Azamuku ago

When they killed Joe in Chi-Town. Did he come back in three days with eggs and bunnies?

TheBuddha ago

From a point of logic, it's as likely to be true as any other text that supports the idea of a deity existing. They're all based on zero empirical evidence.

SandHog ago

I kinda want to start a Voat cult and wage holy war on the mormons and scientologists solely for the purpose of entertainment. A three way battle royale!


con77 ago

we just need to convince the Mormons that scientologists are buying and destroying holy Mormon relics. They went apeshit blowing each other up in the 80's over shit they knew was fake just to get it off the street.

SandHog ago

Lol, I didn't know about that. That sounds like a fantastic idea!

con77 ago

skunkology is very adept. I actually received a message from them on a youtube reply in RED TEXT that disappeared after one viewing. Creepy bastards.

SandHog ago

What is skunkology? A youtube channel or something? I are confused.

lord_nougat ago


Oshit, a can... MINE! I GET TO EAT THIS CAN!!!

SandHog ago

Ok, there's a we just need a name!

TheBuddha ago

We have the Qtards, but I'm pretty sure they're not actually useful for anything - including cannon fodder in a war. I've stomped across much of the planet, and not met a more useless bunch.

But, they're there should you want 'em. Well, some of them are gonna be leaving shortly. So, make it quick.

SandHog ago

I'm kind of fond of them as they are generally good people. The dozens of different threads that spring every time something happens is kind of annoying and some of them come up with some seriously outlandish shit but I can't always tell if it's really them or someone trolling as them. It's probably a good mix of both.

lord_nougat ago

See?! You're willing to put up with those goofballs! Mormons are equally tolerable.

SandHog ago

Yep. You probably already read my earlier reply about the mormons.

con77 ago


TheBuddha ago

Well, you should probably be aware that they'll be leaving when 8kun is stable - and you're gonna help them on their way.

SandHog ago

I keep hearing that. I am?

TheBuddha ago

Yup. Thanks! We appreciate it.

However, we can't boot them yet. They still don't have a stable home to go to.

SandHog ago

What is it you are expecting me to do?

lord_nougat ago

He expects you to DANCE!!!

TheBuddha ago

I expect you to do what comes naturally. The goal is to make their sub unusable. This will encourage them to take the path of least resistance. All you gotta do is be yourself.

SandHog ago

What if 8kun never becomes useable? It seems like that is a distinct possibility at this point.

TheBuddha ago

Then I'm gonna be REALLY fucking grumpy.

We can't (or shouldn't) kick 'em out without a place for them to go. They're too retarded to participate. I wouldn't mind, if they just remained in their sub and didn't cause all the problems they've caused - from the outages, lockdown, canary being killed, etc...

I'm also not the only person involved in this. Oh, fuck no... There's a surprising number of allies and some of them are the last folks I'd have expected to be PMing me or responding to me at all.

SandHog ago

I think the whole schism is simply because the dipshits who set QRV up didn't know a damned thing about Voat, nor did they care, because they were a bunch of chanfags or whatever. Setting it to anon was absolutely retarded. Even today the owners of QRV care nothing for Voat. Anon subs in general are dumb. Nothing good ever comes of them. In fact mostly all things that come from anon subs are bad.

I wouldn't mind, if they just remained in their sub and didn't cause all the problems they've caused - from the outages, lockdown, canary being killed, etc...

I really don't think they are to blame for any of that aside from some annoying spam and possibly some outage issues and I even doubt that since Voat was already locked down by that point. And the problems have persisted. The warrant canary was most likely killed thanks to secretlyphyscho and the Columbine-related incident in Colorado. The nutjob in NZ was definitely responsible for the lockdown as well as the death of 8chan. I get where you are coming from.

Still, I am not a fan of running people off of Voat. I love Voat. I would like to see more people on Voat and have interesting conversations with them. Poke fun at them and have them poke fun at me. Maybe learn something of vale from them. Be annoyed by them and amused by them at the same time.

I'm also not the only person involved in this. Oh, fuck no... There's a surprising number of allies and some of them are the last folks I'd have expected to be PMing me or responding to me at all.

Be that as it may, I think all you are going to accomplish is to make Voat unusable for everyone for as long as it takes. I'm also fairly certain that they are much more resilient than you think.

Nah, man. I don't think that is the answer but I get where you're coming from. I don't know what the answer is but it at least bears some discussion, I think.

lord_nougat ago

Wait, MORE grumpy than usual?!

TheBuddha ago

Yes, really fucking grumpy. Normally, I'm just an asshole. I'm hardly ever grumpy. In fact, every day is pretty much the best day ever - and I go to great lengths to ensure that it is.

I mean, fuck... I'm still at a swank hotel, drinking wonderful wine with a stunningly beautiful female, and am pondering getting a second car for down here while keeping this place as my 'vacation home.'

I'm not grumpy, I'm an asshole to people who are stupid or willfully ignorant.

But, I am gonna be some fucking grumpy if we're stuck with them.

They need to go. I've never met a more useless group of people, and I've been all across this planet. I've hung out with bohemians, artists, philosophers, life-long academics, homeless, impoverished, yuppies, hippies, etc... None of them were more useless than Qtards.

lord_nougat ago

That's oddly completely fair.

Not odd coming from you, mind you. But still.

TheBuddha ago

They bring negative value to the site. They're so ignorant that they are oblivious to this. They feel they're entitled to be here and they think there's nothing we goats can do to make them leave. I'm pretty sure we can make a whole lot of 'em go away, by giving them a path of least resistance.

There are many ways to make their sub difficult to use, from submissions to commenting to voting. My QRV Chess was not just an exercise in entertainment.


My goal is to make every day pretty much the best day ever. If it's not the best day ever, then I do something different. I keep doing that until it is the best day ever.

This is why I'm pretty much never grumpy.

It also helps to have the company of a beautiful lady, with whom I am going to go to bed soon. We've decided that midnight is a good time to turn off the electronic devices and to shamble off towards the bed.

con77 ago

Joseph Smith was a false prophet and the mormon "church" is a cult. If we could just find a way to get them to declare jihad on scientology.

Newmemba ago

how about fraud, fiction or bullshit?

RevDrStrangelove ago

You, uh, gotta ask? Have you read anything about them? LOL.

RustyEquipment ago

lol needing to think about this question for longer than 1 second....

lord_nougat ago


I think their silly mythology is preposterous, but every single mormon I have ever met has been a really honorable, decent, good person. So, I am willing for at least try to overlook the silliness of their weird cult. They must be doing something right to produce so many decent honorable fellows.

I could be mistaken, of course. This is entirely anecdotal.

SandHog ago

Oh no, don't mistake me. I've lived around a lot of mormons and have found them to mostly be good, kind people with a solid sense of how important community is. Like most things the problems reside at the top of the pyramid and at the far outer fringes. There are some fucked things about the mormon church but the average mormon has no clue about them.

Mostly I just thought that the idea the mormons could be shilling Voat was fucking hilarious. The fact that it might be true just made it funnier.

BordelonLoop ago

i think they are just good at acting nice and decent, and honorable. they are some sneaky people.

MrBoutros ago

"you delcared war, Avon. don't matter what it's over."

"but the shit is a lie."

"don't matter. we at war now. if it's over a lie, then we fight on that lie."