It’s interesting that the indigenous people in South Africa, the Khoisan are in their own category. There’s Caucasian, Mongoloid (sorry, Asians), Negroid (suck it up blacks), and Capoid (as in Cape of Good Hope) for the Khoisans.
The closest indigenous Bantus, the larger and more ferocious Zulus, would eat them, thought they gave them a special power.
Posted automatically (#74234) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@persiangovernment: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @AbrahamGoldowitz)
The darling of the establishment left Charles Darwin thought that blacks were by any standard measure a different species from whites. And that low grade moron James Watson, winner of the Nobel Prize for co-discovering the structure of DNA, thinks the same:
What is this "San Khosian-Somali"? Aren't the Khosian the indigenous people of South Africa (not the Bantu invaders and completely different)? So how do they relate to Somalis? I don't think they look the same.
This post made it to the front page of plebbit. A lot of reeeeing in the comments, but no rebuttals. For every SJW reeeing in teh comments, there was one fence-sitting that got a dose of truth for the first time. I think we can use their outrage against them if we keep getting material like this to the top of reddit on the grounds that its offensive.
It’s mind boggeling how People will say a weiner dog isn’t like a German Shepard. They have different personality traits, and were bread and evolved to tackle different tasks to aid in their survival.
But some how..... a tall skinny Kenyan who runs the Boston marathon in record time is somehow the EXACT same as an Asian who works as an engineer in aerodynamics.
That has never made any sense to me ever since I was a little kid.
Hey... ever notice small towns or cities who praise them selves as “liberal intellectual strongholds” where diversity and Acceptance rule the day...are almost always 98% white and have a median income of 75k.
If you support democrats, you have a mental illness
I have my BSc (Hon) in CMMB and am currently studying medicine, so, yes, I would confidently describe myself as both a population geneticist and a taxonomist.
I saw another version of this meme with zebras being called horses and shitskins (football world cup winners, in fact) being called french people. Very funny btw. Now I don't think zebras are the same species as horses.
zebras, donkeys, and horses are all distinct species, but they all fall under the same genus, so very closely related.
It's sort of why they can usually interbreed, but their offspring are almost always sterile.
To be totally clear, if it weren't politically charged, Africans would absolutely be considered a different sub-species, but they are categorically the same species as caucasians and asians
I learned it in a manga. But it isn't like I can say that's my source, lol. The manga was right about dogs/wolves, hyenas and lions. I just assume it is factually accurate when it talks about other species now as I got tired of checking.
Think of it like dog breeds. No one will argue that some breeds of dogs are smarter than others yet they are still both dogs. Golden retrievers are to whites as pitbulls are to blacks in my book.
Misleading title: SJWs do not care what we think, and write it all off due to cognitive dissonance. This does not make their heads explode, they simply ignore it and reply with (((pseudoscience))) instead.
Sadly, I predict they will revise the word "species" and demote wolves, demote gorillas, and demote bears, to preserve Negroes feelings, even though it still requires every book to be rewritten that uses wolves, bear, or gorillas, or mentions the definition of "species". Negroes feelings must be preserved.
Blacks already proven NOT human!
As when the definition of a "planet" was all agreed on , then evidence came out that Pluto broke the rules AGREED ON for planet, there was a "messy situation" were every 2nd grade school book on earth for kids as well as every text book, had to be re-printed and suddenly omit Pluto as a planet!
PLUTO WAS NEVER A PLANET, due to science definitions made earlier for the word "PLANET"
NEGROES are a different hominid species than all other existing humans on earth!
NEGROES WERE NEVER the same species as humans, due to science definitions made earlier for the word "SPECIES"
I and not talking about SUBSPECIES, and am being literal, and using the word "SPECIES"
We know this from DNA. DNA does not lie. The definition of species in 2019 and recent years is two factors :
1 > DNA drift distance of under 120,000 years
2 > Able to mate and reproduce a fertile viable offspring, both male or female, AND not breaking rule #1 (DNA drift distance of under 120,000 years)
Gorilla SPECIES (species not subspecies) can breed and produce viable fertile offspring. Yet their DNA is probably drifted over 120,000 years.
The Gray wolf, Red wolf and Ethiopian wolf SPECIES (species not subspecies) can breed and produce viable fertile offspring. Yet their DNA is probably drifted less than 120,000 years (100,000 for Ethiopian Wolf) :
Animals that drifted far more than the ridiculous 350,000 year separation from Negros and true humans, can interbreed too. It is uncommon but possible. In these other mammals many fetuses die and are absorbed, but occasionally you can get live births by breeding countless mammals against each other, even with different numbers of chromosomes. :
Here Are 18 Amazing Animal Hybrids You Won’t Believe Exist But Are Completely Real:
I show those in that link to demonstrate that animal life forms can be forced to mate with each other in hilarious ways, and some produce fertile offspring, but DNA age drift is used as the definition of species.
So yes, you can mate a true human (Homo Sapiens sapiens, with Neanderthal IQ gene admixture)... with a Hominid such as the major negro ethnicities in Africa (whom lack even a speck of Neanderthal DNA) :
Funji Nilotic
Tuareg-Beja Cushitic
Bantu MOST common in recent 300 years
Bedic Bantu
West African
Mbuti Pygmy
Sara Nilotic-Biaka Pygmy
San Khosian-Somali
Khoi Khosian
Hazda Khosian
Sandawe Khosian
Above list also summarized on MODERN species and sub species (races) proposed names of various Homo shit-skins (detailed but lacking DNA refs) :
All those Negroid hominids can be bred with true humans, and produce fertile offspring, but that does not make those 350,000 year divergent subspecies the same as true modern Humans.
