voatgoat2 ago


DeltaBravoTango ago

That kid looks fake

WhiteChickens ago

Copers BTFO

We're better off without her!

No, we're not "better off", you cowardly little fucktard.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

She's probably jewish.

WhiteChickens ago

Most racially loyal...

Wonder why it didn't show up in your precious "interracial marriage stats"?

She doesn't speak to him anymore.

Bet she didn't meet him on "match.com" either.


Feelslikeclownworld ago

Shame the name is censored, would have been interesting to check back on her profile to see the regret setting in.

Doglegwarrior ago

i read some where that 90+% of white women that have a kid with a black man he leaves.

SexMachine ago

When is this even from? Anytime have a link?

drhitler ago

its a super dumb kid too, look at that eye gap.

MockingDead ago

If it's degenerate, you find a jew

If it's a broken home, it's a coalburner

My new Uncle was a coalburner. Thanks to him marrying my Aunt his niggers get her money.

HAARPsichord ago

137 upvoats. wow.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

If she doesn't even speak to the father any more why does she keep the kid? Aren't there orphanages newr where she lives?

bourbonexpert ago

It really is amazing how clear the stats and facts are, yet women still commit beastiality.

It’s almost like Jewish owned media....

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Fun fact: White women are the least likely to fall for jewish race-mixing propaganda.

Jewish women are the most likely to fall for jewish race-mixing propaganda.

They have to spam this propaganda because black men are undesirable to all women in general.

bourbonexpert ago

Thanks, you’re probably right. But sometimes I feel like I see way too much of it

SearchVoatBot ago

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Empire_of_the_mind ago

i've seen a stat that like 98% of black fathers of babies with white women are not involved in their life.

Goys-R-Us ago

r selection in action.

Thereunto ago

Why exactly is this bad?

ScottMAGA ago


ShiningForce ago

First time on voat?

zxcvzxcv ago


GuacMerchant ago

she does look jewish tbh. close set eyes dark eyes/hair, and probably had nose reduction surgery.

baby is ugliest thing i've seen

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Wouldn't be surprising. Jew "women" (eww) are the most likely to fall for race-mixing propaganda pushed by jews. White women rate niggers the lowest of any other group including asians, and on average and asian man needs to make $250k/yr to be considered as desirable as a white man who makes $67k/yr.

Alhambra ago

not to worry, the welfare state shall raise your niglet, m'lady

jthun2 ago

The baby kind of looks like charlie kirk

Pissed_Off_Vet ago


mralexson ago

How can such an archaic species be devoid of parental instinct?

Derpfroot ago

And people celebrate this. That gives me projectile diarrhea.


The_Oogie ago

Spoke too soon?

Goys-R-Us ago

Misread that as spook too soon? Had a laugh.

New-World-Ebola ago

kill them all. fucking subhuman trash.


Sort of a huge black dildo she is holding. Looks like it is hers so at least she isn't lonely.

On-time ago


Whoaforreal85 ago

Anybody have a link to the thread?

Rizzo9000 ago

So...thats that Ayinde guy?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

haha but she has Herpes to remember him by. Nasty trash

SearchVoatBot ago

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Commiefornication ago

This mudshark will gain 100 lbs soon and become a nigger sperm whale later in her life. Probably get a nursing degree with a short hairdo.


and a mocha mistake to humiliate her for the rest of her life

Shishamo ago

She also has walking billboard telling men to not even approach her.

redwing14 ago

Yes, same with white guys with asian gf. Not able to get a white girlfriend.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

ahh yes, the ol' nigger fuck trophy

Charlez6 ago

More like a curse.

God it must be heartbreaking for these coalburners seeing White ladies out playing with their perfect, beautiful little White children.


Is that what that thing she is holding is? I didn't know they gave out a trophy.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

They can take that trophy to a government office and show it for free gibsmedats

SIayfire122 ago

What a terrible name for a child.

anamazonslittle ago

I always thought chlamydia was a pretty name.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I always liked SyPhillis.

TheKalergiFan ago

It's a halfling

Ocelot ago


Halflings are hobbits.

Gopherurself ago

What you get when you choose to have a baby with an animal dumber than a gorilla

ArcAngel ago

cool costumes! looks so real... but why did they rent the little mixed baby?

nospyingpls ago

Why are the usernames censored? Is this not Voat?

I want to know who reposted this person's picture but more than that I want to know who is screenshoting reposted reddit content comments and censoring the comments to repost on Voat.

I think "jewsbadnews" is a shill. What do you have to say you dumb faggot? Post the uncensored version.

weezkitty ago

Good chance he reposted it from somewhere where they have to be censored.

x13 ago


This heavily censored by mods, nigger loving reddit, requires redacting of identifiable names and cities and college names :


If you post facts on black crime, black IQ, black fatherhood, your post gets DELETED on that left leaning fucking subreddit r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen/

all photos require identity stripping.

only one mudshark allowed per ~14 days

nospyingpls ago

All of these retarded pictures of two sentences is a psyop anyway. Only complete morons derive enjoyment from it and anyone posting it is just a propaganda peddler. Keep that on Twitter and Reddit where it originated. We don't need brainwashing material here. Thanks "jewsbadnews."

