jimibulgin ago

most of the earliest celluloid film was filled with (((pornography)))

of course it was. most of the earliest internet was likewise filled.

Conspirologist ago

It was a normal movie back in 1996. In XX century, Hollywood had the so called quota for actors from minority races. It was rational. Today they don't make new movies to fit the quota, they just make remakes and put niggers and faggots instead of whites. The madness started with the movie Thor (2011), when they cast a nigger to play a Scandinavian god, which is not rational at all, because it ruins the mythology canon.

anotherdream ago

Sokath! His eyes opened!


This is part of the reason that I have a hunch that the jewish people are being controlled by some sort or sorts of evil entity that is associated with their very blood. They are just so fast to implement so much evil and so quick to lock it up from others fighting back all the while maintaining such hatred for non-jews and blindness to their degeneracy.

It's like this "game" has been played again and again and again and some evil entity knows exactly how to manipulate humanity, and this time that entity is using the jews as it's vehicle to do so and they jews, being evil, are only so happy to play a part.

But who knows, I could be crazy.

GlowWorm ago

More here should turn to Christ. The fact that it angers the jew is a hint it is the right path.


I agree. We should pray for our a-theistic brothers and sisters here. Life with a belief in your personal connection to a loving God results in a far superior living experience at least 9 times out of 10. There is a clear reason why it is the degenerate jewish mind that continually pushes a-theism.

AngelofDeath ago

I Am Legend ... NIGGER. Blood saves the world

I robot ... NIGGER saves the world ... white girl likes to touch him.

On and on.

BentAxel ago

HA HA HA. God Damn you for pointing that out. The white guy will forever be the "Red Shirt."

CommiePatrol ago

You just noticed that?

Hyst ago

The Honeymooners. From the 1950s. Bumbling fool of a drunk and his wife. Wife makes all the decisions, husband works all day. Husband gets an allowance. Wife spends all his money and belittles him constantly.

The 1950s. Let that sink in.

svipbo ago

Ben Hur from 1959 had a heroic Jew in the leading role and painted the Romans in a negative light. One thing that was wrong in this film is that the Romans did not generally use slaves to row in galleys.

Gorillion ago

Yep, and he left behind happa spic kids too.

Second movie, the Ex-President suicides in a similar manner. But it fails. His daughter is white at least, but she is part of the team that takes down the alien queen. Pushing the notion that women should be in fighter planes and not having children despite living in a world decimated by an alien invasion - twice.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Revenge of the (((Nerds)))

Never saw it but heard about the story line.

antiliberalsociety ago

They couldn't fight back against the evil white bullies unless they had a fraternity. The all black fraternity accepted them, and helped defend them from evil white people. The end.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Sounds like the Democratic Party.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Subversive propaganda has been coming out of Hollywood since the Jews landed there as thieves on the run, driven from the East Coast by Christian moralists outraged by their pornographic, lurid, base "films" and Edison from whom they stole their film making technology. Within ten years it was so bad in this new Talmudic Babylon that the Jews were force to create the so-called Hays Code to lull and placate the goyim who still controlled the government and were about to legislate the Jews out of business. Their propaganda had to become subtle and indeed it did.

The worst, most insidious, most devastating trope pushed by Jewlywood is one most people won't recognize because so ingrained in the American subconscious . Its the classic cowboy Western featuring the lone heroic lawman facing off against the gang of rustlers and robber barons epitomized by High Noon, Shane, and countless John Wayne movies. John Wayne, the man that symbolizes the American West and American manhood is a puppet of Jewish propaganda? Yes.

What is it the Jew fears the most? Simply put its a raging mob of White Christian men organized to righteously bring justice down on to the head of the Jew. Think of the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. Think of the lynching of the Jew Leo Frank, the murderous rapist nicely done away with by the fine men of Georgia. See a single man can be slandered, he can be blackmailed, he can be ruined, he can be murdered. The angry mob, however, once their blood is up and righteous indignation is in the hearts is unstoppable. It keeps the Jew up at night.

That is why the Jew movie mogul idolizes the lone lawman or the superhero imbued with impossible abilities. They want us to either be the cowardly townspeople waiting on the sidelines waiting for Marshall Dillon or Captain America to save the day or to stupidly take on the Jewish System alone when we can be struck down by their gang of hired killers or corrupt judges and newspaper men.

Real life is not like the movies. It has always been organized White men that brought justice and civilization. In the Old West it was the Posse. When the frontier was in Western New York and Tennessee it was the Militia. When that is not enough it was the Lynch Mob. The Jews know that an organized, united front is always more power than the lone individual. That is why they are always organizing and why they are always denigrating and discouraging the White man from organizing to promote his own interests.

Merlynn ago

This is true. Real life is determined by mobs. Jews use their mobs to force the hands of all the companies and government officials. They try to make their mobs look big so people think their ideals are popular. Once you pierce the veil,the whole illusion comes crashing down. They're nothing but paid mobs of idiots doing what the jews tell them.

