JoseFlanders ago

Fuck, this makes my stomach turn.

UberNado ago

Not just your daughters.

Holonomic ago

Just how many black eyes can one mud-shark get?!

Littorio ago

Imagine her face when (if) she saw their tiny dicks. And imagine their embarassment because they cannot cope with the BBC jewish myth

DonnieJ ago

It is too late to save that one.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Kill the niggers!

happycutie ago

How could she do this to herself? Literally no self respect.

happycutie ago

I'm surprised they got in trouble for this. Small whitepill.

Islamiscancer ago

There is nothing more American than a white girl getting fucked by niggers.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Just like vile, savage, raping, vultures............and people ask me why I hate niggers? Not black people.......niggers!

senor_kankerlijer ago

The fact that this is a "meme" makes me sick to my stomach

Doglegwarrior ago

ya its fucking over the black pill is kicking in hard. move to the country. get out of urban centers

jewsbadnews ago

Yes goy! Run and don't fight back!

ALIENS2222 ago


CheeseboogerHimself ago

I think its great that this jewess is allowing diversity into her life

Marku1 ago

The nigger gene should be wiped out with a genocide.... Then we can apologize or something.

963189_137 ago

Suspended for telling White parents the truth about public school? If your kids won't redpill you, who will?

worthlesshope ago

good faces are rare good bodies are even rarer so probably because the average black have better bodies than what can be seen on the average white guy like muscular/skinny/fit. That attracts the women.

There is an old complaint by the christian monks about when vikings invaded, vikings all used to bathe nude in the river together on saturday. The christian monk complained about how they are seducing all the women away from the men.

It's unfortunate white people mostly don't exercise or eat well enough now days..

fishmantis ago

Most blacks I see IRL are scrawny or fat, the giga niggas are rare. It's just on TV you see the cream of the crop of blacks, so that's what people think they're like.

cypherdrunk ago

good faces are rare, good bodies are even rarer

Nah, disagree with you. A genuine beautiful face is hard to find. Anybody can achieve a muscular physique with dedication, or drugs if you have bad genetics.

Also, take a look around IRL. Black people are not modern day vikings lmfao. They are really fat, and ugly. So ugly, it is a literal fetish to be sexually attracted to them. The only place you see masculine black men being a dominant alpha male is jewish produce media. Stop consuming jewish shit

Call_Of_Goat ago

So many white whores

HiJoker ago

There'd be a staggering body count of niggers if that was my daughter.

HiJoker ago

But would you use it. The reason we are here is because gun owners are pussy cuck bitches and haven't done what should be done decades ago.

Drkadrka ago

They were all suspended. Hopefully from the nearest tree, or the goalposts.

WhiteChickens ago

That thing you keep denying...

Littorio ago

The Hilarious Thing is that four niggers have reached high school

963189_137 ago

Affirmative traction means that people who deserve an get a B now.

quick_and_dirty ago

Her poor father

CommieNigger ago


1Sorry_SOB ago

That's a whippin' when you get home, young lady.

1Sorry_SOB ago

You are all a bunch of Russian assets trying to divide America!

This is the Democratic Dream your ancestors died for.

MOF ago

They posted what they were going to do, then the school gave them the time to do it.

Violentlight ago

Took her out of school last week. Way more important than money.

Mortifera ago

Disgusting whore.

TheAmerican ago

I don't see what the problem is here?

963189_137 ago

When they are done raping your asshole, we will talk about what the 'problem' might be.

Killdozer6gozillian ago

The girls in that generation are probably watching as much porn as the guys.

quick_and_dirty ago

I have two acquaintances that are christian counselors for adolescent/teen girls. I'm telling you brother, the girls watch more porn than the guys.

963189_137 ago

That is because men have stopped being moral leaders in our nation/culture. They watch porn and to 'keep up with and understand the women of their desires young women then watch porn as well'. I doubt young women would watch it if young men were not watching it and talking about it.

kw92 ago

I saw a girl I knew from highschool was a worn out coalburner jogging with her nog a couple months ago, seeing these things no longer enrages me. These whores suffer more than you know

quick_and_dirty ago

The problem with women is they must justify and rationalize their behaviour. So no matter how much she fucked up her life, she's going to drag other young down with her by proclaiming that being a mudshark was liberating and that it's not her fault she's a strong single mom.

