mudbear ago

Dont fall for celebrity worship, there is no hero, there is no saviour, there is no saint. Waiting for an icon to appear to rally behind will fuck us up, this is how the pied piper leads us astray.

Learn traditional philosophy (The search of truth) and learn to tell a lie from the truth. Dont fall for poor arguments no matter how much you want to believe in them and strutinize every argument you are given, ESPECIALLY IF YOU WANT TO BELIEVE IN THEM.

Believe in ideas and work with people to find what is right, just dont fall for bullshit or go against your ideals because something more attractive is spouting bullshit that you want to believe.

A general rule of thumb is to refuse to believe ANYTHING till you have tried to prove it false.

The holocaust, a persons loyalty, good news or bad news. Try prove it all false, that is what having scrutiny is, dont just try to prove things as true.

freeman84 ago

there are good jews of course, but they as a tribe cannot be trusted, so none of them can be.

tastelessinvective ago

an admitted jew like Stefan Molyneux

His step grandma was Jewish. His biological ancestors were not Jews.

So, yeah.

gibsmegibs ago

They should live in Isreal and nowhere else.

boekanier ago

No, they are only there for the destruction from within.

blacknighthigh ago

I think if jews are serving our ends they should be temporarily tolerated, though never accepted as one of us- and NEVER considered a leader. Obviously when we are done with them we gas them

CheeseboogerHimself ago

As soon as I find out someone is a jew or even suspect it all bets are off.

Most of the alt-right are jews.

Owen Benjamin: "guise, we should be nice to jews because they're our friends"

stbelmont ago

If Jews or non-whites condemn whites ruling themselves, disregard their opinion.

If whites unwittingly swayed by Jews condemn white self-rule, do not let their opinion rule us into silenced history.

Yuke ago

The world is a well and they are the poison in it. One day the wider world will realize this, and if they don't, it's because they will no longer be alive to do so.

Merlynn ago

TL;DR Jews will talk shit about other jews in order to infiltrate nationalist movements. Further,jews will hide the fact they are jews. Additionally,they'll claim people who aren't jews ARE jews in order to create distrust and chaos.

If you suspect someone is a jew,don't trust them until you can confirm they aren't. And anyone who is openly jewish is not to be trusted. And always check the background of anyone who wants to join a nationalist movement or group to make super sure they aren't a jew.

AmericanJew2 ago

Right, like no non-Jew White person has ever stolen, robbed, lied, cheated or defrauded anyone in history.

Bloody hell, you guys are really a hive mind.

Merlynn ago

Not on the scale jews do. You assholes rip off whole countries. And the funny thing is,your scam wouldn't work on anyone but kind people who try to help you. But you'll find that out when you drive all the people of the world to hate you.

AmericanJew2 ago

I don’t disagree with everything that’s being said about this topic on voat. I’m not blind or stupid.

I just think there has to be a way to help Jews self reflect and commit to shifting these behavior patterns. Not all American Jews are like the people you guys describe, there are many of us who don’t drink the koolaid. It just makes me sad to see the whole death squad talk on here, also sad to see Jews in positions of power abusing that power and not being kind to our fellow men.

There has to be a way to fix this that doesn’t involve the kind of hate death roving death squad solutions always being posted on voat.

Merlynn ago

If jews wanted to stop being jews,they could stop any time. They didn't. Don't blame us for protecting our own from you.

keksupreme ago

if someone literally does nothing but call out jews and hates israel as a jew, there is no issue...

also you can't trust anyone have to do your own research, obviously.

there are so many non jewish jew puppets at this point that it makes no difference

475677 ago

Some niggers aren't completely subhuman too but as a general rule for our safety we need to avoid the groid. Same applies with kikes. Not all of them are going to trying to subvert our nations but stereotypes exist for a reason so it's just best to avoid them entirely. I get that there's gonna be a few bad apples in our bunch too but since they're our people we are obliged to set them straight and failing that make a big deal of exiling or killing them for being traitors. We need to stick together, work together, protect each other, etc. if we're to survive multiculturalism trying to breed us out of existence and the race war that's coming when it fails. Trying to be friendly with the other races, calling them allies, etc. just makes us weaker as it divides us whereas being united makes us stronger. This is why we need to avoid diversity, not putting trust in our own people, etc. because if we don't those cracks will be exploited and lead to our destruction and we both know the kikes are already trying.

keksupreme ago

i mean i guess but if they are anti israel what more do you want?