GenderPronoun ago

Great description. It really helps put in perspective the layers and how long this shit has been going on. I can't stop finding it in everything now.

I have sworn off of all TV shows and movies (even old ones) of it and don't even pirate the shit, let alone "not pay." It's sad kind of, because it's literally like the matrix where all the culture I grew up with was "fake" ... even the goddamn John Hughes movies.

The only show I can stand now is Forged in Fire, but I'm sure someone here is going to inform me about the subversion in it.

Rawrination ago

I'm so glad that you hit on the Western stereotype and its danger.

United we stand.

1Sorry_SOB ago

What is it the Jew fears the most? Simply put its a raging mob of White Christian men organized to righteously bring justice down on to the head of the Jew.

For an example watch, The Oxbow Incident.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Also watch the Gary Cooper movie where the gentiles let down the moral sheriff. I think it was High Noon.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Subversive propaganda has been coming out of Hollywood since the Jews landed there as thieves on the run, driven from the East Coast by Christian moralists outraged by their pornographic, lurid, base "films" and Edison from whom they stole their film making technology. Within ten years it was so bad in this new Talmudic Babylon that the Jews were forced to create the so-called Hays Code to lull and placate the goyim who still controlled the government and were about to legislate the Jews out of business. Their propaganda had to become subtle and indeed it did.

I thought I was the only one that had this knowledge. Voat gets the best people!

GenderPronoun ago

Voat gets the best people!

I agree with this.

It was lurking here that helped me understand all the cultural marxist crap. I fell so far down the rabbit hole, so quick. Literally 7m ago I wasn't even aware of the JQ. I haven't found everything I needed here, but everything I found has shown up here.

Voat is awesome and a great resource. One can only hope it lasts ...


It's fascinating.

jews shut down anyone with information about their crimes from being permitted on mainstream websites, so all the overflow from mainstream websites is shuffled here, all together, and forms one big family of people with open eyes. Then we teach each other how to identify, call out and fight about best against the jew.

jews fuck up everything they do because they live lives outside of the order of nature. The only question is how long it takes for their snowballed destruction to manifest in the present reality.

This is the story every single time.

antiliberalsociety ago

That is spot on, and also why they demonize Nazism, white supremacy, lynch mob justice, black crime accountability, and white people fighting anyone but themselves. The creation of the Superheroβ„’ was to indoctrinate the youth into thinking one person alone can/will save the day, at the same time distracting from the REAL heroes throughout history that ultimately kicked out the jews.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

The other subtle influence of the Superhero is the fact they are born with or gifted with their great powers. They don't have to work or develop their abilities and skills. There is no effort and there is no sacrifice. This is a very poor lesson for young kids. Harry Potter and Superman are the prime examples. Its no wonder because Potter was written by a woman and Superman is a Jewish fantasy through and through.

antiliberalsociety ago

There's a similar fantasy described in the movie Casino. They tell the ugly truth from time to time under the guise of fiction or scifi. In that movie Robert DeNiro described gambling as "selling dreams for cash. The players don't stand a chance. Only the house wins. All the lights, all the booze and bullshit has been arraigned for us to get YOUR MONEY."

Couple that with the fantasy of big rewards from little effort from superhero indoctrination, you've just funded the lottery system.

antiliberalsociety ago

The first homosexual film was made in Berlin in the 1920's, your assertion is correct. Even still photography they cornered in the 1890's and polluted it with porn and pedophilia

ALIENS2222 ago

Yes. This movie is about how a strong nigger and smart jew save the world for race mixing alcoholic Whites who die in a war...

knightwarrior41 ago

yeah its blatant.is also funny how the smart jew figures out the aliens better than the whites and even the hero black guy.they cant help themselves

ALIENS2222 ago

It was nice to see that the aliens from another dimension were using windows-compatable software unsecured completely to run their spaceship. Perhaps the jew script writer was not as smart as he thinks.

FederalShill ago

Dont forget gran turino


That's jewish propaganda for you.....

TimeLORD2020 ago

You can go back to the 70's with the buddy comedies that were a black guy and a jew. Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder stared in many of these.

Gorillion ago

LOL, Wilder was also in a Western with Harrison Ford called The Frisco Kid. Wilder plays an overt jew for a change, while (((Ford))) plays the white cowboy protector.

Merlynn ago

The "wacky and normal" character dynamic is comic and straight man. One plays a calm,normal man and the other plays an over the top character. The point of the bit,by humor standards,is that the 2 characters play off each other to greatly exaggerate what the comic is doing,thereby,hopefully,making what he does seem more outrageous and therefore more funny as the straight man struggles to retain his composure.

There's nothing inherently subversive about comic/straight man. But jews will find a why to make it subversive. It's what they jew.

TimMasson1 ago

Will Smith isn't black πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

blumen4alles ago

Keep using those emojis so we can easily spot you.

TimMasson1 ago

I will. What you fail to realize is I do not care about internet points. I'm only here to try to spread a little bit of positivity including to you. I'm not your enemy, I'm your friend πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰

blumen4alles ago

Please tap me on the shoulder before you try to stick anything up my ass in the name of positivity.

