worldofmadness ago

jews historical establishment in Turkey;

After the Turks took over Constantinople from the Byzantines, within months jews flocked to Constantinople from the surrounding areas and made up 10% of the cities population. In 1492, the jews were expelled from Spain and the Sultan of the Ottoman empire invited the jews to his empire. Of the 100,000 jews that fled Spain and Portugal, 60,000 of them had fled to the Ottoman Empire.

By the 16th century, the jewish community in the Ottoman Empire had become the largest in the world, mostly concentrated in Istanbul and Salonika.

Because of their connections to other jews in Europe and their inside knowledge of European trade, the jews become very prosperous and rich in the Ottoman empire as they were the predominant power in commerce and trade. jews reached high positions of power in both the Ottoman court and administration. Mehmed II Minister of Finance was a jew, his physician was a jew, Murad II also had a jewish physician and a jewish master of mint in Egypt.

Many of these jews had ''converted'' to Islam but still practiced their religion in secret. The jew who started this practice was Sabbatai Zevi, a rabbi and a kabbalist who claimed to be the Messiah who had many jewish followers. In 1666, he was accused by the grand vizier of being an insurrectionist and was given a choice to convert to Islam or face death. He choose to convert to Islam and told his followers to do the same, however both he and his followers still practiced Judaism behind closed doors and thus a crypto-jewish community known as the Dönmeh was born in Turkey and were settled in Salonika.

These secret jews later on played a vital role in the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the rise of the Republic of Turkey. The Young Turks was responsible for this. The Young Turks was formed in Salonika and this era, it is estimated that more than half of Salonikas population was jewish so naturally many of the founding fathers of the Young Turks were Dönmeh jews such as Emanuel Karasu (high ranking freemason) , Munis Tekinalp and Mehmet Cavit Bey (minister of finance). Other prominent Dönmeh members were Talaat Pasha who was responsible for the Armenian Genocide and Mustafa Kemal who was the founder of the Republic of Turkey. Dönmeh jews had infiltrated the Ottoman government and reached positions of power and influence and formed ''Committee for Union and Progress'' which played a key role in turning an absolute monarchy into a constitutional one in order to completely dissolve the Ottoman Empire.

Interestingly, there is a monument in Israel dedicated to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in which includes one of his famous quote ''Peace at home, peace in the world'', what was this home Ataturk was talking about, was it Israel as he helped to bring about the creation of Israel?. It's not suprising at all because as i mentioned the jew Mustafa and other Dönmeh jews played a vital role in destroying the Ottoman Empire which was necessary to free the muslim control of Palestine so that it can be given to the British and the British in turn can give it to the jews.

Given this historical context, it's quite obvious that jews centuries past had established themselves very well in Turkey and had reached the highest positions of power there and had even secret jews as leaders of Turkey such as Mustafa Ataturk and it should go without saying that once jews establish control over a nation, they will not let go of that control unless there is a revolution aimed at removing them from power.

It's important to point that Turkey was the first majority muslim nation that recognized Israel as state, not suprising seeing how Dönmeh jews had seized control of Turkey. So there is no need to be suprised if crypto-jews today is in control of Turkey today seeing their history in Turkey and how deeply they had weaseled themselves to the highest positions of power in that country many decades ago.