The "fertile offspring, disregarding DNA evidence" is the OLD definition, that is why we have Bear, Gorilla, and Wolf SPECIES (not subspecies, but actual SPECIES), because their DNA drifted over 120,000 years of separation.
Blacks predate by hundreds of thousands of years of deviation, the relatively recent emergence of true humans, and far far far before Humans picked up IQ genes from Neanderthals. Pure black lack any Neanderthal DNA.
ALL true humans (non african negroes) have some intermixed Neanderthal DNA, adding many brain boosting IQ genes, All humans everywhere on earth have these very very recent genes, but not one african pure bred negro.
Neanderthal genes (lacking only in Negros) contributes much of the known 538 genes for higher IQ.
538 genes that are thought to be linked to intelligence (by comparing 300,000 test subjects) :
Of the 538 genes for above 100 IQ intelligence, which can 80% predict your IQ, west african Negroes and Australian aborigines LACK most of the smart genes!
ALL humans on earth except blacks have brain folding genes from RECENT cross breeding with NEANDERTHALS (yes even everyone in south america), and the asians have these genes by breeding with DENISOVIANS (who also had bred earlier with NEANDERTHALS).
Except for negroes, in latest studies of massive DNA databases, all humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) alive have 1% to 2.9% Neanderthal DNA on average per nation.
And the SMARTEST asians bred at two points in history with DENISOVIANS, for more IQ, while the water-niggers and Thais only interbred one time.
Modern asian Humans (smart non-Thai asians) interbred with Denisovans TWICE in history :
Some smarter asians picked up DNA, just as whites did, by breeding with Neanderthal&Denisovian half-breeds from conquering Neanderthal males... with full actual DNA sequenced from actual half-breed Denisovian+Neanderthal breeding bone fragment example ! :
Wow! DNA proof of a 1st gen half-breed Denisovian+Neanderthal (typical source of asian intelligence): 1st gen!!!
Sadly, the percentage of Neanderthal DNA in modern black humans is zero !!! (they interbred 300,000 to 185,000 years ago with a ape-like hominid, probably a version of Homo heidelbergensis branch):
9 LIVING CAVEMEN with ACTUAL NEGROID HOMO ERECTUS Y DNA INACT found in CAMEROON, and a camaroon negro found in USA with caveman DNA from 300,000 years ago completely unrelated to real humans ! :
A00a-L1149 (or A00a1) Y DNA is 350,000 years old in many Negroes. Negroes DO NOT have common ancestor human Y DNA nicknamed "Y-chromosomal Adam" but they keep changing the definition every 5 years, to not let Negroes feel bad :
Some think that the Negroes that bred with H. heidelbergensis were "Homo sapiens idaltu", and that "Homo sapiens idaltu" thus evolved into Negroes, while actual humans descended from 'Homo sapiens idaltu' leaving africa and interbreeding with Denisovian+Neanderthal becoming real humans , now called "Homo Sapiens sapiens) [note the extra sapiens].
Some Russian and Chinese scientists currently denounce that and say its the opposite, and that 'Homo sapiens idaltu' ENTERED africa and interbred with the indigenous Negroes (H. heidelbergensis).
Its been known since 1874 that Blacks are NOT human, and lots of data to prove it.
The negro ape in 2nd most famous biology book ever written, by famed Ernst Haeckel, 1874, Page 527 of 780 :
Homo erectus went extinct only 50,000 years ago (100,000 tops) and was provably low IQ and PROVEN LAZY, similar to current Blacks, but unknown how much DNA admixture of Homo erectus is in the modern negro, if any, due to heat damage of artifact DNA, Negroes diverged from all real humans 350,000 years ago, as proven and mentioned frequently already (current Negro Y-DNA A00a-L1149).
Even though Blacks are now proven from over 350,000 years ago, vs real Humans nowadays, There were MANY types of Hominids that looked like humans, right up until each were killed off and replaced by Modern Humans.
No matter how you organize the timeline, DNA does not lie. Blacks are an unrelated species. Most land mammals are radically different species after 120,000 year separation, and Blacks separated from all real humans 350,000 years ago.
TL;DR: Negroes are not HUMAN! (((Small Colleges))) except in advanced biology courses, still sometimes re-teach old erroneous definition of the word "Species". Today only DNA is used to differentiate species, and Negroes are PROVABLY a dramatically different species of Hominid.
What is this "San Khosian-Somali"? Aren't the Khosian the indigenous people of South Africa (not the ruling Bantu invaders and completely different from them)? So how do they relate to Somalis? I don't think they look the same.
People who sign up for genetic testing from companies like 23andMe can find out how much of their DNA comes from Neanderthals. For those whose ancestry lies outside Africa, that number usually falls somewhere between 1 percent and 2 percent.
Wait, did I misunderstood something or... Did NYT admit that,Niggers are different from US?
Negros are in a species by themselves according to DNA, and all other Humans on earth are unlike africans. All humans on earth are far far far more related than a negro is to anything else on the planet.
350,000 nearest common ancestor to all blacks, naturally Bantu have cross bred with other local talking hominids but the point is, Bantu are from that 350,000 ancester, which is far far far from modern humans, so far that bantu are just a talking ape with low IQ, just like the rare specimens of Negros with Negro Y-DNA A00a-L1149 (previous called A00 because its oldest common ancester with true humans), whom are not bantu, but even lower IQ.
Note that the "Out of Africa" theory is now UNSUPPORTED by any fossil evidence!
Remember... the Y-DNA A00a-L1149 ENTERRED africa, and was a negro there, while whites NEVER came from africa ever and evolved outside africa, and then entered africa.
