danimalplanimal ago

show this to Lebron and see if he's willing to criticize it

Plant_Boy ago

I know we're meant to hate the chinks because they're a dictatorship, a National Socialist country that doesn't want to be corrupted by America...

I would be for them if they weren't such a tyrant country with shitty ecology.

Smokybubbles ago

Heads up when in Beijing also, it's crawling with thieving chinks.

Smallest_Skil ago

Jew air would advise goyim to visit shitskin areas to see just how safe it is.

Butterbread ago

Don't link to reddit, your fucking piece of shit.

xpat ago

Imgoat was down, magaimg kicked off the web. Alternatives ?

Phantom42 ago

Based Commies?

At least they've the courtesy to warn us.

Planetoftheclown ago

WTF?!? I love the Chinese now? That's based and honest....geez how far we have fallen.

Doglegwarrior ago

indian places are not that bad in london but you explain to me or some chinese girls the difference between red dot indian and paki in london... you cant so safer to throw all darker skinned people into the same pot.

Leveraction ago

Yep, this needs to be posted everywhere!

Podge512 ago

Yep. Pretty much.

DerAngriff ago

It reminds me of that Murdoch Murdoch episode, 'Maybe being a second rate citizen isn't so bad after all'.

Derpfroot ago

Those oriental samurai buns had me laughing for the entire episode.

smokratez ago

Save this and show this to your retarded normie friends.

Nosferatjew ago

It is certainly good to know that my credit cards will still work in a third world Islamic country.

democratiesansaccent ago

Was in 2016. They apologized since then. Pussies.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

This is advice when traveling to a third world shithole, seems about right.

8_billion_eaters ago

That true statement is racist.

downtownchinatown ago

I'm glad they wrote that warning because it's 100% true, unlike the pussified UK gov. However, it doesn't change the fact that China is a crime ridden shithole with an even shittier government that uses face recon cams everywhere and social credit scores to stop you from travelling if you protest it. I know, I live here.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

Welcome to living in a semi-communist-controlled shithole. https://files.catbox.moe/jpssqd.jpg

There's a 4chan archive of a massive indictment of Chinese life kicking around, but I can't find it right now. But the biggest thing that struck me as unusual is that if you run over anyone in China, you'd better back up and make sure they're dead, because funeral costs are cheaper than whatever fines the government could conjure up for injuring a healthy worker.

SolidFoundations ago

Some major bullshit right there. But it's funny.

TheTrigger ago

Good satire is true to real life.

downtownchinatown ago

Yep, insurance payments for life out of the pocket of the accused party. It's a totally fucked up system where death is cheaper than life. If you find the 4chan link please post it for us.

TheAntiZealot ago

Which city? (Or province, if you don't want to share the city.)

downtownchinatown ago

I live in a good district located in Jiangsu, the richest province in China after Shanghai SAR. However I've been around, and the other cities and suburbs in nearby provinces can be even worse than even the outskirts of Moscow, which are notoriously bad. I have never even been to the shittiest provinces but some friends have lived there.

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

Indians? They don't seem like the violent type. Or do they mean that Indian neighborhoods are filled with niggers, so people need to be careful. Or are UK Indians more violent than Indians in America?

Mumbleberry ago

Pajeets be rapey.

urp ago

China is a warm and loving place for dogs and other mammals :


downtownchinatown ago

I did NOT click on any of those videos. Mother of God.

urp ago

Yeah do NOT watch those. The first and only video I tricked my girlfriend into peeking at horrified her and made her cry tears for a while.

Chinese are definitely lacking in empathy.

You cannot unsee the videos.

Niggardly_Jew ago

Chinese are definitely lacking in empathy.

That's a positive, as far as I'm concerned.

CowWithBeef ago

It's great for them in China. Just don't bring it around where I live.

Acerphoon ago

Have you never seen liveleak videos, ISIS beheadings, tortures or theync.com? Or the 2 guys 1 hammer video?

Now THAT you can't unsee.

sore_ass_losers ago

Nothing wrong with that; good useful info.

Yuke ago

100% true.

rndmvar ago

Also why the Chinese takeover of Africa will lead to a sudden de-population. They are already doing their thing with the moslems in China.

tokui ago

China is a worse for crime.

Yuke ago

But we're talking specific types of crime here, and one city versus the whole of China? A warning to tourists that certain areas will increase your chances of being robbed, mugged, stabbed, raped or even shot. You couldn't say that about too many other areas of the UK. London is strong because of its diversity, you see!