Neverendingpissstory ago

New age jesters. They literally always make a living being a clown in front of crowds basketball, rap etc.

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

Do you think some of them look in the mirror sometimes and say, "Look at me. Just look at me. Look at how I look. Look at how I act. What the fuck am I doing? I come off as a damn fool."

I mean, they're not vegetables. Are they? Isn't there any kind of self-reflection at all? If you put a stupid looking sweater on a dog, even that dog would know he looks fucking stupid.

OccularIrritant ago

Surely, if the white workers took a month off, all the welfare niggers would step up and start working. Surely.....

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

You have nigger fatigue.

boekanier ago

They say, there are no races and all humans are equal. A better joke they couldn't imagine.


Niggers and North American Indians, (RED NIGGERS) two of nature's cruelest jokes ever perpetrated on humanity...totally worthless

whitesilk ago

Yes they are worthless. I am a nurse and the clinics are always begging nurses to come work on the Rez. Because the nurses quit within a week tired of treating drunk drivers, beaten wives, raped children and drunks vomiting and pooping their guts out in end stage liver failure. You can't keep your dog or horse corraled in the yard because "native americans' drive by and shoot each other's horses and dogs.Noble Savages my ass.



indreams ago

Dude why does everyone hate on Native Americans? I see a lot of comments putting them down, but unlike with the other races, almost no one ever explains it or posts facts about them. I’m curious. Of course I only learned good things about them through my public education...

Hello_world88 ago

Fuck you pussy faggot


Where do I in Canada they've been educated only on how to exploit and capitalize on their subjugation when in fact they were conquered by a superior race. Before exposure to the White race they were nothing but bush wandering nomads killing their food and each other and in the most brutal of primitive ways, they were dragging their belongings because they weren't advanced enough to invent the wheel, nor were they familiar with potassium nitrate or firearms. They are a stone age species unequal to the Caucasian Race who were conquered and it's as simple as that. However, back in the early 70s the guilt complex narrative is introduced and suddenly, out of compassion, the White Canadian taxpayers, traumatized by the humiliating suffering they imposed upon the Red Man, willfully accept reasonable reparations. It's been hell ever since. Implacable savages with no concept of money, no economic aptitude,financially ignorant and no desire to advance. Over and over every day that goes by the White man is maliciously persecuted for past political, historical transgressions. Every day White Canadian taxpayers lose more land and water privileges because of Indian land claims, They are given control of all Inland commercial fishing, they set literally miles of gill nets out here on Lake Superior and most of the time the cocksukers are so fucking stoned or drunk the nets sit for months filled with rotting fish and I mean tons of fish yet if a White man catches one lake trout over his 2 fish limit he's subjected to an inquisition style punishment, They're fucking thieves, they don't give a fuck for their uncivilized offspring, they'll boil gasoline inside their government subsidized dwelling so as to get high on the fumes, with their kids there too. They want want want want and our stupid liberal government gives gives gives at our expense. This beyond maddening...AND THEY FUCKING HATE THE WHITE MAN, IN REALITY IF WE GAVE THE COUNTRY TO THE RED NIGGERS THEY WOULD NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT, THEY WOULD PERISH WITHOUT THE WHITE MAN AND THEY DON'T SEE IT BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO FUCKING STUPID...THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS WHO DID NOT ADOPT THE WHITE MAN'S "WAYS AND MEANS" HAVE NO REDEEMING SOCIAL VALUE, THEY'RE WORTHLESS.

The North American indians were duped and used by the MARXIST COMMUNISTS in the same manner as America's blacks, USEFUL IDIOTS is all. Also, as a point of interest, these red nigger savages enjoy a provision in Canada's Criminal Code that mitigates punishment for crimes by 30% less of the statutory sentence whereas Whites are subjected to the full extent of the law as written...AND MOST OF THE CRIMES IN THE NORTHERN COMMUNITIES ARE COMMITTED BY RED NIGGERS.

I could go on and on but I don't have the time...I'm already 60 years old. They're NFG.

indreams ago

Ah okay, I honestly hadn't heard half of that. I am starting to think maybe they weren't all "one with nature" as they're often portrayed. A deep respect and love for nature is usually only something Whites have, and that was really the biggest thing I "admired" about them. They sound about nigger with what you've said. Thank you for the explanation.

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

Because they suck and they act like victims and cover up the fact that their ancestors were blood thirsty savages that committed mass murders and other atrocitiea, and theyre also drug addicts/ alcoholics.

Racial_Maddow ago

You should try abos.. not many of em left though these days SMILEYFACE

DamonAxemaker ago

I used to live in gangsta capitol of the US, the place criminals reference when bragging and I had black constantly making noise and causing problems. The town was a shithole and I got broken into several times. Now I live in a very upscale area with very few whites. Holy fuck, what an improvement

But I am really tired of seeing imaginary blacks on tv. You know the kind- the ones with a healthy family, smart, quick thinking ones, black people that don't pull out guns over the slightest disagreement and don't run from fair fights. I'm really fucking tired of it.

