SithEmpire ago

Strength through passion.

SpaceAgePimp ago

This is something all of us will go through and is important to address. It's vital to channel the hatred into positive endeavours so it doesn't eat you alive.

  • Eat clean
  • Exercise
  • Take up a martial art
  • Consume worthwhile knowledge, books around philosophy, health, politics, European history, bushcraft, food, carpentry, etc
  • Learn to speak another language
  • If you don't have it, find some female company. Women are nurturers and the right ones will strengthen your resolve
  • Abandon the idea something "bad" is happening to us, there is no such thing. Find the hidden benefits and advantages in our current situation, they are always there and will balance your perception
  • Disregard the idea of the "black pill" there is no such thing. There is only the "red pill" (truth) and the "blue pill" (lies)
  • Commune with nature, it is healing

Good luck man.

AdmiralEnchilada ago


You cant unsee the truth

Intrixina ago

Quite the contrary for me - it gives me hope that there are others who don't tolerate the infantile fuckwittery of people with serious psychological issues. Any anger is righteous because of people trying to justify said fuckwittery - and I use that as fuel to destroy their arguments and call out their horseshit. It's a positive, not a negative.

jthun2 ago

I find voat funny. How can you not laugh at the memes and stupid stories?

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

We can be a bit of a masochistIc high control group. Take care of yourself first, brother. Have a hobby outside of politics and religion, something physical that isn't all opinions and perceptions.

Voat is not a balanced diet. It's pure vinegar. It doesn't take much, but sometimes it's exactly what you need. We'll be here when you need us. Stay frosty.

LilBrattyMkr ago

I almost posted once that Voat ruined my ability to watch TV/Movies because I just see all the bullshit SJWs have done, rather than actually get into the plot and follow along. But I realized, Voat didn't ruin it. The fucking jews ruined it. Don't shoot the messenger.

Eualos ago

You need to balance it out

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Yea, Take a break from reality. Watch a superhero movie, eat a doughnut and be emotional about some bullshit, them man the fuck up, stop your childish escapism and do something.

binrobinro ago


FederalShill ago

This place is an oasis of sanity and i need it daily

ijustpooped69 ago

Defeatist faggotry. WWWPD?

PacifistRacist ago

I totally get what you mean. Its easy to get blackpilled with all that bullshit happening that we only learn of from this site, as the jewish media doesnt tell the masses. I totally think that taking a break might be a good thing to do. I personally havent been able to access voat for a few months, and it was strange: suddenly, i was much more vocal on other forums about our case, got banned several times, but hey, thats what the leftist dictators do... so... look at it like not only a vacation, but a chance to grow. Refocus on your everydaylife! After all, the best thing you can do for the white race is to live a happy life with white children and a positive impact on your community. Dont let bad news pull you down! Life is a gift, after all. The world wont end just cause you take a break, so. we are here. Go get happy again, brother.

read this Scifi book: "The Deathworlders" in it, theres several Groups: The Humans (the white race) The Gao (The Asians) The Galactic Community (The Hypnotised Masses) The Hunters (The Niggers) And the Cabal (The jews)

Its a Great Motivation for Selfimprovement!!! Trust me! Suuper fun to read and the Racial stuff is always tooo subtle to notice=)

The author has its own Webpage called "Deathworlders" dot komm

puggy ago

Matthew 10:34

Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.


It's good of you to realize this. If the product of your time on Voat is mostly anger and negativity then you are wise to take a break.

Best of luck to you.

Maybe play some chess? =)

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Weak blood culling itself.

Go to church, find more to do

MarauderShields ago

Username checks out.

My family say the same, but they're safer for it. My wife never questions homeschooling now, and just opened the Pandora's box of heredity and IQ. It's a long and lonely path if you walk it alone.

For tamer stuff with more laughs look up Internet Historian and Mister Metokur on bitchute or invido. Laughter is the remedy.

boomersarecylons ago

Go fish, golf and make the world a better place.

Plavonica ago

Visit maybe once a week. Otherwise just go outside and fuck about for a bit. Do whatever, just do it outside, preferably away from a city if at all possible.

