I want you all to pay attention to Mormon activity on voat. They've jumped on me and others hard lately, with sleepers. Please PM me your findings, i'm working on an exposè. (whatever)
submitted 5.3 years ago by WolfShepherd
abattoirdaydream 5.3 years ago
Well, considering recent Mormon officials concerns about "deepfakes" and Huber/Durham work involving Utah, this is unsurprising. 3/4 comments deriding you.
ExtraDouble 5.3 years ago
The expose is it was founded by a Freemason, they use many of the same rituals even.
tokui 5.3 years ago
Contact james o'keefe, you little snitch.
JuanPaco 5.3 years ago
A latino guy could kill 40 people and no one would even mention that he is Catholic.
All the Mormons I know are damned nice people.
Butterbread 5.3 years ago
You're a paranoid faggot, boomer.
abattoirdaydream ago
Well, considering recent Mormon officials concerns about "deepfakes" and Huber/Durham work involving Utah, this is unsurprising. 3/4 comments deriding you.
ExtraDouble ago
The expose is it was founded by a Freemason, they use many of the same rituals even.
tokui ago
Contact james o'keefe, you little snitch.
JuanPaco ago
A latino guy could kill 40 people and no one would even mention that he is Catholic.
All the Mormons I know are damned nice people.
Butterbread ago
You're a paranoid faggot, boomer.