It's a picture of a picture and a few sentences. What is this? Who fucking cares?

We are discussing discussions of reposted content that has been screenshoted and reposted on another site? Really?

Fuck this user, fuck their brainwashing attempts, and fuck their shitty contributions to humanity. Stop blaming blacks for your wife leaving you and go get a job that isn't going 10 levels deep reposting content across sites that you know you probably posted there yourself and commented on anyway.


Titanbikes4ever ago

I think youre retarded and missing the point here. It's pointing out the ridiculous attempt at behavioural programming that reddit pushes. They love propping up any form of miscegenation, but to learn the truth, that blacks love to impregnate dumb white women and then promptly leave(at best). It's funny that we're right, that we realize what's the reality is; that it's clown world.

nospyingpls ago

Except that this was completely made up. So this is also behavioral programming. The comments don't exist in the Reddit thread as posted by someone else from Ceddit.

RoundWheel ago

You need to learn about cautionary tales. You clearly don't understand them. Or their need. Especially when women are force fed a lie which will completely destroy them and their genetics.

smokratez ago

Stop blaming blacks for your wife leaving you

I will blame blacks with whatever I feel like is accurate. Fuck you very much.

Commiefornication ago

that's why these things never get a lot of downvoats. Try synthesizing a thread with original content and critical thinking and all the 'Oy Veys' come out kvetching about shutting this place down. I wonder why? Cohencidence?

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago


I can't find the posts though i'm guessing they purged ceddit aswell

OverlordOverdrive ago

Most black guys are overgrown boys their whole lives.

The_Regional_Manager ago

When boys means apes.

The_Oogie ago

That's mean

To apes.

TheGreatWhiteHope ago

Of course they're dressed like star wars characters. Oh, but real life is not like the movies, is it? Sad.

DontBeRacist ago

My parents had some crime solving TV show on with a light-skinned nigger cop as the main role and some former warlord from Somali who used child soldiers. The Apefrican-American cop didn't act much like a nigger and the various "Somalians" all had mild accents and were presented as being normal and relatable. In reality most blacks act like annoying niggers and Somalians are so weird and foreign and undesirable it'd be unpleasant just watching them.

I guess it's TV lala land that gets a lot of white people believing in this multiracial fantasy world.

Acerphoon ago

Crime shows are the weirdest thing ever. I legitimately believe that they are a big part in the brainwashing operation.

Just look at any crime show taking place in New York City. Any. Now look at the perpetrators are they white? Or are they portraying what actually happens in New York City?

If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91% and the shooting rate by 97%. Is this portrayed accurately in the crime show? Probably not.

Maybe it's not set in New York City, but set in the United States. According to FBI crime statistics, atleast 50% of the murders are done by blacks. Is this shown in the crime show?

GreenSlug ago

My parents watch those true crime shitshows as well, and everytime theres a case on that I -KNOW- to be a nigger crime, its always some white guy doing it. Grandma got raped? In real life thats ALWAYS gonna be a nigger, on TV it is NEVER nigger

Commiefornication ago

that larvae looks like it has down syndrome and mandibles for feet. Lando Coonreesian is gonna be on the hook to pay child support for that swirl baby. And looks like Princess Playa will be on the lookout for a non-black beta boy to p/u her childcare tab. Thanks jews!

The_Regional_Manager ago

You'd have to be a retard to fuck that retreaded pussy.

Commiefornication ago

spoken like a true Qtard

DontBeRacist ago

Half-white, half-black people are ugly as fuck. I mean even niggers just look like niggers, but these half-breed abominations look like something that was defecated out of an asshole.

WD_Pelley ago

I saw two spawn of a nigger and a Pacific islander recently

Holy fucking shit that sounds awful.

DontBeRacist ago

more like unholy fucking shit is what it was and what it looked like

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Half-white, half-black people

You can "mulatto" here. Don't worry, we won't ban you.

non_alcoholic_nignog ago

Also quadroon and octoroon.

Ocelot ago

Mongrel niggerspawn mixling.

hels ago

Kinda common sense that if a female fucks a nigger they aren't thinking past the present.

Smallest_Skil ago

and she has a nigglet lol

Shotinthedark ago

Of course she has a niglet. It seems like nigger sperm is very potent on mudsharks, they always seem to get knocked up real quick

Far2Long2 ago

For the record she doesn't speak to him any more.

The_Regional_Manager ago

And they missed the opportunity to ask about the non-existent child support that 98% of niggers never pay.

mudbear ago

yeesh, go and post to her 'thats unfortunate, lucky we have child support so that your child wont be going without, take care' and crush her soul.

The_Regional_Manager ago

B-b-b-b-b-but 'no benefits'?

She already has the only benefit a nigger can give a woman. 'BBC' (the myth) and a lifetime of misery and poverty with its out of control low IQ brat.