Cultural ago

Christcucks in denial

John22 ago

Jesus himself is a Jewish man who declared himself God. And you Europeans/Americans believe it. So instead of greeting extreme narcissism with contempt you use it to burn you fellow enlightened European brothers at the stake.

Astroqualia ago

Are you really that dumb?

John22 ago

Another brainwashed religious zealot, how surprising.

Astroqualia ago

No, you just misunderstand reality based on lies.

John22 ago

What reality is that? Please explain.

Astroqualia ago

The reality where Jesus Christ exists, has nothing to do with fake Jews, and offers us a free gift of salvation we can choose or reject.

John22 ago

Jesus can't provide salvation because the Christian God does not exist.

Astroqualia ago

You're welcome to embrace any fallacy you wish.

zech7 ago

we gotta kick the 501(c)3 money changers out of the church!

that’s everybody btw.

TrumpThePlan ago

REQUEST: The Last Supper. Judas in Blue.

Phantom42 ago

Ju-das, Ju-den, what's the difference? ZEY ALL GET ZE GAS!

Phantom42 ago


Oh, also, magaimg is back up. You don't have to use imgur anymore if ya don't want to.

boekanier ago

Actually jesus should also be painted in blue. Or do you claim he wasn't a jew?

RonBennington ago

This meme has Jimmy rustled

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You ain't kiddin'!

The meme that started a holy war on Voat KeK

Phantom42 ago

The meme that rooted out the jews on Voat.

"Blue the Jew" has really proven to be a great success!

0rion ago

You forgot to make Jesus blue too.

KLDB ago

What goes around comes around... spoiler alert... he got his whipping too...

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Omg someone needs to do this to "The Passion of The Christ"

Edit: this

Zinnsee ago

Good one

Gimmethelolz ago

I need to see a mural of this

ShekelbergNosenstein ago

Oy Vey! Why is Jesus not blue? Jesus is totally from Judah. Totally, for realz, and totally not from Northern Israel at all! Shaloms!

Epstien killed himselves.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

Because you lack honesty. You should admit that even the Jews you favor are still Jews. Trying to hide that fact under ad hominem is the lowest form of debate.

I like what Jesus said and did, too. It doesn't change the fact that he was Jewish.

Astroqualia ago

Jewish in Jesus's day is not the same as jews in our day.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

Was Jesus a Jew or not?

Astroqualia ago

Let's define our terms. What does being a jew mean to you? Because the term originated by speaking about a community of people that truly believed in God, not a race of people. So yes, Jesus was a jew, because He was the son of God, he was a true believer.

The jews in our modern day are the phariseeic people by belief, their race isnt even the same as the old testament jews. Your entire point is misdirected.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

I suppose if you define it however you please, without regard for any context that 99% of the population would agree with, or that anyone I've ever met would define it as, then I say that banana pudding is a jew.

Pure sophistry.

SearchVoatBot ago

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CheeseboogerHimself ago

hey... wait a minute

Empire_of_the_mind ago


ArmourFou ago

I just saw Blue Man Group two nights ago. I'm glad I got to see them before Jesus kicked their ass.

Chimaira92 ago

Why did Jesus heal her? It's not anything close to what you suggest.

Matthew 10

Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.

These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.

“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues. On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

“Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes."

a house divided can't stand

Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn

“‘a man against his father,

a daughter against her mother,

a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—

a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’

Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

More like Jesus's mission was to divide the house up.

Moln0014 ago

We need to do what Jesus did. The man of action. Take out our whips and force the Jews out of our country.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Make no fucking mistake: Jesus is and was Jewish.

Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef was a Jewish Rabbi who thought the Pharisee leadership was corrupt. That was it. He said he came only to save the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

Stop worshiping a kike God that hates you.

NatSocTemplar ago

Jews as a race did not exist at that time. Jesus and the people who followed him were Hebrews, who were White and became the Scythians after the Edomite Pharasees (the modern Jewish races forefathers) drove them out of Isreal for "worshipping a false God". The Edomites were Hebrews who racemixed with Cannanites. They then racemixed with everyone who invaded their country, got pushed up and involved with the Kahzarians, birthing the Ashkenazis, and then subverted every country they inhabited as they were repeatedly kicked out of country after country. So no, Jesus most certainly was not a Jew.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Lmao the mental gymnastics it takes for you to pretend Jesus was white is hilarious. When people say "white" they mean European. You see, the three major races are Caucasoids, Negroids, and Mongoloids. Caucasoids can be divided into Aryans, Hamites, and Semites. Jews are Semites, not Aryan aka European. Don't call them white. They've been relying on that camouflage for millennia - stop enabling it.