GREECE : New fossils suggest human ancestors evolved in Europe, not Africa :
A lot of it is trash. I stopped reading after his insinuation that there is a consistently agreed-upon definition for what delineates a species (there isn't). I'm sure there's some good stuff in there, but it's mixed in with too much overconfident /pol/-tier bullshit to be worth anything. Sloppy job all around tbh.
Wrong, you wikipedia citing SJW half-negroid. Cite one single error in it. ONE. You cannot!
Even the definition of species is the one that covers bears , wolves, and gorillas, and all mammals on earth except one anomaly... the african nigger, The sole exception known to science... unless you merely admit logically that the african is NOT a modern human.
DNA already proved negroes are a different species and last common ancester to all negroes is 350,000 years ago!
You must have a parent who is black and hate DNA science and IQ science.
You are not very scientific , and you found NO ERRORS.
Who care about fertility rates, the post is mentioning possibility of a mating event at all, as long as it is possible at all. (Part of definition of species, is an event ever being possible).
Your second point on hybrids seems to not add or subtract, nor correct any portion of that posting. Some call such information "straw man arguments" when passing them off as naysaying proof.
YOU FOUND ZERO ERRORS as far as I understand. Neither of those points corrects any information. Your first point merely discusses fertility rates. Humans have very poor fertility rates so that females are not holly dominated by rape. Gorillas moreso , and for "bonobo chimp" style bonding via prolactin and oxytocin.
You found no errors, and you know it, alele-opathic.
Hopefully this boomtarded reply of yours has cleared up for anyone still on the fence that you're a fucking schizo QRV brainlet. This "sentence" of yours:
Even the definition of species is the one that covers bears , wolves, and gorillas, and all mammals on earth except one anomaly... the african nigger, The sole exception known to science... unless you merely admit logically that the african is NOT a modern human.
is pure word salad drivel and nonsense. You're not saying anything at all.
You aren't worth any serious person's time. Go watch some Alt-Hype videos and learn how to properly research and structure an argument, and actually back it up with (relevant) evidence.
No problem. Comments like his are embarrassing and completely destroy our credibility. It's a shame that people are too wrapped up in their own egos to even stop and acknowledge that (most of) the shit he's peddling is sensationalized junk.
Honestly, most people here clearly have no business speaking authoritatively on the finer points of race realism. That sort of content should be left to our heavy hitters like Ryan Faulk, Sean Last, JF Gariepy, Nicholas Wade, etc. The science and data is on our side. There's absolutely no reason for anyone to exaggerate, fudge details, or draw inappropriate conclusions from research they don't understand.
Again, I'm seriously disappointed that more people didn't call him out.
Been here a lot longer than you, faggot. If you care about the truth, you should want people to have the best information; not the fucking garbage that that half-wit boomer dipshit is peddling above.
No, I'm not, you illiterate fucking smoothbrain. I called him out because his info is bad. It's wrong and makes us look like the pseudoscientific tards that leftists say we are. Honestly, I don't know why I'm even bothering to reply to what is clearly a petulant manchild who likely barely graduated high school. If you think his comment was worthwhile, you aren't worth my time.
Hopefully this boomtarded reply of yours has cleared up for anyone still on the fence that you're a fucking schizo QRV brainlet. This "sentence" of yours:
Even the definition of species is the one that covers bears , wolves, and gorillas, and all mammals on earth except one anomaly... the african nigger, The sole exception known to science... unless you merely admit logically that the african is NOT a modern human.
is pure word salad drivel. You're not saying anything at all.
You aren't worth any serious person's time. Go watch some Alt-Hype videos and learn how to properly research and structure an argument, and actually back it up with (relevant) evidence.
Hopefully this boomtarded reply of yours has cleared up for anyone still on the fence that you're a fucking schizo QRV brainlet. This "sentence" of yours:
Even the definition of species is the one that covers bears , wolves, and gorillas, and all mammals on earth except one anomaly... the african nigger, The sole exception known to science... unless you merely admit logically that the african is NOT a modern human.
is pure word salad drivel. You're not saying anything at all.
You aren't worth any serious person's time. Go watch some Alt-Hype videos and learn how to properly research and structure an argument, and actually back it up with (actually relevant) evidence
While it's obvious to us when it comes to sub-Saharan Africans, liberals too easily confuse them with African-Americans, which are roughly 20% European. A better comparison would be Australian Aborigines. They have minimal mixing with Australians and they differ even further from Europeans than sub-Saharan Africans. To claim that they're the same species is a much more difficult argument and there's less room for ambiguity like when looking at African-Americans.
They have minimal mixing with Australians and they differ even further from Europeans than sub-Saharan Africans.
IIRC this actually isn't true. Sub-Saharan Africans are the most distant population group from literally all other population groups. If you were to split up "humans" into two broad groups, it would literally be sub-Saharan Africans vs everyone else. Check out some principle component analyses to see what I mean. There is actually a rough continuum from Whites to Australian Aborigines. No such continuum exists to connect SSA's to any Eurasian/Oceanian/Polynesian/New World/etc. group. They're isolated; all on their own.
I think this meme would be significantly better if it didn't have that last line about science at all. Also if the words "Africans" and "Europeans" were swapped so that they matched up with the pictures.
They will have power as long as they have Christian's feeding their God. God created man, Men Created the Gods. The Jews created Christ just to enslave European Minds. America as it is, is blind that they are named after the god Amaru. There are many mysteries yet to be unveiled before America can truly be free...
Who created "the devil"? How can there be only one omnipotent god that created everything and everything is of this god, yet there is a "devil" that is outside of this god? Moreover, how is it even possible for this devil to constantly subvert the will of this omnipotent god?