the problem is the fake nationalists who end up being pro israel

rabbisucksbabycock ago

every single of these so called far right parties are created by jews to sway the nationalistic spirits of people into supporting gdp and israel, never trust a jew, never trust a politican.

blit416 ago

right about everything. too bad you had to include Molyneaux. Now I discard everything you said, because of elaborate E-Celeb enemy of the week of the jewish people. You guys never stop.

oneinchterror ago

Yeah this post is just more retard schizobabble. Voat is getting really tiresome lately.

niggerkillkillkill ago

just came from reddit. realizing i should've made the switch sooner because voat is fucking BASED

oneinchterror ago

Welcome, niggerfaggot

HermosoRaton ago

My rule is "every jew is a Sayanim"

Leveraction ago

As stated a million times before,...there is a reason jews have been kicked out of every country they occupy.

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I'm not saying I agree or disagree, but Ron Unz has done more for this movement than any one of us ever have.

DeadBeatNigger ago

Not counting Bobby Fischer, because he really did stop being a Jew once he realized what they were, there are only two Jews that I can think of that are good Jews, and they did physical, and state level damage, and that's Victor Ostrovsky, who outed Mossad as the sexually degenerate, false flag committing, organization it is, and Roy Cohn, who actually helped get commie kikes executed. Other than that, I'm drawing a blank. Two is an insanely unacceptably low number. There just arent any good Jews.


I have heard a much different narrative regarding Cohn. Cohn actually screwed McCarthy. Also Cohn was deeply involved with the FBI and the "Italian" (Jewish) Mafia, and was deeply involved in the sexual blackmail racket. Epstein's sexual blackmail racket today can easily be connected to Cohn.

DeadBeatNigger ago

Interesting. I'd like more info on that. Cohn absolutely did help to get the rosenbergs caught, and executed, so it'll bre hard to tell how much is true, and how much was just a smear campaign.

worldofmadness ago

Don't get me wrong, i'm not suggesting that good information that comes from jews should never be shared, it should, specially if it has good and revealing information but i personally would never trust a jew or encourage people to follow a jew even if they do seem sincere and this is because of their modus operandi of playing both sides. You just never know.


I think people like Unz have the foresight to see what the chaos would be losing White Society, and they just prefer their nice easy lives in White Society. Most jews are too stupid to do that, or they are just filled with hate against white people.

oneinchterror ago

Yeah, this post is fucking stupid and honestly makes zero sense. If someone like Molyneux is helping us, he should be amplified and allowed to help us. If he ever changes his tune, then (and only then) should we kick him to the curb. This is the way it should be for all people, jew or not. OP is a purity spiraling brainlet.


Molyneux isn't a jew idiot. Shut up with that bullshit.

oneinchterror ago

I literally never said that he was. Learn how to read and calm down.

dublin5 ago

Jewish on both sides, his own words:

Fathers side

Mothers side

AmericanJew2 ago

I agree with conservativism, nationalism, I love White people, I love America. I hate degeneracy, trans fag fat nignog illegal immigrant bs.

I also happen to be born to Jewish parents. To be honest, I don’t really care what someone on the internet thinks, but there are plenty of us out here in the trenches too.

oneinchterror ago

Yeah, don't let the low IQ ultra spergs get to you. If you're on our side, identify as one of us, and fight for what's right, you're good in my book. The worst thing about problematic Jews is that they see themselves as an "other" - separate and distinct from the dominant/majority population(s) in the countries in which they reside. A Jew who identifies with White people is no threat to us.

Phantom42 ago

How do you feel about SS divisions?

Also... Religion?

AmericanJew2 ago

I don’t know what you mean by SS divisions.

I generally am afraid of religions. I am spiritual but I trust first and foremost in my connection to my divinity. I am skeptical of groups generally. I believe male genital mutilation is evil and insanity. I also think pigs are filthy animals that wallow in their own shit and I don’t eat them, but I don’t eat much besides vegetables beans and fruit and fish with occasional small amount of beef or fowl, no dairy either.

jthun2 ago

Unz is great, but still, for every Unz there are a million goblin faces who love to undermine us.

Derpfroot ago

And Bobby Fisher was pretty vocal about his disdain for the tribe and how devious they are.


Bobby Fisher said he wrote a letter saying he is not jewish. I never read it, so I am not sure, but that still seems to be ambiguous to me.

WolfShepherd ago

Interesting that molyneux is trusted though, I've linked him admitting to jewish parents here with with little fanfare

worldofmadness ago

They have a soft spot for Molyneux, it does not matter to them if you prove his jewish heritage, they'll still continue to defend him. Already there are people here upset that i dared to mention Molyneux as an example to the point were they feel the need to insult me for daring to claim that their 'greatest ally' of being a jew fraud shill.