Jesus was not born in fucking London. He didn't travel to Paris, Berlin, Athens, Rome, Moscow, Warsaw, etc. He was a dirty filthy sandnigger who worshiped a dirty filthy sandnigger blood god. That savage religion was forced on our people through violence - and now you honor it over the spirituality that birthed Western Civilization?

Even if you believe that a god exists, you cannot POSSIBLY be so foolish as to think it was a savage, capricious, hypocritical blood god from the desert lmao.

NatSocTemplar ago

I need mental gymnastics? Why can't you wrap your head around the idea that White territory used to stretch further south than it currently does? The Egyptians were White, Syrians were White and Isrealis were White. Your idea of White territory is based off of what the Jew tells you. The Jew doesn't want us to realize what is rightfully ours. Funny how you claim to hate the same people whos narriative you are buying into.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Egyptians are Hamites and Israelies are Semites - both are subgroups of Caucasoids, but they are most certainly not the European white everyone thinks of when you say "white."

NatSocTemplar ago

You are talking in modern terms. Once upon a time there were only the 3 major races. During that time the middle East was Caucasian. Nowdays they are mongrels that have some of all 3 groups. Thats an apples and oranges comparison.

BoomerHater1488er ago

I'm taking about any time. There was never a point where the middle east was European.

NatSocTemplar ago

I said Caucasian. The term European refers to the location of some countries. That doesn't mean it's the only place Caucasian people have ever occupied

BoomerHater1488er ago

Not all Caucasians are "white."

NatSocTemplar ago

Caucasian is the literal scientific definition of White. Swedes aren't English and Germans aren't Italian, but White is White.

BoomerHater1488er ago

You must have nigger tier reading comprehension, so I'll just repeat myself and maybe it will click this time.

There are three major race: Caucasoids, Mongoloids, and Negroids. All of these three major races can be further subdivided. We don't care about Mongoloids or Negroids, so let's look how Caucasoids are further subdivided: Aryan, Hamite, and Semite. Hamites are northern Africa, like ancient Egypt. Semites are Middle East, i.e Jews, etc. and Aryan is ethnic European: your Celts and Norse and Germanics and Slavs and Anglos etc etc.

When people say, "white" they mean Aryan, or European, you simpleton. No one says "white" and means that to include sandniggers. And if you do, then why would you give a shit if Jews are taking over? You're on their team if you're on team Caucasoid, after all.

NatSocTemplar ago

Semites are a mix of caucasoid and mongoloid. Hamites are caucasoids, closely related to the Greeks. Aincient Egypt was White. Aincient Isreal was White. Jews are mixbred, inbred mutts, descended from the original racemixers, the Edomites. And Jesus was NOT one of them. Jews as a race did not exist until long after Christs resurrection.

But the reason you're a fucking shill is simple. You can have whatever reason to hate the Jews. That's fine. I hate them because they murdered Christ and then subverted his followers. And about every Christian here on Voat agrees. But you seem to think yourself superior for being an athifag or larpagan or whatever the fuck you are, and you are willing to go so far as to spew Jewish lies in order to claim you are the superior anti-semite. Think about that for awhile.

Astroqualia ago

The autism is strong with this one

Rellik88 ago


Saturday405 ago

You are 100% correct.

Your user name could use a little work though. Maybe something like WhineyLittleThumbSuckingPieceOfShitMillennial would be more appropriate?

The pejorative 'boomer' is meant to divide us. Don't fall for it.

BoomerHater1488er ago

There would be no division if it weren't for Boomers. The worst part is that most of you double down on the mistakes you made that have fucked the world.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago


TendiesHitTheFloor ago

The wife and I had a conversation about this moment last night, he used the whip on animals and while I consider the jews animals 100% it wasn't the jews that he whipped when I say animals but yes he did tell them to get out of his fathers house for what they were doing. This was indeed a pivotal moment for Jesus and what would ultimately lead to him being crucified by the jews / romans, he didn't whip the jews but, he should've no doubt.

Rellik88 ago

Jesus is a jew as well.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Keep em coming goys we got the kikes on the run!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Missed one.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

nuh uh

Jesus was KKK

clamhurt_legbeard ago

If a jew joins the kkk is he still a jew?

