ScionOfZion ago

I wonder who will get his organs. Maybe friends of the perp?

generate ago

this guy is a jew, that's controlled opposition

TheKalergiFan ago

This victim is in all definitions dead. That nigger killed him, and should be tried as such.

13445123751 ago

Oh no no no no... this is orders of magnitude worse than death, for both him and his family. The ONLY morally righteous punishment in this case is a very slow lynching of the nigger responsible for this.

DangersDad ago

You misspelled nigger.

Pointyball ago

Now you know why George Soros contributes to so many prosecutors campaigns.

watts2db ago


Chimaira92 ago

Theres a video of the attack and they withhold the evidence from the mother, refusing to show her. It must be that bad they believe she would go scorched earth or spread it to people she's related with to go scorched earth on niggers.

Bigdickedelf ago

Hang that DA

midnightblue1335 ago

The law cited as a reason for not charging the savage with a felony: THE DA BELIEVES THEY CAN'T PROVE THE NIGGER DID WHAT HE DID WITH THE INTENT TO CAUSE SERIOUS PHYSICAL HARM.

When you strike someone at least half a dozen times with a fucking baseball bat, was is the only intention? To break bones, rupture organs, and pulverize flesh. I believe these three things fall under "serious physical harm".

Can someone argue to me that hitting someone with a baseball bat can be done with any intent besides inflicting serious physical harm? The reason for inflicting said harm may vary- for example, if a nigger sucker punches me from behind for no reason, and I happen to be carrying a ball bat at the time and I hit him with it, I'd argue that yes- I did want to physically harm him, but only to make him stop hitting me. My intent to cause my attacker serious physical harm is backed up with self-defense.

But this case? The nigger punched the victim, knocking him out. He hit his head on the ground, causing one of the four skull fractures.... but then the nigger hit him at least half a dozen times with the bat while he was unconscious on the ground. THIS IS ATTEMPTED MURDER THAT LEFT THE VICTIM A VEGETABLE. AND THE ATTACKER IS ONLY SERVING 10 MONTHS IN JAIL, DESPITE A LONG RAP SHEET.

There is no justice in current year clown world. Not unless we make it ourselves, anyway.

SubspaceDistortion ago

Nail on the head. People need to be swinging from a rope of this injustice. Otherwise niggers will grow even more bolder about committing such heinous acts.

ravensedgesom ago

great analysis but you forgot to mention the withholding of evidence, CCTV footage, by the DA. How can you properly prosecute when the they go out of their way to obfuscate a fair criminal trial?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

The jewish or nigger DA showed their love for white genocide. That's what this is.

ravensedgesom ago

we need to put our foot down on this shit before we turn into south africa!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

When non-whites become the majority it will very quickly turn into that mess.

Holonomic ago

We need a good nog-vigilante.

RoninCoffeeCat ago

People need to fucking mob niggers when they see this shit. Stomp them out and save your brother or sister. Niggers do this because they think they can get away with it... and they are. Swift retaliatory flashmob justice by 65% of the population against 12 will put a health fear back into them and help deter this shit.

When the law refuses to protect you and yours, you must take action.

TauCeti ago

The problem is that a group of white people have plenty to lose if they become violent. Whereas this sort of black person probably doesn't; no job or only a shit job, no family he can be arsed to support, half his friends are probably waiting in prison to greet him already.

The only solution is to live apart from them.

RoninCoffeeCat ago

The problem is that if you do not fight for your space you will not be left with any.

This is no longer a live and let it be, they want us dead and your worried about losing status.

We have to start standing with each other, the divided we fall approach has not been working out for us.

TheWorstImaginable ago

You misspelled 'stab them in the neck'... FTFY

963189_137 ago

I doubt Whites will ever do this or anything even remotely similar. They are busy approving of this and worse to 'prove' that they are 'tolerant'. Whatever they 'tolerate' is what their society will be full loss when Whites are exterminated...they didn't even have the balls to control niggers and refuse in their own nation.

ravensedgesom ago

Stop making so much sense! DA was the one withholding evidence though.

gazillions ago

Holley Carnright. The District Attorney's name is HOLLY CARNWRIGHT

OPs really need to put the names of the guilty fuckers in their titles.

ravensedgesom ago

nogs are going to be nogs but what the DA did was unforgivable.

Lagmonster ago

Honestly can we expect a nigger to act like anything other than a nigger just because we gave them entry into a civilization? Repeal the 15th and the 19th!

Le_Squish ago

Niggers are gonna nig but everyday, our (((justice system))) releases violent criminals back into our communities. When you see heinous crimes people tend to only note the race but you should also note the prior arrest. They are overwhelming early releases.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

The jews think its funny to release psychos back into our communities all while (((they))) live safely in their gated communities.

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