Blind Christian. Go pray to your jew god hanging on a tree. Bleat and pray the jew away. Might is right. And you are a slave and will die a slave to your jewish masters.
Ok refuted nothing. But I'd expect nothing less. Joo shitnoses are incapable of understanding truth. You lie, mislead, and subvert...and it's noticeable in under a second now.
It's interesting how "christians" accuse others of being jews when said christians follow a doctrine created by jews for the very purpose of subverting the message of The Christ.
In my first post you replied to. You refuted nothing...made no arguments. Just wah wah blah blush. I give you some blush blah. You accuse me of not refuting. You are dumb. Its obvious now. Bleat pray forgive. Bleat pray turn the other cheek.
Yes but no. They are all "non-human", but they can make distinction between them the same way we can distinguish between cows and chickens. This is in fact why they are pursuing white genocide; its animal husbandry to a jew.
Niggers are everyday dangerous. They are like bullets doing small damage but there are so many they do massive damage long term. Jews are more like a radioactive leak; you don't realize you are dying until it's too late and everyone else is sick also.
How so? I'm making a statement as to the natures of two different yet similarly dangerous groups. There are a large number of spearchuckers but they are dumb. They create lots of small scale problems that add up to ruin society, whereas the kikes are very small in number but tend to do just as much, if not more damage.
Why are Jews like this? Why must they subvert their host countries which they know will lead them to being kicked out? Especially now that they have their own country?
This. And for the leftist, atheist faction the majority of the brainwashing they were subjected to remained, so they made up non-religious reasons for why they're special and entitled to come up with big ideas to drive humanity.
Because they're inbred people descendant from a five millenia old village of only 330 inhabitants. From there they started being degenerates, disobedied their god, and use it as an excuse to destroy the world for their forgiveness. When the apocalypse will be, their god will take them to heaven or something. So that makes sense.
To be clear, they are less evolved psychologically and mentally. No one should doubt that they are as evolved, if not more evolved in some ways, physically. It's why they excel in long distance running, jumping, and sprinting for the most part.
cheetas run faster, monkeys climb trees better are they more evolved. A nigger has thicker skulls, smaller brains, less devoloped areas of the brain that make humans well human. They generally lack forethought to their actions and cant form a cohesive society. They are a lessor species and are a burden on humans. The equlivalent is a virus, it thrives in the host because of the host. When it kills the host it needs a new host or it will die.
Woxx ago
Jesus Christ. The Earth is 7527 years old based on what, exactly?
It fascinates me that someone has so much faith in a story passed down over generations over the scientific method.
Is the Earth flat? Is the moon also 7527 years old? Magnets, how do they work?
sore_ass_losers ago
It’s interesting that the indigenous people in South Africa, the Khoisan are in their own category. There’s Caucasian, Mongoloid (sorry, Asians), Negroid (suck it up blacks), and Capoid (as in Cape of Good Hope) for the Khoisans.
The closest indigenous Bantus, the larger and more ferocious Zulus, would eat them, thought they gave them a special power.
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/AskVoat comment by @AbrahamGoldowitz.
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Adrianmc ago
The darling of the establishment left Charles Darwin thought that blacks were by any standard measure a different species from whites. And that low grade moron James Watson, winner of the Nobel Prize for co-discovering the structure of DNA, thinks the same:
sore_ass_losers ago
What is this "San Khosian-Somali"? Aren't the Khosian the indigenous people of South Africa (not the Bantu invaders and completely different)? So how do they relate to Somalis? I don't think they look the same.
oneinchterror ago
Dyedhairshootonsite ago
Human races are not of the same species period.
totallynotFBI ago
Bravo for not choosing a fat ugly nigress but a hot white girl.
Blompf ago
This post made it to the front page of plebbit. A lot of reeeeing in the comments, but no rebuttals. For every SJW reeeing in teh comments, there was one fence-sitting that got a dose of truth for the first time. I think we can use their outrage against them if we keep getting material like this to the top of reddit on the grounds that its offensive.
The_Oogie ago
Their only rebuttal was calling the poster a Nazi.
albeit ago
Ctrl+F "Fertile offspring". At least 21.
Blompf ago
It's a false statement and we all know it.
bourbonexpert ago
It’s mind boggeling how People will say a weiner dog isn’t like a German Shepard. They have different personality traits, and were bread and evolved to tackle different tasks to aid in their survival.
But some how..... a tall skinny Kenyan who runs the Boston marathon in record time is somehow the EXACT same as an Asian who works as an engineer in aerodynamics.
That has never made any sense to me ever since I was a little kid.
Hey... ever notice small towns or cities who praise them selves as “liberal intellectual strongholds” where diversity and Acceptance rule the day...are almost always 98% white and have a median income of 75k.
If you support democrats, you have a mental illness
conservativecanuck ago
Look, I fucking hate niggers, but this is retarded.
Those two jackals are not "very distinct species" just because the meme says so.
They are sub-species, which is categorically different.
oneinchterror ago
Oh, are you a population geneticist or taxonomist? Please thoroughly explain the difference between "species" and "sub-species".
conservativecanuck ago
appeal to authority logical fallacy
oneinchterror ago
Not an argument, brainlet.
(and no it isn't)
Butterbread ago
He asked you a question, you "fallacy" faggot.
conservativecanuck ago
I have my BSc (Hon) in CMMB and am currently studying medicine, so, yes, I would confidently describe myself as both a population geneticist and a taxonomist.
Butterbread ago
Don't be coy, you homo.
Infearmal ago
I saw another version of this meme with zebras being called horses and shitskins (football world cup winners, in fact) being called french people. Very funny btw. Now I don't think zebras are the same species as horses.
conservativecanuck ago
you're right.
zebras, donkeys, and horses are all distinct species, but they all fall under the same genus, so very closely related.