RebelJohnny ago

If a Jew joins the KKK he’s probably a subversive infiltrator. But what about the guy that runs Do you think he’s a subversive infiltrator?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Is his mother jew?

SearchVoatBot ago

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BoomerHater1488er ago

Shhhhh, you'll upset the Christcuck fags

1HepCat ago

You forgot to blue Jesus.

yt4cz9 ago

The bible says anyone that identifies as a jew is not a jew.

1HepCat ago


Got a citation on that one or just conflating Life of Brian?

Heathcliff ago

What we call Jews today are followers of the religion of the Pharisees not the religion of Moses. You know, the Pharisees, the ones Jesus called hypocrites and vipers.

RebelJohnny ago

This. My objection to Jews today is a result of a combination of their ethnocentricism and disproportional power. But it’s really only when both are combined. The ethnocentricism has always existed, but alone doesn’t bother me since I’m also ethnocentric. Their global dominance begins in the middle ages, when they cornered the banking industry because usury was forbidden by the catholic church, and really ramps up during the rise of industrial capitalism, when finance became one of the most influential industries. The bronze and classical age Jews were a weird cult, but there were a lot of weird cults at the time, and that aspect of them is only tangentially relevant to the problems they cause today.


Some more reading as well as downloadable podcasts for those of you who arent jews here pretending to be "my fellow conservatives"

Study up. Archive. The whole reason we call jews Kikes is because they are afraid to draw anything resembling a cross. ALL of hellywood pushes a nonstop antichrist message. They despise white christians and know full well we are going to be the ones who stomp them out.


zxcvzxcv ago

Jesus was not a Judean. He was a Galilean. You might consider a history course, or maybe even a search engine.

Bremertonbruiser ago

Bethlehem is in JUDEA. His mother and adopted father were both from the tube of JUDAH. The term Jew is so misunderstood and purposefully misused.

RebelJohnny ago

Yeah but the story of the trip to Bethlehem is probably made up. It only appears in Luke, and there’s no record of any Roman census at that time, and certainly no edict that people had to return to their birthplace to be counted. However, there’s some old testament prophecy that the messiah would be born in Bethlehem, or at least it’s interpreted that way, so it’s obvious why they added that to the story. Nobody at the time would have believed the Jewish messiah was Galilean, they weren’t even real Jews.

AnthraxAlex ago

Nobody believed it and they killed him and still proclaim he was a fraud to this day.

worldofmadness ago

How does that make it better lol? Both areas were jewish havens, specially Galilee which was a haven for jewish supremacist rebel rousers. The Zealots were even founded by Judas of Galilee.

zxcvzxcv ago

You must be correct because the jews would never think to secretly infiltrate a foreign nation.

worldofmadness ago

that's like saying that jews need to infiltrate Israel to subvert it...

zxcvzxcv ago

Wait, isn't that exactly what they did to Palestine?

worldofmadness ago

If we are talking about the 20th century then yes, but the difference is Palestine was mostly inhabited by Arab muslims then and not jews and jews didn't secretly infiltrate, they mass migrated there under the protection of the British and once they've amassed enough numbers, they formed terrorist groups and used terrorism to push both the Arabs and the British out, similar to what they did in the Old Testament to the Canaanites.

However if we are talking about the 1th century Galilee, at that time was mostly inhabited by jews, many of them fanatics, i doubt any infiltration was needed....

RebelJohnny ago

The Galileans were converts. Forcibly converted, actually, about 100 years prior, after they were conquered by Judea. So religiously Jewish, but not racially.

worldofmadness ago

at the end of the day, they had the psychopathic jewish mindset.

Phantom42 ago

And Galileans were what?


zxcvzxcv ago

Actually, I've heard several good arguments suggesting that Galileans were, in fact, white, just like the original Japanese were white, the original Egyptians were white, and the original native Americans were white. It seems likewise that the original Israelis could also have been white.


Jesus was blue eyed and flaxen haired. Not a Jew. You have to be historically illiterate and have had the bible read to you from (((youtube))) christians or ziochurch morons to think that.

Rellik88 ago

Skin of bronze and hair of wool. Bible much?

Yaboooi ago

Wait aren't there blond blue eyes Jews tho?

Chimaira92 ago

He was circumcised by a Jewish preacher with his own messianic sect of Judaism. (John the Baptist)

He partook in Jewish festivities and ceremonies. His own brother James, was a Jew who administered Christianity to other Jews and felt that gentiles weren't worthy of being Christian.

