I just wanted to fit in here... fuck man... look whatever you say man... Molyneux is a jew, so's the dailstormer staff, christiansfortruth is a real group of concerned citizens..
Theres as many genders as you need bro, err i mean... siste....aw fuuuuck... cmon this is SO hard to wrap my head around.. its like upside down world...
Look I'll just shut up until you guys..gays...dudettes, whatever... UNTIL you all settle on whats real and good and whats bad and forbidden..... and then email me instructions at my cuckshed (its in canada) ... And I'll do whatever it takes. OK BROSKI ? OK FELLOW WHITE SOLDIER ??
I understand the temptation to correct me but i intentionally chose physiological and i generally stay away from the jew psychological sciences as a whole. Psychological is focused on describing and organizing the mental behavior while physiological focuses on the actual biological causes and root issue that could lead one to a psychological observation.
Implying jews were indoctrinated at all further allows these very jews to continue to play the victim complex angle, furthering their own satanic wishes.
Implying that this [the holocaust, the victim belief, the satanic sociopathic behavior; stems in ANY WAY from "the holocaust" is a mlicious lie for the benefit of jews themselves.
The WW2 "holocaust" is not even CLOSE to the first time "muh 6 gorillion" has been used.
... is not even CLOSE to the first time jews cried persecution through genocide.
Implying jews were indoctrinated at all further allows these very jews to continue to play the victim complex angle, furthering their own satanic wishes.
Actually it doesn't. Indoctrination is how the cult maintains its control and its an important thing to understand and not be a triggered boomer about.
Implying that this [the holocaust, the victim belief, the satanic sociopathic behavior; stems in ANY WAY from "the holocaust" is a mlicious lie for the benefit of jews themselves.
The WW2 "holocaust" is not even CLOSE to the first time "muh 6 gorillion" has been used.
... is not even CLOSE to the first time jews cried persecution through genocide.
not a great article but there is a lot of truth to it. one serial rapist doesnt prove an institution, though i wouldnt put it past them, in fact i believe it completely.
What we can prove though is that their school indoctrination and groups like the ADL indoctrinate jews into believing that everyone hates them everywhere and for no reason. thats the elders method of control, like a spiteful mother telling her child that everyone wants to hurt him so that he wont leave her only on a much larger scale. this keeps the jews as mistrustful, spiteful and loyal to their own kind in spite of their ongoing abuse. better the devil you know.
Jews imo are the only group worthy of hatred and disdain, they are a wholly evil race, but i do genuinely pity them for the vile abuse they suffer through that turns them into the weak weedy hateful creatures they become.
Your enemy think of you of slaves and animals and treat you like that... what will you Christian's do??? Go and love your enemies??? Turn your other cheek???
Honestly, I believe that is taken out of context. If IRC , Christ instructed Peter to sell his cloak and buy a sword. This is not the view of one to be taken advantage of.
Sounds pretty Jewish to me. King of the Jews is no king for Europeans. Also you quoting that sounds like you are in a herd of sheep wanting salvation from someone else. A meek and bleating sheep.. bah bah bah
pagans today do not belong to any sort of church that they attend physically. it just isn't possible. modern pagan religions often quickly become instantly jewed and diverted into either darkness worship or black cultism. this is on purpose.
Love them enough to show them mercy, finishing them quickly. Respect them, as you would any competent enemy you're fighting. Turn the other cheek so as to give them a chance to redeem themselves.
In literature, colloquialism is the use of informal words, phrases, or even slang in a piece of writing. Colloquial expressions tend to sneak in as writers, being part of a society, are influenced by the way people speak in that society. Naturally, they are bound to add colloquial expressions to their vocabulary.
Christianity as we see it today has been completely subverted into what is known as Judeo-Christianity, which worships the Jewish imposters pretending to be the real Israelites of the Bible (they are not).
Real Christianity is love for your race and own kind, not the racial alien or the Edomite Jews.
Real Christians forcefully expelled the Jews from countless countries and cities throughout Europe, long before Adolf ever came along.
Real Christianity is love for your race and own kind
Christians send out missionaries to turn other races christian.. So clearly its not a love of race. Christianity since it asks others of non-white race to be christians, does not care about race within christianity or democratic countries. Where jews,muslims, muslims do not wish to push their ideas to every race.. only their own. Muslims are mostly brown, jewish are mostly jewish, buddhist are mostly asians. stop making shit up cause it makes you feel better.. Most of Mexico is christian.