TimMasson1 ago

The only way I would do that is if you needed some kind of examination to save your life so don't expect to tap on the shoulder anytime soon πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

WhiteChickens ago

How about "Back to School" with (((Rodney Dangerfield)))

A fart warming story about a jewish father and son who team up to steal girls and reputation from the WASP professor and blonde diving team captain by throwing money around and cheating.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Someone did a full you tube presentation on the Jewish psychology of "Caddyshack". I think its gone now.

antiliberalsociety ago

Wait, so the scene where an alcoholic Bishop saying "there is no God" was supposed to be subversive?


redwing14 ago

have you seen birdbox? written by jews, two main character are jews.. about the world being taken over...

operation_wetvac ago

There's a fun video about the bullshit in Bird Box: Inside the Bird Box by Black Pilled.

HighEnergyLife ago

Birdbox is interesting, they're essentially telling the truth. Malkovich is the hero and the suicidal white women empathetics ruin everything

PewterKey ago

Birdbox is like the Black Jeopardy SNL sketch with the redneck Trump voter. It so clearly showed a contrary position to how people were reacting to it, that they must be so brainwashed that they can't even consider it. If they gave it one ounce of thought from the other side, they'd cancelled it like they cancelled JK Rowling after she went slightly TERF. Just like Marvel should have been boycotted a dozen times for taking the incorrect political stance.

When something gets past the rose colored glasses, they can't accept it. But those glasses sure are extreme and they've let a lot subtly past. It really makes the red pill concept super effective, because they literally have acknowledged so many bits of contrary information. They just refused to piece it together.

With Birdbox it was stuff like. The white man with a gun was right repeatedly and the mentally unstable become murderous psychopaths. Considering how many liberal women are medicated this wasn't a good choice.

Drunkenmoba ago

Lol the one redpill that snuck through without anyone calling it out: the black father abandoned them by going into a gun fight.

antiliberalsociety ago

In almost every movie made you can find their subversive agenda. 1958 Perry Mason, EVERY bad guy or girl was a white southern Protestant, usually rich, despite blacks being 11% of the population and 88% of the crime back then. Oh, and the only nigger to appear was of course, an innocent witness.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Watch the first episode of "The Greatest American Hero" from 1981. It's literally a "They Live" moment.

GenderPronoun ago

I used to watch this show when I was young. I just checked it out again and OMFG, a "they live" moment totally describes it.

antiliberalsociety ago

That era they REALLY pushed the white afro. Another beta as fuck faggot turned superhero.

obvious-throwaway- ago

The show literally stars with "nazi's" chasing a negro through the desert. Such a common thing in the early 80's, huge groups of "nazi's" chasing niggers.

joblotheragman ago

i watched the intro and got bored all over again

ketoll ago

Anything God designed is bad. Anything under the empire of pharmaceuticals, amusements, food engineering, education, communications platforms, immigration, etc shall not be questioned as it slowly tears society apart.


jews are the edit-ers and a-musers of all the world. They tell others what to believe about the world around them and they take the beauty of creation away from anyone who accepts their poisonous teachings.

8Years4TrumpMAGA ago

pharmaceuticals, amusements, food engineering, education, communications platforms, immigration, etc are all part of God's design. God is the source of all things. Heaven forbid I suggest that the Judeo Christian religions were wrong about something.

fr33europe ago

There is nothing judeo about christian

8Years4TrumpMAGA ago

Christianity borrows from jewish texts whether you like it or not. Islam does the same.

fr33europe ago

I could make the same argument of Greek or Roman works. Same goes for paganism.

Nobody runs around calling it pagano-Christianity

8Years4TrumpMAGA ago

Christianity claims to fulfill Jewish prophecies whether you like it or not. You couldn't be any more wrong about this if you tried. Jesus wasn't a Zeus worshiping Greek, he was Jew and the Gospels claim that he fulfilled Jewish prophecies. You are just telling lies.

8Years4TrumpMAGA ago

Are you trying to tell me that Islam and Christianity are not based on any Jewish texts?

antiliberalsociety ago

The Old Testament is older than any Jewish book, so yes.

8Years4TrumpMAGA ago

You're saying that Christianity doesn't set out to fulfill Jewish prophecies?

antiliberalsociety ago

So you're saying you don't know shit about religion as a kike fulfilling atheist?

TheSeer ago

Like the color yellowblue.

ArielQflip ago

Rosemary's Baby 1968

1Sorry_SOB ago

Demonic Jews.


Keep looking. It goes back longer than that!

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1Sorry_SOB ago

They have a lot to apologize for. Just like any book that has nigger in it has to be banned, every movie where a jew makes whites look bad has to be banned.

How does that sound?


Sure. Plus restitutions! They have to make movies that have nothing but white male heros! Haha.

Smallest_Skil ago

jews will be jews......

ratsmack ago

And next you're going to tell me that they do Jew things.

Smallest_Skil ago

that is true grasshopper.

m_1 ago


ratsmack ago

Insightful comment of the day... derp.