mediocregiraffe ago

7/10 - not that bad

The modernization of the metaculture in the universe and the obviously poor casting in some cases where compared to the source material are the worst parts, I don't appreciating seeing my own world imprinted on a fantasy I want to enjoy.

But considering the story, the prior art, the acting and all the other stuff, its a good show.

Its kinda like Game of Thrones if it was written by Gilbert and Sullivan and produced in the same way as Hercules: The Legendary Journeys.

(Fun adventure most of the time, with stabs of emotional character development, heroic combat for a noble cause, and a healthy sprinkle of McGuffins)

and I think the weird parallel story over different times is dizzying.

Break it down tho and the ancient archetypes and stories are still there too; Geralt as Sisyphus is "Turbo-Helsing" why I love the story.

political note: both teams are represented in this work, unequally but there if you take the time to look, and they are apart of the story together not against each-other

Amaka ago

I torrented the whole season but couldnt get past episode 2 even watching at 4x. I disagree that Cavill nailed Geralt, he nailed a stoic badass, he showed nothing of Geralt´s wit or intelligence. And while the fight scene in Blaviken was good, he is still a soft faced bodybuilder and it looks ridiculous for him to play Geralt. Other than that, watching virtually anything other than the fights is impossible, every scene is infused with progressive garbage.

MockingDead ago

I wish my friends could see what you all see.

Rabid_Robot ago

As a Pole who shares the author's first name, I am bothered by the fact that Triss is black and that so many other characters are as well. Considering how the story is Polish and based on Slavic folklore existing in a world inspired by medieval Poland, it's more than a little disturbing that Netflix insisted on putting so many black people in the show. It's worse when you consider that the worst actors in the show, so far, are the black ones we were force-fed. On the other hand, the show itself is phenomenal so I'm not going to complain too loud.

c0ck ago

The monkeys are definitely trash at anything remotely close to acting. The slavic/folk soundtrack was beautiful but ridiculous when seeing niggers while listening to it. Weirdly, the video game had 0 shitskins and it wasn’t that long ago. No one was pushing for pavement monkeys back then. Thankfully Geralt was kept white.

blagjesus ago

I read the books, ive seen the polish movie, ive played the game.

It wasnt bad cept for the antiwhite/antiEurope tropes which were heavy handed as fuck. Shit skin elves? Yeah, about that.

Over all I liked how each episode touched in a short story. They will have to tone down the bullshit and Triss is a Celtic queen, they took that from us.

Why cant the jews leave our culture and stories alone. There are plenty of afro stories and india stories and asia stories. Use those.

I know the reason and it boils blood.

c0ck ago

Ridiculous. The game only came out a few years ago and literally had 0 shitskins. No one was pushing for this shit until very recently. I loved the folk music OST.

whatisbestinlife ago

you better not be paying for it you fucking faggot

nyaaa ago

The only bumbling male is danelion because his character is basically retarded. Their is no empirical leader of the mages the one that happened to bring up the fact the niffel were going across the country. Dryads are elves...all elves are niggers or middle eastern so your right on those two points. The mage runniñg the niffel is black yes but she is the cousin of the "black mage leader" you mentioned so....the only character that hates patriarchy is yenn the rest don't give a fuck their fine how the world is. Dead baby scene? I remember no dead baby scene.

superspathi ago

The hero protagonist is a big muscular white guy.

petevoat ago

I got up to the third episode but I couldn't go on, the blacks and over man hating propaganda got to me.

Henry Cavill plays it well.

rIckHAMIn ago

I saw some Grinch remake at my little nieces house last week and it's packed with negroes, fucking rap music? (Yes, in the Grinch movie), and a single mother with brown children (she's attending some brown children at the beginning, then later on there's some white little girl is taking like is her mom to. Oh and the mom is single)

magameme ago

Fucking horrible.

celestial-skylord ago

I thought what the hell I'll try it but couldn't even finish the pilot. It's just insufferable.

MBB ago

I couldn't get through season 1 episode 2 before shutting that stupid crap off. Shit acting, shit storyline, shit everything. What a waste of time.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Look for 10$ a month one gets 12,500 channels in languages one doesn't even speak and over 38,000 on VOD. Stop paying for their proliferation.

c0ck ago

Im not paying for it lulz.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Even better, it was the streaming to multiple devices regardless of how many devices one had that got me.

Gamio ago

You know the books try to deal with racism right? Actual mythical creatures and magic users being oppressed by white European types of all classes. Andrzej Sapkowski was born in Poland, educated by the Soviet Union whose curriculum was always heavy on the "white bourgeois oppress everybody so enjoy your rations and mandatory job where you do nothing".

