binrobinro ago

I get all my nutritional advice from animal doctors.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

lion4liberty ago

Step one: Get GF

Step two: Give GF these burgers

Step three: [redacted]

Lavender7 ago

and he'll grow a cunt.

Creggieb ago

Who cares what a vet says?

Or a vegetarian, if it was a typo.

And who the fuck would eat at 4 meatless patties per day?

CivNatisFullRetard ago

You could also just eat a diverse vegan diet and be healthier than 99% of people on the planet. That requires a few working brain cells though which most “humans” are lacking.

Rellik88 ago

No thanks like normal humans I'm an omnivore.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Normal humans are weak, fat and stupid nowadays so congrats.

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

Unless you have B12 supplementation on that vegan diet, you won't have working brain cells. Veganism is a death sentence.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

No it’s not. Most omnivores are deficient in b12 without supplements either. It comes from bacteria in the soil, not meat. Retard.

fellowwhiteperson ago

Suddenly all of the brainwashed kids that think they're trans start scarfing down burgers for the estrogen.

Jimmycrackerson ago

Well i only eat 3 a day. So I should be alright.

I..ill see you guys later I need to go cry myself to sleep.

Abrahamlied ago

Who the fuck is eating at burger king 4 times a day, every day? I imagine anybody doing that is gonna have big tits regardless. However, I assume the main ingredient in the impossible burger is soy, which has been shown to increase estrogen levels in men. Best to stay away from all soy products if ur a dude.

binrobinro ago

Fats eat 4 burgers while they are waiting for their "meal".

Jimmycrackerson ago

they eat 4 burgers before they eat 4 burgers.

and then they eat 4 more

Le_Squish ago

Office and retail workers, brah. More people than you think don't eat at home nor can they cook and they depend on places like burger king and MC donslds for meals.

FattestConsequence ago

Fatassery of any kind will slap the gyno on men. Stop eating so much you fucking babies.