Most importantly, he was from the line of David and direct descendant from the tribe of Judah, which was why John the baptist considered Jesus to be the Messiah, King of all Jews.

Christianity inherits the notion of a "covenant" from Second Temple Judaism, in the form of the Old Testament. Two major views of the relationship exist, namely New Covenant theology and Dual-covenant theology. In addition, although the order of the books in the Protestant Old Testament (excluding the Biblical apocrypha) and the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) differ, the contents of the books are very similar.

The Christian Old Testament is, thus, Jewish scripture, and it is used as moral and spiritual teaching material throughout the Christian world.

The prophets, patriarchs, and heroes of the Jewish scripture are also known in Christianity, which uses the Jewish text as the basis for its understanding of biblical figures such as Abraham, Elijah, and Moses. As a result, a substantial amount of Jewish and Christian teachings are based on a common sacred text.

Thats a cute youtube video though. Try doing some independent research.

Astroqualia ago

And a bias-confirming mom n pop website is a valid source?

zxcvzxcv ago

Oh, and here I thought Jesus was from Galilee, not Judah.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Is a nigger born in Sweden a Swede or a nigger?

zxcvzxcv ago

Depends on the father. Who was Jesus' father?

BoomerHater1488er ago

I dunno, some other sandnigger.

Chimaira92 ago

The tribe of Judah and the physical location of Judah are 2 seperate things.

zxcvzxcv ago

So, you are saying Jesus' father was a descendant from the tribe of Judah? His great geat geat etc father was David? Correct?

1HepCat ago

Mary was a first-century BC Galilean Jewish woman of Nazareth, and the mother of Jesus. --,_mother_of_Jesus

Joseph is widely agreed to be the Jew who raised Jesus.

This person is Catholic but she's probably studied Mary harder than either of us ever will. She seems to have little doubt that Mary was Jewish:

In this book [In Quest of the Jewish Mary], Mary Christine Athans draws on the latest historical research, the fruits of post-Vatican II Jewish-Christian dialogue, the insights of feminist theology, and contemporary spiritual reflection to rediscover the Jewish Mary a woman of enormous courage, strength, and prayer. In restoring Mary to her own time and place, she helps us rediscover Mary s message for our own time.

The author of this book about Mary was content to have the subtitle be 'Woman of Israel, daughter of Zion':

zxcvzxcv ago

Galilean Jewish

So, this 'supposed expert' does not even understand basic principles of the language. If one is from Judea/Jerusalem, then one is a Jew. If one is from Galilee or one of the other northern kingdoms, then he is not a jew, but an Israeli. Both are considered Hebrew/Semites, but only one is a jew.

Furthermore, if one considers that Jesus was immaculately concepted (like a good catholic would), then Jesus received 0% DNA from Joseph. This means that Jesus has 0% jewish dna. Moreover, since Jesus rejected the pharisees, this means he cannot be be considered 'religiously' a jew.

Conclusion = 0% racial jew. 0% religious jew.

I think this might be Athans' problem:

feminist theology

VoataoV ago

Yeah an expert on Mary who won't admit that Mary and her family were from South Lebanon? Obvious Jewish re-writing of Christian history.


Hi Mossad.


Chimaira92 ago

Whatever kike worshipper. You people will either deconvert through logic or eventually by force. When we rid the Jews we get rid of all of their ideology including Christianity.


Please try and force me. Please.

BoomerHater1488er ago

I will happily, you tubby little Boomer.

Chiefpacman ago

Ashkenazim vs Hebrew.

That and all the stuff about Jesus denying the Jews their privilege, opening Heaven to all mankind.

fellowwhiteperson ago

That and all the stuff about Jesus denying the Jews their privilege, opening Heaven to all mankind.

And thus the seed of christcucks is planted.

Chiefpacman ago

If only you knew how jewed you were. Hope you wake up.

fellowwhiteperson ago

Oh yeah? My god can beat up your god!

See how silly that sounds?

Chiefpacman ago

I didn't say that

RomeoVonFrankenstein ago

Not really. It's easy for a real God to beat up a fictional god.

fellowwhiteperson ago

Nah uh! You're god is the fictional one!

BoomerHater1488er ago

Why was Heaven closed to mankind previously? It was the same God, right? Kind of a cunt move to create humans and then pick favorites, don't you think?