This. Christianity is an Abrahamic religion from the middle east. Paganism is a huge part of White, Northern European culture. Chill with the caps lock tho
Jesus told her, “First I should feed the children—my own family, the Jews. It isn’t right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs.” Mark 7:27
Each degree you get a test. In the high up levels, you might be ask to do something immoral. There are no loose situations. If you refuse, you will get a "good choice brother, a real mason always acts morally." These people become Shriners and think Freemasons are a fun social club. If you take part in the immoral act, you will continue to rise, and asked to do more immoral behavior, and get richer.
I'd like to learn more about Freemasonry. Do you know of any resources that I could look into? I read a gospel tract not too long ago that tied them to baphomet. It's really hard to find accurate information on how they operate and what is really going on with the organization but I sense it's big time evil.
Say it with me. Indoctrination. Re-education. It was for the jews who didn't toe the line because the tribe is a cult tied together by this physiological trauma.
Looks like your IQ isn't high enough for those nuances tho.
Some of the camps were most likely entire fabrications like sobibor, belzec and triblinka but there is good evidence that some others actually existed. Their purpose obviously not being genocidal camps.
When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye
It is the single greatest educational source for delivering primary documentation on screen at time of mention and leaves the viewer with no choice but to conclude the logical and reasonable answer.
yes, so you have the connection, now you think about the function.
what is the function of a stone mason? often to lay the foundation of a home or other building.
these masons are free, as in, they are free to build with the very lives of their people. the masons overtake mayors, wealthy community influencers, policemen, and other paragons of society and give them a fraternity of knowlegable brothers. eventually they reach a high enough rank that they are rewarded more often for enacting various mason-interested laws or function in a certain way.
the function of the is to build the of their God World. the Eye on top of the pyramid is the Eye of their god, completing the masterpiece.
when is this masterpiece to be completed? after Armageddon.
blit416 ago
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
You are horseshit
blit416 ago
Ouch man, ouch, why'd ya have to go and.... ouch.
I just wanted to fit in here... fuck man... look whatever you say man... Molyneux is a jew, so's the dailstormer staff, christiansfortruth is a real group of concerned citizens..
Theres as many genders as you need bro, err i mean... siste....aw fuuuuck... cmon this is SO hard to wrap my head around.. its like upside down world...
Look I'll just shut up until you guys..gays...dudettes, whatever... UNTIL you all settle on whats real and good and whats bad and forbidden..... and then email me instructions at my cuckshed (its in canada) ... And I'll do whatever it takes. OK BROSKI ? OK FELLOW WHITE SOLDIER ??
Thankx man... Im floundering here...
andrei2911 ago
“The Jew cries in pain, as he strikes you” ...
CrudOMatic ago
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
I understand the temptation to correct me but i intentionally chose physiological and i generally stay away from the jew psychological sciences as a whole. Psychological is focused on describing and organizing the mental behavior while physiological focuses on the actual biological causes and root issue that could lead one to a psychological observation.
High_Sierra_Trail ago
Send him to hell.
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
Look around buddy we are already there.
anticlutch ago
The "holocaust" was a - set of - LUXURY RESORTS.
The "holocaust" was NOT a work camp.
The "holocaust" was NOT a set of death camps.
Implying jews were indoctrinated at all further allows these very jews to continue to play the victim complex angle, furthering their own satanic wishes.
Implying that this [the holocaust, the victim belief, the satanic sociopathic behavior; stems in ANY WAY from "the holocaust" is a mlicious lie for the benefit of jews themselves.
The WW2 "holocaust" is not even CLOSE to the first time "muh 6 gorillion" has been used.
... is not even CLOSE to the first time jews cried persecution through genocide.
This thread is fucking garbage.
PunishedPatriot ago
why did Hitler treat the jews so well?
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
keep getting triggered boomer
Actually it doesn't. Indoctrination is how the cult maintains its control and its an important thing to understand and not be a triggered boomer about.
More boomer ranting.
mudbear ago
not a great article but there is a lot of truth to it. one serial rapist doesnt prove an institution, though i wouldnt put it past them, in fact i believe it completely.