I know, turn off the tv and for the most part I do but the moment I turn it on they return.

Please stop with this fictitious world where negroes live like normal humans. They aren't.

they_call_me_mouse ago

You’ll see it reiterated here often but it is worth repeating; turn off your tv. Pick up a hobby and do something worth your time. I’m in my 30’s and trying to learn carpentry and gardening for eventual farming. I made a fucking horrible table year one, year two i cut and installed wood flooring in my home with some tight mitering. Television is free because it pushes propaganda period. It’s not meant to nourish you it’s meant to keep you compliant. You won’t miss it once it’s gone.

Gayvsbd ago

Idk some rap music is good.

Butterbread ago

It's low effort usually. Cliche. Derivative. Self-referential. I'm using art critic words I don't even fully understand. Basically, it's shit compared to Mozart, Led Zepplin, or what have you.

cosMICjester ago

HA HA HA ditto me too. What's funny is I left a comment on a TYT anti white vid on YT. Some jig came back w/ the typical whitey's relentlessly oppressing poor negr0s rebuttal & that's the sole reason for all our problems. It had all the the usual mulignan crybaby talking points which included the usual slavery, KKK, jim crow, red lining etc. Then ended w/ the most hilarious statement.... Ya all steal our music, clothes, culture etc. It was laughable cuz I can guarantee 75% of whites want nothing to do w/ any of their crap & them in general. If we could live our lives groid free that would be wonderful.

last18500 ago

Where did they get the instruments and technology to make “their music”?

To succeed or create anything, blacks need Whites. Whites don’t need blacks for anything. All of them could be gone tomorrow and we wouldn’t have lost anything necessary to our survival or even anything that would mildly inconvenience us. In fact, we would probably have fewer problems.

Holonomic ago

I agree with everything you said, but niggers think they invented pretty much everything. This is a pretty short list compared to some I've seen where niggers claim they're responsible for. Remember just how vastly stupid they are. Not only that, but their starvation for fame, attention and of course...muh munneh. They will say and do anything for it, along with all the other muh dik. So, you and everyone else knows they got music from whitey, they'll claim it regardless....see above for details.



You know what's worse? Women who fuck them.

speedisavirus ago

Find a place like me with no niggers and live a wonderful life. It gets a lot better. I lived in and near baltimore for years. The no nigger life is the best thing one could ever hope for.

they_call_me_mouse ago

I gave this idea an honest attempt but the capital of our state started to import them into the rural towns. Now what used to be a 99.8 percent Polish, German, Irish population sure looks like 95 or less. Our convenience stores have been robbed, break ins started. We’re getting the fuck out. I’m certain importing these shitty people into rural homogenous communities is aimed directly at breaking down solidarity in places like this. I can tell these are chicago/ Los Angeles transplants too. The clothes, the attitude, the prison tats.

last18500 ago

How did you find heaven on earth?

speedisavirus ago

The census

Niggertoes ago

Couldn't care less about them, when I see young whites acting niggardly it is when I become enraged.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Still, that sounds painfully slow with poor assurances of success.

Nosfewratsjews ago

We do some strange shit sometimes, emotionally. Discipline over this is, by and large, a choice - or, juxtaposed, a responsibility.

We are just the sum of our experiences. Who I was then and who you were then is probably not the same, making everything else different. Yet, why, then, do we often insist on pretending that time stood still for anyone?

The only currency you really have in life is time. All other pursuits are those of individual fancy.

Dauphin ago

I am sick of hearing about 8 year old little girls being snatched out of their mothers arms to be raped for hours

Also getting sick of them raping GRANDMOTHERS... they pick little girls and grannys knowing they cant fight back... AND THEY ALSO RAPE WHITE GIRLS ONLY.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Taxes are voluntary.

This argument holds true with levels of authority higher than our Ameircan legal system.

Whitening ago

nigger fatigue has been around since ((( they ))) brought the first ones here.

mralexson ago

The worst thing about niggers is their narcissism. They’re filled to the brim with undeserved ego. They’re incapable of self criticism or shame

Adam_Jensen_ ago

spics as well, fucking hate spics. They are literally the same as niggers.

Sparky159 ago

Most spics have some white in them, which is what allows them to operate in white society (albeit in the lower rungs), so long as they aren't in their own condensed cities. Examples would be like Houston, LA, and Orlando. While they certainly aren't up to the standard that we hold ourselves to, calling them as bad as niggers would be a major disservice

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Yup, nothing better than watching an uppity nigger die.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

They have a LOT more estrogen than real humans do, probably explains a lot about how they act.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Agreed. This idea that they’re these testosterone beasts is retarded nonsense. Most niggers are gay ir have homosexual tendencies.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Bingo. Their high estrogen levels are verified fact, too.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Got a good link for that?

