PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Agreed #1

Don_Tomaso ago

14 fuckheads read this topic.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Hey this queer is right

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Who gives a fuck when it's from, if it's true, it's true; that is the most important thing!

SolidFoundations ago

Thank you Fuckhead, [Jan, 2020].

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

If it is in the news sub I agree.

Otherwise people can post whatever they want titled however they want.

derstoyvsky ago

I'm more concerned about the blatant disinfo that gets upvoated beyond reproach simply because it fits our narratives. I wonder to what degree that phenomenon is organic, seeing as how I generally expect more from voaters. Then again, maybe not after the Q invasion.

mattsixteen24 ago

hahahha, I cracked up when I saw your avatar. lol. That's good. homo hindu npc? hahaha

SIayfire122 ago

I created it myself when there was the initial NPC meme raid on Twitter. Unfortunately, I was banned because of it but the avatar lives on. Here's the side by side comparison of the original picture and the edited avatar. I don't remember what I searched for to find the original picture.

mattsixteen24 ago

Seeing the original kind of dampened the funniness of it. Seeing a person like that is just sad, hahahahaha. That meme you created is a trophy of persecution.

SIayfire122 ago

Probably why twitter was so quick to ban all npc accounts.

Will0890 ago

I'm Bawawa Wawwaws wid [2020]

Themooninthesky ago

Hear, hear! What OP says.

And adding to that, stop posting the same video under a new title! Jesus H.

goatsandbros ago

But how do you get people to help your voat farm if you can't trick them into thinking it's actual news?

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

But how will they ever mislead people with old info?

Goys-R-Us ago

Who you calling fuckhead, dickbreath? /s

SIayfire122 ago

Who you calling dickbreath, jackwagon?

Goys-R-Us ago

Top definition

Jack wagon

n. Slang term derived from the Freight or Chow wagons used in the late 19th century. These were often the last wagons in a wagon train, making them the least favorable to drive due to the dust, waste, and debris from the front of the train.

When used as in insult it refers to one's lack of intelligence, implying the insultee is capable of no more than operating a Chow wagon.

You're doing it wrong, you Jack wagon!

lol, TIL

SIayfire122 ago

Is that a new word for you or just the definition? It seems to be an insult used primarily by the elderly, which makes sense since trains were far more popular back then for personal travel.

Goys-R-Us ago

I think I've heard it once or twice but I never knew what it referred to. Wonderful thing about the internet - right click and search.

BTW it's talking about wagon trains so even today's elderly were using the slang probably from their grand parents I'd guess.

SIayfire122 ago

Yeah. Today's elderly were mostly children when WW2 kicked off, and with it air-transportation. I learned it as a child, so add another couple generations before them.

I've heard it as an insult plenty, but didn't know the actual definition until now.

Kaiserkrone ago

best post of [2020]

ArcAngel ago

its not hard to shove a tampon up your ass-hole to keep it from leaking, either..

mitoriomyt ago

OP is a lazy nigger.

anticlutch ago

Or just don't be a useful cuck and slide any meaningful thread with your super cool "news" from 2010.

Barfin ago

b-b-but muh meltdown when someone points out this fact

GeneralDisposition ago

Waaa. Stop reading titles only fuckwhit. Half the bullshit arguments on this site start from the guy who didn't read anything yet still comments.

Barfin ago

don't put fake titles then, and don't just try to get us to click a site that has AIDS, post a synopsis here

GeneralDisposition ago

Agree with a synopsis, but the name of the website is right beside the link and I won't click shit sites like Washington Post or salon or make a comment. I scroll right by. If this about that elderly care killer, no post was misleading about the year, not necessary to get bent out of shape.

Barfin ago

it said UPDATE in the title then there was no update it was news as old as my crotch

lovehate123 ago

these are not fuckheads, these are shills who will usually put misleading information into the header and or body of the news piece with the intent to make this place look not credible/fake news for nefarious purposes. or even possible to farm upvotes.

PraiseIPU ago

Yeah! We dont need help.

We look like idiots all on our own!

SearchVoatBot ago

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Posted automatically (#83045) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@lovehate123: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

So. When did you say this exactly ? Just for chronicle reasons. 2019 or 2020 ?

PhilKDick ago

And if an article or a meme has been posted here before, please do not post it again, or, if you can't help yourself, announce it as a repost.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Fuck you Jew. The Truth has no age.

PraiseIPU ago

Yoyr ten year old blog post about how someones hair triggered you whilr "tru" is not relevant.

SIayfire122 ago

Correct, but context matters. In the case of the Maga Mass Murderer, it's the difference between "Hey look. I found a relevant article about a guy that could have been a victim" and "OMG! Someone's already taking action!"

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Is this about the nursing home in San Diego, where old people were dying?

The reason I ask is, the article is absolutely relevant to the piece of shit nigger who ended up essentially doxxing himself (thanks to /pol/) recently, because this article highlights those abuses in the media. The connection is just being made.

