I was on the fence with the Jews until I read this... something in me got very sick and angry at the same time. My soul KNOWS this shit is real. They are the synagogue of satan.
Your enemy thinks of you as slaves and animals... What do you do Christians??? turn your other cheek? Kneel down and pray for salvation while you go on loving your enemies?!?
According to themselves, they are not of the same breed as us (goyim). They even claim their souls are different and only reincarnate within the tribe. They call themselves gods living a human life. But from our perspective, they are repitilians morphed into human form. Reptiles do eat humans as food. Repitilians seem to have a lot of sexual perversion, from human's perspective. It's hard for 2 species to compare and understand each other.
I am glad to see this story resurrected. I read about this quite a while back and followed it up with the interview by a jewish rabbi where he talked about what they do with the bodies...McDonald's anyone? I forgot his name but these truths are all coming out and it is hard to believe but that is our reality nowadays.
Dauphin ago
I was on the fence with the Jews until I read this... something in me got very sick and angry at the same time. My soul KNOWS this shit is real. They are the synagogue of satan.
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
Watch this. There is clipped in info throughout.
Dauphin ago
yes, very sad to see ;(
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
They are an evil people and nothing can ever change that. It has been set. It cannot be moved.
wazzer1 ago
What do u expect from jews
AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago
And you all call me extreme for the desire for every single Jewish child to be tortured to death...
It STILL wouldn't be enough to make it eye-for-an-eye.
Every single Jew. Man, woman, child and baby, deserves to be tortured to death in the most horrifying and brutal ways imaginable.
KLDB ago
Your enemy thinks of you as slaves and animals... What do you do Christians??? turn your other cheek? Kneel down and pray for salvation while you go on loving your enemies?!?
randomfuckingidiot ago
We need to set up some sting operations with midget ninjas. Capture whoever grabs them, and torture our way up the chain of command.
And they will all get the noose.
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
If only there was some sort of permanent solution to our problems.
allahead ago
Finally, we just need to concentrate.
RandomFurryDude ago
I suggest making a camp so we can relax.
allahead ago
Excellent, I'll bring my lamp.
randomfuckingidiot ago
Especially after the new mexico coverup, it is very obvious that the only people that are willing to defend us, is ourselves.
We seriously need to start wiping out these degen enclaves.
LaRiver ago
According to themselves, they are not of the same breed as us (goyim). They even claim their souls are different and only reincarnate within the tribe. They call themselves gods living a human life. But from our perspective, they are repitilians morphed into human form. Reptiles do eat humans as food. Repitilians seem to have a lot of sexual perversion, from human's perspective. It's hard for 2 species to compare and understand each other.
negro_in_goat_skin ago
Only in christcuck country. Everyone else ran them out.
Kikespawn are weak.
BitChuteArchive ago
https://www.bitchute.com/video/HHcPxinzhlER .
NeonPine ago
This is so sick I don't have the words to describe how I feel about it all ..
britt121 ago
Holy shit! What an incredible story- pure evil.
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
tweety51 ago
I am glad to see this story resurrected. I read about this quite a while back and followed it up with the interview by a jewish rabbi where he talked about what they do with the bodies...McDonald's anyone? I forgot his name but these truths are all coming out and it is hard to believe but that is our reality nowadays.
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
Must watch.
Jews are behind child trafficking
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
Two jews and some faggot obsessed with me downvoted this post.
WolfShepherd ago
Nah, mormons give em a run for their money
yids_rape_kids ago
Ive never seen a mormon suck a babies dick like the jews do every day.
WolfShepherd ago
Families get raped
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
No one cares you crazy fucking boomer.
Stop stalking me you freak.
WolfShepherd ago
You gonna torture me if I don't?