Turnagain ago

IOW, you have nigger fatigue. Believe me, you're not alone.

Chuck_Brown ago

i would support my tax dollars being spent repatriating non-whites back to their home countries.

Butterbread ago

You must be an investor. Your taxes would eventually go way down after all the repatriation completed.

ICanSeeYourPixels ago


vichkhan ago

Blacks or any other group or race we are programmed to act or behave that way by THE SYSTEM.You can't criticize blacks only because of rap or hip hop, it is all imposed on them by design for the purpose of "divide and conquer", it is part of their MK unltra. I understand we are here to find a solution to liberate ourselves from being sheep so the solution is to dismantle the existing system and things gradually improve. But dismantling the system is not to force people to behave differently from the way they have been programmed for centuries, rather it is to remove to controlling system, sure you understand.

maaaxheadroom ago

Niggers with no system are worse. Look at “darkest Africa.”

BoomerHater1488er ago


wasteroftime ago

They can go as well, before they breed and have any shithead offspring.

brandnewset ago

Have one parked beside me in a lineup. Cranking the base like a fucking stupid nigger.

binrobinro ago



Those obnoxious 32nd note, full velocity, clicky hi hats they have to insert in every jungle beat. The autotune robonigger voice you hear in all top rap music. Garbage. Music for stupid people.

Just like mexican music. Sounds like some shit you would hear at a circus before they bring out the elephants.

These people are stupid.

Ocelot ago


brandnewset ago

Like we are all stuck there for 1.5 hrs and this fat nike clad no tuck nigger wont shut the fuck up.

He cant read lips either, or we would be fighting right now.

voatusernamevoat ago

You cataloged your dislikes and didn't mention ugly nog features?

last18500 ago

Fair enough, but it was not meant as an all encompassing list. That would be long and take some time.

voatusernamevoat ago

Lips and nose top the ranking as most horrendous, truly repulsive.

bambou1991 ago


wt1984yb ago

I agree with this statement.

MrBateman ago

Rap - The only music genre that has lasted as long as it has. And they didn't even notice.

Smallest_Skil ago

Niggers are the retarded nephew that the relatives take to your house for a family get together. Everyone feels bad for the retard. But then he shits on the carpet, robs your wifes purse and sets fire to the courtains

metricisokay ago

I absolutely abhor black culture. Their sub standard IQ, the way they expect that to be enough, the way they consider themselves above the rest of us. The way they flaunt it. Be humble, realise you are less capable than others, stop causing damage to the societies you live in better yet get the fuck out.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Suq_madiq ago

If you hate them so much do us all a favor in Minecraft

LastCowboy ago

back to africa

Chempergrill ago

When you've had enough of dogs biting people in your neighborhood, you can't ask them to stop.

Either move away from the dogs, or have animal control put them down.

AngelofDeath ago

What? For thousands of years ...

AmericanJew2 ago

Clearly they weren’t Kangz ‘n shit, but rather they wuz Kangz OF shit, in particular cow shit.

Deceneu ago

Wheel discovered, check ☑

ShakklezthaKlown ago

a circle isn't a fucking wheel.

Deceneu ago

It's a materialized circle and it can be mounted axially.

The condition are met to be used as a wheel. Besides, her lip is inside the tire groove.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

it can be mounted axially.

it isn't a wheel until it has an axle.

Deceneu ago

it can be mounted axially.... On an axle.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

can be

Deceneu ago

A wheel in a trunk is not a wheel according to you.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

technically it isnt. you're right.

speedisavirus ago

Guess more intelligent than the "native" Americans then

ShakklezthaKlown ago

lol fallacious arguments are fun. they're especially useful when the jew uses it on normiefags. you know the ones, where they say niggers have huge members? things like that

with what animal do you suggest the pre-columbian people would have used to pull any cart with wheels?

speedisavirus ago

They could have domesticated buffalo in North America for one.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

lol. yeah.just tame the buffalo, no biggie.

Phantom42 ago

The toucan, obviously. Jeez guy...


Wait. I just had an idea. Allow me to illustrate in two simple pictures:

ALIENS2222 ago

Return to a literal Interpretation of the original constitution. End all welfare in THE US. Allow anyone to sell their citizenship and leave the country and pay them In fedbuxxx. Force shit hole nations to take them or no trading with the USA. Open it to all prisoners as well. Have stringent requirements for immigrants including reading writing math English financial and medical tests.