GabeVitoro ago

You should have balance. You should be engaged in things that bring you happiness in life. Work, family, hobbies, etc. You should not try to be intentionally ignorant and shutout knowledge. It's good that you are aware of yourself though.

ducatiduke69 ago

No one likes a quitter

AnotherGrayman ago

Go to Sweden, rescue a white woman, bring her home and breed with her.

Wowbagger ago

Do it. And if you come back, make a habit of looking at subs with less angry bull shit. There are some great conversations out there and worrying TOO much about some of the discouraging race relations stuff that people spam in many major subs isn't healthy.

SpaceAgePimp ago

Got any tips on good ones to sub to?

Wowbagger ago

v/Museum v/TheGunClub v/JustGrowIt are all pretty solid and very active.

SpunRecord ago

No! Don't take a break!

Use that negativity to fuel you into a violent murderous rage!

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Read more books.

albatrosv15 ago

Yeah, voat is always the same with blackpill demoralization. And some Qtards tarding.

sirRantsalot ago

And a partridge in a pear tree..

britt121 ago

Take a break and take care of yourself. Also, focus on your nutrition. Be well!

K1tten-Mittens ago

Sometimes I feel the same way. Join a gym or find a hobby. It’s better than swallowing the blue pill.

bb22 ago

Just stop feeling any emotions at all. They’re all bad for you and have no evolutionary function whatsoever.

FreeSpeechForever ago

You have to come first, if this place makes you angry then get off it. Personally the front page of reddit is way worse for my blood pressure. I come here to hear a differing opinion to the masses.

PoopityScoopy ago

Old people watch CNN talk about negative shit all day, then those old people only say negative shit

CNN is bad for you, and do is anything else that's negative

Broc_Lia ago

Take a break man. Being negative constantly helps no one, you'll just stress yourself into an early grave.

G0P2 ago

You do. Go away now.

RustyEquipment ago

Broke in 5 months. We are slacking voat!

sirRantsalot ago

@drstrangegov . I've been here for years

onesaltymotherfucker ago

how do you feel when you watch advertisement-controlled media? take a 5er, give your head a shake.

tokui ago

Why announce it?


Justice_Will_Prevail ago

Learning how to control your moods instead of letting them control you is part being a viable adult. Good luck on your break. It's good to unplug now and again.

HiJoker ago

That's good workout energy. Read voat, put on a playlist and workout.

Think of voat as a gym where you lift dark thoughts instead of weights. You get to pick up the darkness here and learn to cope with it, learn to shove it where it needs to go and still get shit done.


Because when shit goes sideways in 2020, you're not going to be surprised at all. You'll be mentally in shape for it as it's not some shocking idea that we're up against extinction when it dick punches the normies at last.

sirRantsalot ago

What is your certainty percentage things will burn in 2020?

HiJoker ago

100%. Leftists will not disappoint me, they are classically violent in situations of this sort.

sirRantsalot ago

Disappoint you? You want a civil war?

HiJoker ago

Absolutely not, I'd love to be disappointed that my analysis and predictions are wrong.

Intrixina ago

That's right. When the shit hits the fan you will be a guiding light, rather than being put out of action.

dayofthehope ago

I think it's ok. Every once in a while i take breaks from voat also. Mostly because there is too much negativity. Negative posts easily get upvoated, positive news is ignored.

It may help if you cultivate some hobbies or interests. Then you can browse voat every now and then without getting too sucked in.

TheSolutionist ago

For all I care I love this community because there is nowhere a place like voat.

Butterbread ago

5 months and you've had enough. Maybe we should all give up and go away. Hmmm....

Neck yourself, faggot.

sirRantsalot ago

@drstrangegov is my old account.

Butterbread ago

It's not about the age of your account, it's that you're a homo.

sirRantsalot ago


AtheistConservative ago

Voat and other communities are a high dose of reality that we don't get in the "real world." Sometimes it gets to ya. You have to learn to channel those emotions into something positive. For me, it makes me strive to be a better person because I know just how shitty the world and other people are. I try to be above the bullshittery that I learn from here. There's no light without the dark, and the internet is one hell of a dark.

mattsixteen24 ago

There are a lot trolls on here who are subversive agents of talmuds.

antiliberalsociety ago

Kindly notice his most posted sub is soapboxbanhammer...

Maggotfeast ago

What exactly is soapboxbanhammer supposed to be?

goatsandbros ago

Feeling that way is a step to maturity. Do what you need to do to get yourself whole, and keep going. Good luck, faggot. We hope to see you again.

