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RustyEquipment ago

lol needing to think about this question for longer than 1 second....

lord_nougat ago


I think their silly mythology is preposterous, but every single mormon I have ever met has been a really honorable, decent, good person. So, I am willing for at least try to overlook the silliness of their weird cult. They must be doing something right to produce so many decent honorable fellows.

I could be mistaken, of course. This is entirely anecdotal.

SandHog ago

Oh no, don't mistake me. I've lived around a lot of mormons and have found them to mostly be good, kind people with a solid sense of how important community is. Like most things the problems reside at the top of the pyramid and at the far outer fringes. There are some fucked things about the mormon church but the average mormon has no clue about them.

Mostly I just thought that the idea the mormons could be shilling Voat was fucking hilarious. The fact that it might be true just made it funnier.

BordelonLoop ago

i think they are just good at acting nice and decent, and honorable. they are some sneaky people.