963189_137 ago

Women don't teach girls to avoid their mistakes, they make them complicit.

Sure, when there is no dad or he fucked off somewhere and left his wife and kids.

VishnuX ago

"Homeschool your daughters or they'll fuck black guys"

Jesus whitey is so fucking pathetic lmao

CrudOMatic ago

All you have to do is lay CDC stats on your daughter - that she's 20x more likely to get AIDS from a nigger, 10x more likely to be domestically abused/killed by a nigger, 5x as likely to be poor, etc... and also, tell her that if she fucks niggers you disown her and she's cut out of the will.

Guarantee she'll be full-1488 unless she has a nigger-tier IQ.

tokui ago

She's probably already pregnant.

bambou1991 ago

Hey, at least the school seems to have some sense left.

maaaxheadroom ago

If a nigger fucks my daughter Ill burn his house while he sleeps.

ssaa6oo ago

What about the daughter?

maaaxheadroom ago

Abortion should be legal until their 18th birthday.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

That’s a good start

lovehate123 ago

My heart My soul hurts.

As a white Nationalist.

Normal black people.. If You only knew my pain

Crikes ago


Burningdandelion ago

Looks scarily like my ex girlfriend Jesus H Christ.

puggy ago

Look at those gentleman scholars helping the poor white girl

Lagmonster ago

I can imagine it! Genocide adventure packages. Hunt niggers in South Africa using military weapons. Is it weird to have an errection right now?

rabbi_shlomo ago

It's simple...

White women love sex with black men.

Black men are more masculine than white men, and white women (especially the rebellious younger girls) love knowing it makes their fathers upset. Women want strong black men who can physically protect and dominate them, not weak willed white cucks who sit at computer screens all day blaming all their problems on Jews.

The optimal arrangement is for black men to breed white women, and have the white men raise the kids. Call if a division of labor if you will. White men have always been known to raise other men's children, hell even Julius Caesar did it.

Steph Curry, Patrick Mahomes, Barack Obama....they are the future.

This is evolution by sexual selection.....and looks like you just got uninvited from the gene pool.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

A nigger has no idea to protect anyone from anything. All it knows how to do is chinpout at the first sign of “disrespect”. 99% of niggers will die in America as soon as the power goes out. They’re inferior creatures and only ugly fat white chciks and the worst white cunts imaginable will fuck these niggers.

CrudOMatic ago

>not weak willed white cucks who sit at computer screens all day blaming all their problems on Jews.


Gr8 b8 m8, give it an 8/8

sniper98g ago

I don't know if this guy is a troll, but there are seriously blacks who think this.

This over inflated ego and unearned superiority complex they have is exactly why they will continue to pump out generations of losers who need gibs and afimitive action.

HighEnergyLife ago

Have you seen the faggotry and aids rates among blacks

Franks_in_France ago

That's a lot of effort just to rustle some jimmies

Smashthecan77 ago

What lmao

Sleuth222 ago

Assuming niggers can read. lol.

zbou ago

lmao you cant even create syntax like a white person

Logwarrior ago

Nigger trolling at its finest.

sirRantsalot ago

I don't understand what I'm looking at. What are they doing?

sirRantsalot ago

oh, no.…...filthy animals. they look like hyenas getting ready to feed. our poor lost girls.

CrudOMatic ago

What is wrong with her face? Also, why use such a petit girl wearing such childish clothes unless to are trying to intimate something else jews are well know for?

Rawrination ago

You answered your own question.

Sleuth222 ago

How is that a meme? It's just a jew porn screen shot.

1HepCat ago

Online, the image is labeled to express naive indifference to an overwhelming series of problems.

Well... If the picture is going to exist, that's about the most apropos use you could probably find for it.

Sleuth222 ago

I don't want to live in this world anymore. Take me now, jeebus!

10qo ago

Diversity is giving us this amazing, vibrant and wholesome culture. I swear there has to be bot armys that make all the blacked videos get so many views and puts them at the top of the listings on porn sites.

herbert_west ago

I swear there has to be bot armys that make all the blacked videos get so many views and puts them at the top of the listings on porn sites.