Astroqualia ago

Humans turned their back on God first. We have the free will to do that, if you havent noticed.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

If religion is true then the moment Eve bit the apple Satan was given Earth by God and we are all in his realm. It would explain why shit is so fucked and how the jews seems to be blessed or getting a lot of help.

Bremertonbruiser ago

Christ, our kindred redeemer, opened the scroll and repurchased this planet. Christ is King. Christ rules this world. Christ sits at the right hand of the Father. Satan as you put it isn't even a person, its a title. There are many gods and many devils. Lucifer is probably not even "the Devils" name. Check out Berean Bible Church, pastor David B. Curtis. Great learning there. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me"

bubbahicks ago

Hell yeah, AND why would an entity intelligent and powerful enough to create the fucking universe then pick Jews as his faves. Not buying it.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I love seeing all you jews crawl out of the woodworks from how triggered you get over Jesus Christ lol

Chiefpacman ago

Heaven was closed because we were entirely unworthy. Jesus is our key to heaven. We are not and will never be worthy or deserving of entering the kingdom of heaven. Because of this, Jesus came to live among us and be sacrificed.

It was the same God, God is constant. In my understanding, he doesn't experience time like us. It's all now. There's a verse about it, can try to find it if you'd like.

As for your judgement on God, no I don't think he was being a cunt. I have a long answer, so bare with me. We have free will. That is what makes us more special than all of God's creations. People think you become an angel when you go to heaven. You don't, you're better than that in God's eyes. You are you, God didn't 'code' you past the physical. You could be born, live a perfect life in humility before God, and join him in heaven, without Jesus needing to make that sacrifice. You are equipped to do that. And for thousands of years we proved unwilling to cooperate.

You can blame him, or you can blame us, or don't make it into a blame game. I figure God made the rules first. Entering into territory that I find meaningless to ponder, but interesting. It's not my prerogative to get into God's head. Why did God make us, why didn't he just make us all beautiful and great people from the start. Maybe he made us to give purpose to his creations, maybe perfect reprogrammed angels was lame.

tl;dr for last question. Idk. That's not a starting point to understanding God. God is love, but God is just. A better starting point- is Hell fire and brimstone? Or is it heaven without God. Maybe that will make it seem less like a cunt move.

smokratez ago

We were all of a sudden unable to save ourselves, and needed the super child of God to come save us. No longer did God love us all equally or the free will God had given us was enough. lol

BoomerHater1488er ago

He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through him.

Daaaamn, it sucks to be one of the billions of people who was born, lived their whole lives, and died without ever having heard of Jesus lmfao. That's cold blooded. Yeah, sandnigger gods are capricious cunts and are fake news.

Bremertonbruiser ago

Romans 2 brother. He wrote His law on thier hearts. He is sovereign. Its a sovereign court room not a legal court room. Jesus tells a parable about a wedding feast and none of friends and neighbors (Judeans) will come, so the host goes out into the streets and invites anyone who will join in to His feast. Jesus earned the right to be judge of mankind by being Gods obedient son and He can choose anyone He wants to join Him at His Fathers table. Don't exclude yourself brother, He's reaching out to you. There's so much more. Keep coming here. Keep learning. Blessings in Yeshua

Chiefpacman ago

Look into the Harrowing of Hell if your curious. Pertains to exactly that, although admittedly most of the crap you will see on the internet is going to be heavily catholic influenced. They like to make stuff up.

But those people aren't forgotten. And anyways, the Bible is not a catch all. Not every question you can think of will have an easy answer. There is some history, but not everything we would like to know. That said, you get to know his will. God's will, is not to be a cunt. It's to be with his children. If you can accept that you are inherently evil, and that it takes effort to do good, that there is a being much greater than you who yearns to be with in an afterlife- than your there. That's what God asks of us. For me and you in this day and age, that means accept Jesus Christ as your savior.

BoomerHater1488er ago

This is the difference between the spirituality that made Western Civilization great (pagan; think Rome) vs the spirituality that is destroying it.

European spirituality views Man as a rising beast, ascending towards greatness. Semitic spirituality views Man as a fallen angel, flawed at his core and in need of a Savior.

Chiefpacman ago

Those people believed in separate Gods for every region and aspect of life, and they were definitely cunts. They believed in luck and omens. They let the winds and the birds decide when to go to battle. They're afraid of Neptune's wrath in the ocean, they go and ask old blind women for advice on war.

