ZeroFuggzGiven ago

We know the mental illness is in your head you silly troon. Whats below is a scar from it.

AgentSakura ago

Gay mind raping anyone is a massive crime even if it's a nigger its still really fucking messed up wtf is wrong with kikes

AgentSakura ago

That whole city is a literal shithole, I call it the Animal Sanctuary because it is filled with dysgenic freaks and invaders... truly a disgusting place

Smallest_Skil ago

well toronto is on the same level a London is in terms of being a foreign occupied land. Major shitskin shithole.

Hello_world88 ago

Canada is so fucked/cucked.

Swallowdaredpill ago

When all the child trafficking is exposed for the world to see, this faggotry will also end badly.

bonhomme2012 ago

The Canadian tax payer paid for that Ad? Holee fuck.

cyber_dum_runner3 ago

Who carries around stickers that say "mental illness"

recon_johnny ago

This title is confusing as shit.

Benji1369 ago


CanadianPatriot ago

Sheppard Ave east? it is all Asians in scarborough lol

Not seen one of these ads around either, ill keep an eye out. There is a long standing tradition of vandalizing bus stop ads here :P

hahaloleksdee ago

I hope a collapse is coming

drozzxd ago

This blatant fuck you goyim this is your country now enjoy the degeneracy is how the violence starts and I can't wait.

QualityControl ago

So they are admitting that it is a mental illness.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Justine Trudeau

The perverted fuck that we all know

Advises pedophiles attend every library

From sea to sea the faggotry is the opposite of progress

Undressed hypocrisy exposes a tiny penis swinging in the wind, no punishment for the wicked no matter how heinous

Fresh-Oxygen ago

"it's current year and scatopoophiles full of HIV are really prood and courageous normal people, biggot"

PHXSunlight ago

Biological sex is immutable. Having long hair and dressing femininely doesn't make you female. Make up yourself however you want, but don't force us all into playing into your delusions that you're the opposite sex of what you biologically are.

Blood-is-Nature ago

You try to use reason against pathological liars. That is your biggest flaw, and their exploit for endless lies.

LurkedForever ago

Can't remember the source, but I heard someone say it best "I don't mind that you want to play pretend, but don't ask me to play pretend with you"

Sellyoulight ago

It’s appropriate to see Toronto promoting mental illness. In view of the #1 Canuck faggot (Fidel Castro’s bastard son “Trudeau”) clearly being mentally ill, this promotion is the right thing for Toronto to do.

J_Darnley ago

What was the original term used?

englishwebster ago

when your country is so cucked the ad is there in the first place

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

but (((who))), (((who))) could possibly be behind it?

speedisavirus ago

The only thing trannies need to be a part of is a mental asylum.

DeadBeatNigger ago

Imagine using the term "trans youth of color" as little as ten years ago. Someone would assume it was a sarcastic, and half-hearted joke, about what the future holds, a sort of punchline, from a conservative comic strip. Just look at Ace Ventura; Pet Detective. The antagonist, Einhorn, was ARRESTED for lying about his sex. Fucking arrested!

Sleuth222 ago

The antagonist, Einhorn, was ARRESTED for lying about his sex. Fucking arrested!

I agree with your over-all point but that's not what happened in the movie. He/she was arrest for kidnapping Dan Marino.

DeadBeatNigger ago

Oh, I got in on the end. Dumb movie. Didn't really care to restart it.

IsaacJan ago

But you’ll talk about it like you know wtf you’re talking about...

DeadBeatNigger ago


Sleuth222 ago

The best scene is when he discovers she's a he and realizes he kissed a man.

LurkedForever ago

"people of color" is an anti-White slur. What other phrase can you think of in "polite" language that includes everyone but White people? (Although, I have heard that "poc" also doesn't include Asians: If that's true, then "poc" is a synonym for barbarian.

The_Oogie ago

I have golden brown hair, hazel eyes, peach skin and rosy cheeks.

They're just brown.

But they're the people of color.

LurkedForever ago

people of brown.

people of monocolor.

people of limited color

people of deficient color

ESOTERICshade ago

"people of color" is an anti-White slur.

We should start a new meme and "appropriate" their "people of color" phrase. Steal it. It would drive them crazy. Like this.

LurkedForever ago

Oh, that's a good one too.

I also like the "People of light" for a variety of reasons. It mocks their own bullshit and "light" has so many positive connotations, while "color" has a bunch of negative one. "He's shown me some color with that sass" vs "This house is beautiful and bright with all that light coming through the windows".

Dan_Glenzig ago

When your message is so natural that you need pure propaganda.

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CivNatisFullRetard ago

What happened to blacks being such macho alphas? Looks like they’re all a bunch of downlow faggots and trannies in reality.

WD_Pelley ago

Looks like they’re all a bunch of downlow faggots and trannies in reality.

Well they're hyped up, aggressive, and combative like women so it's no surprise that nigs and spics are more likely to be gay/feminine. I'll bet that most prison rape is between non-Whites too.

PHXSunlight ago

Most black males are violent thugs, but they also seem to have a lot of over-the-top, flamming queers and trannies too, it's weird. You don't see it to nearly the same degree in other races, except maybe latinos.

lord_nougat ago

Many of those violent thugs spend considerable amounts of their lives in prison, where they are totally gay.

CivNatisFullRetard ago


Bastionof_freespeech ago

In their defense, I don't want to fuck black women either

PHXSunlight ago

That's just the black men that will admit it too. There's the whole black culture thing of being on the down-low too. I wonder if it has to do with blacks being less sexually selective in general; R-selection mating and all that.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

thanks for an actual set of sources on this claim.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Lol thanks for the sources!

LurkedForever ago

Gross... Also, thank you for the sources.

TheKalergiFan ago

They know niggers are easy to manipulate, and they are destroying them with this as well.

narcissist ago

When you fuck anything. Any (((hole))) will do.

coldsoak ago

Anyone still have any doubts about eddie murphy?

SlothyC ago

An actual niggerfaggot

Notimportant36 ago

At least the ad acknowledges trans as mental illness.

Ocelot ago

That's photoshop

smokratez ago

I made an anti tranny post on a normie youtube channel and got quite some upvotes. It was about poop smelling front holes, so normies are waking up too a bit.

Azamuku ago

yes it smells, but.....

Bacteria found in the front hole will help your natural defenses get a boost and help stop the common cold, the flu, and

encourage cleanliness. (After you shower a couple times to get that smell off your willy.)

The_Oogie ago

It's amazing how red-pilled the average YouTube viewer is. It's almost like we're not the minority.

smokratez ago

It was a channel for younger people. It's an interesting point you bring up. Maybe the decade and more white nationalists have been redpilling have been good for something.

The_Oogie ago

Or just gen z rebelling against their parents and learning stuff along the way?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

so normies are waking up too a bit.

it was never as accepted as the MSM machines have you think.

PHXSunlight ago

Genital surgery is so barbaric and shouldn't be legal under any circumstances. You don't treat delusion by destroying a person's genitals.

smokratez ago

It's literally satanism diguised as the humanitarian option. This is due to jews stealing the Germans' studies of the human psyche. All the smartest and best work white people have ever done, is being used against us by a bunch of inbred nigger trolls.

DrShitlord ago

HAHAHAHA this shit is so ridiculous