Why bots? Niggers and shitskins love white girls and there are billions of them.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Sleuth222 ago

Or the jews just flat out change the numbers.

10qo ago

I think about it this way, they setup the bots to appear to be from a specific location. So, when the annual Pornhub stats come out they probably are trying to make certain areas like the south look like they like the interracial porn because they hate themselves or step sister is searched in the flyover states because, whatever reason. Or it could be that the explosion of incest is all by the high ups making the producers make it and the sites push it. There was a rep from pornhub on reddit trying to say otherwise not long ago.

Sleuth222 ago

Or it could be that the explosion of incest is all by the high ups making the producers make it and the sites push it.

And the blacked shit, too. It's obvious to anyone with even a small amount of critical thinking.

you-do-you-dude ago

Probably this, this shit doesn't happen on the smaller porn sites.

lovehate123 ago

Girls are one thing.

But If You are white and hell bent on ensuring that. Holy shit those things will fuck ANYTHING.

We need to find ways to keep our boys in line.

0011000100100111101 ago

the best was the pants around the ankles is the normal way they wear them it signals they do anal in NU.

Broc_Lia ago

I thought it was because they get their belts confiscated to prevent suicides in prison.

0011000100100111101 ago

that is only for high profile people that testify against the Clintons.

green_man ago

ICanSeeYourPixels ago

I love the internet.

quick_and_dirty ago

OMG I'm crying this is so funny

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

lmao this is gold!

WD_Pelley ago

Fuck this world.

Skipberry ago

ripped jeans

why is this a fashion style

0rion ago

Fucking disgusting. I don't know why this shit still bothers me...I should be numb to it by now. But damnit if it doesn't infuriate me.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

If this still bothers you, then you're human, and that feeling is a constant reminder that you are. It's if you lack that feeling that something is beginning to go wrong. I'm Asian and I find this shit disgusting as well. It's a feeling that is not just limited to you.

ICanSeeYourPixels ago

Based chink

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Would that make you a based white? Does that even make sense?

Infearmal ago

Do you feel attracted to white women ?

kishidan ago

Of course

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Not really. I like staying within my own race. Less problems and a culture that I'm familiar with. Doesn't mean that I can't respect others.

hello_reddit ago

because such a situation is only possible once they have successfully invaded. the injuns used to prize female scalps at a higher value for this very reason - if you were able to get one then it meant you had already got through all of the men.

1488HailFireRain ago

I always laugh when I hear an old based boomer call them injuns

hello_reddit ago

i just don't know what else to call them other than 'native americans' which i don't like to use because white people were in the americas too

zxcvzxcv ago

injuns were never native americans. Whites were here in North America first. then the injuns arrived and killed/ate them all. Science has proven this, but the jews buried it since it goes against their narrative.

The_Oogie ago

Tall bald whites used to inhabit the Americas.

zxcvzxcv ago


The_Oogie ago

This is the only info I could find since search engines suck anymore.

963189_137 ago

Our people covered the entire globe. Their mummies with our DNA can be found all over the planet. At one time this was a Whites ONLY world.

zxcvzxcv ago

There were also whites who lived in japan before the nigger-asians moved in and killed most of them after stealing their land. There are only a few native whites left in japan. You are definitely correct: whites covered the globe. At some point in time, the niggers appeared and started eating everyone.

Phantom42 ago

It's a biological reaction.

Same reason why women should never be in combat. She is putting many other guy's lives at risk.

Intrixina ago

The only combat that a woman should be in, is fighting to defend her family (alongside her husband) if anyone is stupid enough to cross into that killzone.

Phantom42 ago

Far left is Some W. Fucker II of York, after Operation Nimrod, the only known photograph of the man.

Phantom42 ago

"Foolish is a man who enters the fatal funnel with an angry man, woman, and scared child on the other side."

-Some Wise Fucker II of York, Operation Clean House 1984

Niggardly_Jew ago

Women should be gestating babies.

kammmmak ago

I bet they think they are so smart.

Sosacms ago

Well they did just get punished with free time with no adult supervision to play out the meme, so....

FreeDial_Indicator ago

The whole "pushing the boundaries to see what other perks we get" thing only ratchets up steadily from there.

kammmmak ago

Imagine if that was four white guys and one nigger chick. Yup you can only imagine it, because no way will it happen in reality.