And heres the thing, the real salt in the eyes part of this. Even if Sapkowski imagined these characters as white if they were cast with white actors the uproar from "uhhhhhhhhh whites can't experience racism" shit for brains would spend countless hours trying to force a recast or scare the studios into a kowtowing apology. Whats really apparent is that you can't just have a character be a character anymore, you have to have a character be ten different memetics representation of what the viewer is told / trained to respond to. The new Star Wars movie is a good example of this, the Ray character is not allowed go though a typical heroes story arc involving failure before triumph she just briefly struggles then overcomes because to show a woman failing is memeticly tied to a whole heap of dumb fucks idea of misogyny. Witcher casting of every actor except the protagonist (because that would be too on the nose) has this same kind of casting for memetics because if it didn't it would get called a white supremacist dog whistle to suggest white people can be awful to other white people as well as black people.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Yeah, I tried watching it and got about 10 mins in. Being black pilled about the joos absolutely ruined all movies and TV shows and that's actually great because now I do stuff instead of just sitting in front of the tv

c0ck ago

I agree, seeing it through the kike lens makes shit extremely obvious. It gives me a laugh, kind of like old over the top action flicks that are just plain ridiculous.

Barfin ago

will never watch this, who cares about sondtrack or henry cavill nailing it, I heard long ago it was blackwashed to hell

c0ck ago

Watching niggers fail is ok.

Barfin ago

name checks out, something you love

c0ck ago


Barfin ago

your gay posts make me want to

c0ck ago

Alright. Sorry.

Barfin ago


maaaxheadroom ago

You’re forgetting the almost 30 minutes of porn in the first three episodes, and coal burning white chicks.

Edit: this show makes me want to cancel Jew flicks

magameme ago

"this show makes me want to cancel Jew flicks"

You should have done that a long time ago.

Hyst ago

I feel bad enough torrenting it, giving a metric to how many people are interested in it online even if it's free. How are you still paying for Netflix? They clearly hate whites.

c0ck ago

Definitely don’t pay kikes. Instead, pay for fiber optic internet speeds and cop that shit in less time than it takes for it to load on Jewflix, Julu, or Prime.

maaaxheadroom ago

I pay for all the shit I use, consume, or own.

I’m not a nigger.

Hyst ago

One month old account. Hilarious. Continue to pay for your own persecution, goyim.

Revelations2_9 ago

Still watching jew media


olltre ago

if you didnt cancel it a long time ago then i dont know what to tell you...i still didnt cancel either and think about it all the time, but realisticly its still better than watching TV with commercials if you are going to continue watching TV. I just think of other shows like iron fist that completely revolve around asian culture and they made a rich white white guy the sure asians felt the same way we feel about black people in white roles. it pisses me off a little bit but as long as you know its bullshit you can still enjoy some content for other things it offers.

c0ck ago

It’s whatever you choose to dwell on. There’s various aspects of the show that are enjoyable if you don’t let the kiked out bullshit get to you. I just laugh it off and am glad to be informed enough to notice these things.

hello_reddit ago

Female negro could generally be considered the lowest birth which is why it’s the one that they try to represent as being the highest. In media they exhibit qualities like leadership, intelligence, and cool-headedness

Drunkenst ago

Wtf wrong with you guys watching this shit?

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They crave the abuse.

illuminalto2 ago

Lol my cousin was like

"Have you seen the Witcher series on netflix? It's really fun, they did a good job."

I laughed at him.

jackfraser ago

The problem with this shit is that he can’t see it, but the narrative is creeping into his head anyway. Our minds are pattern recognizing, reinforcement learning machines. If we always see this same sort of propaganda, we will believe it, and the more we watch and the earlier it starts in life the deeper it will sink in.

Problem is, it ruins your ability to actually make reasonable predictions about the behaviour of different people in reality.

c0ck ago

Pretty sure we can all see through the bullshit and stay away from niggers. Shows like these are SO obvious in their casting choices that it reinforces the truth about jew media & entertainment. The ones watching and NOT seeing the obvious signs are the same ones who will fail to make those predictions in reality, and end up in a bad situation.

Barfin ago

bunch of cucks and soyboys

c0ck ago

Don’t be a faggot. Cavill nails it as Geralt and the folk music alone is worth it. It’s good to make fun of niggers struggle in these types of roles. Jooflix should not be supported so DLing is optimal.

Drunkenst ago

Your username sums you up. Woe is you.

c0ck ago

My cock? I’d take it any day over your alcoholism, Drunken faggot.

Drunkenst ago

like Roy Rogers steed you been Triggered - easy peasy. Phallus worshippers go away.

c0ck ago

Are you a feminist?

Drunkenst ago

no u.

Barfin ago

shut up fag

abattoirdaydream ago

That's why I'm watching The Tick on Prime. It's good, actually neutral and funny.

TopTierCIAShill ago

Prime is equally cucked.

abattoirdaydream ago


tokui ago

Yea, faggots raving about that shit. Just read the books, fuck the jews and their pets.