What we can prove though is that their school indoctrination and groups like the ADL indoctrinate jews into believing that everyone hates them everywhere and for no reason. thats the elders method of control, like a spiteful mother telling her child that everyone wants to hurt him so that he wont leave her only on a much larger scale. this keeps the jews as mistrustful, spiteful and loyal to their own kind in spite of their ongoing abuse. better the devil you know.
Jews imo are the only group worthy of hatred and disdain, they are a wholly evil race, but i do genuinely pity them for the vile abuse they suffer through that turns them into the weak weedy hateful creatures they become.
Goys-R-Us ago
"The talmud specifies that jews can rape & murder gentile children with no consequence."
This is so much better than "It's OK to be white".
Fire up the printers boys!
CheeseboogerHimself ago
Build the new church. The one that keeps jews away and the one that doesn't feed niggers or beaners.
negro_in_goat_skin ago
Kikespawn intentionally allow them to do it.
Christcucks and atheists serve their children to the moloch kike.
Pissed_Off_Vet ago
The planet needs to be cleansed.
PunishedPatriot ago
they sure think so.
the jewish problem is dying. they are desperate to bring about Armageddon to bring about New Jerusalem, as it is written.
fire in the sky
Barfin ago
circumcision is done to create trauma in a boy the second he is born, lifelong effects
kissaki ago
The Christian common law says something else about murders and rapists...
KLDB ago
Your enemy think of you of slaves and animals and treat you like that... what will you Christian's do??? Go and love your enemies??? Turn your other cheek???
High_Sierra_Trail ago
Honestly, I believe that is taken out of context. If IRC , Christ instructed Peter to sell his cloak and buy a sword. This is not the view of one to be taken advantage of.
KLDB ago
So you will die an animal i guess...
PunishedPatriot ago
who knows what the christian paradise is supposed to be after Revelation? people always want to talk about armageddon, but what happens after exactly?
KLDB ago
Might is Right and the Mighty will rule and right now its the creeping Jew that hates you that rules over you. Woe to the vanquished...
Keefin ago
I have come to set the world on fire, and I wish it were already burning!
KLDB ago
Sounds pretty Jewish to me. King of the Jews is no king for Europeans. Also you quoting that sounds like you are in a herd of sheep wanting salvation from someone else. A meek and bleating sheep.. bah bah bah
Keefin ago
Nobody cares what you think Moishe
KLDB ago
Then go be a sheep faggot. Either your shepherd will slaughter you or an arab will fuck your brains out. Bye...
Someone needs to make and Orthodox/ pagan church focused on physical fitness
PunishedPatriot ago
pagans today do not belong to any sort of church that they attend physically. it just isn't possible. modern pagan religions often quickly become instantly jewed and diverted into either darkness worship or black cultism. this is on purpose.
Prevent this. On purpose
Iheartcatfood ago
And make it a Tennant of thier religion that food must be blessed by a priest for a tax
High_Sierra_Trail ago
Fuck that. All food will be harvested from church property
randomfuckingidiot ago
Love them enough to show them mercy, finishing them quickly. Respect them, as you would any competent enemy you're fighting. Turn the other cheek so as to give them a chance to redeem themselves.
Then murder the fuck out of them.
KLDB ago
your bible forbids that...
High_Sierra_Trail ago
No, it doesn't.
KLDB ago
6 You shall not murder...
randomfuckingidiot ago
Ain't murder when its war
KLDB ago
randomfuckingidiot ago
Quit being such a fucking jew
KLDB ago
Go get your salvation from a dead jew god hanging on a tree.
Prussian ago
Christianity as we see it today has been completely subverted into what is known as Judeo-Christianity, which worships the Jewish imposters pretending to be the real Israelites of the Bible (they are not).
Real Christianity is love for your race and own kind, not the racial alien or the Edomite Jews.
Real Christians forcefully expelled the Jews from countless countries and cities throughout Europe, long before Adolf ever came along.
Real Christianity is the crusades.
redwing14 ago
Christians send out missionaries to turn other races christian.. So clearly its not a love of race. Christianity since it asks others of non-white race to be christians, does not care about race within christianity or democratic countries. Where jews,muslims, muslims do not wish to push their ideas to every race.. only their own. Muslims are mostly brown, jewish are mostly jewish, buddhist are mostly asians. stop making shit up cause it makes you feel better.. Most of Mexico is christian.