I do not understand this need some people have to give faith and trust to certain jewish individuals that seem sincere, hell, they might be sincere, but do you want to take that risk knowing their modus operandi of playing both sides? Do you really need the support of these jewish individuals to win? Don't get me wrong however, i'm not saying that in any circumstance should you never share information that comes from a jewish source or a jewish individual, specially if it has good and revealing information but i do not agree with encouraging trust and support of them, trying to pawn them off as someone sincere and worthy of a follow and i have seen many do that with Stefan.

Even though Stefan believes in the official 9/11 story, has had a shady past of encouraging his followers to brake up with their families and friends, was and still seems to be a Trump supporter even though Trump showed himself from the very start to be pro-JWO. Had talks with the criminal scum Erik Prince were he allowed his platform to be used as a pro Blackwater propaganda despite their atrocities they commited in Iraq and despite Stefan claiming to be 'anti-war'. What about all the other time he makes fun of his followers for donating an amount that he considered too small, which is a very jewish thing to do?

Why is he still allowed on Youtube while being verified + having almost 1 million subscribers when channels less than 100 subscribers will easily get deleted if they hit too much on the truth nail? How is Stefan still allowed on twitter with almost half a million followers while being verified?

I mean for Stefan, it goes beyond that he's a jew, he has red flags written all over him.

dublin5 ago

I learned a lot from him but very true, the red flags are there.

jthun2 ago

I don't 'trust' him.

Why is trust the issue? I might trust my doctor, my wife, but why would I 'trust' a political commentator?

He says things that are often true, he says things that occasionally make jews angry. Doesn't mean I put any trust in him.

oneinchterror ago

Only other reasonable comment I've seen in this thread. I don't have to "trust" these individuals to share/amplify things they do or say to help our cause. Each thing they do should be judged on its own merits.

dublin5 ago

Agreed, but it appears some lack the cognitive ability to process this. Pointing out Molyneaux is a jew doesn't making someone a shill or discredit the point that he's making.

Gorillion ago

He's muddied the waters somewhat. It's unclear if it's his mother or step mother who has jewish blood. His step mother is the one he grew up with and fucked him up.

But his Wiki is standard lefty-narrative shit so no 3rd party record of his "early life" to straighten shit out is available, only what he drops from time to time during his shows which is near impossible to track due to the sheer volume of output.

Guys like Owen Benjamin are easier to track because he spergs out so often and spills the beans way more often on his background. Moly is a much more controlled and intelligent operator, whatever his real beliefs are.

WolfShepherd ago

Fathers side

Mothers side

In his own words. I can't stress this enough kikes can't be trusted

stbelmont ago

Thank you for proof.

oneinchterror ago

What does it even mean to you that he "can't be trusted", though? Kike or not, he's making good arguments right now in favor of right wing tradition and culture, race realism, White identity, etc. etc.. Why should I care where such arguments are coming from if they're ultimately true/stand on their own, and actively convert people to our side? I feel like some of you don't understand the JQ at all and are more interested in mindless self sabotage and purity spiralling for its own sake. It doesn't make any sense to me.

dublin5 ago

Pointing out that Molyneaux is jewish doesn't negate the validity of his arguments; they are solid in many cases and helpful to the cause.

The issue I have is that the only people on youtube "allowed" to make the arguments that Stefan is making are either jewish, european women, or people of color. Which leads credence to the theory that jews play both sides. I suspect if Molyneaux were a Christian white male from Middle America, he would have been deplatformed a long time ago. To his credit he doesn't hide behind a small hat like Shaprio when speaking on controversial topics.

Stefan did remove the videos where he stated that he was jewish and there is a twitter thread were he used lawyer language to step around directly answering the question. So for someone who claims to be solely concerned with the truth, this is disappointing.

I learned a lot from that man; He got me thinking about issues and that enabled me to significantly increase my cognitive ability over the years. It is so frustrating that I cannot create social media sharing what I know as it would be social suicide (a la Charles Lindbergh).

downtownchinatown ago

I've said it too and even linked the second video, Stefan Molyjuden!

dublin5 ago

When Whites attack other Whites for naming the jew, you know things have truly gone to hell.

dublin5 ago

I've been called a kike for pointing that out. By the time this thread has gone the rounds, it wouldn't surprise me if some ad hominem attacks start popping up.

