What mood? Christmas was there days ago you doofus

Crensch ago

You're not still in a good mood?


Well, I'm not in a bad mood. I guess I'm doing pretty good all things considered. You?

Crensch ago

Cloud 9 here. Pretty stellar results so far!

ArcAngel ago

yes, faggot.

i am enjoying a gawd-awful mikes hard black-cherry.... im using it to marnade some chicken-breast, but i only need 2 to do the do, so i got 4 left to knock back. ol-lady is passed out from new Rx & life is gud.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'll upvote all of your posts that I see. Not because I think you're a good poster. I think you suck actually. But this downvoting is quite openly being used as a weapon to drive people off. Of course everyone knows that already.

Crensch ago

Especially this jokester that thinks downvotes and pretending to be unfazed will work to keep morale up for her pedophile-loving buddies.

Hey, @carmencita-tier hormone slit, this just gets better and better for me.