Christianity has a lot more to do with believing in yourself, and rising up against the evils that will one day claim the Earth. You're not a fallen angel. Angels are beneath you. Yes you are flawed, and you should appreciate that fact to be better.

RoundWheel ago

It was always open to all. He blessed them. Jesus was to be the last child sacrificed them, washing away their sin.

They cursed God and sacrificed jesus.

God cursed and smote them, and cast them to the winds to wonder the world. Christians are now the blessed ones. The bible explains how to stay safe from jews. Which is why nes hate Christians. But jews have corrupted all the churches; especially the catholic church. Few churches teach what is in the bible. Jews have labeled it antisemitic. For good reason.

Read Galatians. Christians are the chosen people. All Christians. These are the blessed people. Christians are the chosen people.

BoomerHater1488er ago

They are now according to the most recent edition of sandnigger bloodgod teachings, but why was there ever a point where some where chosen and some weren't?

RoundWheel ago

Only genesis is chronological. The rest is in random order.

You are conflating teachings with facts.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

you jews are still pretty upset about all this stuff huh? lol

BoomerHater1488er ago

Lol wut? I'm calling your sandnigger blood god a cunt, why on Earth would you assume I'm Jewish?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Because jews hate the fact that Jesus will annihilate all you faggots from the face of the Earth when he returns

Humansized ago

Cucks aren't known for their thinking abilities.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

hey don't be so hard on yourself, you jews aren't that retarded...

Humansized ago

See. Call them cucks and they think you worship their sandgod just like them. You're a traitor to your ancestors you pathetic jew worshiping waste.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago




Humansized ago

You've even learned to use kike sayings. Race traitor.

Mind_Games ago

Jesus would've been Armenian (not some sand tribalist.)

This is why Christianity spread into EU and not where the Jews (sand tribalists) were (Asia)

tomdogg ago

Jesus wasn’t related to Joseph or mary.

Rellik88 ago

Sure goy.

tomdogg ago

Yes because this is how he would talk to his mother.

4 “Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”

Bremertonbruiser ago

He didn't say that. Your reading a version of a translation

Glasswall ago

Why not Mary?

tomdogg ago

He called her woman several times throughout his life. That’s not what you say to a woman. She was a surrogate.

Timmy2 ago

Because tomdogg doesn't buy into the possibility of a reality that exists outside of our senses, which only perceive events of the past by the way.

tomdogg ago

What a stupid thing to say.

MrDarkWater ago

He wasn't an Edomite

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Jesus despised the jews. Labelled them as the synagogue of Satan

Humansized ago

So he was a self hating jew. Literally a jew stereotype.

1HepCat ago

Jesus helps the Jews--for free!

go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. As you go, announce this: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those with skin diseases, drive out demons. You have received free of charge; give free of charge.

Matt 10:6-8

Jesus calls the goyim the Jew's bitches:

He replied, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. But she came, knelt before Him, and said, “Lord, help me!” He answered, “It isn’t right to take the children’s bread and throw it to their dogs.”

Matt 25:24-26

Jesus says the Jews are the source of salvation:

You Samaritans worship what you do not know. We worship what we do know, because salvation is from the Jews.

John 4:22

VoataoV ago

You really don't know what the meaning of these scriptures are. Especially the second one. Yes it seems abrasive at first, but you have taken it out of context and meaning to make it seem that gentiles are dogs. What Jesus was saying is that there can be more appreciation for the nuggets of knowledge He was giving out by the gentiles than even the Jews themselves. It's not right that you didn't put the full context.

1HepCat ago

It's true there's more context than what I provided. There's also more context than what CheeseboogerHimself provided.

gazillions ago

And what was Israel 2000 years ago? Who lived in it then? Who lives in it today and why would you think the turkick race that proclaimed themselves jewish 1200 years ago are any relation to the jews of old Israel?

1HepCat ago

So you're saying no one in OP's image should be blue? Also, anything the Bible says about Jews is irrelevant today?

gazillions ago

Are going to call that reasoning? Don't bother trying. You can't tell yourself that you think that the jews of today are only being blued because of Israel, because that makes you sound awful muslimmy. Slimy.

xenoPsychologist ago

those in the image were blue in spirit, if not blue of the flesh. but yeah, its most likely there is no direct relation.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

42 Yeshua said unto them, "If God were your father, you would have loved me, for I have proceeded from God and have not come of my own pleasure, but he has sent Me." 43 "And why do you not understand my word? It is because you cannot hear my word." 44 "You are from your father The Devil, and the desire of your father you are willing to do; from the beginning he has been murdering men and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him; whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from what is his, because he is of falsehood and is also its father." 45 "But you are not believing in me, I who am speaking the truth." 46 "Who among you is convicting me of sin? And if I speak the truth, why do you not believe me?" 47 "Whoever is from God hears God's words; therefore you are not hearing, because you are not from God."