HeebyKneegrow ago

Blacks carry the torch for nearly 100% of interracial rape.

Ain't no one raping black women

MrShekelberg ago

EXACTLY. I hate this earth so much. BlAcK lIvEs MaTtEr teehee but fuck white lives right? Fucking idiots

Splaining8Logic ago

Preaching to the choir..... even if your message got to the perpetrators, do you think it would change? Do you think law enforcement would then be fair to Whites? No my fellow patriot. They are mere pawns told what to do. The game is rigged. It's private club that is leveraged by (((money))). How do you awaken those who are asleep?

ALIENS2222 ago

If only we could have a ... great awakening.

1488HailFireRain ago

The difference is that when there's a photo like this leftists have massive orgasms and it gets shared everywhere with 100k upvotes on reddit and millions of views on social media because they want to try and humiliate white men and enslave white women.

jewd_law ago

If she was a jewess I would be OK w/ this picture. We need to speak out for Open Borders for israel!

Nukethenarrative ago

I'm just going to imagine she is so this picture won't raise my blood pressure.

ICanSeeYourPixels ago

And gay marriage for Israel!

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Soon one will be able to move freely through what is now called "Israel". Universe is not going to be kind to these "people".

Rabid_Robot ago

The women you're describing are not known for their attractive qualities. A few look good, but they're usually mulatto.

963189_137 ago

Race traitor.

Lagmonster ago

I can imagine it! Genocide adventure packages. Hunt niggers in South Africa using military weapons. Is it weird to have an errection right now?

ALIENS2222 ago

You can do that in S. Africa right now actually... Just get your vehicle and guns and go there and start to do it... It will be like playing DOOM on Hell mode. No matter how many you shoot there will always be more and you will never really be stopped. The only reason it has not happened is because YOU didn't make it happen!

Afrowasp1 ago

Interested in a 'Safari'? We provide accomodation in natural bush environment, vehicle and 'equipment', a target rich environment and you can keep your trophy or just let it lie. All in minecraft of course.

Barfin ago

just imagine anyone believing that duke lacrosse story. should have been an obvious hoax

Goys-R-Us ago

I remember that almost all of the guilty until proven innocent outrage came from the social science professors at Duke. All of the engineers and (real) scientists were basically saying let's wait and see. A good example of snowflake minds juxtaposed with fact based minds.

Barfin ago

a true social scientist would be a eugenicist.

Splooge ago

I remember looking at the monkey in that case and immediately think "yeahhhhh.... no."

LurkedForever ago

God they are so ugly...

CrudOMatic ago

That thing wishes a white man would fuck it. #GorillaRapeFantasies

963189_137 ago

That muzzie stuffed full of her brother's cum who is masquerading as 'an authority' in US politics found a coal burner to fuck her bubblehead.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Eh, you think homeschooling will keep your pure white girl from taking black dick do you? What happens when she heads off to coal burner university in the city? Your only hope is that she is too far and ugly to attract much attention - and that her social ineptitude borne of homeschooling shields her. Tyrone isn't much deterred by fat chicks or shy girls though needless to say - and if she is a 9-10 the chances are as good as not that she'll be getting gangbanged by the muscled up sports ball team.

If you're lucky she'll be content to hide it and won't bring Rastus home to meet you.

"It's the 21st century. Niggers with white women is the new normal. Sit back, relax, pull out your dick, and beat off."

A fair few of dads probably get off to thinking about their daughters fucking anyway. And the forbidden nature of coal burning just adds to the turn on.

CrudOMatic ago

>Oy vey goy, send your kids to public school - here's a list of debunked propaganda points to discourage you from homeschooling so we can get our ideological hooks into your kids at a young age. Oy vey, don't you know unless you send your kids into the niggerzon... err, I mean public schools where they can be read books by trannies that try to convince them they are the opposite sex and teachers who try to saddle them with guilt for the fact that niggers can't stop killing one another long enough to have a society, that they will be drooling social retards incapable of carrying out a conversation with anyone? I mean, if you homeschool them goy, that means you never let them out of the house or go anywhere with them. It's basic logic goy!

Kill yourself, kike.

Joe_McCarthy ago

If that is what you got from my post than your reading comprehension sucks worse than even the earlier incident.

