TheBuddha ago

I suspect that it's about Voat's new feature that's been due for a long time. It's the ability to open polls to take sub ownership from subs that are being poorly managed - moving Voat to a 'more democratic' state.

Done improperly, it's going to be tyranny of the mob.

Pop some popcorn. It could get amusing for a while. It's probably not going to end well.

That's just my hunch. I don't actually know.

Le_Squish ago

It's gonna be super fun and you know it. I want to know who will be the new Messiah of the Qoomers.

TheBuddha ago

This is not gonna end well.

I would like to say that I can't believe he's going to go through with this idea, but I can believe it. Putt has a history of questionable choices and buggy code. I think he usually means well, but he's sometimes also a master troll.

Le_Squish ago

I've read the documentation on how the votes work so people that don't know how to use subverse settings or are MIA will be the first casualties. I was really hoping he would do the CCP reset though.

TheBuddha ago

I didn't. I didn't pay any attention.

Way back when, Putt mentioned beta testing the new sub transfer system. I went over and demanded that a sub be given to me just because I was a national treasure and I had demanded I be given it.

The sub was not immediately transferred to me.

It was at that point I knew it was not going to be any good and I swore off any participation. I have paid it pretty much no attention, because it's obviously flawed from inception.

When I demand a sub, I should be given it - because I'm pretty much a national treasure and show a history of having been good for subs. Mostly the national treasure part...

Le_Squish ago

You should have asked for midgets is why.

TheBuddha ago

I'm not sure that'd have helped with the sub-transfer, but they possibly would have made me pay more attention.

I visited chat like once. I hung out for a while, declared the whole thing absurd, and left.

In order for Voat to have a good transfer system, I should be given any sub I damned well demand.

And it should happen quickly.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Yeah, I don't especially want to see @KosherHiveKicker leading my sub so let's hope you are wrong in your hunch. A bizarrely stupid idea to give the Reichstag even more capacity for abuse than they already have.

TheBuddha ago

I've burned a whole lot of bridges on Voat. Tons of people despise me. I literally drive them to insane angry ramblings.

Not gonna lie, this pleases me greatly.

I'm not too worried. I should be fine. I wish you good luck.

Lemme know if a takeover happens. I'll probably notice it on my own, but do let me know if it's an issue. Not that I'm going to help, but it just might be spectacularly good entertainment.

I wish you luck!

Joe_McCarthy ago

First they came for the Joes, and I did not help - because I was not a Joe...

TheBuddha ago

The difference between myself and much of Voat is that I'm welcome on any social media platform I want.

Also, I suspect I'll be just fine.

I should try to drive them into political factions, complete with corruption and vote selling/trading.

Voat is a lot more interesting when you think of it as a MUD.

I made it this far into the game. I'm pretty sure I'll do just fine.

In fact, it might help to think of it this way, if they take it then there's probably no rule that prohibits you from taking it back by cunning, subtle manipulation, and conspiracy.

So... Umm... I can possibly bring quite a few votes with me and I've long told Voat that I'm not above bribery. I can bring quite a few votes without even breaking the rules - or using any alts of my own.

Yup, I'm gonna be just fine. I have burned a lot of bridges, but I've forged some good ones.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I take a certain pride in the very real prospect that I'm despised here more than you are. Take that as you will.

TheBuddha ago

You think so?

Wait - I can agree that you are.

I checked and you're one of the very, very few goats with more negative CCP and SCP than I have.

Man, Voat hates you more than they hate a "liberal," nigger, college educated, mixed-breed, egotistical, obnoxious, drug-doing, rock loving, atheist, pretty much heathen in every way me.

You're right. That's something to be proud of.

Le_Squish ago

Are you gonna assasinate him to prevent the incoming coup?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Probably more like have a fit and move to Poal, unfortunately.

tokui ago

If done, there should be a level of individual anonymity. Most shilling and trolling and brigheading is done by (((veterans))) bullying newbs. Eg, show the subs they belong to (ie, sbbh) to show conspiracy.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Putt probably won't make voting public, it was too good of an idea and it would disrupt the SRS-SBBH crowd's subversive activities that Putt appears to support through inaction. Poal implemented it literally 24 hours after it being suggested, so I tip my hat to them even if I can't use Poal.

VicariousJambi ago

I know I've not voted in the best faith before. I've down voted shit I probably shouldn't have. We've all probably not had a perfect history. If voting was public I would consider who I down voted more heavily, though. I wonder if it would be retroactive or just be enacted from that point in time onward.

It certainly would be telling, though. I'm all for the idea. The more transparency the better.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I wonder if it would be retroactive or just be enacted from that point in time onward.

Either would be fine, since it would immediately stop the actions of various subversive factions on Voat - at least until they figured out how to adjust their tactics to the transparency.

MaxineWaters ago

Alpha, beta, then release phase?

VicariousJambi ago

That could be another possibility, but I'm not too sure. Did he spell "voat" wrong the second time or was it intentional?

MaxineWaters ago

Good eye. I didn't catch that.

NoBS ago

Since malicious actors have corrupted moderation with in your face censorship,

At this point, what difference does it make.

VicariousJambi ago

Ha ha that's a pretty good video, I've never seen it before.

NoBS ago

It has been banned on Facebook since before it was made.

Twitter banned it the day it was released. Within a day, if not a few hours.

The world is real beyond Socialist Media, one must but ask questions to seek wisdom.

Something to do with Q and the Question ALL tactics.

Not the fucking answers spoon fed to the lazy.