Ina_Pickle ago

block nsfw subs. you wont see it at all.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I thought Putt said all subs are included in v/all, despite any blocks, because "all".

MrPim ago

Incorrect. Blocking a sub removes it from All. I only have a few things blocked but I've used it and it definitely removes them from all.

TheBookWasBetter ago

Your back!! I haven't seen you in a while. I thought I was going to need a new friend! Merry Christmas pal!

MrPim ago

I never really left and Ill be gone again in a second.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Thanks. (although I'm not incorrect about thinking that - lol) Could swear I remember Putt explaining that a year or so ago, but that either changed since, or dementia is setting in. Started looking for it, but got distracted when I ran across this in one of his comments:

If I had goats designing shirts and hats and stuff I'd likely move into offering it. (meaning zero extra work on his part)

Ina_Pickle ago

Maybe he meant individual subs, although I never see that Q sub I blocked. I only ever browse v/all. Try it. Flip the off switch for the nsfw subs in your account settings.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Would be interesting to see if that only blocked porn subs, but I don't like blocking unless absolutely necessary. Would block if the porn were anon and the downvotes didn't sting them, but this way I can downvote when they pop up.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

I have NSFW blocked and you won't miss anything. There is qrv (happy to have that blocked) and v/Jews (oh well). The rest of the NSFW is porn, cartoon loli shit and anon subverses that are 100% shit post. I occasionally unblock it for a week or two to see if im missing any actual content and nope.

70times7 ago

blumen4alles ago

Wow nice catch connecting GLP user Chip to conspirologist!

70times7 ago

Whole lot more then that. But since hes 2nd or 3rd in command over there, figured itll do.

blumen4alles ago

Pretty sure there are some GLP insta-banned keywords they are using because of me. That site used to be much better, one of the best for any sort of breaking news. Now I see stuff there 2-3 days after being posted here, and most of the members are "Christians" and/or boomers.

Voat's "reddit-clone" format is much better anyway. I would never become a member of GLP.

Joe_McCarthy ago

If you're bitching about the porn - it isn't anything everyone here hasn't seen a million times already. Methinks people protest too much.

Appeals to Putt are also pointless. Porn has always been allowed here. What has changed is that the Taliban has taken hold of the mechanics of the voting system and added a massive taboo element to it. That predictably provokes people like me that don't like being told what to post, think, or who have contrarian opinions. The end result is you get naked women with plenty of lulz at the overheated triggering and retardation along the way.

ReginaldPluntfarb ago

a two year old will kill you

you must be conditioned to kill

You glow in the dark no matter what you do

WolfWhoCried ago

This is a response to both of you faggots. First off to my adoring fan @ReginaldPluntfarb - You are clearly conditioned aren’t you? Destroy the messenger and stop the message? You are ABORIGINAL. Ooga booga bitch. There is a difference between killing and murder. Just like there is a difference between rape and fucking. See the difference? I know you don’t.

@Joe_McCarthy. Porn? I saw degradation. I saw shame and disgust attached to a natural act. This ain’t about jacking off dipshit. It is about being conditioned via a specific interface- this one.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Well, in any case I'm pretty good at conditioning. True. Here. Have some.

70times7 ago

The lake of fire is going to take you.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Yeah, bit only after going to heaven first in clicking that link.

70times7 ago

Its weird though . You talk like a virgin teen who has never actually got a woman off.

Yet you fancy yourself some porn/slut master.

Its laughable moshi.

The lake of fire, the final punishment of God, will take you soon.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You think I come off like a teenager? I was a precocious child, yeah, but really now.

70times7 ago

The world will be a better place...

you know the rest

Joe_McCarthy ago

I could tell you to go fuck yourself. But you'll likely be doing that soon enough.