Ghostman_Loon ago

I still don't get it and would love someone to explain. Prince Andrew supposedly fucked a 17-year-old girl in a London flat which is in England. The age of consent is 16 in England. What has he done wrong?

shakin_my_head ago

Did you all forget that this white girl thrived on the glam hooker life? Why do you care now? We should be ignoring her plight because (((they))) clearly hung him out to dry because he left the reservation. Why does prince Andrew (whitest dude out thete) keep coming up? You Wasps make me shake my head. Go back to family unit and God if you are truly outraged and want to make a difference. How does slick willy and co keep getting by?

Destination ago

No one cares about the girl. She is but a nail in the coffin of an enemy. Anything to hurt the globalist homos. So chill, point and laugh. Once Andrew is fucked the girl will be ignored again.

sore_ass_losers ago

I mention in another comment this is a cropped version of the famous photo. The Mail even has an article about it:

mememeyou ago

Epstein was "employed" (bankrolled) by one Jew Wexler. Maxwell is the equivalent of Rupert Murdoch of Fox News. Wouldn't be surprised if the money trail of this residence leads back to Israel & Mossad. Welxler sounds like another Arnon Milchan, a Mossad agent turned Hollywood billionaire. Everything that happened here benefitted Israel.

sore_ass_losers ago

This photo is cropped. There’s a wider version that shows a hallway wall running towards us.

I’m pretty sure I saw it on Voat and commented. Looking back at my comments I don’t see it. Maybe post deleted?

(My comment concerned a creepy full-length portrait on that hallway wall, with a blacked-out face. It reminded me of a painting in another recent voat post:


BillyBobBoJangles ago

But why?

HiJoker ago

Anything good or bad concerning royals gets scrutinized to the max by the british subjects. There are autistics that are just warming up and will never let it go. Why do you think they were so quick to throw him under the bus? This is some deep shit and they've just upped the seriousness of it all by their reaction.

If this was nothing or something that didn't leak, they'd just keep on truckin' like their normal arrogant selves.

srgmpdns ago

If the whole Jimmy Savile thing didn't bring them down, I don't see why this would.

TheKalergiFan ago

Because the media is amplifying it. If we could get the media in the US to just report the actual truth for even a year, we could turn the whole US around, maybe even get niggers to stop being niggers too.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

No I mean what's the point of figuring out where in the house they were?

HiJoker ago

Time travel needs to be precise? I don't know. I do know their drawing is off.

DerAngriff ago

Ground floor ceiling seems a bit low.