Timmy2 ago

Damn right. Jesus identified as a Christian.

Rellik88 ago

So Jesus identified as the religion he created? He was born Christian?

Timmy2 ago

His name was Christ, so sure.

deleteme123 ago

Moses identified as Jewish?

Moln0014 ago

Jesus was Jewish, but converted to Christianity. He knew doing things the Jewish way was not right

Astroqualia ago

You're a fucking disinfo moron/shill. Blatantly.

BoomerHater1488er ago

How can you convert your race lol?

Astroqualia ago

Jewish isnt a race. You are retarded.

SolidFoundations ago

There is no Jewish race. Abraham, who started it all, was called out by God from among the gentiles to serve Yahweh. He was the father of the abrahamic faith, which became synonymous with Jewishness much later on. To be a Jew is to be faithful to God. This is what Jews don't understand today. They have always thought it was about being special little people.

I don't know how the Apostle Paul could be any clearer:

But if you call yourself a Jew and rely on the law and boast in God and know his will and approve what is excellent, because you are instructed from the law; and if you are sure that you yourself are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of children, having in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth— you then who teach others, do you not teach yourself? While you preach against stealing, do you steal? You who say that one must not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? You who boast in the law dishonor God by breaking the law. For, as it is written, "The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you." For circumcision indeed is of value if you obey the law, but if you break the law, your circumcision becomes uncircumcision. So, if a man who is uncircumcised keeps the precepts of the law, will not his uncircumcision be regarded as circumcision? Then he who is physically uncircumcised but keeps the law will condemn you who have the written code and circumcision but break the law. For no one is a Jew who is merely one outwardly, nor is circumcision outward and physical. But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter. His praise is not from man but from God.

Romans 2:17‭-‬29 ESV.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Nigga you dumb. Can't use the Bible to prove the Bible lmfao.

SolidFoundations ago

Don't open your mouth while adults are talking. The Bible is not a single entity. It is literally a compilation of writings. I will use The Bible to prove The Bible, GTFO.

Astroqualia ago

You can if every single word was actually true in it, being a gift of instruction and history and morality from our creator.

YugeDick ago

Ok Boomer

P4TR10TP1550NL1B5 ago

23andme and heredity dot com have a very different opinion

SolidFoundations ago

All 23andme can prove is Semitic background common to Jews. Remember, the Torah forbid marrying outside of the tribes. The bloodlines, if being Jew really was real, are destroyed by today's admixture of ethnic background. There is no pure Jew anymore.

Don't forget, abraham who was the father of all the tribes, was a Gentile before he became 'righteous.'

All 23&me could prove is that Jews go back to Abraham, then what?

Astroqualia ago

I believe those calling themselves jews in our world today are most likely edomites. Whether edomite or ashkenazi, the dna that supposedly makes someone a jew, is actually a different race than jewish. The Bible is very clear that being a jew is not a race, especially in the NT. The historically rich "jews" were able to pull strings to call those markers on their dna being a "jew.

They are just synagogue of satan.

Astroqualia ago

You are correct. I've said the same thing for ages. These morons on voat still think that jews created christianity, and are a race of people.

SolidFoundations ago

Yup, most Goats are alt-retards who believe in the 'white race' like it's some sort of single entity. Some Italians are completely different to other Italians let alone British and French etc. Alt-retards fixate on broad concepts of race and lose their own national identity and their own family background.

A Pan-European resurgence in our time will just be another form of imperialism doomed to failure and, oddly enough, more aligned with the globalist goals that they claim to rail against.

They are making the same mistake of the globalist Jews and are too immoral to realise it.

The only true answer to our times' struggles is to return our nation's to Jesus, kick out ALL the invaders and start a new round of inquisitions and Crusades to rid ourselves of the Luciferian menace upon our civilisations and return to true justice and morality.

Astroqualia ago

Wow, someone who knows what's up. How refreshing!