I've seen comments and threads about people saying, "HURRRR DUURRRRRR IT'S FROM 2018 YOU IDIOTS! NOT RELEVANT!!"

Exactly the point you fucking morons. The connection to media articles from 2018 is being drawn from the RECENT posts on Reddit from that nigger.

Sometimes, the intelligence of some of my fellow goats is a little disconcerting. I mean, seriously people, critical thinking ability is a MUST in the coming post-collapse of western society. Without critical thinking ability and skills, you're going to repeat the same mistakes that led us into this shit situation to begin with.

tanukihat ago

That nursing home has replied on Twatter that they're investigating him, so all hope is not lost.

ChiCom ago

*all excited about an article and shares it to every normie.

*Article is apparently 5 years old.

  • blocked for spamming old news.

HillBoulder ago

Think of all the glownigger monkeys lurking around here. You will always see that type of response when something important is revealed..

ArcAngel ago

its from 2018!!!!!!, so... this fucking piece of shit has been getting away with it, for how long?

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Apparently at least a year

ArcAngel ago

and people around me say im sick for wanting impailment & burning at the stake brought back...

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

You're not sick. You're enlightened.

Jews, niggers, spics, communists, socialists, pedophiles, faggots, transfaggots, sand niggers, etc... They all deserve to be publicly killed in horrifying ways and their dead bodies desecrated and humiliated.

Barfin ago

yeah delete that shit. it even said UPDATE in it. just clickbait for boomers here

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

It's relevant due to the nigger on Reddit giving up his MO and eventually /pol/ doxxed him. This just happened.

The news story corroborates the Reddit nigger's claims, and because of /pol/'s doxxing, this article is pertinent to the topic.

Are you advocating for me deleting my comment, the thread being deleted, or the dumb fucks without any reading comprehension or critical thinking skills to stfu and fuck off?

Barfin ago

shut up boomer

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Congrats on using an old and tired meme, you dumb faggot.

Barfin ago

here's another meme FUCK OFF FAG

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Go clutch your antifa flag you fucking soyboy faggot.

Barfin ago

take the L kid

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

The only people that use "take the L" are niggerball loving faggots.

Do some introspection you dumb nigger faggot.

Barfin ago


SIayfire122 ago

Yes, but your explanation of why people are upset is wrong. And it's not only that article; it's happened more times than I can recall. This is just the most recent example, whether or not it's the best example. People are not pissed because the article is irrelevant. They're mad that it implies it's recently posted, or at least doesn't warn you it's not recent.

Historical data is a must, and is extremely relevant with new data. BUT, stop being a faggot about it. The OP and several users will always say "hur durr, it's still relevant even if it's from 18 months ago." No shit, but warn a brother because context fucking matters.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Or not be a lazy nigger and read the date from the article. It's one thing if it's being passed-off as NEW news, but the recent example isn't doing that.

SIayfire122 ago

If I give you a bowl of M&Ms with three skittles in it, are you going to verify that every M&M is not a skittle?

If people are browsing through hundreds of links a day, is every person going to verify its recency themselves?

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

The fact that the date of an article is almost always stated, easily legible, on the top left corner of an article, right above the author or journalist's name, has me scratching my head at the prospect of so many people getting pissed about this.

It's disconcerting that so many people seem to be lazy on a "nigger-level-lazy" status. I mean, for fuck's sake people, learn to fucking read and don't have the attention span of a goldfish.

Technically, I fall into the "old Millennial/young Gen X" category, and I'm absolutely flabbergasted by the fact that the critiques of this generation of westerners is pretty fucking true. My fellow peers have zero reading comprehension, zero critical thinking ability, zero patience and zero attention span. It's fucking pathetic.

It's one thing if a post is trying to hoodwink the reader by passing off old news as new news, but again, it's insanely fucking easy to tell the date of an article by simply looking at it.

The only way I can understand why people are so upset, is they've embarrassed themselves with comments about the article, without even reading the article. That's some nigger-level-laziness.

Stop being lazy like niggers everyone. Just stop it.

SIayfire122 ago

Stop being lazy like niggers everyone. Just stop it.

I agree. It literally takes zero effort to put the year at the end of the title. Have some common courtesy.

Rotteuxx ago

Don't expect immigrants to have respect for the old Voat culture, proper titles & archiving are just some examples of how shitty this place has gotten.

SIayfire122 ago

They never will as a whole, but some will change.

JudenIsEdom ago

Hopefully no one is implying its not relevant. I think the point is that knowing when something happened is almost just as important as knowing what happened.

Drenki ago

i thought /v/news used to have a provision for submissions being recent, but that it's missing is part of the problem.

once a story is old, it's no longer new, and therefore no longer a part of the "news". it's a part of the "olds" and belongs in a place like /v/newstoyou

Glipglup ago

Nah that would take too much time to program

parrygrin ago

I regret I have but one upvoat to give. This. A thousand times this.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

You talk like you drink 2 gallons of soy per day