MockingDead ago

Or you can nut up and not be a bitch.

YellyYuropoor ago

Haha, I had that, I was gone 4 years and came back yesterday. You are right, toxic people on here, You can also go to creative subvoats. Or learn something new. Myself got into bushcrafting in the time I was away. Voat is a bitter place, but you can hide all the subs you feel are bad for you. Just because there are cunts here, doesn't mean you have to conform. You could also make subs really easy. Make a positive sub, post once a week at least and force yourself to seek out positive things. or something.

YellyYuropoor ago

I wasn't gone 4 years, but shorter; here was the vibe I left on;

YellyYuropoor -13 points (+3|-16) 2.9 years ago

HAhahaHa goodluck with that. Voat is a bunch of western whites crying over how their inbred bloodlines will be destroyed by people that flee suffering. Free speech is an excuse for many to celebrate their ignorance and hatefullness.

dayofthehope ago

inbred blood lines

Nice projection.

YellyYuropoor ago


PaulNeriAustralia ago

"You can check out any time you like,

But you can never leave! ".

AgentSakura ago

Don't let this war change who you are

Adherrent ago

Take a break buddy, you've earned it.

We're all here for you - remember that the world's problems do not go away because you cover your eyes.

We're here for you when you come back! (although i'm downvoated to ship all the time, so i'll be here in the -8 comment XDDD)

BoraxTheFungarian ago

It's not voat. Something is upset in your heart. Address it. (@smokeratez is right too)

sirRantsalot ago


CowWithBeef ago

You know the truth and use it to fall into despair. Nations rise and fall and trends never continue forever. As they say, if it was already over, their propaganda would be unnecessary. Do something positive and never be a demoralization fag.

sirRantsalot ago

Dammit. You're right. I'm being a fag.

Iornukrum ago

I'm better than ever, since I stopped fooling myself. Cultivate that cold rage, goat, it will be needed in the right place at the right time.


Maybe if you shitpost more you'll be in better spirits.

BaronVonTits ago

Haha hahaha! Ha ha. You're joking right? Right?

sirRantsalot ago


BaronVonTits ago

I don't care about your health. I NEED you here.

Haha, just kidding dude. We love you. Do what's good for you, and then come back and immerse yourself in toxic sewage like the rest of us.

We'll keep the light on.

sirRantsalot ago

Youre one of the good ones. I've decided to limit my voating.

BaronVonTits ago

I get it. Hey man, get outside and into nature. It's good for your soul. It's turning to winter where I live, so check out my outdoor activities on v/TheGreatOutDoors. That's a nice place to hang out.

sirRantsalot ago

I'll check it out! Thank you!

blackzetsu ago

ive had the same thoughts myself and had a break but this shit is addictive asf, not in a good way.

SDem ago

Could always channel that negativity into something else. You like crafts?

sirRantsalot ago

I build stuff.

SDem ago

That is good. I get what you're saying about the negative stuff. When those thin people are proud to gain 200+ pounds and destroy their bodies make me sick. I have begun to workout because of that shit. If you gotta take a break, then do it for your health.

Folke ago

Get a hobby, go out in whatever state you are and enjoy the natural scenery. Then remember you are not alone, and the rest of us are pissed off. But the point of this collection is not to read it yourself but to educate yourself and try to grow our numbers. We need more people to wake up and realize whats going on.

registerinsecond ago

Truth sucks. The only way to cope is to embrace it.

smokratez ago

It's your diet. Guarenteed.

Glipglup ago

But I want chicken nuggos 👏👏👏

shiffscreek ago


The cause is NOT

The cause of your rage is being AWARE of black privilege, and white replacement.

Yopu are mad at niggers and the leftist jew power elite.

Dont blame the voat community.

I too am five times angrier than I used to be, (family claims), but at least I am focused on my rage.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/NiggersAnonymous comment.

Posted automatically (#77681) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@shiffscreek: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

TheSolutionist ago

Being angry at the right people for the right amount of time with the right intensity is a virtue.