It's sort of why they can usually interbreed, but their offspring are almost always sterile.
To be totally clear, if it weren't politically charged, Africans would absolutely be considered a different sub-species, but they are categorically the same species as caucasians and asians
slwsnowman40 ago
Well yea, zebras are closer to donkeys than horses genetically.
conservativecanuck ago
I don't usually (or really ever) trust what someone on Voat says, so I looked it up, and shit, you are right haha
There is an image a bit down the page
Thanks for the share
slwsnowman40 ago
I learned it in a manga. But it isn't like I can say that's my source, lol. The manga was right about dogs/wolves, hyenas and lions. I just assume it is factually accurate when it talks about other species now as I got tired of checking.
Doglegwarrior ago
and to think not one fucking asian has ever been born with blue eyes? so theres that distinct difference for fuck sake.
The_Oogie ago
It's possible, but they probably have more Neanderthal DNA in them.
dassaer ago
Well hold on a second there bud. Of all the Asians my grandfather ever met, every single one had blue eyes ....
Blue out the back of his rice-paddy hat. Wahahaha ...
Valcgo ago
Think of it like dog breeds. No one will argue that some breeds of dogs are smarter than others yet they are still both dogs. Golden retrievers are to whites as pitbulls are to blacks in my book.
uvulectomy ago
What would that make those annoying little ankle-biter breeds that piss everywhere and act like they're tough shit? The Indians of the dog world?
dassaer ago
The midgets with small man's disease ...
Teledildonicist ago
I saw this on reddit, and the usual faggy, gamme male responses of, "they don't even know science", bit nothing of any substance.
SparklingWiggle ago
A lot of that.
0rion ago
Misleading title: SJWs do not care what we think, and write it all off due to cognitive dissonance. This does not make their heads explode, they simply ignore it and reply with (((pseudoscience))) instead.
SparklingWiggle ago
I am ashamed for having looked but I will share with you.
Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago
"the black woman's skin glows like what, that's genetically superior in my eyes"
Niggardly_Jew ago
Don't sully the name of science by associating with (((academia))). I know they claim to be scientists; they are not.
zit ago
Sadly, I predict they will revise the word "species" and demote wolves, demote gorillas, and demote bears, to preserve Negroes feelings, even though it still requires every book to be rewritten that uses wolves, bear, or gorillas, or mentions the definition of "species". Negroes feelings must be preserved.
Blacks already proven NOT human!
As when the definition of a "planet" was all agreed on , then evidence came out that Pluto broke the rules AGREED ON for planet, there was a "messy situation" were every 2nd grade school book on earth for kids as well as every text book, had to be re-printed and suddenly omit Pluto as a planet!
PLUTO WAS NEVER A PLANET, due to science definitions made earlier for the word "PLANET"
NEGROES are a different hominid species than all other existing humans on earth!
NEGROES WERE NEVER the same species as humans, due to science definitions made earlier for the word "SPECIES"
I and not talking about SUBSPECIES, and am being literal, and using the word "SPECIES"
We know this from DNA. DNA does not lie. The definition of species in 2019 and recent years is two factors :
Gorilla SPECIES (species not subspecies) can breed and produce viable fertile offspring. Yet their DNA is probably drifted over 120,000 years.
(Gorilla gorilla vs. Gorilla beringei) :
Bear SPECIES (species not subspecies) can breed and produce viable fertile offspring. Yet their DNA is probably drifted over 120,000 years.
"Polar Bears Evolved Just 150,000 Years Ago" :
The Gray wolf, Red wolf and Ethiopian wolf SPECIES (species not subspecies) can breed and produce viable fertile offspring. Yet their DNA is probably drifted less than 120,000 years (100,000 for Ethiopian Wolf) :
Animals that drifted far more than the ridiculous 350,000 year separation from Negros and true humans, can interbreed too. It is uncommon but possible. In these other mammals many fetuses die and are absorbed, but occasionally you can get live births by breeding countless mammals against each other, even with different numbers of chromosomes. :
Here Are 18 Amazing Animal Hybrids You Won’t Believe Exist But Are Completely Real:
ASTOUNDING! Look at those!
I show those in that link to demonstrate that animal life forms can be forced to mate with each other in hilarious ways, and some produce fertile offspring, but DNA age drift is used as the definition of species.
So yes, you can mate a true human (Homo Sapiens sapiens, with Neanderthal IQ gene admixture)... with a Hominid such as the major negro ethnicities in Africa (whom lack even a speck of Neanderthal DNA) :
Above list also summarized on MODERN species and sub species (races) proposed names of various Homo shit-skins (detailed but lacking DNA refs) :
All those Negroid hominids can be bred with true humans, and produce fertile offspring, but that does not make those 350,000 year divergent subspecies the same as true modern Humans.
The "fertile offspring, disregarding DNA evidence" is the OLD definition, that is why we have Bear, Gorilla, and Wolf SPECIES (not subspecies, but actual SPECIES), because their DNA drifted over 120,000 years of separation.
Blacks predate by hundreds of thousands of years of deviation, the relatively recent emergence of true humans, and far far far before Humans picked up IQ genes from Neanderthals. Pure black lack any Neanderthal DNA.
ALL true humans (non african negroes) have some intermixed Neanderthal DNA, adding many brain boosting IQ genes, All humans everywhere on earth have these very very recent genes, but not one african pure bred negro.
Neanderthal genes (lacking only in Negros) contributes much of the known 538 genes for higher IQ.
538 genes that are thought to be linked to intelligence (by comparing 300,000 test subjects) :
Of the 538 genes for above 100 IQ intelligence, which can 80% predict your IQ, west african Negroes and Australian aborigines LACK most of the smart genes!