Just know that the supremacist movement has been ran by alphabets since those agencies were developed. Same reason that news only portrayed cops killing blacks for the longest time. It's a 'stir the pot' strategy.

They give much of the truth to these white power people, mixed with strong feelings of hatred towards other races (that we will need to unite with to actually win this war) they are taught are inferior. And as every normie sees them as a genuinely hateful/shocking person, the movement will always remain firmly within the fringes of society with no real oomph behind it to make any changes. Normies will refuse to support them.

I love it when they bring up those IQ studies. Literally the easiest type of study to fake. Pick cream of the crop to get an average for white people, and just pick morons for black/brown, while picking others like asian with how a legitimate study would look to seem real.

I saw a government doc years ago that showed the heads of all power movements are funded and taught specific things to promote to be at odds with each other. Everyone under the glowing leaders, are useful idiots.

SolidFoundations ago

Interesting, man. I truly believe that the only group that can withstand the alphabet Co-op are small groups of men aligned in political views with strong Christian faith who have wives and children under their authority.

I don't fully agree on the IQ thing, we have to understand that different ethnic people prefer different styles of living. African populations don't appear to celebrate the smart individuals of their people, this is a disgenic problem that selects for low IQ population growth. This is why Eugenics could work for the African races, but it's application would be horrendously evil...

The western world is for western people and studies have shown that minimum 100IQ is required for sustaining developed civilisation. This doesn't mention developing a civilisation even more, just sustaining it...

There are graphs you can see that show average IQ of US states compared with Ethnic composition. The data doesn't lie.

Getting the support of the normies imo needs to be done through true Christianity and the continued meme warfare. These two methods have yielded great success. Though the orthodox churches succeed far more than the evangelical protestant ones unfortunately.

xenoPsychologist ago

To be a Jew is to be faithful to God.

there was never a time israelites were faithful. they were constantly running after idols. and the jews of today have made themselves even worse.

Astroqualia ago

You're loose use of the word "always" proves you have no clue what you're talking about.

xenoPsychologist ago

thats quite an opinion. you can be wrong if youd like.

Moln0014 ago

He was doing Jewish stuff. Then Christian stuff. He disowned the Jews

BoomerHater1488er ago

Jewish is a race. A nigger can't just become Asian, for example.

Astroqualia ago

Jewish isnt a race. The kikes tell you it is and you believe them. That's your own fault.

BoomerHater1488er ago

You're extra retarded.

Astroqualia ago

You're an angsty kike, arent ya?

Astroqualia ago

Wrong. Try again next time.

Heathcliff ago

There were to kinds of Hebrews in the OT. Those that worship idles, sacrificed to Baal and Molech and generally lived shitty lives and the handful that followed God. The ones that followed God, followed Christ and became Christians. Modern Rabbinical Jews are descended from what was left.

DasReich ago

Or, modern Jews aren't descended from Biblical Jews at all. Most Israelites were wiped out by the Romans.

Astroqualia ago

Jews werent a race. The Bible never calls the jews a race. Open the book and read it for yourself.

xenoPsychologist ago

they conveniently forget that.

BoomerHater1488er ago

You can't possibly believe that if a deity exists, it's a savage sandnigger blood god lmao

kidcip16 ago

What a criminally stupid username. Did David Brock personally pick it out your first day at shareblue? "yes. This name will fool them into thinking you aren't a kike!"

BoomerHater1488er ago

Hey, it's not my best work but it's got a nice ring to it. It's no u/GetWithThePogrom or u/NoMoreMrNiceGoy, but I think it's still good.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Must be tough having to hang out on voat everyday huh

naughty_skunk ago

Yes I also converted to myself.

Unfortunately for me, that means I’m now a straight white Christian, and now I don’t fit in with society

1Sorry_SOB ago


Meme heavy artillery is putting down a savage barrage this afternoon.

Phantom42 ago

Yes, I listen regularly.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I should be working on muh song for the Friday Night Guitar Thread instead lol

Wazhappenin1 ago

i just put my guitar down and lo and behold- Jesus and the blue bankers- Good band name?

thatguyiam ago


CheeseboogerHimself ago

Its better than Woody & The Peckers

Wazhappenin1 ago

I think the Blue the jew meme has got quite a bit of potential to upset sociopaths! it would be interesting to do a statistical analysis on the wearing of blue ties by the tribe before and after the advent of the the meme.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Better get to work, buddy. The memes ain't stoppin'

gazillions ago

Very nice! Google etc could be there.