Tallest_Skil ago

“Thus evil may be found in anger, when one is angry more or less than right reason demands. But if one is angry in accordance with right reason, one's anger is deserving of praise.” ~ St. Thomas Aquinas; Summa Theologiae, Secunda Secundae Partis, Q. 158


Anger that doesn't translate into action is nothing but a health hazard.

MarauderShields ago


SerialChiller ago

Truth sets you free but makes you miserable.

"You say you seek The Truth. Are you really ready for it?

The Truth is as liberating as it is horrific.

The Truth is a drug which hurts you as much as it heals you.

In the truth you will be sickened at the world, yet you will be constantly drawn to seeking more.

You will force yourself to endure this spiritual masochism because once you learn The Truth, nothing else will satisfy."

TrainReck ago

What is that quote from?

SerialChiller ago

To be honest, I am not sure. Most of it is mine, I think.

Sometimes when I get inspired by some random quote or event or something, I riff on it and write it in an online journal.

TrainReck ago

I ask because it's so close to my own personal experiences. I was hoping it was from something that would give me better insight into the the ultimate reality of things.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

"Welcome to /pol/. You're here forever."

SerialChiller ago

You might be able to leave /pol/ at some point, but you will never get /pol/ to leave your mind.

antiliberalsociety ago

I was miserable once, till I found out why. Then I was pissed. I take my anger out by redpilling niggers. It's a double win because the jews lose a slave, and the nigger can't help but be too vocal will get themselves killed.

shitface9000 ago

Wait. We need people like you. The rest of us are happy and upbeat all the time.

We need the solitary pessimist. The sour-puss. The wet blanket. The Debbie Downer.

Phantom42 ago

Greetings, cocksucker.

BushChuck ago

You should be angry.

Go with that.

heygeorge ago

You gotta bring the positive, man

Rawrination ago

It's the natural realization that you've been lied to your entire life and are living in enemy occupied territory. Also one of the stages of grief.

Use that anger energy. But temper it with laughter and beauty.

Pour your mind into whatever good and wholesome thing you can. Especially anything born of Europa.

Plavonica ago

Wow that video, nice. Haven't seen this one. Thought you were gonna post the natsi bros one.

albatrosv15 ago

That video, where did you get it?

dorferino ago

a person makes videos about person called murdoch, if you go on nonyoutube sites you can probably find more of their works

Intrixina ago

Murdoch Murdoch is great.

Plavonica ago

I just shortened the link and found a bunch of them.

@albatrosc15 letting you in on it.

albatrosv15 ago

Thanks for the link.

Btw, when you mistype username and then edit it, then that username doesn't get notification.

Plavonica ago

Ah, ok. Not a feature I use often though.

MarauderShields ago

Mistyped his username. Fyi

Plavonica ago

Bah, of course. Thanks.

StankMouth ago

That video was awesome

CinderBiter ago

Yup, you're right. There's a part of you that loves the red pills, (there is a rush to finding out something new and controversial) but searching for them makes you as bitter as the truth is. To be able to vibrate on a higher conscious and to interact with people in a positive way, there has to be a stronger part of you that focuses on the positive parts of life - not saying to ignore the sad and angry truth. There is a way that voat breeds the frustrated and intellectual and pulls you into that mindset and can drag you down.

There has to be something that makes you happy related to logic (if you're a thinking person). For me that was the foundation that "life is good" and learning Jesus is the best story ever created for explaining things - redemption, what (((they))) hate. I'd love to talk more about the good this has brought to me to open ears. For you, it may be something different that helps you live in the moment, (meditation? yoga?) and you should nurture that. You should nurture your positive emotions! If taking a while off voat solves that - do it!

Maltherian1 ago

accept war is inevitable. Just prepare and keep living the way you want to live till then. This country is a powder keg just waiting for a spark. Plenty of time for anger and vengeance later.

TheGrandMaster ago

I think this is the best response in the thread

waringi ago

The important thing is that you educated yourself and are aware of the state of the world. Take a break, and if the time every comes where you are faced with a decision/situation, you are well prepared by what you learned here.

BowlOfWeedies ago

I know what you mean. Gotta find the humor in the mire, though. Take it easy, fren.

HateCumbuckets ago

You know where we are when you want a laugh.


cantaloupe6 ago

Catch some comedy; it can be seasonal as well.

StrugGlingAutTist ago

Goona miss you pal, you right tho so take a break you know where to find us when your ready.