You probably went to public school though.

CrudOMatic ago

Your only hope is that she is too fat and ugly to attract much attention - and that her social ineptitude borne of homeschooling shields her.

Debunked propaganda point. Why would you spread disinfo unless you want kids in public school and all the cultural AIDS that comes along with it?

Joe_McCarthy ago

That point is not 'debunked'. But no surprise some hillbilly thinks my overriding point was send yer kids to gubmint screwl.

King_Leopold_II ago

I know you're pissed cause "muh sharia patrol" aka the school responded. Appropriately.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Not at all. I'm mildly annoyed that Sharia patrol gets pussy when I post pretty girls of a decade or more ago that have a decent chance of not having taken miles of black mamba though. But more amused. Prudes are fun to piss off. Especially really dumb ones.

King_Leopold_II ago


No black dick

Pick one.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I primarily post artsy, high production Playboy videos. Not a nigger to be found in what I post there.

CrudOMatic ago

I primarily post artish, high production Playboy videos.

They're in the porn industry. They're not going to get far by dodging Mandingo dick unless they have connections. FFS, Ron Jeremy barely got through porn dodging dicks that wanted to deflower his chocolate starfish.

Joe_McCarthy ago

We're talking 90s stuff primarily. Race-mixing was significantly less then. Though girls hanging around the entertainment industry, or pretty girls in that atmosphere would have a better chance of taking black cock than a Mormon from Provo, Utah, in that time period, granted.

King_Leopold_II ago

I will misconstrue what you say on purpose.

MuricaPersonified ago

Your only hope is that she is too fat and ugly to attract much attention

I guess you don't have much experience being around niggers; that kind is their specialty.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Apparently you don't read everything someone says and just rip certain portions to try and score points.

MuricaPersonified ago

Fine, I'll bite.

and that her social ineptitude borne of homeschooling shields her.

Mostly agree; it depends on if, how, when, and with whom the parents allow their kids to mingle.

Tyrone isn't much deterred by fat chicks or shy girls though needless to say

So what was the points of saying fat land whales having the best chance against niggers? They are their bread and butter. You're contradicting yourself.

and if she is a 9-10 the chances are as good as not that she'll be getting gangbanged by the muscled up sports ball team.

Meh. 9/10s generally lack a proper sense of danger.

"It's the 21st century. Niggers with white women is the new normal. Sit back, relax, pull out your dick, and beat off."

Who the fuck are you quoting?

Oh, yourself?

A fair few dads probably get off to thinking about their daughters fucking anyway. And the forbidden nature of coal burning just adds to the turn on.

The fuck? Is this projection that I smell?

Apparently you don't read everything someone says and just rip certain portions to try and score points.

No, but it certainly seems that you tailor vapid comments specifically for the echo chamber; if that's not begging for imaginary points, I don't know what is.

Apparently you don't read everything someone says and just rip certain portions to try and score points.

Everything you said sounded like pissed off incel rambling, and this sounds like more projection. It's obvious the only one caring about the fantasy points is you.

Barfin ago

well don't post aomething dumb then contradict yourself in the same paragraph. tho to be fair besides that slip up you have a point. Just imagine having a daughter, nothing is more cucked

Joe_McCarthy ago

There is no 'contradiction'. You people apparently can't comprehend the English language. Either that or y'all think niggers aren't deterred by really ugly women and prefer beauties like every other man on earth.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Yes we are well aware that Niggers love fucking ugly whores

Barfin ago

you say our only hope is she is fat. why say that if tyrone is not deterred by it. I agree it is ripping certain portions out to score points but you don't have to make it that easy. proof read your posts. Don't say anything that is disprovable. This is a free tip, you're welcome.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I thought it plain enough that there was a clear bit of nuance in what I said. I wasn't saying that ugly girls would deter nigger males absolutely. I was saying that like all heterosexual men they prefer beautiful women (dunno why people seem to think fat chicks are their preferred type - lol) and that being ugly would tend to get less attention from them. This should be obvious. It doesn't mean niggers won't fuck fugly.

Barfin ago

free tip proofread your own posts

philmchawk ago

Sure thing rabbi

Heathcliff ago

Glad I'm not the only one that noticed.