ALL humans on earth except blacks have brain folding genes from RECENT cross breeding with NEANDERTHALS (yes even everyone in south america), and the asians have these genes by breeding with DENISOVIANS (who also had bred earlier with NEANDERTHALS).
Except for negroes, in latest studies of massive DNA databases, all humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) alive have 1% to 2.9% Neanderthal DNA on average per nation.
And the SMARTEST asians bred at two points in history with DENISOVIANS, for more IQ, while the water-niggers and Thais only interbred one time.
Modern asian Humans (smart non-Thai asians) interbred with Denisovans TWICE in history :
Some smarter asians picked up DNA, just as whites did, by breeding with Neanderthal&Denisovian half-breeds from conquering Neanderthal males... with full actual DNA sequenced from actual half-breed Denisovian+Neanderthal breeding bone fragment example ! :
Wow! DNA proof of a 1st gen half-breed Denisovian+Neanderthal (typical source of asian intelligence): 1st gen!!!
Sadly, the percentage of Neanderthal DNA in modern black humans is zero !!! (they interbred 300,000 to 185,000 years ago with a ape-like hominid, probably a version of Homo heidelbergensis branch):
9 LIVING CAVEMEN with ACTUAL NEGROID HOMO ERECTUS Y DNA INACT found in CAMEROON, and a camaroon negro found in USA with caveman DNA from 300,000 years ago completely unrelated to real humans ! :
A00a-L1149 (or A00a1) Y DNA is 350,000 years old in many Negroes. Negroes DO NOT have common ancestor human Y DNA nicknamed "Y-chromosomal Adam" but they keep changing the definition every 5 years, to not let Negroes feel bad :
US Gov scientists agree that some Negroes discovered to be non-human, and Negroes interbred with ape-like creatures long long ago :
Shocking quotes from PMC4947341 "Hominin interbreeding and the evolution of human variation":
one-fifth of the Neanderthal genome may lurk within modern humans... (but totally absent in Negroes)
SUBHUMAN! interbreeding between Sub-Saharan Africans and an as-yet-unknown hominin, such as H. heidelbergensis...
Some think that the Negroes that bred with H. heidelbergensis were "Homo sapiens idaltu", and that "Homo sapiens idaltu" thus evolved into Negroes, while actual humans descended from 'Homo sapiens idaltu' leaving africa and interbreeding with Denisovian+Neanderthal becoming real humans , now called "Homo Sapiens sapiens) [note the extra sapiens].
Some Russian and Chinese scientists currently denounce that and say its the opposite, and that 'Homo sapiens idaltu' ENTERED africa and interbred with the indigenous Negroes (H. heidelbergensis).
Its been known since 1874 that Blacks are NOT human, and lots of data to prove it.
The negro ape in 2nd most famous biology book ever written, by famed Ernst Haeckel, 1874, Page 527 of 780 :
WOW! :
Homo erectus went extinct only 50,000 years ago (100,000 tops) and was provably low IQ and PROVEN LAZY, similar to current Blacks, but unknown how much DNA admixture of Homo erectus is in the modern negro, if any, due to heat damage of artifact DNA, Negroes diverged from all real humans 350,000 years ago, as proven and mentioned frequently already (current Negro Y-DNA A00a-L1149).
Laziness in Homo erectus proof YES LAZY BLACKS! :
NOT JUST LAZY hominids, but LOW IQ, lazy Blacks never invented any crops, domesticated animals, or even the WHEEL!
Whites & Blacks 100 FACTS! Blacks never invented the wheel!:
Even though Blacks are now proven from over 350,000 years ago, vs real Humans nowadays, There were MANY types of Hominids that looked like humans, right up until each were killed off and replaced by Modern Humans.
No matter how you organize the timeline, DNA does not lie. Blacks are an unrelated species. Most land mammals are radically different species after 120,000 year separation, and Blacks separated from all real humans 350,000 years ago.
TL;DR: Negroes are not HUMAN! (((Small Colleges))) except in advanced biology courses, still sometimes re-teach old erroneous definition of the word "Species". Today only DNA is used to differentiate species, and Negroes are PROVABLY a dramatically different species of Hominid.
MaxVonOppenheim ago
I love it. Thanks for this
sore_ass_losers ago
The funny thing is that blacks think they are the only humans.
They also call whites monkeys: apparently monkeys have pink skins vs. darker for apes.
sore_ass_losers ago
What is this "San Khosian-Somali"? Aren't the Khosian the indigenous people of South Africa (not the ruling Bantu invaders and completely different from them)? So how do they relate to Somalis? I don't think they look the same.
I've mostly seen it as "Khoisan", also.
MiG-21 ago
I have zero understanding of Biology so searched about Neanderthal DNA and... Holly shit, actually, New York God-Damn times:
Wait, did I misunderstood something or... Did NYT admit that,Niggers are different from US?
zit ago
Negros are in a species by themselves according to DNA, and all other Humans on earth are unlike africans. All humans on earth are far far far more related than a negro is to anything else on the planet.
MaunaLoona ago
Got a link for the 350,000 year figure? My understanding is that the Bantu who re-conquered Africa split off much more recently.
urp ago
350,000 nearest common ancestor to all blacks, naturally Bantu have cross bred with other local talking hominids but the point is, Bantu are from that 350,000 ancester, which is far far far from modern humans, so far that bantu are just a talking ape with low IQ, just like the rare specimens of Negros with Negro Y-DNA A00a-L1149 (previous called A00 because its oldest common ancester with true humans), whom are not bantu, but even lower IQ.
Note that the "Out of Africa" theory is now UNSUPPORTED by any fossil evidence!