BoomerHater1488er ago

I just started the book, actually. I never played the games, but I enjoyed the show. I just took it with a grain of salt that EVERY nigger I saw was supposed to be white. But the books are enjoyable so far - it's got a certain charm having been translated into English rather than English being the source language.

I think English novels these days are dumbed down to such an extent that nothing is published above a seventh grade reading level anymore.

Hyst ago

Honestly, from my understanding, the books really aren't that good. CDPR did the bulk of the work for the Witcher. For instance the books weren't even translated into English until the games released. CDPR has sold probably 98% of every Witcher book ever sold. Want to know how the original writer thanked CDPR? By suing them.

Supporting the books is almost as bad as supporting Netflix. The guy is a fat kike. He let the Netflix series bastardize everything CDPR built because muh shekels.

Seriously though, if it wasn't for the games no one outside of Poland would have ever heard about the Witcher.

TreblinkaRebuilt ago

Yeah, they are just sort of ok. It's pretty clear the author had no idea where he was going with them, and just kind-of did whatever he though would be fun. Then he eventually got bored with them.

The show changes a bunch of random things (besides turning 20% of basically everyone into niggers), that there was really no good reason to change. It feels like a pretty half-assed effort a lot of the time.

Hyst ago

Yeah, the show does change quite a bit. Entire storylines are left out. I didn't mind though because the one storyline left out would have been 90% spic actors so no loss.

blagjesus ago

I disagree, they are good for high fantasy. They aren't Tolkien but who is? I like it better than the got nonsense.

I have them torrented btw.

Hyst ago

Regarding the books being good? Fair enough. That's personal taste I guess. I haven't read them so really I can't say. I hate reading novels over a TV, I need an actual book in order to really get into it, and I refuse to give that fat fuck any money.

Say what you will about GoT, but there wasn't a fucking nigger in every other scene. The minorities that were there in the show made at least a bit of sense. It wasn't constantly jarring. I've read the GoT books. The show didn't bastardize it too badly. I don't think anyone burned coal. The brown Eunachs love interest was another brown person, great no miscegenation. There was bullshit in it for certain but it didn't feel like it was being shoved down my throat like in so many other examples of entertainment these days.

The strong lead female also ended up being a complete psychopath, which I thought was pretty funny, and really upset a lot of the fanbase.

I had actually read the books prior to the show coming out though, and that was all prior to me being "redpilled". So I'm sure if I was to read it again certain things would stick out that hadn't in the past.

Wedhro ago

The best narrative was written before the 2000s anyway.

HeebSlayer ago

I agree. Started re-watching Hercules & Xena from the 90's and even though they have moments of kikery, they are few and far between. Majority of the casts and extras are white and niggers are relegated to the roles of slaves, servants and canon fodder. Also they were filmed in New Zealand and Weta (the people who worked on the Lord if the Ring movies) made all the armor and weapons.

Wedhro ago

Eh... I couldn't stand it because of how much non-greek everybody looked, including the protagonists. The occasional black (asians too?) just made it worse.

fellowwhiteperson ago

There are novels written above a 7th grade level but they're less likely to sell. Monetization ruins art.

BoomerHater1488er ago

They're also not likely to be published in the first place.

Drunkenmoba ago

If the author ever gets a chance to negotiate again, he should make sure that they aren’t allowed to race substitute from the bottom ok.

Retron ago

The author is a full cuck make feminist himself, so don't anything from him.

TopTierCIAShill ago

He's also fat and writes fantasy and shat on video games and took a lump sum payment rather than royalties because " no one will play video games".

He's a dense mother fucker and a sell out. He's past his expiry date and no one would have given a shit about the Witcher if it was for 4 polish gopniks in a basement who made the game series.

Hyst ago

Fun fact, the books were never even translated into English until after the games were released. That fat cunt owes everything he has to CDPR but instead of thanking them for creating millions of book sales for him and giving him the opportunity to have a Netflix series, he tried to sue CDPR for more cash.

TheKalergiFan ago

lol this is a chink made game?

Hyst ago

CDPR = CD Project Red, a Polish gaming company. The Witcher was a book by a Polish author.

Ken_bingo2 ago

I like the games, so I tried reading the books. They are basically open borders communist propaganda and poorly written at that.

c0ck ago


c0ck ago

I don’t recall the game being “this dark” either. It would be a much more enthralling experience if Elves look like Elves, and let niggers play the peasants/slaves. There’s plenty of them.

nyaaa ago

Dark as in skin color! Haha it's funny cuz in my 500+ hours in Witcher 3 I maybe rember one black person....and he was like solid black ghost....but that hardly counts

Humansized ago

there shouldnt be niggers in midieval poland at all.

Killdozer6gozillian ago
