TheyLie ago

Let me guess, somewhere its history is a comment about being a jew

straya_quint ago

mmm, what about the prince. will this take the attention away for a while

Totally-Not-A-Troll ago

Laura - How do you feel about good ol' fashioned knife in the gut type of murders?

jthun2 ago

This retard doesn't understand the word 'murder'

Intrixina ago

And this right here is precisely why the world is the mess it is at the moment - giving way too much leeway to people who don't deserve it.

Do not give leeway to fuckwits, manipulative types, or people who wish to do you harm.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

His mother should have just aborted him in the womb. That would be a-ok!

Cat-hax ago

And this is why they have muds killing people in the streets.

963189_137 ago

Because of jewish faggots. I agree.

Cunty84 ago

Faggot should have been stabbed..

whatisbestinlife ago

stop living in a culture that gives this person equal rights

963189_137 ago

This is one of the main reasons I advocate for killing all the jews. They really are mentally ill. I consider homosexuality to be a mental illness/form of retardation as well. How difficult is it to figure out that same sex relationships are not productive? Or that the anus is not a sex organ?

Eddy261153 ago

This is the type of fucking idiot we have in the UK now, touchy feely driveling bed wetting PC left wing idiots, even the moron Jeremy Corbyn reckons the seal team who killed that murdering shitskin a few weeks ago should have arrested him for God's sake, these people will NOT learn until it actually happens to them, when a shitskin rag head is walking towards these cunt's with a knife to saw of their heads it will suddenly occur to them "That is an Animal on two legs, not a human being", "he is not the same as me" but of course by then it is too late.

963189_137 ago

This is the type of fucking idiot we have in the UK now, touchy feely driveling bed wetting PC left wing idiots, even the moron Jeremy Corbyn reckons the seal team who killed that murdering shitskin a few weeks ago should have arrested him for God's sake, these people will NOT learn until it actually happens to them, when a shitskin rag head is walking towards these cunt's with a knife to saw of their heads it will suddenly occur to them "That is an Animal on two legs, not a human being", "he is not the same as me" but of course by then it is too late.

It is a jew.

uvulectomy ago

No, they won't even realize it then. They'll just be extremely confused and their last conscious thought will be, "But... I'm one of the good guys....I'm not a racist... Why is this happening to me...?"

Leveraction ago

Well her rainbow symbol says it all. May she experience first hand with terrorists and see if she changes her tune. Stupids like this deserve a big reality check!

DesertFox33 ago

According to this individual, Stabbing rampage is ok. State murder is not.

user9713 ago

They should've put that faggot in the same room as the terrorist. Then kill the terrorist after he kills the faggot.

OldCoot9292 ago

Maybe it wanted a forceful skydiving trip off a building later?

uvulectomy ago

Forced BASE-jumping with no parachute.

boekanier ago

That's the way cucks reason.

BakedMofoBread ago

“He actually should have had to have killed someone dead by that time or it’s not justified. I don’t care if his victims died later or if we put innocents in harm’s way just as long as the state isn’t what killed them.”

Jesus that’s a lot to unpack.

963189_137 ago

Don't try to hard, it is a jew. I keep telling you people that these people are literally RETARDED just like niggers...and you don't believe me. They are 84 IQ on average which means that a lot of them are significantly more retarded than this individual who I would guess MIGHT be around 80 IQ with 'gifted' verbal skills. Its ability to reason or think with logic or in the abstract is almost non-existent. That is why it couldn't figure out which sex to partner was too fucking stupid to realize that women partner with men and men with women. Because they are gifted verbally like niggers, you guys keep giving them credit that they don't deserve.

tl;dr the jews are basically too stupid to understand heterosexuality, don't expect LOGIC from them anytime soon.

totallynotFBI ago

Due process is vitally important.

WightRarebit ago

If an animal starts attacking humans, you put it down.

963189_137 ago

Guess we need to put the rest of the humanoids down now and have a European only planet.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

Islam was right about throwing gays off buildings

963189_137 ago

...onto their dicks. Islam is the most homosexual of all institutions on the planet (our entire CULTURE is being rearranged to accommodate their homosexuality, bestiality, cannibalism and pedophilia).


They are semites who will literally fuck ANYTHING from any age (just like niggers), mineral, vegetable or animal because they think with their DICK exactly like their nigger ancestors.

BentAxel ago

There will be a day this persons ignorance will end them. I suspect it will be sooner rather than later.

963189_137 ago

They have 'jewish privileged' so I doubt it.

Palindromedan ago

Imagine how quickly her position would change if she was subjected to the trauma of being caught in a terror spree. These people have no concept of empathy for others experience - or in this case, the empathy is extraordinarily displaced.

DeadFox ago

Yeah but let's use the state to kill nazis right

963189_137 ago

As a jew, it knows that 'Nazi's will not tolerate its semitic faggotry.

ratsmack ago

She made her account private... I'm sure there were some people that disagreed with her, so she ran to her safe space.

963189_137 ago

Maybe the families of the dead disagreed with her privileged 'jewish perspective' on the matter.

sinclair ago

That would only ever happen in America. Another reason to look at that place in wonder.

Boax ago

While I'm sure this person is a misguided faggot, I too will not celebrate state sponsored killings.

Swallowdaredpill ago

I can see this cunt's future, she will be raped by a gang of Muslims and nobody will care.

963189_137 ago

She is jewish. Even sandniggers have standards.

Smallest_Skil ago

That fag is mentally ill so its opinion is worth shit anyway


(# London shooting)!

Shooting! What shooting!?! We've already got another video of him setting up after he got bored playing dead!

Reverse-Flash ago

Laura looks more like a Larry.

hillaryisanigger ago

Lol he’s selling transportation...