Remember... the Y-DNA A00a-L1149 ENTERRED africa, and was a negro there, while whites NEVER came from africa ever and evolved outside africa, and then entered africa.
GREECE : New fossils suggest human ancestors evolved in Europe, not Africa :
First Human Ancestor Came from Europe Not Africa, 7.2 Million-year-old Fossils Indicate :
Europe was the birthplace of mankind, not Africa, scientists find :
Scientists Look To Europe As Evolutionary Seat : Found in Germany 20 years ago, this specimen is about 16.5 million years old:
A 210,000-year-old skull (Apidima 1) has been identified as the earliest modern human
Study reveals that humans migrated from Europe to Israel 40,000 years ago [NOT from Africa]
illegal_opinion ago
These type of extensive and cited posts are one of the reasons I love Voat.
oneinchterror ago
A lot of it is trash. I stopped reading after his insinuation that there is a consistently agreed-upon definition for what delineates a species (there isn't). I'm sure there's some good stuff in there, but it's mixed in with too much overconfident /pol/-tier bullshit to be worth anything. Sloppy job all around tbh.
zit ago
Wrong, you wikipedia citing SJW half-negroid. Cite one single error in it. ONE. You cannot!
Even the definition of species is the one that covers bears , wolves, and gorillas, and all mammals on earth except one anomaly... the african nigger, The sole exception known to science... unless you merely admit logically that the african is NOT a modern human.
DNA already proved negroes are a different species and last common ancester to all negroes is 350,000 years ago!
You must have a parent who is black and hate DNA science and IQ science.
alele-opathic ago
Okey dokey.
urp ago
You are not very scientific , and you found NO ERRORS.
Who care about fertility rates, the post is mentioning possibility of a mating event at all, as long as it is possible at all. (Part of definition of species, is an event ever being possible).
Your second point on hybrids seems to not add or subtract, nor correct any portion of that posting. Some call such information "straw man arguments" when passing them off as naysaying proof.
YOU FOUND ZERO ERRORS as far as I understand. Neither of those points corrects any information. Your first point merely discusses fertility rates. Humans have very poor fertility rates so that females are not holly dominated by rape. Gorillas moreso , and for "bonobo chimp" style bonding via prolactin and oxytocin.
You found no errors, and you know it, alele-opathic.
oneinchterror ago
Hopefully this boomtarded reply of yours has cleared up for anyone still on the fence that you're a fucking schizo QRV brainlet. This "sentence" of yours:
is pure word salad drivel and nonsense. You're not saying anything at all.
You aren't worth any serious person's time. Go watch some Alt-Hype videos and learn how to properly research and structure an argument, and actually back it up with (relevant) evidence.
redpilldessert ago
I tried to read and reread his paragraph, but I'm having real trouble in parsing it and extracting meaning.
AnotherGrayman ago
Thank you for sparing me from the pseudoscience.
I'm cool with racial reality, but sensational propaganda is a no no regardless of who's agenda it favors.
oneinchterror ago
No problem. Comments like his are embarrassing and completely destroy our credibility. It's a shame that people are too wrapped up in their own egos to even stop and acknowledge that (most of) the shit he's peddling is sensationalized junk.
Honestly, most people here clearly have no business speaking authoritatively on the finer points of race realism. That sort of content should be left to our heavy hitters like Ryan Faulk, Sean Last, JF Gariepy, Nicholas Wade, etc. The science and data is on our side. There's absolutely no reason for anyone to exaggerate, fudge details, or draw inappropriate conclusions from research they don't understand.
Again, I'm seriously disappointed that more people didn't call him out.
CantDentTheBrent ago
Where did all you niggers come from all of a sudden? Fuck off kikes
oneinchterror ago
Been here a lot longer than you, faggot. If you care about the truth, you should want people to have the best information; not the fucking garbage that that half-wit boomer dipshit is peddling above.
CantDentTheBrent ago
I've been here on/off for 3 years
Yeah his info isn't explained like this is a college course.
It's a crash course.
You're trying to destroy his entire argument BASED on semantics.
Eat a dick faggot.
oneinchterror ago
No, I'm not, you illiterate fucking smoothbrain. I called him out because his info is bad. It's wrong and makes us look like the pseudoscientific tards that leftists say we are. Honestly, I don't know why I'm even bothering to reply to what is clearly a petulant manchild who likely barely graduated high school. If you think his comment was worthwhile, you aren't worth my time.
CantDentTheBrent ago
The internet is the only place you win arguments, isn't it??
oneinchterror ago
Hopefully this boomtarded reply of yours has cleared up for anyone still on the fence that you're a fucking schizo QRV brainlet. This "sentence" of yours:
is pure word salad drivel. You're not saying anything at all.
You aren't worth any serious person's time. Go watch some Alt-Hype videos and learn how to properly research and structure an argument, and actually back it up with (relevant) evidence.
oneinchterror ago
Hopefully this boomtarded reply of yours has cleared up for anyone still on the fence that you're a fucking schizo QRV brainlet. This "sentence" of yours:
is pure word salad drivel. You're not saying anything at all.