475677 ago

no immigration, only deportation!

indoctrophobe ago

Unless the immigrants are of white European heritage. Like the South African Boers.

con77 ago

stupid violetn evil clowns

Nosfewratsjews ago

You were born into a refined system of control. You never voted or had a choice in the rules that Govern your life and your Freedom. Your tax dollars are stolen at gunpoint to give welfare to niggers who hate you.

You have no Representation unless you control vast sums of wealth to distribute into a corrupt political Kleptocracy. You are human cattle, a debt-slave to foreign owned Jew-run banking mafias controlling everything in America through control of the monetary system; ever-increasing consumption of cheap Chinese shit, made using human slave labor and using materials and ingredients that poison your body and mind. You are slowly dying while your very life is feeding the machine of your destruction.

You cannot vote your way out of this. You have no say. You will only lose more rights, day by day, to a system which has become corrupt beyond imagination against your interests.

Government does not fix itself. Freedom is not Free. There is no such thing as a non-violent Revolution.

Welcome to the real world.

lovehate123 ago

We have Ourselves

britt121 ago

Powerful read. I do think this system is highly unnatural and it's not going to last forever. People need to prepare for hard times.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Strong men make good times. Good times make weak men. Weak men make bad times. Bad times make strong men.


AmericanJew2 ago

But really, has it not always been thus?

I mean, what long lasting society of this scale has endured in a state of beneficial freedom for its inhabitants?

Maybe America was founded with decent ideals in mind by land owning intelligentsia rebelling against a monarchy, but it lasted for less than a century before it was torn asunder by civil war.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss?

I’m not saying I don’t agree with OPs post, just that even with violent revolution, the change is not always better and even the better change reverts to the mean which is to say that the average person is simply barely functional in terms of intelligence.

Nosfewratsjews ago

You stopped responding the previous time we had a serious conversation. I found this very suspicious. You have a habit of responding to someone but not talking to them, instead deferring to an audience of.. who?

It's unusual enough, and of high enough frequency an observed behavior of yours for me to remember it.

AmericanJew2 ago

What was the last convo?

I usually am not on here posting for very long. Most of the time i get some nutter butter threatening me that I’m getting the gas soon.

Nosfewratsjews ago

It's of no matter.

Ultimately, following your line of reasoning we can likely conclude that population density is a significant problem. Meeting the need of our expanding species is, fundamentally, why things are they way they are today.

AmericanJew2 ago

Pop density is our glaring problem. We can’t even address it if we don’t stop all immigration, but doing that is very difficult.

Sadly, we will probably continue on this path until a big event occurs that may cause many deaths and much suffering.

Paradude ago

So when does the violence start?

Nosfewratsjews ago

So many ways. Many obvious and simple, others more complicated requiring coordination.

I'm personally a fan of enough people awake to reality getting into positions of authority and power to organically disrupt enough of the various pillars of industry, simultaneously as to cause a domino effect.

Fringe hypotheticals involving blackouts of power and internet allow much-needed breathing room from the modern oppressive total surveillance Police State we live under. I won't bore you with their sheer volume, but I find the odds of even a short-term disruption allowing elements such as rampant inner-city purges of all types, all the way to enough armed American's finding their testicles again and realizing they can just storm any City Hall with enough numbers - up and including the White House.

It's their American birthright.

Vrblpollushin ago

Wow. Fucking rights!

SocksOnCats ago

Thank you.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Is it enough?

heygeorge ago

forcing us to either submit or commit suicide.

I thought this was a bit much. Overall gg tho

Nosfewratsjews ago

How could it be improved?

Once you've become a Felon, your life is very different than before. You can either conform, or you can at the extreme opposite end your life.

LettItBurn ago

...copied and saved.

Well said.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Just a friendly reminder that America is now a Kleptocracy.

negrojohnny ago

and how do we change that?

Nosfewratsjews ago

Guns. Before they're taken away and it's too late.

Glipglup ago

No actually it's a kakistocracy.

Gopherurself ago

Amen and here is the grand docu-series that explains why and how, this all came about. I plead with every soul on the planet to know this information that has been guarded from you all for the last 70 years, inorder to protect a future of global depopulation and tyranny. This will change your life, as it has mine.

dd8209 ago

I can never get past #3 It hurts my heart.

Gopherurself ago



Nosfewratsjews ago

Your tax dollars are stolen at gunpoint to give welfare to niggers who hate you.

You voted for nothing the current system controls you with. You have no Representation. You are cattle, a debt-slave to foreign owned Jew-run banking mafias controlling everything in America through control of the monetary system.

You cannot vote your way out of this. You have no say. You will only lose more rights, day by day, to a system which has become corrupt beyond imagination against your interests.

Government does not fix itself. Freedom is not Free. There is no such thing as a non-violent Revolution.

Welcome to the real world.

last18500 ago

I’ve been this way for a long time. Just felt like saying it out loud....again.