See!! I told you!!

Deflo56 ago

It is shocking to look into the mindless mind of the coalition.

963189_137 ago

It is a jew so it is displaying its famous semitic '84' IQ.

Troll ago

That not just a fag, it's a kike.

963189_137 ago

Homosexuality is an expression of semitic 'culture'. Semites are the origin of homosexuality.

New-World-Ebola ago

i hate those faggots more than moslem scum... i hope it gets butchered by the third world filth.

con77 ago

they could have shot the suicide vest off him?

Calculations ago

Wants a society that is 100% state dependent, hates state killing. These people operate 100% on feelings and with no regards to logic.

registerinsecond ago

It's Stockholm s syndromy at this point

Mathurin1911 ago

I don't care about the terrorist, but it does seem odd that they couldn't arrest an immobilized guy. Might have gotten some Intel from him.

con77 ago

he was wearing what they thought was a suicide vest

Mathurin1911 ago

I know, he was also immobilized, get your backup and keep him that way.

I still dont care about the terrorists life, i care about the intel. I would also prefer he suffer in prison.

con77 ago

The Intel? Britain is a surveillance state and they released a convicted terrorist on parole instead of deporting his fucking ass

drakesdoom2 ago

Here is the Intel. Muslims want you dead.

smokratez ago

He wasn't even dead. It was a hoax. There's a video of him rising from the dead, after he got bored of playing dead. lol

Broc_Lia ago

The police probably knew that if they let him live he'd be given probation and go on another killing spree.

irelandLost ago

This is now standard operating procedure in the UK as far as I’m aware. Any suspicion of explosive vests and the aim (if possible obviously) is a single bullet to the medulla oblongata (around where the neck meets the skull) as this immediately and permanently incapacitates the terrorist. Seems sensible and proportional tbh, the Brits never did anything like that with the IRA or C18 cos the IRA or C18 never intended to blow themselves to high heaven and take as many with them as possible. If the islamists don’t want to be gunned down then they shouldn’t wear mock explosive vests.

invisiblephrend ago

medulla oblongata (around where the neck meets the skull)

finally someone else who knows about this. it's the brain stem in layman's term, if i'm not mistaken, and is what snipers always aim for in hostage situations. it's amazing to see real videos of snipers in action. the kidnapper drops like a bag of hammers and the hostage walks away completely unharmed.

irelandLost ago

Yes exactly. The skill is phenomenal isn’t it? Although grotesque etc....

not_saying_a_thing ago

A few pressure triggers and they'll change policy on this shit real quick.

BakedMofoBread ago

Watching Active Self Protection, I’ve seen multiple recordings of suicide bombers. Every single one had to manually trigger the device. None of them had Dead Man’s Switches.

It’s not like they can’t find the right button to make a DMS, so what’s going on here?

My theory: they don’t get 72 virgins in paradise if they didn’t die by their own hand & volition. Getting shot and autonomically releasing a button, or a device that detonates when it detects your blood pressure/heart rate drop wouldn’t count. They have to be the direct agent of their “ascension” or all bets are off.

So shoot them in the fucking head if you can manage it. Try not to hit them in the shoulder or directly beneath it, they use volatile explosives and you don’t want to hit a charge. Center mass or brainpan. Difficult shots, both.

not_saying_a_thing ago

Interesting take on this.

Destination ago

Fucking social signaling

sore_ass_losers ago

He just needed a big hug, too bad Laura wasn’t there.

con77 ago

or Katy Perry


This young person must have a lot of experience arresting armed murderers in the middle of a killing spree.

TheWorstImaginable ago

A 16 year old in my city charged cops with a machete and got shot 9 times. Unfortunately he didn't die. Most of the comments on reddit about it are about social welfare and how bad cops are for not shooting the machete out of the kids hands.

Eddy261153 ago

Especially ones who have Bombs strapped around them, we knew it was fake AFTER he was quite rightly shot dead, but what if it wasn't fake?

BB-3 ago

Then you risk setting off the dead-man switch.

poopypoopypoopy ago

“jUsT TaZe ThEm!”

satisfyinghump ago


Butterbread ago

Too bad the holy faggot wasn't there to show them how to handle the situation.

963189_137 ago

Now that sounds like a vidya that I would bust out the popcorn for.

What I wouldn't give to see a muzzy blowing up a faggot during a terrorism hug fest...pure comedy.

Rotteuxx ago

You mean the false flag operative from New Zealand that spent time in Israel, Turkey & a few other middle eastern countries ?

watts2db ago

State murder doesn't sit well with "him". I highly doubt that

963189_137 ago

Giving other people the POZ without telling them is just individuals murdering others...not 'state sponsored'. Individuals murdering others is 'fine' as is clearly demonstrated by his sympathy for terrorists. I think it might be a demon in a skin suit (maybe just a jew though).

Helbrecht ago

Only because he was a poor, oppressed brown person who just wanted a better life, you heartless bigot!

Had Mr. Stabby been a white Briton, the faggot wouldn't have had any such objections.

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antiliberalsociety ago

The useful idiot doesn't support state murder but is too stupid to realize it supports communist tyranny.

Broc_Lia ago

He doesn't support state murder against those he's delusional enough to consider allies.

963189_137 ago

Muzzies are HUGE GIANT FAGGOTS...our who society is being turned inside out to 'accommodate' their pedophilia, bestiality and homosexual nature.

The_Oogie ago

It doesn't consider babies to be people though.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I don't either, especially when they're scummy low class low IQ FAS chugs. Abortion is the best thing for the modern world, right now my city is dealing with an epidemic of low IQ low income welfare bums who drink and breed more than anything else, we've had enough retards born. Every one killed is a good thing.

con77 ago
