

nice hes actually a great man that must be the most lied about person in history

Nosferatjew ago

Certainly appears to be the case.

OricaTonithos ago

I want to see more like this.

Jews posing as members of the other side and doing silly shit for the left to use as examples of "conservatives being..." Racist, White Supremacist, Hitler Worshippers and other false flaggy shit.

undertheshills ago

The Charlottesville runner over guy was a jew.

Broc_Lia ago

I looked up her name. It's an anglo-norman name meaning (more or less) leatherworker. There's an Irish version as well, but I suspect it's a fake etymology cooked up by someone who was embarrassed about having an English last name.

She does look pretty nose-oriented though, so the name could be something they just adopted. Amusingly enough it literally means "wallet."

MarauderShields ago

Meaning of Soros is pretty telling too, and that was an adopted name.

Broc_Lia ago

Interesting. I looked it up and according to what I found it's from esperanto and means something like "successor." Is that what you heard?

Broc_Lia ago

The idea that it's esperanto was floated because his dad was a huge proponent of esperanto.

I assumed he was greek the first time I heard it though (back when the Koch brothers were still a thing), was kinda surprised when he turned out to be hungarian.

MarauderShields ago

I would say he's a Greek. It's just more crypto jewery. Using biblcal terms is very like them.

Goys-R-Us ago

It actually means "one with ballsack eyes".

Broc_Lia ago

It's a trap!

Nosferatjew ago

Amusingly enough it literally means "wallet."

Confirmed for jew.

Broc_Lia ago

It does seem perfect.

Podd ago

Turn the news on.

DamonAxemaker ago

Anyone remember when they taught how shitty it was when Nixon did this crap?

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TechDumb ago

Is that even the same woman?

Nosferatjew ago


Jimbonez_Jonez ago

I see that the women pictured in those photos look damn near identical, but how do we verify they're the same? For Christ's sake, we're calling people Bernie supporters here.... That's the absolute worst thing to be labeled, so I want to make sure we're getting the right one.

Nosferatjew ago

I wonder what he has to say about Israel's nukes.

Nosferatjew ago

XD could he glow brighter, yeesh..

CowWithBeef ago

He used the term pilpulling. Isn't that the Jewish term for disregarding truth and debating like it's a sport to win?

TavistockInstitute ago

I've only ever seen the account lose arguments while declaring it won.. so that checks out.

Mmmhmm ago

Im not in that pic since I don't keep the Tanakh

You are on both sides, but you're too stupid to realize it, whike.

Drstrangegoy ago

I cant appeal to your better nature, because you haven't got on. begone, foul creature! avaunt!

Mmmhmm ago

Put down fhe Tanakh, whike.

anamazonslittle ago

Is this like the cop trying to tell Jim Gaffigan "Meow" 9 times? Are you trying to see how many times you can say tanakh and whike?

Mmmhmm ago

Why, do you keep the Old Tanakh and/or worship kike gods?

If so, you're a whike.

anamazonslittle ago

See? Two more times.

Mmmhmm ago

Run it through your Tanakh and get back to me, whike.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

What are these words you're using?

Nosferatjew ago

lol ok Judas.