You aren't worth any serious person's time. Go watch some Alt-Hype videos and learn how to properly research and structure an argument, and actually back it up with (actually relevant) evidence
fellowwhiteperson ago
While it's obvious to us when it comes to sub-Saharan Africans, liberals too easily confuse them with African-Americans, which are roughly 20% European. A better comparison would be Australian Aborigines. They have minimal mixing with Australians and they differ even further from Europeans than sub-Saharan Africans. To claim that they're the same species is a much more difficult argument and there's less room for ambiguity like when looking at African-Americans.
oneinchterror ago
IIRC this actually isn't true. Sub-Saharan Africans are the most distant population group from literally all other population groups. If you were to split up "humans" into two broad groups, it would literally be sub-Saharan Africans vs everyone else. Check out some principle component analyses to see what I mean. There is actually a rough continuum from Whites to Australian Aborigines. No such continuum exists to connect SSA's to any Eurasian/Oceanian/Polynesian/New World/etc. group. They're isolated; all on their own.
fworldorder ago
Yessss. I love this info
u_r_wat_u_eat ago
Except that "neanderthals" were in every way still humans..
urp ago
They MADE us human by adding IQ genes to humans. Negros in africa sadly lack these IQ genes.
urp ago
They MADE us human by adding IQ genes to humans. Negros in africa sadly lack these IQ genes.
u_r_wat_u_eat ago
So how bout those Israeli nukes
oneinchterror ago
It's not exactly that simple, but I obviously agree that calling sub-Saharans "human" is a mistake.
gazillions ago
Grenades do that too.
Nosferatjew ago
SparklingWiggle ago
Has anything changed?
Nosferatjew ago
Just like the date printed on the meme, no.
I think this meme would be significantly better if it didn't have that last line about science at all. Also if the words "Africans" and "Europeans" were swapped so that they matched up with the pictures.
SparklingWiggle ago
I have little to no meme creation ability. I might try later.
uvulectomy ago
Way ahead of you.
Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago
For the jew, there is no difference. Cattle are cattle, goy are goy.
TheKalergiFan ago
Jews fuck, exploit and rape our women, they don't fuck niggers
KLDB ago
Might is right! And the Jew has the most power... so too bad for you!!!
Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago
If America broke free of kike control they would have nothing
KLDB ago
They will have power as long as they have Christian's feeding their God. God created man, Men Created the Gods. The Jews created Christ just to enslave European Minds. America as it is, is blind that they are named after the god Amaru. There are many mysteries yet to be unveiled before America can truly be free...
P4TR10TP1550NL1B5 ago
Spoken like a true satanic kike. God created Christ. The devil created joos. And amaru??? Wtf? Try Amerigo Vespucci. Obvious shill kikery rabbi.
Spiteful_Mutant ago
Who created "the devil"? How can there be only one omnipotent god that created everything and everything is of this god, yet there is a "devil" that is outside of this god? Moreover, how is it even possible for this devil to constantly subvert the will of this omnipotent god?
KLDB ago
Blind Christian. Go pray to your jew god hanging on a tree. Bleat and pray the jew away. Might is right. And you are a slave and will die a slave to your jewish masters.
P4TR10TP1550NL1B5 ago
Ok refuted nothing. But I'd expect nothing less. Joo shitnoses are incapable of understanding truth. You lie, mislead, and subvert...and it's noticeable in under a second now.
Spiteful_Mutant ago
It's interesting how "christians" accuse others of being jews when said christians follow a doctrine created by jews for the very purpose of subverting the message of The Christ.
KLDB ago
Just noticed this. well said.
KLDB ago
In my first post you replied to. You refuted nothing...made no arguments. Just wah wah blah blush. I give you some blush blah. You accuse me of not refuting. You are dumb. Its obvious now. Bleat pray forgive. Bleat pray turn the other cheek.
Niggardly_Jew ago
Yes but no. They are all "non-human", but they can make distinction between them the same way we can distinguish between cows and chickens. This is in fact why they are pursuing white genocide; its animal husbandry to a jew.
SparklingWiggle ago
Niggers are everyday dangerous. They are like bullets doing small damage but there are so many they do massive damage long term. Jews are more like a radioactive leak; you don't realize you are dying until it's too late and everyone else is sick also.
u_r_wat_u_eat ago
You smell of kosher foreskins
SparklingWiggle ago
How so? I'm making a statement as to the natures of two different yet similarly dangerous groups. There are a large number of spearchuckers but they are dumb. They create lots of small scale problems that add up to ruin society, whereas the kikes are very small in number but tend to do just as much, if not more damage.
voatuser1128 ago
Why are Jews like this? Why must they subvert their host countries which they know will lead them to being kicked out? Especially now that they have their own country?
SparklingWiggle ago
Either they have a longterm plan or it is their nature to interfere.
fellowwhiteperson ago
Zionism. They have to destroy the world to summon their messiah.
neogag ago
This. And for the leftist, atheist faction the majority of the brainwashing they were subjected to remained, so they made up non-religious reasons for why they're special and entitled to come up with big ideas to drive humanity.
Infearmal ago
Because they're inbred people descendant from a five millenia old village of only 330 inhabitants. From there they started being degenerates, disobedied their god, and use it as an excuse to destroy the world for their forgiveness. When the apocalypse will be, their god will take them to heaven or something. So that makes sense.
aussie_fuckin_legend ago
Smallest_Skil ago
It bothers me when someone says we are the same. Niggers are less evolved savage animals.
conservativecanuck ago
To be clear, they are less evolved psychologically and mentally. No one should doubt that they are as evolved, if not more evolved in some ways, physically. It's why they excel in long distance running, jumping, and sprinting for the most part.
Smallest_Skil ago
cheetas run faster, monkeys climb trees better are they more evolved. A nigger has thicker skulls, smaller brains, less devoloped areas of the brain that make humans well human. They generally lack forethought to their actions and cant form a cohesive society. They are a lessor species and are a burden on humans. The equlivalent is a virus, it thrives in the host because of the host. When it kills the host it needs a new host or it will die.
Moln0014 ago
Niggers are still building mud huts to live in. White people are building 100 story plus sky scrapers to live in
metricisokay ago
That's because we need a place to put our computers.