High_Sierra_Trail ago
Agreed, 100%
PunishedPatriot ago
cypherdrunk ago
This. Christianity is an Abrahamic religion from the middle east. Paganism is a huge part of White, Northern European culture. Chill with the caps lock tho
KLDB ago
Jesus told her, “First I should feed the children—my own family, the Jews. It isn’t right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs.” Mark 7:27
Prussian ago
But today's Jews are not the white, Israelite Judeans he was referring to. They are Edomite imposters and the synagogue of satan.
WolfShepherd ago
Don't forget the freemasons.
The CIA is infected by freemasons
They brag about it actually
They'll torture you for talking about it
You do know that the "free masons" is just a screening process for the jews????
Iheartcatfood ago
Tell me more
Each degree you get a test. In the high up levels, you might be ask to do something immoral. There are no loose situations. If you refuse, you will get a "good choice brother, a real mason always acts morally." These people become Shriners and think Freemasons are a fun social club. If you take part in the immoral act, you will continue to rise, and asked to do more immoral behavior, and get richer.
brewpot ago
I'd like to learn more about Freemasonry. Do you know of any resources that I could look into? I read a gospel tract not too long ago that tied them to baphomet. It's really hard to find accurate information on how they operate and what is really going on with the organization but I sense it's big time evil.
Fround som stuff while studying Saturn Worshipers
anticlutch ago
Fuck off. There's no indoctrination. They're children of satan and it requires no ill-conceived teaching. They do it because they're literal demons.
Next you're going to tell me there are good jews.
PunishedPatriot ago
you're following the wrong god buddy boy.
WolfShepherd ago
You're speaking to a mormon freemason, you should know.
The CIA is infected by freemasons
They brag about it actually
They'll torture you for talking about it
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
Calm down boomer.
What do you think the holocaust was boomer? Just luxury labor camps? They were indoctrination camps to further the jewish state of victimization.
anticlutch ago
They were luxury resorts you dumb nigger.
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
Say it with me. Indoctrination. Re-education. It was for the jews who didn't toe the line because the tribe is a cult tied together by this physiological trauma.
Looks like your IQ isn't high enough for those nuances tho.
Barfin ago
didn't happen at all so it was neither indoctrination nor luxury resorts
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
Some of the camps were most likely entire fabrications like sobibor, belzec and triblinka but there is good evidence that some others actually existed. Their purpose obviously not being genocidal camps.
Barfin ago
Pythagoras345 ago
Where exactly is that said in the Talmud?
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
MUST WATCH, information is clipped in when needed. Jews sacrifice gentile children.
WolfShepherd ago
So do freemasons
PunishedPatriot ago
freemasons are jews. they were diverted long ago. it must be known that they did not begin in darkness.
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
Sanhedrin 55b
A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his.
Sanhedrin 54b
Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that.
Ketubot 11b
When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye
It is the single greatest educational source for delivering primary documentation on screen at time of mention and leaves the viewer with no choice but to conclude the logical and reasonable answer.
Testimony from jews who were at the actual camps.
Here you go Goy
Pythagoras345 ago
I wish there was a way to have this organized and easily accessible. Like a website
WolfShepherd ago
So says the freemason.
The CIA is infected by freemasons
They brag about it actually
They'll torture you for talking about it
Workingsteel ago
Freemasons are just a pathway for jews to convert non jews.
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
Make sure to vote this one up as well, my stalkers are trying to censor it.
WolfShepherd ago
Redpill on freemasonry
PunishedPatriot ago
yes, so you have the connection, now you think about the function.
what is the function of a stone mason? often to lay the foundation of a home or other building.
these masons are free, as in, they are free to build with the very lives of their people. the masons overtake mayors, wealthy community influencers, policemen, and other paragons of society and give them a fraternity of knowlegable brothers. eventually they reach a high enough rank that they are rewarded more often for enacting various mason-interested laws or function in a certain way.
the function of the is to build the of their God World. the Eye on top of the pyramid is the Eye of their god, completing the masterpiece.
when is this masterpiece to be completed? after Armageddon.