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Nosfewratsjews ago

Putt probably won't make voting public, it was too good of an idea and it would disrupt the SRS-SBBH crowd's subversive activities that Putt appears to support through inaction. Poal implemented it literally 24 hours after it being suggested, so I tip my hat to them even if I can't use Poal.

VicariousJambi ago

I know I've not voted in the best faith before. I've down voted shit I probably shouldn't have. We've all probably not had a perfect history. If voting was public I would consider who I down voted more heavily, though. I wonder if it would be retroactive or just be enacted from that point in time onward.

It certainly would be telling, though. I'm all for the idea. The more transparency the better.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I wonder if it would be retroactive or just be enacted from that point in time onward.

Either would be fine, since it would immediately stop the actions of various subversive factions on Voat - at least until they figured out how to adjust their tactics to the transparency.