DanielR ago

EXACTLY same goes for niggers and muslims

The unholy trinity of satanic antihumans kikes - niggers - muslims


This is why the CofCC went to shit (((Sid Secular))) (((miles wolpin)))


Jews mix w everything that is how they hide, they hide their surnames, who they are, everything, never trust them yes, however now we are all living in a kikeocracy, so don't trust anyone that is how they want us, society and the community to break down and dissolve and fill it with wogs etc, that is how it works, duh, and if anyone is unaware now they are either a. a dope or b. a coward / selfish.

JonReeeeed ago

what about roger stone?? he's been on famous new casts that talk about nationalism and the front page of voat.

KLDB ago

Jews or jew gods hanging on trees...

Splooge ago

At least 109 countries have proven that expulsion can (at best) delay, but never stop.

Pissed_Off_Vet ago

Which is why it’s truly sad the NAZIs didn’t really try to eradicate them.

Draco777 ago

Transfer Agreement of 1933. NatSocs struck a deal with Zionists to ship German Jews to British owned Palestine. The Jews were shipped via U-Boats and paid their way by leaving their personal valuables in Germany.

WilliamCutting ago

And how exactly was Germany repayed by that kindness? Another knife in the back, their cities burned into cinders, their women gangraped and their sons tortured and killed after surrender.

If Hitler was what all these lies said he was, he would have quickly and easily ended that problem before it started. No need for internment camps if they were removed upon identification. But no, he had a kind heart and tried to let them leave, even letting them keep their money through the Haavara agreement.

Jews will seem reasonable when they are weak and then turn around and cut you apart like a butcher once they have strength over you.

Splooge ago

Slightly off-topic, but I don't use the term "nazi" if I can help it. It's meant to degrade and insult anyway. I very much prefer "NatSoc" instead, as it was meant originally.

Niggardly_Jew ago

Nazi was used to denigrate the Germans during WW2 because its a slang term for a "peasant", kind of like "redneck".

Splooge ago

Yes; it was derived from the term "Naczi," which colloquially means "stupid" or "foolish" person.

Germans did have an abbreviation for themselves back then, but it's largely been forgotten. They called each other sozis, which is a shortened form of "sozialistische". Outside of that, the term "national-sozial" was also used.

HashTheFash ago

Almost entirely true.

It's closer to "redneck socialist", as opposed to the "intellectual socialists" that followed Marx rather than Hitler.

JohnGaltApproves ago

Can’t be a nationalist when you have dual citizenship.

FreeBreivik ago

You can't be a nationalist when you're a different race.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Ban dual citizens from holding political office

KLDB ago

Can't be a nationalist while following a jew God hanging on a tree..

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worldofmadness ago

jews can't be nationalist when their personal belief is that the whole world belongs to them.

Gorillion ago

Hence "Globalism".

Yuke ago

Hence "Anti-nationalism".

downtownchinatown ago

I said this before about Juden Peterstein and I say it again about Stefan Molyjuden!

KLDB ago

It's why they are globalists

hello_reddit ago

jews will always play both sides, even when one side is committing actual genocide against jews. this ensures that jews can always have their people on the winning team

DanielR ago

thats why you never allow them to

KLDB ago

I picture a kid smashing 2 toy cars together repeatedly making all the loud sounds. The kid is the jew... the cars are both sides...

blumen4alles ago

Pay attention kids, and don't capitalize jews like OP. I'll forgive you if you do capitalize if "jews" is used at the beginning of the sentence (to maintain sentence structure).

I don't know how people can sit and listen to jew Ben Shapiro, let alone pay that rat for it.

With jews you lose.

AngelofDeath ago

I agree with your opening statement.

No Edomite MAMZER claimed "jews" aloud.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Lots of shit in this rant, but it deserves a conversation.

Is it genetic, hereditary abuse, or culture that drives this behavior?

lurkers cant process paragraphs, so keep it simple stupid ;)

DeadBeatNigger ago

Talmud allows just enough inbreeding to keep them from becoming sterile, while making them all the same. The weak weed themselves out, upon seeing a child sacrificed to Moloch, and voila, you've got Jews.

VicariousJambi ago

All of the above

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Disagree. Jews can particulate (but never lead) under the condition that they openly dispute the holocaust myth.

maaaxheadroom ago

Yes, they may particulate into ash.

Empire_of_the_mind ago


BitChuteArchive ago - ( Former head of Israeli Mossad Endorses AFD! ) - ( Jews to form group within far-right party AfD |... )

DerAngriff ago

Bravo and saved.